_Ill ,J ~illl ,:; I<, I ' I IIi 1,111 II lllllillllllllll! IIIIIIJWlL.JJLIIIILL!...1..1 ~......u.llu:.;.iJI,'--1 -'1---"---- L_..........c----------- ,. • ;..t; ..... , -.. ·~· ... SITUATION INFORMATION.. REPORT .. The Peoples "Coalition :Cor .. Peace. and Justice held a Midwest regio~al conference in South Bend. Indiana on January 7-·8. Those in· attendance dedded that four delegates from the .Midwest region woutd be part of the delegation being se'flt. to the Stockholm-Paris Peace ConferJ!nc;e scheduled for February 11.":'~3 at Paris.. Two known mem­ bers of this group are John Gilman, a Communist Party, USA leader· from Wisconsin and. Mareca Neagu, a CPUSA leader from Indiana. The ·delegation. is· scheduled to depart from Montreal, Canada, on · February 9 and 10 via Aeroflot. This airline will also pt'ovide trans­ portation for delegates to China and the Soviet Union subsequent to the Peace Confer~nce. .F:~x· j(/ ;·e1·}'( ;( ;,: .:.:.,.,,. rL CALENDAR OF TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED. ·ACTIVITIES - Asterisked items are either reported. for' the first time, or con- tain additions or changes to previously reported.activities. :C:lZ January-8 February, Washington, D. C. The Jewish Community Council of Greater Washington. D. C. is planning to conduct.leaCleting activities .at the Soviet Art Festival which will be held at the Corcoran Art Gallery on the above dates. .. • ... .. , ... t~ ., l/ .", , , """' t ...... ) :fi··.J /.·, .,,., .,./1 f. ?:'-(' •' ~."'- · ~13-16 January. Kansas City. Missouri A nationwide interreligious movement. called the "Ecumenical Witness 11 is "\nd.er the sponsorship of lZS Prot_estant, Eastern Orthodox,· Roman Catholic and 'Jewish lead~rs .. Members of this group are con­ cerned with the motal issuei in· the Indochina War and have gathered in front of the White House to pray for peace. Dr. Bilheimer, coordi­ nator uf the nwvcment, has announced they will hold a natinnal confer- ence on the ebove dates. ~·. ·. , .~ >1 '~::'· 7i. · *19 January, Cle~eland, 01!\o . • The Cleveland Area Peace Action Coun.cil and Youth. Against ·waT and Fascism-(youth group o(the Workers. Wor.ld Party; a ~.:;:= • ft:i i -'x'f ''r'~ '/·'/,, ~'.,';- I I , . • 1 Cnwnrnuniat spli.ntf;!r.g.ro•lPl. will jointly sponsor a demonstration on the above date. The purpose of the demonstration is to protE'!st Vice Pres'idcnt Agnewts ·visit to Cleveland. Demonstration planners eltimate between 50 and 100 perso~s will attend. ( 1:1 1 /V ~~~f 3 '/L' ;~ ••. 71. .. *19 January. ·washington. D.c.• · Members and sympathizers ?f the Irish Rceublican Army plan a demonstration in the downtown area of Washington on the above · . date. The purpose of the demonstration. is to support Senator Edward Kennedy's resolutioi\ before Congress caO.ing for withdrawal of British for~es from Northern Ireland. _ ,·:.,:. .-,t· , .a;·_ (' : .:.l;, .• ,.... 7i . 1- I. I j ( I. I . v ·l . """: 1 t.~.; .. &. .;..;....: *ZO January. Dorchester, Mass.• "· '\ . Tpe Vietnam Veterans Against ~he War are reportedly urging · persons to appear at the District Courf on the above date where VVAW .members are to be tried for barricading themselves recently in a U.S. Marine. Corps recruiting office. l ·// .. (, :~r·;{ )', (' ~-:---:.~., .• 7 ,1._ • • *Z4 January. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania The trial of the R.ev. Philip, f.· Berrigan and seven other anti- war defendants in an alleged plot to kidnap Henry A. Kissinger and destroy government buildings.• was postponed for; another week. - Federal JudgeR. Dixon Herman granted the delay to consider defense motions for a change of venue to New York City and to cball:engc the 1 government's method of jury selection.· . 1.. ;) •! ./: • f 1 ·.,i 7 . ·. ·• .," • .. '/ J. The Harrisburg Defense Committee chapters in the U.S. ha"·e ... advised that during the upcoming Lenten period there will be 40 days t.-"y.I. "11>~'. of activities relating to the "Harrisburg 8" trial. Ncar the E"nd of this 40-day period, caravans from various regions of the U.S. will proceed to Harrisburg to gain publicity for the de(endants and tp .qbtain funds for their defense. · .J tL).. /A -~·,-·1~'/·'l-'> ,: f,,:,· ':.J!!1ti.,., l'- .. *Z6 January. Detroit, Michigan The ¥ichigan Committee to Free Angela Davis and the Young Workers Liberation League (youth organization of the Communist Party. USA) have a:nnouncecl a joint drive to make January 26 (An~Jela Davis's birthday), Angela Day. The two groups are calling on the nHt.yr.>r..and city c-ouncil of 0C"trnit to C"lr.darl'! t.hC" natr. fnr An"da ORvis Day C~nd make public· facilities available. Students or d.i!Ccrcnt high schools have agreed tn participate anrl wilt circulate a petition for Angela Davis• Day and ..eolicit bail for Angela. .. :: • ·.. p,.:tl,l·.