![County Londonderry - Townlands: Landed Estates [Sorted by Townland]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
County Londonderry - Townlands: Landed Estates [Sorted by Townland] Recor O.S. Sheet Townland Parish Barony Poor Law Union Estates [Immediate Lessors in Seventeenth Century Freeholds, etc. d No. No. Griffith's, 1859] 1 11, 18 Aghadowey Aghadowey Coleraine Coleraine William S. Alexander Churchland 2 42 Aghagaskin Magherafelt Loughinsholin Magherafelt Salters Salters 3 17 Aghansillagh Balteagh Keenaght Limavady Marquis of Waterford Haberdashers Native Freehold 4 22, 23, 28, Alla Lower Cumber Upper Tirkeeran Londonderry Rev. Thomas Lindsay Churchland 29 5 22, 28 Alla Upper Cumber Upper Tirkeeran Londonderry Rev. Thomas Lindsay Churchland 6 28, 29 Altaghoney Cumber Upper Tirkeeran Londonderry Trustees, James Ogilby Skinners 7 17, 18 Altduff Errigal Coleraine Coleraine Lady Garvagh Ironmongers Crown Freehold 8 6 Altibrian Formoyle / Dunboe Coleraine Coleraine John Alexander Clothworkers Crown Freehold 9 6 Altikeeragh Dunboe Coleraine Coleraine Clothworkers Clothworkers 10 29, 30 Altinure Lower Learmount / Banagher Tirkeeran Londonderry Thomas McCausland Skinners Crown Freehold 11 29, 30 Altinure Upper Learmount / Banagher Tirkeeran Londonderry John B. Beresford Fishmongers Crown Freehold 12 20 Altnagelvin Clondermot Tirkeeran Londonderry John Adams Goldsmiths 13 41 Annagh and Desertmartin Loughinsholin Magherafelt Reps. Rev. Robert Torrens Churchland Moneysterlin 14 42 Annaghmore Magherafelt Loughinsholin Magherafelt Robert P. Dawson Phillips Freehold 15 48 Annahavil Arboe Loughinsholin Magherafelt Drapers Drapers 16 48 Annahavil Derryloran Loughinsholin Magherafelt Drapers Drapers 17 49 Ardagh Ballinderry Loughinsholin Magherafelt John J. O'F. Carmichael Salters Native Freehold 18 10, 16, 17 Ardgarvan Drumachose Keenaght Limavady Marcus McCausland Churchland 19 22 Ardground Cumber Lower Tirkeeran Londonderry Trustees, James Ogilby Skinners W. Macafee 1 28/10/2013 County Londonderry - Townlands: Landed Estates [Sorted by Townland] Recor O.S. Sheet Townland Parish Barony Poor Law Union Estates [Immediate Lessors in Seventeenth Century Freeholds, etc. d No. No. Griffith's, 1859] 20 2, 3 Ardina Dunboe Coleraine Coleraine Clothworkers Clothworkers 21 16, 24 Ardinarive Bovevagh Keenaght Limavady James Douglas Churchland 22 22 Ardkill Clondermot Tirkeeran Londonderry Robert Stevenson Grocers Native Freehold 23 14, 20 Ardlough Clondermot Tirkeeran Londonderry Eliza Austin Churchland 24 10, 17 Ardmore Balteagh Keenaght Limavady Marcus McCausland Churchland 25 20, 21, 22 Ardmore Clondermot Tirkeeran Londonderry Henry Stacy Skipton Churchland 26 14, 20 Ardnabrocky Clondermot Tirkeeran Londonderry Margaret Hatrick Churchland 27 14 Ardnaguniog Faughanvale Tirkeeran Londonderry Marquis of Londonderry Grocers Native Freehold 28 9 Ardnargle Tamlaght Finlagan Keenaght Limavady Thomas Boyle Phillips Freehold 29 11, 18 Ardreagh Aghadowey Coleraine Coleraine Reps. John B. Stirling Churchland 30 7, 11 Ardvarness Macosquin Coleraine Coleraine Thomas Richardson Merchant Taylors 31 2, 3, 6, 7 Articlave Lower Dunboe Coleraine Coleraine John Alexander Clothworkers Crown Freehold 32 6, 7 Articlave Town Dunboe