Evolutionary Psychology and Human Behavior Evolutionary Psychology: Interfaces Between Natural Selection and Human Behavior William Weber Cecconello Undergraduate psychology student. E-mail: <[email protected]>. Vinícius Renato Thomé Ferreira Psychologist, Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology at PUCRS. Professor of IMED Psychology School. E-mail: <[email protected]>. Abstract The theory of evolution by natural selection postulates that involuntary adaptations in species gave them advantage for survival and reproduction, so the creatures that had the characteristics that made them better adapted to their niche were able to pass on their genes, and thus perpetuate the specie. In the evolutionary perspective, the brain is an organ that has evolved over millions of years to solve problems related to survival and reproduction in the same way as other body parts also came under pressure from natural selection. Understanding how the processes occurred and how natural selection has refined our skills and behavioral consequences has been the aim of Evolutionary Psychology. This article aims, through a narrative review, to describe the evolutionary psychology and its relevance to the understanding of human behavior. For this purpose, this article was composed by topics that may help in understanding this field of study and its applicability in psychology. Possibly the challenge remains to Latin American psychology is not just integrate Evolutionary Psychology effectively in aca- demic teaching , but to ensure that dialogues between areas of knowledge which differ and that permit a more complete understanding of the human being. Keywords: evolutionary psychology, behavior, cognition. Darwin`s theory of evolution through na- vidual variations, normally existent due to gene- tural selection changed the perspective about life tic variance. Environmental pressures raise the development. It postulated that modifications in probability of surviving of those that have some species can improve or reduce chances of sur- characters, being naturally selected, and thus viving and reproduction. Organisms that had there are greater chances to transmit these cha- characters which give better adapted to his niche racters to the offspring. This variability can gene- were able to disseminate their genes and to perpe- rate different characters by variability, and thus tuate the specie. Since his development, Darwin`s even generating a new species (Darwin, 2009). theory is the best one that explains the origins Natural selection has huge application of the species, and is largely confirmed by fossils in biology, mainly genetic spread mechanisms and genetic evidences (Coyne, 2009). and species morphological differences studies. In his seminal work On the Origins of Spe- Although that, there is one application that is cies, by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preser- not so many explored, but explosive, mainly over vation of Favoured Races in the Struggle of Life, or humans. If natural selection foments aspects that simply The Origins of Species, Darwin proposed rise surviving chances, we can consider that beha- the grounds of evolution theory. In a word, he vior, as an animal character, can be also derived pointed out that species evolve from single indi- or fitted by natural selection. Behavior is selected Revista de Psicologia da IMED, 6(2): 124-128, 2014 - ISSN 2175-5027 124 Evolutionary Psychology and Human Behavior as a phenotype, because it can improve survivor lished area in US and Europe, but it is incipi- odds (Hampton, 2010). Evolution is not only over ent in Brazil (Yamamoto, 2009). PE has as its organs and limbs, but is also in the behavior. Dar- greater contribution to science by revealing uni- win, in the lasts lines in the Origins, risks saying versal aspects of human nature that can be ap- that “psychology will be based on solid grounds plied to different areas, and expanding the scope […] of the gradual and necessary acquisition of of psychology by providing integration between each mental faculties and abilities” referring that human and biological sciences (Bolhuis, Brown, studies over human behavior could have natural Richardson & Laland, 2011). selection as theoretical influence, aiming to ex- Four assumptions are applied to EP: first, plain human behavior since an evolutionary vie- human mind organization is fitted to Pleistocene wpoint, and allowing to understand the behavio- hunter-gatherers, and not to the current world; ral bias as based on selection. Darwin`s forecast second, psychological mechanisms that guide waited almost 120 years to start getting visible behavior are gradual adaptations, wrought by in sociobiology, proposed in 1975 by Edward O. natural selection; third, there are many adaptive Wilson, and recently (1990`s) gained headway by problems that gave rise to different mental mod- psychologist Leda Cosmides and anthropologist ules; and finally, there is a universal human na- John Tooby studies over evolutionary psychology ture. These assumptions are still the grounds in (Yamamoto, 2009). the area, although deserve more research to bet- This paper aims to describe evolutionary ter scientific evidences (Bollhuis, Brown, Rich- psychology and to point out its relevance by a ardson & Laland, 2011). It is important to say that narrative review, by showing its importance to evolutionary viewpoint do not exclude culture, explain human behavior. For that, we will to and behavior is a result of the interaction be- discuss origins of EP, showing some of central tween universal human mental mechanisms and contributions and discussing the relevance of in- unique environmental events (Lordelo, 2010). tegration between EP and different psychology EP wants to expand its conclusions about theories, mainly cognitive psychology. natural selection linking to psychology, including behavior as one of the main selected characters that improve survival rates. Humans have its be- Evolutionary Psychology haviors based on the same evolutionary principles that guide other organisms. But this argumenta- In the evolutionary view, brain is an organ tion does not convince at all; besides human be that has been evolving through millions of years an organism like other, it would be possible that to solve problems related to surviving and repro- our species had special principles due to symbol- duction, alike other bodies’ parts have been sub- ical, cultural and historical specific background. mitted to the same. Random genetic mutations, It is important to question if humans could be that gave brain function alterations in connec- applied evolutionary model (Ades, 2009; Craig, tions and structures, have provided to our an- Vugt, Dunbar & Robin, 2012). cestral differentiated behavioral abilities (Coyne, 2009). It is main objective of evolutionary psy- chology (EP) to research and understand how Main contributions of EP these behaviors and abilities had evolved. The objective of Evolutionary Psychology Evolutionary theory applied to human beha- (EP) is to contribute to psychology doing integra- vior is a powerful tool that can generate new tion between behavior and natural selection with perspectives, to inform and to complement infor- another four areas: Sociobiology, Behavioral mation came from another fields, since psycholo- Ecology, Memetics and Gene-culture co-evolu- gy to economy. Insights came from EP can help tion. EP has great insertion in psychology, and is many aspects of human behavior (Craig, Vugt, not exclusive to psychologists, but provide con- Dunbar & Robin, 2012). tributions of biologists, anthropologists, sociol- EP is influenced by individual experiences ogists, philosophers and physicians. There have and contemporary circumstances. For example, been a visible rise of studies in EP for the last sex needs love and romance, exclusive human years, becoming a well-known and well-estab- features that are strongly influenced by culture; Revista de Psicologia da IMED, 6(2): 124-128, 2014 - ISSN 2175-5027 125 William Weber Cecconello, Vinícius Renato Thomé Ferreira on the other hand, biology influences directly tionary role to signalize to others internal states sex. There interfaces are studied by EP (Gleitman, and help to predict behaviors. Normal behaviors Reisber & Gross 2009; Fisher, 2012). and feelings that are adaptive can be deviant if its Parental care can be understood by EP as modulation be endangered (Luz & Bussab, 2009). a behavior that has relevance in an evolutionary There are many evidences that ours ances- view. Parental behaviors are important to the trals were engaged in a cooperative model that success for further gene transmission. It is very helped the development of society through emo- important that parents give care to the offspring tional and cognitive patterns. Compassion had because this is the way to keep genes living and to benefited evolutionary success by getting stron- transmit them away. Keeping this care behavior, ger the social ties; but it is a trap, because always although can sometimes generate adversities for there is someone that can use it to benefit him/ parents, helps to pass the gene to the next gener- herself in a egoistic way. To identify this can gen- ation. Family is also an important structure that erate angry and leads to revenge. These dynamics maintains higher chances to transmit genes, its are the core of policy and social interaction (Pe- size is fitted to obtain the better chances to re- tersen; Sznycer; Cosmides; Tooby, 2012). produce, considering social factors. Human of-
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