Te~ple Beth El 10 70 Orchard /\ve , Providence , R. I . Rhode Island's Only Anglo-Jewish Greatest Newspaper Independent In Weekly The Jewish Herald Rhode lslond VOL. XXXX, No. 28 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1955 PROVIDENCE. R. I . S IXTEEN PAGES 10 CENTS THE COPY -------- --- ----------------- Jluz_ 'Yw,v,a, oJicJ:uM_ Dr. Henry Wriston to Get 1 An AJP Round U p Of World New·s-------""' ISRAEL been accused of collaborating with It is now fully known in Israel the Hungarian Nazis at the ex­ B'nai B'rith Service A ward that most of the n e w Egyptian pe nsc of thousands of J e wis h a rms wer e supplied by Britain. lives Pre mier Moshe S harrett despite the Tripartite Declaration has call ed for a "determined a nd Reception·, Dinner of May 1950 in which the U_ S .. sustained effort to accelerate the Levy and Fain to Direct GJC Britain and France undertook to pace of immi_g"ration" of J ews from supply arms only for the main- North Africa A Jewish Ag­ tcnan ce of internal security and e ncy Committee has recomm e nded Trades and Industry Groups On September 21 legitimate sctr-dcfcn se So bringing 40.000 North African far. Britain has s upplied Egypt Jews to I srael in the coming J ew­ Rabbi Llyveld with a bout fifty Vampite j ets - is h calendar year. two of which Israel shot down PEOPLE To Make Award last week-and forty Centurian Sr mah Cecil H yman, Is rael ·s tanks It appears th en that new Cons ul Gen eral of New York. Roger Williams Lodge, B'nai Britain herself is violating the arrived recently to assum e his B'rith will present its D istin­ Treaty. as she had originally vio­ new duties. 56 years of a ge, Mr. guished Ser vice Award to D r. lated the Mandate by having set H yman was born and educated in Henry M. Wriston, President Em­ up the puppet Jordanian k in gdom London. D uring W orld W a r I h e e ritus, Brown University, on Wed­ without consulting the U. S. joined the Firs t Jewish Battalion nesday evening, Sept. 21. at a Jerusalem and Tel Aviv arc s till ol the Royal Fusiliers ser ving in dinner to be held at the Shera­ without a n y Mayors. Though th e Palestine. Mr H yman 's wife, Dr. ton-Biltmore H otel. Mapai gained the largest per­ Anne Foncr- llyman, h as served as Presenting the award on behalf crntage of votes in these cities. a researcher at the Hebrew Uni­ of the Lodge will be Rabbi Ar­ B. G. is using these two important versity in Jerusalem Herman thur Llyveld of New York City, posts as bargainin g points in his Wouk, t he renowned Orthodox national director of the Hillel government coalition negotiations. J ew ish author, has written a n ew Foundation. Guests will include Isr ael's Attorney Gr- n c r a I. book. ·'Marjorie Morningstar.'' his Governor Roberts. Dr. Barnaby C h aim Cohe n, has apJ)caled the fourth novel. It is based on Ids C. K eeney, newly-elected presi­ Rudolph Kas trwr court decision to own experiences from the age of dent o f Brown University, and the S upreme Court. Kastner had 16 on ward and he has given Mrs. K eeney; J oseph M. Finkle, Marjorie some of his own exten sive president. District 1, B'nai B'rith; Dinner Chairman J ewish background ncs ider Father S lavin, president of P1u,1- Holis h er is the author of the first IRVI NG J. FAIN JOSEPII K. LEVY dence College; Provost a n d Mrs. picture book published in t his Sam uel Arnold of Brown: Dr. country which g ives through The reappointment of Joseph the efforts of some 17 commercial Carl Woodward. president of the photos and text a comprehensive K . Le vy as chairma n a nd the ap­ sub-d ivisions in the forthcoming University of Rhode Island. and view of the development of the pointment of Irving J. Fain as co ­ campai~n. Levy, in addition to Mrs. Woodward: R abbi Natha n Ar~1crican synagogue as a relig­ chairman of the Trades and In­ serving as chairman of the Trades Rosen, director of Hillel Founda­ ious. socia l and communal ins ti­ dustry Division o f the General and Industry Division last year, tion o f Rhode Island colleges. and tution. T illed "The