Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 / Feb. 11 Remarks at the Performance of ‘‘Lincoln Seen and Heard’’ February 11, 2005 Thank you for that wonderful perform- for his work, and his latest book is, ‘‘Lin- ance. Laura and I welcome you all to the coln at Cooper Union.’’ White House. This evening I can let you all in on a I appreciate the members of my Cabinet secret. Tomorrow it will be announced that who are here and former members of the Allen Guelzo, who is with us tonight, and Cabinet who are here. I thank Senator Bill Harold Holzer are this year’s first and sec- Frist for joining us as well as Congressman ond place winners of the prestigious Lin- Mel Watt. Thank you both for coming. coln Prize. I appreciate Michael Steele, the Lieuten- Congratulations. ant Governor of the great State of Mary- Those of you who know Sam Waterston land, for joining us. I want to thank Bruce as ‘‘Jack McCoy’’ should know that Amer- Cole, the Chairman of the National Endow- ica’s most famous assistant district attorney ment for the Humanities. I appreciate has portrayed Abraham Lincoln on stage, Brian Lamb joining us today, the president on television, and so I’m told, even in bal- and CEO of C–SPAN. let. [Laughter] He didn’t dance. [Laughter] But he did narrate a special version of I thank the U.S. Lincoln Bicentennial Aaron Copland’s ‘‘Lincoln Portrait’’ while Commission members and the Advisory ballet dancers performed around him. Committee for joining us today. I appre- [Laughter] Sam has said, ‘‘If I have to be ciate all the Lincoln scholars and authors typecast, I’d like to be typecast as Abraham who are here. Lincoln.’’ I like a guy who aims high. I particularly appreciate Sam Waterston [Laughter] and Lynn and Graham for joining us as In his readings tonight, Sam noted that well as Harold Holzer and Edith and Meg. it was on this very day back in 1861 that Thank you all for coming. Abraham Lincoln said goodbye to his home Sam and Harold have had a good many in Springfield, Illinois, never to return. reviews since they first took ‘‘Lincoln Seen Over the next 4 years, from this house, and Heard’’ on the road. Perhaps the most Lincoln would endure a bitter civil war that enthusiastic review I heard came from two included terrible defeats as well as ringing unimpeachable sources, Mother and Dad— victories; he’d sign the Emancipation Proc- [laughter]—who told how much they en- lamation right upstairs; and he would live joyed the performance when they saw it to see his hopes for peace and unity re- in Houston. Tonight we’ve had the special warded, before his life was taken at Ford’s honor of listening to Lincoln’s words being Theatre on Good Friday, 1865. read in the very house where so many of The Civil War was decided on the battle- them were written. field; the larger fight for America’s soul Harold Holzer has written, coauthored, was waged with Lincoln’s words. In his own or edited 23 books on Lincoln and the Civil day, Lincoln set himself squarely against War. He Cochairs the U.S. Lincoln Bicen- a culture that held that some human beings tennial Commission and in his spare time— were not intended by their Maker for free- [laughter]—works for one of Laura’s favor- dom. And as President, he acted in the ite museums, the Metropolitan Museum of conviction that holding the Union together Art in New York. He’s an avid New York was the only way to hold America true to Yankee fan who had a miserable year last the founding promise of freedom and year. [Laughter] He has won many awards equality for all. And that is why, in my 225 31 2005 13:57 Sep 09 2008 Jkt 206694 PO 00000 Frm 00225 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\94A XXX 94A Feb. 11 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2005 judgment, he was America’s greatest Presi- ciation for what these words of freedom dent. mean in our own time. We’re familiar with the words of the Get- Thank you all again. Please join us at tysburg Address and the Second Inaugural, the reception. And may God continue to so eloquently read by Sam. And this per- bless our great land. formance reminds us that Lincoln wrote his words to be spoken aloud—to persuade, NOTE: The President spoke at 5:58 p.m. in to challenge, and to inspire. Abraham Lin- the East Room at the White House. In his coln was a master of the English language, remarks, he referred to Sam Waterston, actor on NBC’s television series ‘‘Law & Order,’’ but his true mother tongue was liberty. his wife, Lynn Waterston, and their son I hope that every American might have Graham Waterston; Harold Holzer, Cochair, the experience we had here tonight, to hear Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission, Lincoln’s words delivered with Lincoln’s his wife, Edith Holzer, and their daughter passion and to leave with a greater appre- Meg Holzer; and author Allen C. Guelzo. The President’s Radio Address February 12, 2005 Good morning. In my State of the Union workers will be paying ever-higher benefits Address, I discussed the need to act to to ever-larger numbers of retirees. strengthen and save Social Security. Since So here is the result: 13 years from now, then, I have traveled to eight States and in 2018, Social Security will be paying out spoken with tens of thousands of you about more than it collects in payroll taxes, and my ideas. I have reminded you that Social every year afterward will bring a new and Security was one of the great moral suc- larger shortfall. For example, in the year cesses of the 20th century. And for those 2027, the Government will somehow have born before 1950, I have assured you that to come up with an extra $200 billion a the Social Security system will not change year to keep the system afloat. By the year in any way and you will receive your 2033, the annual shortfall would be more checks. I’ve also warned our younger work- than $300 billion a year. And by the year ers that the Government has made prom- 2042, the entire system would be bankrupt. ises it cannot pay for with the current pay- If we do not act now to avert that outcome, as-you-go system. the only solutions would be dramatically higher taxes, massive new borrowing, or Social Security was created decades ago sudden and severe cuts in Social Security for a very different era. In 1950, about benefits or other Government programs. 16 workers paid into the system for every To keep the promise of Social Security one person drawing benefits. Today, we alive for our children and grandchildren, have only about three workers for each we need to fix the system once and for beneficiary. And over the next few decades, all. Fixing Social Security permanently will baby boomers like me will retire, people require a candid review of the options. In will be living longer, and benefits are recent years, many people have offered scheduled to increase dramatically. Eventu- suggestions such as limiting benefits for ally, there will be just two workers per ben- wealthy retirees, indexing benefits to prices eficiary. With every passing year, fewer instead of wages, increasing the retirement 226 31 2005 13:57 Sep 09 2008 Jkt 206694 PO 00000 Frm 00226 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 E:\HR\OC\94A XXX 94A.
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