ANNUAL REVIEW By April 2010, more thAn 1,000,000 hAd Attended performAnces At the roundhouse since it reopened in June 2006. ‘A sonic shrine for a whole new PsuP orters of TheSantander heAdliner President TimHailstone(Chairman) DrakeMusic TorianoJuniorSchool EmilyMomoh ProjeCts And Foundation DarrenAger Sir TorquilNormanCBE SamKatz Fairbridge Camden JudyNadel generation of music lovers’ Core Costs TheSarahD’Avigdor StephenBarry MichaelKent FamiliesinFocus TheWallaceCollection BarbaraO’Brien Time Out ArtsCouncilEngland GoldsmidCharitable RichardBerry Bo Ard of trustees AnthonyLandes FosteringNetwork WalworthAcademy ScottParker TheAtkinFoundation Fund JamesBryan NicholasAllott JuliaLandes GameRunner School,Southwark KiaPrempeh Avid SingUp DamonBuffini SarahAsiedu EricNicoli GlobeAcademy WhittingtonPark ConorRoche TheRoundhousewasvotedTime Out’s BBH MichaelSpencer JoelBygraves AnthonyBlackstock RichardReed GreyCoatHospital Community AngusScott-Miller ‘BestMusicVenue’,andnominatedforthe BDOLLP TonyTabaznik NickCandler KentakeChinyelu-Hope EllieSleeman School,Cityof Association BethThompson musicindustry’s‘FavouriteVenue’atthe BigLotteryFund BarryTownsley KentakeChinyelu-Hope MarcusDavey SanjayWadhwani Westminster WilliamEllisSecondary JessTierney Bloomberg Ultraspeed MattClack LloydDorfmanCBE Haberdashers’Aske’s SchoolCamden Development & TotalProductionInternationalAwards. TheBRITTrust v,theyouthvolunteering MarcusDavey (Chairman) AmAssBA dors HatchamCollege, Communications TheCloreDuffield charity PatricedeVilliers TonyElliott LordBurns Lewisham stf Af Cathy Baker Foundation Whistles WilliamEaston LucianGrange GuyChambers HackneyCultural CEO’s Office AimeeBarnett RichardDesmond Paul&TracyWise AndrewEmuss AlanHodson RayCooper DevelopmentTeam Anne Arhio-Connor LucyBeevor Dr.Martens XLVideo EstherFreeman KwameKwei-Armah RayDavies HampsteadSecondary MarcusDavey NinaCoglin EMI YouthMusic BradfordGibbs BethMburu LindsayDuncan School,Camden SophieWatson ReubenCook EsméeFairbairn CharlieGladstone WayneMcGregor SirBobGeldof HaverstockSchool, Commercial & ShonaDavis Foundation ProduCing CirCle RefikGökmen RtHonBaroness TerryGilliam Camden Operations ZoeFox Ex-AnimoFoundation Barry&SallyClare FranGuy McIntoshofHudnall NickMason IslingtonChildrens Anders Akermo HelenHenson FidelioCharitableTrust Colin&HelenDavid LouisHalpern DeborahMeaden EwanMcGregor Services AdnanBangura VictoriaKearns TheFoundationforSport Lloyd&SarahDorfman AdrianHartley RtHonBaroness DameHelenMirren IslingtonYouth HarunaBangura RupalLakhani andtheArts IgaDowning DeborahHiggins MorrisofYardley AlanRickman OffendingServices SimeonBate LyndseyLeiper AlbertFuss FraserDuffin JonHives CasparNorman SirPaulSmith JackTaylorSchool LindseyBowden RenataMcDonnell GarfieldWeston Tony&JaneyElliott WayuaHogman JesseNorman JonSnow KentishTownPrimary MattBowman BernadetteO’Sullivan Foundation TheMackintosh GrantHowell PeterSands JulietStevenson School,Camden SarahBrandis DuncanPage SirPhillipGreen Foundation StephenIllingworth SirPeterStothard Suggs LaSainteUnion TonyByrnes FionaRichards OliviaHarrison SirTorquilNormanCBE FredKaufmann SecondarySchool, NovaDonohoe GemmaRodway HenrySmithCharity Caspar&Jessica AndrewKing ComA P ny AssoCiAte Artists Camden GillEast CharlotteSimms HeritageLotteryFund Norman NickLevitsky seCretAry MarisaCarnesky MaidenLaneYouth WilFincher NicolaSimpson ICAP JesseNorman& DamianLyonsLowe Philip Watkins, LookLeftLookRight Centre JayFohim EllieSleeman TheIronmongers’ KateBingham DavidMansfield HoganLovells PlayingOn MaitlandParkYouth JackFranklin NadiaSyed Company Paul&SaraPhillips PaulMcGuinness MarkStoror Centre JamesHeaton JohnTyson TheJackPetchey ChrisSanderson& BaronessGenista r oundhouse MariaFidelisSecondary SaulHopwood SarahWheeler Foundation TheFutureLaboratory McIntosh youth Advisory eud CAtion & School,Camden CarolineHuffelmann MichelleYee-Chong LondonBoroughof PeterSands& RodMcLeod BoArd Community MusicandChange NasiruIbrahim Finance & ICT Camden BetsyTobin BriannaMills SarahAsiedu PArtners NationalYouthTheatre FaridehLappage AndrewBrooks LondonBoroughof Tom&MaryEllenWanty AfzalMohammad SelomAwadzi 115 PupilReferralUnit NewHorizonYouth HaleemaLatif LisaCarpendale Islington EricMolitor MichaelBurke AclandBurley Centre JohnMackinnon EwaDrzazga TheLowyMitchell legend BernadetteO’Sullivan ThiagoCorrea SecondarySchool, OneHousingGroup OlumideMafo AdrianHowe Foundation Simon Farr MikshuPatel KemiDurosinmi Camden ParliamentHill MickMcGee RathiKumar MACCosmetics DanielFriel PaulRayski DaveGamble BrecknockPrimary SecondarySchool, ThomasOgunbiyi AlbertNdarugendamo MarkLeonardTrust LianaGalassi RodneySchwartz FrankieGamble School,Camden Camden KarenPetersen TonyStevenson DeborahMeaden Heal’s AlanSharpe AishaJosiah CamdenConnexions