Page 1 of 39 Lista producatorilor Cod Persoana de Numar Denumire Adresa E-mail registru contact licenta Bistrita, Jud. Bistrita Nasaud, Cartier Viisoara, Str.Principala 001 S.C. ILEXIMP S.R.L. Claudia Plaian nr.72 tel: 0363/102.938 ; 0745/382522; 0745/260988 Fax: [email protected] 656/16.03.2005 0363/102.938 Stefan S.C. ECOPROD Ionascu ; Buzau jud. Buzau, Str. Bistritei nr. 3,cam. 9 tel: 002 [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] 700/27.09.2005 ENERGY S.R.L. Stefan Ana- 0731707768 ; 0728878130 fax: 0238/712.641 Maria S.C. Bucuresti, Str. Constantin Nacu nr.3, Sector 2 tel: 021- 003 HIDROELECTRICA Iulian Tudor [email protected], iulian.tudor @hidroelectrica.ro 332 rev. 3/2011 307.46.71 fax: 021-311.11.83 S.A. S.C. ENERGY Bucuresti, Str. Paris nr 24,corp A+B, Sector 1 tel: 004 Iulia Sgardea [email protected] 642/20.12.2004 HOLDING S.R.L. 021/205.38.55 fax: 021/205.38.88 S.C. HOLROM Str. Haga nr. 12, sector 1, Bucuresti tel: 0318053423 ; 005 RENEWABLE ENERGY Denisa Ion [email protected] 715/03.02.2006 0721568487 ; fax: 0314100191 S.R.L. S.C. LUXTEN Bucuresti, Str. Parangului nr.76, Sector 1, CP 012328 tel : 006 LIGHTING COMPANY Axinte Adrian [email protected] ; [email protected];[email protected] 737/22.05.2006 021/668.88.19; 0721201621 fax : 021/668.88.48. S.A. Sat Rusu de Sus nr. 96,Comuna Nuseni, jud. Bistrita- S.C. BLUE LINE Andrei Hoha; 007 Nasaud tel: 0263-350.298 ; 0741234933 fax: 0263- [email protected];[email protected] 808/08.11.2007 ENERGY S.R.L. Nath Ofelia 350.024 S.C. ELECTROGRUP Carei, str. Stefan Vonhaz nr. 18, jud. Satu Mare tel : 008 Crainic Marian [email protected] 807/08.11.2007 ENERGY S.R.L. 0261827113 ; 0744253323 ; fax: 0261861565 S.C. ELECTRO Com. Spermezeu, nr 341,jud. Bistrita-Nasaud tel: 009 Nath Ofelia [email protected] 753/24.08.2006 MARGO LINE S.R.L. 0263/350.298; 0741/234.933 fax: 0263/350.024 Paratu Aurelian 010 S.C. ELSID S.A. Str. Unirii, nr 5, Titu, judetul Dambovita tel: 0748.246.217 [email protected] 768/28.12.2006 Costin Luminita Filip ; S.C. ESPE ENERGIA Ghiroda, Jud. Timis, DN 6, km 551, 6 st�nga, birou 1 tel : 011 Ioan Lucian [email protected] ; [email protected] 660/28.03.2005 S.R.L. 0374912736 ; 0740541679 ; fax : 0356130908 ; Pascut Dragomir Luiza Campina, str. Bobalna nr.57-63, jud. Prahova cod 105600 012 S.C. NEPTUN S.A. Simona, Iorgu [email protected]; [email protected] 780/02.04.2007 tel. : 0244-375 277, 0729 399 388; fax : 0244-373 077; Cristian Dan Bistrita, jud. Bistrita-Nasaud, cartier Unirea, Str. Emil S.C. ELECTRIC PROD Alexandru 013 Rebreanu nr 393 tel: 0263-235 797 ; 0744/644 612 fax: [email protected] 781/02.04.2007 S.A. SALANTA 0263-235 797 S.C. HYDRO - WIND Sat : Bobda, Nr.88, Comuna Cenei, Jud. Timis, cod 014 Cornel Bostan [email protected] 790/21.06.2007 POWER S.R.L. postal:307101 