Minutes for OAKLEY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on Tuesday 5th January 2016 at 7.30pm Open question time for Parishioners: 3 Parishioners attended, no questions were forthcoming. 1. Present: Mr J Mole (Chairman), Mr A Finn, Mr P Kilpin, Mr D Pearce, Mr R Craddock, Mrs M Daly and Mr M Rand (AVDC) Mrs A Macpherson (BCC) Mrs P Pointer, Clerk to the Parish 2. Apologies: Mr D Cherry 3. Minutes of the last meeting: The minutes of the last meeting, held Tuesday 1st December 2015, were proposed for approval and signing by Mr A Finn and seconded by Mr J Mole 4. BCC Highways Department / Transport for Bucks (TFB): It was reported by Mrs Macpherson that we have a new TFB Highways Technician for Oakley a Mr Ivan Crome. Mrs Macpherson gave a report to the Parish Council from Mr Crome who had visited the village to inspect outstanding problems. Below is an “update” from Mr Crome on outstanding works. I am aware of some ‘overlay’ works for Worminghall Road that are programmed for 2016. Unfortunately, I cannot be specific as to when exactly these works will commence. As above. Awaiting Confirmation as to when in 2016 this work will commence. Reported road defects: The Turnpike –ongoing since 2012. No time set on completion, but investigation is ongoing for more resurfacing – am awaiting confirmation from Paul Foot. Again, awaiting confirmation from Paul Foot (to which he is on annual leave until Wednesday 6th January 2016) Pothole to report outside 23 Oxford Road, Oakley- This has been reported – I will inspect this today and action as appropriate. – Pothole in carriageway inspected today and depth measured. Depth is at 20mm deep therefore not actionable immediately due to budget constraints. Reported pavement defects: Pavement Brill Road/Maple Court still outstanding – reported Aug 2012. – TfB have reported that this is low priority carriageway. No progress from TfB. – This would still be considered low priority, therefore remedial works likely to take place financial year 2016/2017. Pavement on Manor Road opposite Manor Farm – crumbling – reported Oct 2014 – TFB have reported this as low priority. No progress. – This would still be considered low priority, therefore remedial works likely to take place financial year 2016/2017. Pavement collapsed on Oxford Road, past Village Hall on left on leaving village – reported Dec 2014. No update. – Order has been raised to repair this defect and have assigned to Paul Foot. It is anticipated this will be completed within the next 28 days. Pavement in College Crescent Opposite No.50 - reported Apr 2015 Mrs Macpherson has emailed TfB regarding this matter. - I will inspect the above footways today and action as appropriate. - Order has been raised to repair this defect and I have assigned the order to Paul Foot. It is anticipated this will be completed within the next 28 days. Reported drain defects: Manor Road drain cover – reported Oct 2014. – This has already been reported to Thames Water in February – a reminder will be sent to them. Mrs Macpherson reported that TfB have had no response from Thames Water and will try again – I have this morning spoken to our street works co-ordinator who liaises with Thames Water and he has agreed to visit the location today for appropriate action. I do note however that the above is not very ‘location’ specific, therefore would be helpful if a more precise location to where the TW defect is. – I learned today the reported defect is outside 21 Manor Road. Having inspected the footway, I can see 2no. TW utilities within the footway, both of which exhibit no sign of defect, and are flush to the footway surface? As a precautionary measure I also checked outside no.21 Oxford Road just to be sure, and no such defect was found. Drain cover outside church – reported April 2015 – This will be added to the list of jobs for the maintenance team. Reported as being repaired – Mr Mole to check. - 1 - Minutes of Oakley Parish Council for meeting held on Tuesday 5th January 2016 Other defects: White lining and cat’s eyes at The Foresters reported May 2014— TfB looking at options – am awaiting an update from Paul Foot – Double white line requirement is needed here along with replacement ‘cats eyes’. Due to the nature of the road, specific traffic management will be required in order to complete the required works safely. I am currently in the process of making enquiries as to : i) whether the order has been given to complete the white lines, and if not, raise an order, and ii) double check with our CMP team as to the spec of cat’s eyes now used, whether bedded in to the carriageway surface course, or stick on to the top of the carriageway