Synagogue J e wish Committee's 1955 fund­ also served as D-Day chairman. Mrs. Rosen . and Its People." the volume will raising campaig n_ we r e announced The Trades and Industry Divi- The dinner a nd award marks be published on September 9 by today by Alvin A. Sopkin, cam­ sion plays an important rol_e. in recognition of "th e close ties ex­ Abelard-Schuman. Inc .. New York. paign chairman. th? a nnua l GJ.c f\md-raismg isting between the local J ewish M a u r i C' e Schwartz, re n owned Levy a nd Fa in, both experienc­ dnve. Included m this category community and Brown University, !Continued on Page 14 ) ed campaign workers. will direct a re. a g reat ~ a ny ?f the l~rge appreciation of the national repu ­ busm cs~ and 1ndustna l est~bltsh- tation and m erit of a local citizen m ents m the Greater ~ rov1den ce in the field of education. com­ Hoyman Heads GJC Area Oi\/ision Area ~nd a larg~ po.rt1on of the m e m oration of yea rs of service to campa1g_n . ~o~tnbut10ns com es the nation and community upan Alte r Bay m an ,vill h ead the from this d1v1s10 n. Dr. Wriston·s retirement. a nd the Arra Divis ion of the General J e w­ In o nce again acceptin g the establis hment of Hillel at Brown is h Com m itter's 1955 fund-rais ­ chairmanship of the Trades and during his administration.'' ing cam paign_ it was announced Industry Group, Le vy said: "We . a rc cognizant of the urgent needs Coleman B. Zunmerm a n . past today by Alvin A . Sopkin. cam­ paig n ch airm an. of our community a n d our fellow pres ide nt of the Lodge. is chair­ Sopkin pointed out that due to brethre n overseas and in Israel. It m an a nd toastm aster of the din­ Al.t:X IU IMl'Lt:R a con tinued m ovem ent of J ewis h is imperative that these p eople n cr. Reservations may be m ade TIH' 1955 Blackstone Va lley Uni­ families to s urburban a reas of the both at home ~nd abroad recei~e with Burton Finberg, treasurer of tt•d .J ewis h Ap(>l'al Urive will be state. th is divis ion has taken on the n eeded assis tance a1:ct wr w~ ll t.he committrc. la unc h r- d with a dinner on S un­ an added significance in the s uc­ make an extra e ffo rt this year 111 d ay, OC'L 23, at Tt·m11 lc Reth F.J, crss of the 1955 campa ign . our cam paig n drive in the Trades at G I'. M . Al Saltzm:t 11 . rhair­ Cities and tQ\vns included in and Industry Division. m a 11 of lht• driVf• , a nnouncf'd the this division arr Cranston , Wa r ­ " In the past. leaders in the Jewish Schools a J)J>oinlmrnt of Ah•x ttumnln as wick, West Warwick, East Gn·en­ trndPs a nd industrirs in the dinnrr c hairman. llt• will hf· a s­ w1<.:11, WarrP11 and Bristol. With Greater P rovidrncc area havr re­ Delay Opening sistrd h v hi~ co-c h a irma n. Oscar a tn·m1•nclous m ovem e nt, of the spo nded in n m ost irenerous mnn­ Zr ttn : Mr-.. Milchrll Sark , who J Pwish population toward thf'SC ner and l feel certain that this Following- the recomm<'nda- hrad-. tlw Womu1's Division . a nd com m ulllt1t's - particularly Cra 11 - yrar·s n ·sponsl' will br even tion of th(' Providrn ce Public Mrc.. 1,ro Ma rks. dinru•r d1airmatt sto11 a nd Warw ick - during t h l' g rrater.·· Health officials, and in line for thr Wonwn ·-. I>i vision . pa:; t ypar. tills cl1vi s io11 is an im ­ Levy said c h airmen and co­ with thf" a ction of the publir Jtump)('r said , " Uw rt"rnlls of portant a sprct of thP 1955 cam­ ehnirm <• n of the various commrr­ srh ools, Jewish srhools in the o ur rffort-. al lhi-. di1111t·r an· of pnlg 11 . ciul s ub-divh;ions will be n a med i:- reatrr Providence area w ill C"ruria l im11o rta11 C'('. H wi ll hrin g­ Doyma11, now serving hi:-. Orth 1\1: n :n IIOYMAN us soon as possible :-.o th11t plans 011rn thr wcf'k of Sept. '!5. i11lo foru._ lh1• im11ortan l rolr of yC'or ns tn·ns un•r of tlw Gl'JH'ral for tl1e campaign can proceed Parents art> urirrd in t h e thr ( 'nitr d JC'wis h I\P(JC'a l in pn·­ J<'wls h Comm1ttPt', nssc' f't('(I that chuirm a 11 s hiµ , Boym nn snicl that with out delay.
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