PrimroseHillSecondary BenRanner SarahWhittaker MedicorFoundation JHARecruitment Mr.ChrisSmith RathiKumar Services School,Camden BismarkSarkodieh Liechtenstein LigneRosetUKLtd PeterandCaroleStyles Sei-KeeLau CamdenITeC QueensCrescentYouth SteveThompson Richard&Philippa JohnRuskin JohnTumbridge TyroneLewis CamdenYouthOffending Centre NatalieTucker Designby:Rose Mintz GerrardVeerman BethMburu Services QuintinKynaston BenVaughan Photosby:Jonathan MusiciansBenevolent Icn o DeniseVergot-Holle JudyNadel CapitalCityAcademy School,Camden IanWilliams Birch,WillPearson, Fund HelenCutt NigelWagstaff RajveerPander CardboardCitizens Rewrite Creative SeventhwaveImagery N.SethiaFoundation ICAP GrahamWalsh AmosSchonfield CastlehavenYouth StAugustinesSchool, TanyaAuclair NSPCC Russell&AmeliaIles PatrickWegner Centre CityofWestminster LucyAtkinson TheRoundhouse 1Click2Fame MarcLester DavidWilson d eveloPment CentralSchoolof StMaryleborneSchool, JosieBamford Trustregisteredoffice: John&PamelaOrmerod SolomonParker BoArd SpeechandDrama CityofWestminster LucyBramley 100aChalkFarmRoad, Simon&MidgePalley ShawCorporation Andwiththanksalsoto SimonBamber ChalcotSchoolforBoys StMaryMagdelenes HollyDabbs LondonNW18EH. Harold&NicolaPasha Lucy&JonathanSilver thosedonorswhoprefer BarryClare ChildrenSchoolsand School,Cityof SuzyDingle Acompanylimited ThePaulHamlyn RobertSoning toremainanonymous. MarcusDavey Families,London Westminster LaurieFirth byguarantee. Foundation SirPeterStothard LloydDorfmanCBE BoroughofCamden StMarysSchool,Barnet DavidGaydon Registeredin ThePretFoundationTrust Tim&NadineWaddell FraserDuffin CityofLondonAcademy SouthCamden BeaHankey EnglandandWales. PRGLightingLtd MaxineWadhwani MichaelEast CityUniversityLondon SecondarySchool SylviaHarrison Companynumber PRSforMusicFoundation NicolaWherity TonyElliott DepaulTrust StokeNewington LeilaJones 3572184. RachelCharitableTrust BrendanWlas SimonFarr DevonshireHillSchool, YouthCentre OliKluczewski Charitynumber TheRayneTrust AlbertFuss Haringey StonewallHousing JoMetcalf 1071487. looking back on a great year Lloyd Dorfman CBE, Chairman It has been a tremendous year for the One occasion that particularly stands out in Roundhouse, notwithstanding the my mind was the gala we held in November economic challenges it faced along with 2009. Young people presented a specially many other similar organisations. In this devised performance of their work, as a climate, I am very proud that during the prelude to the La Clique cabaret company. year we were able to continue to present The show was daring, moving and highly new work, provide greater numbers of entertaining, and the professionalism of the opportunities for young people, and reach young people was striking. My thanks to out to audiences beyond our walls through all those supporters who bought tickets for live broadcasts and online activities. the event, which raised over £200,000 to support our work with young people. Young people have continued to integrate themselves into the organisation. As After three years as Chairman of the well as two members of the Roundhouse Roundhouse Trust, I have decided to stand Youth Advisory Board sitting on the main down in summer 2010. I have very much Board of Directors, young people have enjoyed my time, particularly working with been active contributors to committees, such a committed board of trustees. Marcus interview panels for key staff positions, Davey has provided me with endless support and consultation sessions around potential and insights, and I have been truly delighted development of the Roundhouse site. with the strong working relationship we The Roundhouse would not be the place enjoyed throughout my Chairmanship. it is, nor the success it is, without their A huge thank you to all our funders and involvement at its core. supporters, to the Board, Marcus and all the staff at the Roundhouse, without The year saw an explosion of new artistic whom none of this work could happen. The companies providing 11–25 year olds Roundhouse is truly an amazing place, and it with invaluable opportunities to create, has been my privilege to be associated with perform, produce and present new work it. I wish the Roundhouse, and everybody – including the Music Collective guided involved, every possible continued success. by Pink Floyd’s Nick Mason, Jazzphonica, the Roundhouse Choir, the Experimental Choir and the Circus Company. Whenever I see them perform I never fail to be impressed by the quality of their work, energy and maturity. Lloyd Dorfman CBE looking ahead Marcus Davey, Chief Executive & Artistic Director our main objectives commissioning challenges ahead Finally, I’d like to pay special tribute to during this period new work
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