, |p*fe~Pay no more *$,'!. Comic Section 14 VOL. IV, NO. 16 CARTERET fRESS CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1925 Three Taken To N. B. "Kathleen" Scores Big To Serve 60 Day* Each Post Office Rules Want-Ad User Says Stakes WifeTkn Recount Over •1'ilin Snbd was taken to New Results Were. More llnmswick Wednesday to serve a six- On Christmas Cards ^ Than She Expected Hit On Opening Night l-y day form in the workhouse, Sabo "Please take out the want-ad Democrats Musical Comedy By Cast Of School PupiU Prove* Treat To WHS arrested after art alarm had been Popular Messa^-M of Good Will sent to the police station by tele- thsl I gave you last week. The Mercer Street Husband And Coughlin And D'ZurOU Big AuHience. Will Be Repeated Tonight. Capacity phone from the Wajer home. The Makes Problem For Mail house was sold the day after Victim In Hospital After Disturbed By G. O. P. M«f»' Crowd Expected At New High School Auditorium man is alleged to have been peepinjj Service. How To Aid By the ad. appeared and sine* that : Attack. Jail Term — Little Chant* In n through the windows of the house Proper Mailing time I have, been kept busy St at night. William Kish, charged with the front door and on the tele- Cause Figures A crowd of about 700 persona attended the opening per- phone explaining to prospective having stolen a clock also went to The ever tticrcii -\ g popularity of formance of "Kathleen," last night in the auditorium of the h g n buyers that we only hud one Sigmund Ejos and his wife, Ver- The recount of the loesl days. ! New High School and when the show was over every one of the workhouse to serve ^y days. the Christmas prv nnl n* a means house to sell" onica, of Mercer street, are report- councilman <•»!#& to sn 01 The complaint was made by Kish's of conveying goo.l will has created The above is in essence the ed at the Perth Amboy City Hos- them realized that a miracl^ fliad been performed in Carter- aunt, a Mrs. Suto, who alleged the Tuesday when the voten that tenor of a telephone message pital to be recovering from Injuries et. The show was not merely a success; it was the biggest suc- clock WHB her's. a problem for tV-,,. j>ost office De- referred to court were that came to this office this inflicted by the husband on himielf Kish Raid that the dock had been partment, not only mi acoourit of the by Supreme Justice Kalish. cess in the way of amateur theatricals in the borough's his- week. One insertion of the ad- and wife while In a drunken rage the property of his father and that he J. Coughlin and William tory. "The best every," was the expression heard on every volume of cards H tlio mails during vertisement sold the house but Monday afternoon, with a ra*or. Ejos had a better title to it than the aunt. the holiday season 1ml on account al- the advertiser neglected to no- Democrat* elected to council ail hand. To this many of the enthusiastic audience added that A third mnn who was found wander- according t» police records, has been so of the many instunrcs where cards tify un to discontinue it and an habitual drunkard and a recent November election, retain thettF | if far surpassed the average offering of the professional stage. ing around town with » shotgun and at a. consequence it appeared term in the county workhoune, it in on the governing body while i Yet the actors were all Carteret boys and girls, students in a bottle of "hootch" also began a are not sufficiently covered with post- again the following week. sixty-day term. age, or, are of a type that should not thought, incited the spirit of revenge men Phillips and Lymnn are the public schools. Aether it's a house or a ba- which prompted the attack upon his ly out as a result of the recount. G mailed except in envelopes. by, carriage', an automobile or a The main characters were high school students but in the i wife. He slashed her navagply about The application for a recount To guide the public in the use of . rttrd table, u Carteret Press I the back, breast, nnd nock. Then, Want-Ad will usually sell it for brought in the name of Council dancing groups and choruses were pupils from the grades, hristmas and New Yenra cards, the when her screnms and the aight of from the sixth up. h Accident One Day you. These acts, fail no seldom Phillips, through Attorney St ocal Post Office lias sent, out the that we are sometimes tempt- l blood brought >\ realization of the and