Coleraine Coleraine John Alexander Clothworkers Crown Freehold 33 6 Articlave Upper Dunboe Coleraine Coleraine Clothworkers Clothworkers Crown Freehold 34 3, 4, 7, 8 Articrunaght North Ballyrashane North East Liberties of Coleraine Samuel Laurence Irish Society Coleraine 35 4, 7, 8 Articrunaght South Ballyrashane North East Liberties of Coleraine Samuel Laurence Irish Society Coleraine 36 2, 6 Artidillon Dunboe Coleraine Coleraine Clothworkers Clothworkers 37 9, 10 Artikelly Aghanloo Keenaght Limavady Marquis of Waterford Haberdashers 38 25, 31 Ashlamaduff Dungiven Keenaght Limavady Trustees, Robert Ogilby Skinners W. Macafee 2 28/10/2013 County Londonderry - Townlands: Landed Estates [Sorted by Townland] Recor O.S. Sheet Townland Parish Barony Poor Law Union Estates [Immediate Lessors in Seventeenth Century Freeholds, etc. d No. No. Griffith's, 1859] 39 2, 6 Aughil Magilligan or Keenaght Limavady Sir Henry H. Bruce Churchland Tamlaghtard 40 30, 34 Aughlish Banagher Keenaght Limavady Stewart C. Bruce Churchland 41 42, 47 Aughrim / Aghrim Artrea Loughinsholin Magherafelt Salters Salters 42 14 Avish Clondermot Tirkeeran Londonderry Grocers Grocers 43 2, 6 Avish Magilligan or Keenaght Limavady Sir Henry H. Bruce Churchland Tamlaghtard 44 9 Back Tamlaght Finlagan Keenaght Limavady James Church Phillips Freehold 45 49 Ballinderry Ballinderry Loughinsholin Magherafelt James Browne Churchland 46 36, 41 Ballinderry Kilcronaghan Loughinsholin Magherafelt Andrew McGowan, et.al. Vintners 47 8 Ballindreen Irish Ballyrashane North East Liberties of Coleraine Rev. John Lyle Irish Society Coleraine 48 8 Ballindreen Scotch Ballyrashane North East Liberties of Coleraine Rev. John Lyle Irish Society Coleraine 49 46, 48 Ballindrum Artrea Loughinsholin Magherafelt William L. Conyngham Salters Crown Freehold 50 11 Ballinrees Aghadowey Coleraine Coleraine Maria Wilson, et.al. Churchland 51 6, 7 Ballinrees Formoyle / Dunboe Coleraine Coleraine Thomas Richardson Merchant Taylors 52 11 Ballintaggart Macosquin Coleraine Coleraine Thomas Richardson Merchant Taylors 53 7 Ballinteer North Macosquin Coleraine Coleraine Clothworkers Clothworkers 54 7 Ballinteer South Macosquin Coleraine Coleraine Clothworkers Clothworkers 55 17, 18, 25, Ballintemple Errigal Coleraine Coleraine Acheson Lyle Churchland 26 56 20 Balloughry Templemore North West Liberties Londonderry Irish Society Irish Society of Londonderry 57 18 Ballyagan Desertoghill Coleraine Coleraine Ironmongers Ironmongers W. Macafee 3 28/10/2013 County Londonderry - Townlands: Landed Estates [Sorted by Townland] Recor O.S. Sheet Townland Parish Barony Poor Law Union Estates [Immediate Lessors in Seventeenth Century Freeholds, etc. d No. No. Griffith's, 1859] 58 13 Ballyarnet Templemore North West Liberties Londonderry Marquis of Donegal Irish Society of Londonderry 59 7 Ballyartan Coleraine North East Liberties of Coleraine Irish Society Irish Society Coleraine 60 22, 28 Ballyartan Cumber Upper Tirkeeran Londonderry William S. Alexander Skinners Freehold 61 10 Ballyavelin North Drumachose Keenaght Limavady Marquis of Waterford Merchant Taylors Native Freehold 62 10 Ballyavelin South Balteagh Keenaght Limavady Marquis of Waterford Haberdashers Native Freehold 63 40, 45 Ballybriest