tel : 0744 889 558 Fax : 0356711622 S.C. GREEN ENERGY Sat Bobda, Comuna Cenei, Nr. 88, Camera 3, Judetul Timis; 015 Cornel Bostan [email protected] 880/16.07.2009 GRUP S.A. tel.: 0744 889 558 Str. Tabla Butii,nr.68, Constanta, jud. Constanta Adresa de Georgiana S.C. SERVOPLANT corespondenta: B-dul. Mamaia nr. 158,et. 8-9, Constanta , 791 / 016 Paninopol ; [email protected]; [email protected] ECO ENERGIE S.R.L. jud. Constanta tel : 0241/550.353; 0741.22.44.42 ; Fax: 21.06.2007 Bianca Cosmoiu 0241/550.323 S.C. UZINSIDER Liviu B-dul. Carol nr.12, Sector 3 Bucuresti; tel : 021/310.36.91. 546 / 017 GENERAL Tomulescu ; [email protected] ; [email protected];[email protected] 0745019123 Fax : 021/315.82.29. 26.11.2002 CONTRACTOR S.A. Mihaela Ivan S.C. E-MARKET Octavian Str. Bolintineanu nr.3 ,Cluj - Napoca tel : 0364/408.412 ; 770 / 018 [email protected] S.R.L. MaNaSTIREANU 0726/759.078 Fax : 0364/408.413 31.01.2007 019 Str.Calea Dumbravii nr.99A - Sibiu, jud. Sibiu tel : 0269 / [email protected] ; [email protected] S.C. SOBIS Muller Hans- 230.039 ; 0743 / 571.113 Fax : 0269 / 230.059; 793 / https://app1.transelectrica.ro/certificate/admincertificate/listare.php?p=2 30.07.2021 Page 2 of 39 SOLUTIONS S.R.L. Martin 0369/401.476 28.06.2007 S.C. APA SERV Mihai Str. Cuza Voda nr.23, Petrosani, jud. Hunedoara tel : 806 / 020 [email protected] VALEA JIULUI SA VITEJEANU 0254 / 543.144 Fax : 0254 / 546672 08.11.2007 S.C. HIDRAL INVEST Klaus Harald Sacele, Dj.103A, Km 3+500, Com. Tarlungeni, jud.Brasov 021 [email protected];[email protected] 14/27.03.2008 S.R.L. Sifft tel : 0787/305.797. Fax : 0268/329.101. S.C. PIROTEHNIC Benone DUTA ; Vaslui, Str.Dragos Vod�, Bl.327, Ap.14, jud. Vaslui tel 022 [email protected]; [email protected] 845/09.10.2008 OSB S.R.L. Ionescu Dragos 0744/663.006 ; Fax: 0335/877544 ; 021/2303335 Gheorghe Str. Prundului nr.15 - Targu Neamt, jud. Neamt tel A.F. ATOMEI 846 / 023 ATOMEI; 0233/662.871; 0748376709 Fax: 0233/791.150 ; [email protected] ; [email protected] GHEORGHE 09.10.2008 Atomei Magda 021/230.33.35. S.C. BALKAN Lucian Piata Unirii nr. 3 - Timisoara tel: 0256/434.644 Fax: 024 HYDROENERGY [email protected], [email protected] 834/ 03.07.2008 PERESCU 0256/495.126 S.R.L. Busteni, B-dul. Libertatii nr.90, Judet Prahova tel : 025 S.C. HIDRO JEPI S.A. Maria MUSAT [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 875/02.07.2009 0244/320.091 ; 0726780138 Fax: 0244/322.791 S.C. TELESATELIT Comuna Pancesti, nr.59, Judet Bac�u tel:0234288356 ; 026 Vasile CHIFANI [email protected] 878/16.07.2009 S.R.L. 0744/885.837. Fax: 0234/556.169. Sediu: Str. G-ral. Traian Doda nr. 102, cam. 5, Caransebes, SC MONSSON ALMA Georgiana jud. Caras-Severin Adresa de corespondenta:B-dul. Mamaia 027 SRL (S.C. TOPLET Paninopol ; [email protected]; [email protected] 877/16.07.2009 nr. 158,et. 8, Constanta , jud. Constanta tel : ENERGY S.R.L.) Bianca Cosmoiu 0241/550.353; 0741.22.44.42. Fax: 0241/550.323. S.C. BIO ELECTRICA Nichifor Tofan; Bucuresti, Str. Grigore Alexandrescu, nr.59,et.2, cladirea 028 TRANSILVANIA Ana Vasile, [email protected]; [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 864/16.04.2009 HQ Victoriei, sector1, tel:0726278665, Fax: 0372/422799 S.R.L.