4971 purpose of making the said intended railway, and Kentish Coast Railway. the works connected therewith, with powers to (Registered provisionally, according to the Act of levy and take rates, tolls, and duties upon and in the 7 and 8 of Victoria, c. 110.) respect thereof, and to confer exemptions from the OTICE is hereby given, that application is payment of rates, tolls, and duties and other rights N intended to be made to Parliament in the and privileges. ensuing session, for an Act or Acts to authorize And it is further intended, by the said Act, to the construction and maintenance of a railway or enable the said company to be incorporated as railways, with all proper works, approaches, and aforesaid, to let on lease, or sell, or amalgamate conveniences connected therewith, commencing at the said intended railway, or any part thereof, and or near the town of Dover, in the county of Kent, the works connected therewith, or with any part and within the several parishes, townships, or extra- thereof, and all or any of the powers to be con- parochial places of Charlton, Hougham, Buckland, ferred by the said Act to, and with, any other Saint James Dover, Saint Mary the Virgin Dover, existing or projected railway company or compa- East Cliffe, and the liberties of Dover Castle, or some nies, and to enable such other railway company or or one of them, in the same county of Kent; and companies to purchase, or rent, or amalgamate, terminating at near to or upon Herne Bay Pier, in with, or to execute the said intended-railway, and the parish of Herne, in the same county; with a works, or any of them, or any part thereof, and to. branch railway out of the said intended railway, com- exercise and enjoy such powers as aforesaid ; and, mencing in the parish of Ash next Sandwich, in the also, to enable the said company to be incorporated, county aforesaid, and terminating at or near tho as aforesaid, to carry into effect and to confirm any town of Ramsgate, in the parishes of Saint Law- agreement or agreements made, or hereafter to be rence and Ramsgate, or one of them, also in the same made, for amalgamating the said intended railway county; which said intended railway or railways, and works with any other existing or projected branch railway, and other works connected there- railway company or companies. with, will pass from, in, through, or into, or be situate within the several parishes, townships, and And it is further intended, by the said Act, to extra-parochial or other places following, or some take powers for the compulsory purchase of lands, of them, that is to say ; Charlton, Hougham Buck- houses, buildings, and hereditaments, and for land, Saint James Dover, Saint Mary the Virgin varying or extinguishing all existing rights and Dover, East Cliffe, the liberties of Dover privileges connected with the same ; and to confer Castle, River, Ewell, Guston, Saint Margarets at other rights or privileges, and also to use and to Cliffe, West Cliffe, Whitfield, Waldershare, East convey, carry, and pass over, along, and upon the Langdon, West Langdon, Oxney, Ringwould, Kings- said North Midland Railway otherwise the Mid- down, Sutton, Riple, Saint Mary Walmer, Walmer, land R-iilway, and the said Sheffield, Ashton- Little Mongeham, Great Mongeham, Upper Deal, under-Lyne, and Manchester Railway respec- Northbourn,Tilmanstone,Betshanger,SholdenDeal, tively, with engines, carriages, passengers and Ham,Eastry,Wordor Worth, Woodnesborough, the their luggage, cattle, beasts, animals, goods, wares extra-pacochial lands of Saint Bartholomew's and merchandize, matters and things. Hospital, at or near Sandwich, Saint Clement Sandwich, Saint Peter the Apostle Sandwich,. And notice is hereby also further given, that Saint Mary the Virgin Sandwich, Ash next duplicate plans and sections of the said intended Sandwich, Minster, Minster ia Thanet,. railway, and works, together with books of refe- Saint Lawrence Ramsgate, Ehnstone,. Preston,, rence thereto, will be deposited for public inspec- Stodmarsh, Stourmouth, Sarre, and the ville tion, on or before the thirtieth, day of November, thereof, Monlcton, Saint Nicolas at Wade,. Chislett,, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, with Hoath, Sturry, Westbere,.. Reculver, Herne,. the Clerk of the Peace for the west riding of the Blean, Swalecliffe, Herne Bay; and each and every county of York, at his office at Wakefield; in the intermediate parish, township, and extra-parochiaf said west riding; with the Clerk of the Peace for and other place lying between the town of Dover the county of Derby, at his office at Chesterfield, aforesaid1, along the line of the said railway, as in the said county of Derby; and with the Town shown by the plan or plans hereinafter men- Clerk for the borough of Chesterfield, in the said tioned, and Herne Bay Pier aforesaid; and also countyof Derby, at his office at Chesterfield, in between the town of Sandwich aforesaid, along the said county of Derby; and a copy of so. much the line of the said railway and branch railway, aa of the said plans and sections as relates to each of shown- in the plan or plans- hereinafter mentioned, the several parishes, through which tlte said rail- and the town- of Ramsgate aforesaid. way and works are proposed to be made, together And' it is also intended, by such Act or Acts, with books of reference thereto, will be deposited to. take power'to., stop up, alter, or divert all turn- on or before the thirty-first day of December, one pike and other roads, railways, tramways, aque- thousand eight hundred and forty-four, with the ducts, pipes, sewers, canals, streams, and rivers parish clerks of such parishes respectively, at their within the aforesaid parishes, townships, and ex- respective residences.—Dated this 5th day of No- tra-parochial or other places, or any of them, with vember 1844. which it may be necessary to interfere in the con- struction of the said intended railway or railways, Wilson, Younge and Pierson, 1 Joint branch railway and works. John Dixon, J Solicitors. And it is further intended, by such. Act or Acts, B 2.
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