·~. \'( ;i t}.; ' ... ··;t' ~31 January, San Jose·, California · · The trial o! Angela Davis, an avowed Communist who is accused - ,' -·--· I I _Ill :II ·lcooolBl -. .. ,, ... ~ . :;.::~! ·:~-~"~ -;"-: ' • ... or nav1i1g' p1"e7VIdc:tl w~rtpona uaerl in the :~hontout nl the Mar;n Co\\nty \ Courthnusc in August 1970, is presP.ntly scheclult"d to cmnmencc on the above date. Demonstrations can be expected, but there is no · intlication that violent a-ctivity is planned. /· '/ 7 <·f.'"··) I *1-Z February, Cape Kennedy. Florida Dr. Carl Mcintire, fundamentalist minister who h<ts led rallie!; to demand immed:iate victory in Vietnam recently annnunced the formation of a new organi,.;ation called American ChriRtian Action Council, which will be a new legal action group for con~el'vatives and Christians. The g.roup will hold its national convention at a Florida site owned by Mcintire on the above date. · ·-·ri .1 ill,. f• .. "!~-:·i' :· i. ) )'J:, 'l '7/ , ..... 0 l.ir.;.... .J. w;;:o::.... · *4 Febrllary. New York City .... The trial is scheduled to be~ir't·~n·thc above rlatc for Leslie Bacon who is charged with cnnspfring with six other persons to bo-r:nb a ·Manhattan bank. Miss. Bacon was arrr.stcd in Wa!;hingtnn, D.C. last Apri-l as a material witness in an alleged plot to bomb the U.S • • Capitol Building; hnwever. a federal appeals court later, ruled she · was illegally arrested in that c~ue. l· '!( ~-"~ 1.lr. J.: ;' '-' lc,_,,, / )_ • I • . V I . ::·18-Zl February, New York City* The CPUSA has issued a pamphlet which 'presents in prelimi­ - nary form. the major social anrf political issues to he considered at the ZOth National (Cnnvcn.tion to be helrf on the <l.bovc rlales: ThP. docu­ ment rf"flects the following several point~: that a majority of Ameri­ cans want to end the war in Indochina; the establishment o! the Peoples Coalition for Peace and Justice is an important development toward the unificati9n of the pe~c:.E' .movement <!-nd; .the Tr.ors.kyite group, the National Peace Action Coalition, is the deadly enemy of unity in the fight for peace. Convention delegates in order to strengthen the national party will consid~ n the ex tens ion of intermediate organizational forms to ·an areas of struggle; the publicizing of the 1972 Communist Presidential ticket (Gus Hall and Jarvis Tyner): higher standards of \membership and leadership; increasing the speert of training and pro- motion of ca~re and the education o.C the membership: ways of dou,bling the mcmhcr~hip ol" the Party and; mPthods to givr. assistance in the · building oC the Young Workers Libe.ration League-. The Communist Par­ t.y in Michjf%a.n ha~ launc:hr.cf a petition camJliliJ!n fnr ZO, 000 Sif%naturcs hy May 1 to. place the Party on the ballot in the 1972. elections. :;: The Dail.y !Vo~ld, the C~mmunist Newspap1•r, has mr~rlro frt·qut•nl recent re!erence to· the ?Oth convention but ha~ nut given the location ·where it will be held. It is assume.d it will be locat~d in Ne.~ York City. .1 '· f)o · - ·; :II , , · ; .-it\ ~. ·.~ 1 I I• 'f ! - ~3 I Yt#l(WJ!Q.Jl~-··JU• ······· I I I JLLI Ll --'-_I.Liilii~UI:i:__.tl_....--'--_ 1 II it! <H II 111:1\l!lll!lliiiLiJIIIilWL.' - !Ill' ,q: 'I,, 1 !II ., .. .. *March-August. Nationwide · .. : Ttse Youth International Party (YIP), th<- m.ilitant hippie group which has been under the pasJ leadership of Abbie HoU-rnan and Jerry Rubin, held a conference at Madison, Wisconsin on JanuarY. 7-9., A con­ ference spokesman .told the press that Hoffman and Rubin have been re· \ moved from their leadership posltions ·and frlim YIP membership because ·of thelr "recent discriminative el.itist activities." Yippies in.terviewed ,f < • after th~ir conference also announ.ced to the press that they are planning the following activities: .. ( . I March 18-26--A nationwide voteT registr~tion drive which • they will call "Sprinl Freekweek.." May 1:-·Z--In each state capitol a marijuana smoke-in wilt be conducted to protest the anti-marijuana law to be followed ; . , .. by marches to local area prisons • July 1-3--A National Tribal Con!e'!"ence to b~ held at Washington. <I' July 4--A marijuana smoke .. in will be held at the Washington rt • Monument and followed by a maTch to the U. 54 Capitol. ' July 27--'I he National Che Gueverra 11Appredation Day 11 will. take place at Miami Beach. Florida to express solidarity wit~ the Cuban struggle for H&eration. July 27-31--Demonstrations will be condncted to show politi­ cians that nnless the denH\nds of yout-11 are met the 197Z Presidential ei~ction will be boycottP.d. Angust 1-20--A "grapes of wrath~' car.avan.will proceed to San Diego. August 21-24--Demonstrations to be held-in San Diego. Additional details will be reported as they h.ecom.e av~.~labl.c.n .
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