-CV Adrian Radu PRIMARIA COMUNEI Catalin Floresti, Str. Principala, nr.604, judet Prahova tel : 029 FLORESTI - [email protected] ; [email protected] 896/22.10.2009 CSASZAR 0244515454; 0742049184 fax: 0244515454 PRAHOVA S.C. ENERGYCUM W Municipiul Adjud, E85-DN2,km 233+500, Judet Vrancea 898 / 030 Ioan Carcei [email protected] ; [email protected] S.R.L. tel.: 0234 / 208.200 ; 0726687891 Fax.:0234/208.203 22.10.2009 S.C. COMPANIA DE Cluj Napoca, B-dul.21 Decembrie 1989, Judet Cluj, tel : 904 / 031 Rus Razvan [email protected]; APA SOMES S.A. 0264/430.925, 0752088633; Fax: 0264/430.886; 05.11.2009 Eugen Chincea, Satu Mare, Str.Nicolae Balcescu nr.28,ap.1, jud. Satu Mare 916 / 032 S.C. GRENERG S.R.L. [email protected]; [email protected] Ramona Sipa tel : 0752.196.521 ; Fax: 0261/710075 19.01.2010 S.C. VIENNA ENERGY Dan Marian Str. Sf.Vineri nr.29, Et.2, Cam.8, cod postal:030203 ,Sector 033 FORTA NATURALA PRODAN ; Dan 3, BUCURESTI tel : 031/2284801 ; 0730013883 Fax: [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] 856/18.12.2008 S.R.L. Finichiu 031/2284803. Alexandru Bologa; Str. Povernei nr. 15-17, et. 1, ap. 2, sector 1, Bucuresti S.C. NEG PROJECT - 927 / 034 Carmen tel : +40314327934 ; 0757117054 ; 0745365876; [email protected], [email protected] 1 S.R.L. 18.03.2010 Condrea, Andra 0757117056 Fax: +40314327935 Coman S.C. ROMENERGO Radu Ghindea Calea Floreasca nr.242L, Sector 1, Bucure�ti-cod 928 / 035 [email protected] ; [email protected] HIDRO S.R.L. Parvescu po�tal:014475 tel : 0740275109 ; Fax: 021/233.41.75. 15.04.2010 Comuna Nalbant, Sat Nalbant, Judet Tulcea, cod S.C. LIGHT ENERGY Director Stere 924 / 036 postal:827160 tel.: 0744309667 Fax: 0240548584 ; [email protected];[email protected] S.R.L. MASACA 11.02.2010 0263350024 Ana Vasile, Str.Grigore Alexandrescu, nr.59, Cladirea HQ Victoriei, et.2, HS TIMBER Cosmina Hulea, sector 1, Bucuresti tel.:0258/806.300, 037 PRODUCTIONS SRL- [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]; [email protected], ana.vasile@h 933/03.06.2010 Emil Pop, Tofan 0372/422.700;0230/207.427 Fax: 0258/806.301, CV Nichifor 0314/422.799;0230/207.399 Carmen Condrea ; Str. Povernei nr. 15-17, et. 1, ap. 2, cam. 9, sector S.C. NEG PROJECT - 936 / 038 Alexandru 1,Bucuresti tel : +40314327934 ;0757117054 ; [email protected], [email protected] TWO S.R.L.
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