Lissan Loughinsholin Magherafelt Rowley Miller Churchland 64 6 Ballybrissell Aghanloo Keenaght Limavady John Martin Churchland 65 11, 18 Ballybritain Aghadowey Coleraine Coleraine Maria Wilson, et.al. Churchland 66 11 Ballycaghan Aghadowey Coleraine Coleraine Ironmongers Ironmongers 67 3, 7 Ballycairn Killowen Coleraine Coleraine John Alexander Clothworkers Crown Freehold 68 22, 28 Ballycallaghan Cumber Upper Tirkeeran Londonderry Trustees, James Ogilby Skinners 69 5, 6 Ballycarton Aghanloo Keenaght Limavady Benjamin Lane Haberdashers Native Freehold 70 5 Ballycarton Magilligan or Keenaght Limavady Benjamin Lane Churchland Native Freehold Tamlaghtard 71 5, 9 Ballycastle Aghanloo Keenaght Limavady Marquis of Waterford Haberdashers Crown Freehold 72 7 Ballyclaber Coleraine North East Liberties of Coleraine Rev. John Lyle Irish Society Coleraine 73 11 Ballyclough Aghadowey Coleraine Coleraine Ironmongers Ironmongers 74 46 Ballycomlargy Desertlyn Loughinsholin Magherafelt Salters Salters 75 10, 17 Ballycrum Drumachose Keenaght Limavady Marquis of Waterford Merchant Taylors Native Freehold 76 16 Ballydarrog / Ballyderg Carrick / Tamlaght Keenaght Limavady James Ogilby Phillips Freehold Finlagan W. Macafee 4 28/10/2013 County Londonderry - Townlands: Landed Estates [Sorted by Townland] Recor O.S. Sheet Townland Parish Barony Poor Law Union Estates [Immediate Lessors in Seventeenth Century Freeholds, etc. d No. No. Griffith's, 1859] 77 48, 49 Ballydawley Tamlaght Loughinsholin Magherafelt Bellingham Mauleverer Churchland 78 48 Ballydawley (alias Artrea Loughinsholin Magherafelt William L. Conyngham Churchland Crosspatrick) 79 37, 42 Ballydermot Ballyscullion Loughinsholin Magherafelt Salters Phillips 80 11 Ballydevitt Aghadowey Coleraine Coleraine Reps. John B. Stirling Churchland 81 30, 34 Ballydonegan Banagher Tirkeeran Limavady Trustees, Robert Ogilby Skinners 82 47, 49 Ballydonnell Ballinderry Loughinsholin Magherafelt Salters Salters 83 26 Ballydullaghan Desertoghill Coleraine Coleraine / Mercers Mercers Ballymoney 84 46, 47, 48, Ballyeglish Artrea Loughinsholin Magherafelt Salters Salters 49 85 48 Ballyforlea Derryloran Loughinsholin Magherafelt Drapers Drapers 86 48 Ballyforlea Lissan Loughinsholin Magherafelt Drapers Drapers 87 3 Ballygallin Ballyaghran North East Liberties of Coleraine Town Commissioners of Coleraine Irish Society Coleraine 88 8 Ballygan Upper [part Ballymoney North East Liberties of Coleraine / John Cromie Earl of Antrim of] Coleraine Ballymoney 89 18 Ballygawley Aghadowey Coleraine Coleraine George Alexander Churchland 90 3 Ballygelagh East Ballyaghran North East Liberties of Coleraine Alex Shuldman & Reps. W. W. Irish Society Coleraine Campbell 91 3 Ballygelagh West Ballyaghran North East Liberties of Coleraine John Cromie Irish Society Coleraine 92 49 Ballygillen Beg Artrea Loughinsholin Magherafelt Salters Salters 93 49 Ballygillen More Artrea Loughinsholin Magherafelt Salters Salters 94 48 Ballygonny Beg Arboe Loughinsholin Magherafelt Drapers Drapers 95 48 Ballygonny Beg Tamlaght Loughinsholin Magherafelt Drapers Drapers W. Macafee 5 28/10/2013 County Londonderry - Townlands: Landed Estates [Sorted by Townland] Recor
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