surface. It is likely I will not have this information by tomorrow. Please accept my apologies, I will get back to you asap in regards to this. Clerk has reported to BCC that a tree (next to BT10 – opposite Rambler Cottage) needs cutting. This was reported Aug 2014. The Parish Council had already ascertained the tree in on Highways land. Highways say this tree is not theirs – Mrs Macpherson to follow up and report back as Chairman explained that the tree DOES belong to Highways. Willow tree opposite Leatherslade Farm ready to fall into road. Clerk has reported to TfB – I will inspect today and action as appropriate – I was unable to locate ‘Leatherslade Farm’ – no road name or more definitive location has seemingly been provided. Please provide a more detailed description as to where this is for inspection purposes. Bicester Road- Junction with Hill View is crumbling away, due to excessive water collecting at the entrance to Hill View. - Mrs Macpherson to follow up. – I will inspect today and action as appropriate. – The carriageway surface is still in relatively good condition and yes, showing early signs of crumbing. I noted that there are no highway gullies within Bicester Road at this location which would indicate this is why there is occasional standing water within Hill View. I will locate the drainage plans at this location and check feasibility as to whether additional gullies could be installed in order to drain the bell mouth junction of Hill View. Please allow me to look into this and get back to you. Alas it is likely not to be by tomorrow. Kerb sets opposite 100 Bicester Road – Clerk reported – Again, I will inspect today and action as appropriate. – 2no. kerb setts found that are slightly loose at the location. An order has been raised to have these attended to within the next 28 days. Any new defects to report? No Memorial seats JM and DC to report on any progress. – No update 5. Play Area/Playing Field: i) Playing Field Multi Use Games Area and Outside Gym: Mr Cherry will follow up for next meeting. ii) Acorn Trail (footpath),000 Update on LAF lighting submission. – LAF submission forms have been completed and returned. Mr Mole will speak to LAF Chairman. Mr Rand reported that the submission had been received and LAF were looking at the submission. He informed all that a meeting had been arranged for February – clerk informed that she had received no email with new date of meeting as of today. Clerk has emailed Mr Haynes re the problem with cracks on the new footpath. Awaiting update. iii) Dog Waste Bins RC/PP Mr Craddock confirmed we need to order a different fitting kit for this bin – Clerk has received this AF Mr Finn will order 10 stickers for the waste bins for next meeting. Mr Finn reported these have been ordered and he will have them for next meeting. Clerk reported that she had informed Council of the new Dog Waste Bin and it is now on the list to be emptied. iv) Survey of playing field: JM Mr Mole reported he has obtained one A2 copy and one A3 copy of the Survey v) Bowling green Peppercorn Rent PP Clerk will give to Chairman for final check. vi) Wickstead Repair to Children’s Playground PK/PP It was agreed that this repair would not be paid to Wickstead and it was also agreed that the letter Mr Kilpin will be updated and passed to Clerk to send by email. 6. Street Lights defects: i) Enquiry underway for quotations for following new lamps: • Bicester Road, Churchfield House, between: Bicester Road 7 (BT7) – The Nap turn and Bicester Road 8 (BT8) – Church entrance – Bicester side. There is an electricity pole in the right place. - 2 - Minutes of Oakley Parish Council for meeting held on Tuesday 5th January 2016 • Middle of Ashfield Rise – no electricity nearby • 17 Brill Road – no electricity pole nearby RC Update from Mr Craddock – Mr Craddock having trouble getting a meeting arranged due to heavy work load. ii) Existing defects PP 1 – still not working – awaiting pole replacement – Clerk to report to Aylesbury Mains Ltd Light on Bicester Road – opposite Phone box (BT5) – clerk will re report as still not working. BT1 – Brookside Bril Road, outside No 1 The Views Lower end of Sun Crescent i) Layby opposite “IBS Site”, Thame Road, “Japanese Knotweed) Nothing further to report at this time, Mr Mole will keep a check on this in the spring. Take off Agenda 7. Anti-Social Behaviour PP Discussions took place regarding Burglary and thefts taken place in the village over the last couple of weeks. It was agreed for Clerk to request TVP Suzan Jones to attend the next Oakley Parish Council Meeting to give an update on the increased crime in the area.
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