Recorder Jacobowitr. While The miracle lay in the fact that these finished performers 'ollowing rules: ed to ghoot the works and of- j enormity of his net to the crazed nnmc of Councilman Lyman also-1 Found Dead Next man, he turned the weapon upon pc«red In the application there had been trained less than ten days. It was a big triumph as Patroni wjw mail Greeting Cards fer a money-back guarantee to any dissatisfied customer. himself, slashing his throat Irara enr no hopo of upsetting the rots as entertainment and another evidence of the remarkable abi- si Christmas Will observe these reg- defeated him in November, Carteret Man Found Dead In Phone in your ad. to the Ad-' to ear, but not deeply enough to en ulations. ' lity of Carteret public school pupils. Bed. Heart Failure And taker, Carteret Hi3. danger his life. Nor was there nny hope of The rate of postn^e on cards out- ing the election away from On November 30, the director, Cyril D. Pearson, arrived Asthma Cause—Was In- Early in November Ejos was ar- ide of envelopes it 2 cents each card D'Zurilln. Apparently some one In ' in Carteret. Two days were spent in picking talent from the jured Preceding Day i rested upon complaint of his wife Republican organization naw s fig Hchoois, The actual coaching began o nDecember 2 and the Cards may be sent in an unsealed nftcr he hud beaten her while he ing chance to rnturn Philllpi to opening performance last night, December 11, was a revela- Steve Holoyko, of 54 Essex street, mvelope.at the rate of 1% cents for Douglas Fairbanks At was drunk. He was sent work- nee nnd defeat Coughlin. Phillips ' tion and a marvel of accomplishment. who was injured painfully Wednesday sach card. muse for sixty days but was releas- high man on the Republican til in the back and side by an accident Cards dent/ in this manner may ed when half of the term wan serv-jand Coughlin was low man on "Kathleen," a romantic musical New Empire, Rahway 1 at the Liebig plant, was found dead ;arry the name nf the sender but ed. Since his return home there has Democratic ticket, only ten votes ( comedy, will be presented again to- j in bed Thursday morning. But the must not contain any message of been frequent qunrrelg, neighbors nnid ference appearing in the original l»>| andd therth e was feaf r in ththe neighbor turns for these two. night. It is being produced under the physician who attended him on Wed- any kindl Great Star To Appear Three Woodbridge Man nesday snid that his death the fol- hood that a tragedy would occur. In the recount twenty Republi auspices of the Carteret Parent-Tea- Cards,sertt in sealed envelopes are Days In "Don Q, Son of lowing day was due to heart fail- Monday the blood-curdling screams votes and seven Democratic cher Association and the proceeds will First Class Hail and must bear a 2 Zorro." Other Good from the woman brought neighbors ure and asthma. lent stamp. were referred to the judge. Phillip be used to purchase candy for the Hurt in Fall Holoyko was badly bruiBed about Pictures to the house. Ejos had chased his (ruined n few votes through the Cards bearing nny tinsel or mica wife from the house onto n porch public school children at Christmas. the back and left, aide Wednesday are unmailable unless they are en- mint, ami Coughlm lost H few where she tripped and fell partly over not enough to change the outcome.| The play is a John B. Rogers pro- John Briukey Taken To Hospi when a dump wagon discharged a closed in- sealed envelopes and bea Douglas Fairbanks will be the big a railing. The man attacked her from "n the original count Phillips tal After Fall In Local iad of heavy rock-like substance at 2 cents postage. attraction at the New Empire Thea- duction. Regular scenery and settings the rear jabbing and slashing her given 1120; in the recount he plant and a portion of the heavy Cards for Canada nre 2 cents each are furnished by thecompany while a Factory, Arms and tre, Rahway, on Monday, Tuesday with the razor. Blood was spattered 'oughlin in the original count >ad struck him. Dr. J. J. Reason was all other countries outside the Unitei about the porch and wall of the professional director employed by One Leg Broken and Wednesday of next week. The 11,16; and in the recount 1135, id and gave the injured man med- States 3 cents. house. H*> famous film star ,will appear in his ng one vote by recount.
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