■ ■ ■ U K S f g s w p i REj££ .T< rr^T?. > <-'*V P a n 10 Wad. April 10,1987 B it 7 r. Challenge ForiT Dr Eirs ONLY 3 BIG DAYS LEFT ’M nl W EUZAKTHTHSEIFERT. SEIFEKT. (■' , I .'ESttzxassi I WOODKfflRT'SHa k ■ ■ i b s i j i — ______ . a b Ins put Into prafsaslnw*l ssrvtea, (too if they Mm But doatora with p r e p a r equipment—end from only flour suburbs wtt ; Udpata. M oon rak tonight about tokh_ comm unities—but I argue that to • rather ft*." ah* got it tea Mg wta rear rata Mo Btmday gat-togeth- Mtuatfcw hi the dty—with people w U M h ga Wot aw at* |o mho tha drive, aut the 1 tha doctors, too, Bvtag loo INVENTORY aurtalna. n t mlas far away fro * tha canter, ft hJrTaS my turn at the switch­ would bo bettor to tet th* i board. But t a l l am about It, ora part of tho Comity tMhi John.” • No own orator.” White Wee at* thought bash Bar bawd illtad alertly. A over tha Mg protect slowly radar- af light owapt icrow tha window taken and slowly developed by a to ooid tonight" m ; ah*#i got up ewtfUy and group of earnest doctors, John "What wa garaga . _ Blandln finished hi* muck, and off, and oat thoughtful, eoootder- thaw walkad to tha aid* door. took out his pip*. Ing all that bad bara said that John’* amUa waa both glad to "Tha makeshift served Ms pur- night nt tha meeting which h* oaa bar, and raprovtng that aba , * * , " he agreed. Hla brown aye* hod atticdido aboold bo waiting. T i l taka to glinted. “The fun ws had bound *T«D It your own way," Hsten meat Maying out all night,** bo thraat* together; our (trained conceded, with a railte tucking In onad ao ha klaoad bar. hacks and skinned knuckles make tha oorners of bar mouth. **1 wantad to hear up n Mg Investment After a time Ha relit hla pip*. “In the past meating.” about twenty jreara- year, Helen.” ha said quietly, "tn "Thai'* good, baeau would have developed tha thing my private practice I saved aavra anything raa going to talk about Into what era wanted It to be. cases of eaneor through early an­ It1 But—" Hle soft vole# broke with amination and teats. How many ■ha turned to look at him. Aa eagerness, “there’s work that could 1 have saved If a wall- A ha hung hlo trench coat la the should be don* sow, Helen! We operating screening clinic hod va\ues ball aloaat, tho bright orarbaad need this thing now! We need It been available In the community? Ight *bou* dawn upon hlo oroot right out hers In the County— Fourteen ? Bursty, fourteen. And ONLY U. S. CHOICE & U. S. PRIME MEATS I af brawn hair and tftrow a gro- re growing ao fast out her thirty-five, possibly. Bo ft te •• laoqua ahadow ad hlo pi pa-In* the suburbs, what with our shop­ worth doing, Helen 1** mouth profile against on* walL ping centers and our housing de­ "Of course, darling." Her pen­ FROM HEAVY WESTERN BEEF Thar* waa, deflnltaly, an air of velopments. Well, I don't need to cil point aroaaed out the mast repressed excitement about Dr. argue the thing to you. You’ve loaf, wrote plaits ham la Its John Blandln. been sold on the Idea for as long *TU gat soma milk.** ah* said, as I have—and. that’s over three "It’s worth," John was saying, | in ln | him. years." "anything It would scat! Tv* Ot­ V. S. CHOICE U. S. CHOICE •Wi should go to bad.1 H* got to hla feet and paced ways known that." Ha puffed Bh* araa already in the kitchen, around tha room, a alight man amok* about hla head. "Even U Heavy Western setting things upon a tray. When with a tens* face, and clever It bad taken twenty years to de­ aha returned to the living room, hands. Hla vole* trembled with velop. W* need just aueh a ellnlc Boneless out here In tho County. Our only 2 lbs. John was slanted Into his artn- amotion. ahair, and ha lilted aw eyebrow , “It must be aa wonderful to hoapital out hero te tho County Hoe pi Lai, which te not set up to ROUND H> A Q ( ruefully. **Tou spoil mo—even to you ao to me, Helen, to hare fresh brownies." twenty years suddenly telescoped function aa a screening clinic and When he bad finished a third Into a few montha" He came to which la bound to b* Influenced of tha milk and two brownies, tha table and leaned toward her. by politics." Helen slapped her bands flat upon "W e’d have made It In time," be “lUddlcd," raid Helen, writing tha nibbed wood of the table In assured her. “ But now—" lemon pie far Saturday night’s » ■ front of her. ‘‘Now,** aha said, "Will It take to the whole dessert. “you may tell mat” County 7" ah* asked. That would "No," aald John consideringly. STEAK07 Ha grinned at bar. **Tou know be a radical change In plan. "At least nothing of the sort has I'm excited T" "No, darling. Our pros pec aver bean proven. And just be­ “John . tua—" Ills upper Up fluttered cause wa don’t like Wilkins- “It la exciting,’* ha broke In. upon hla pipe stem. The word Smith . ." J. S. CHOICE “ You see we’re going to have had been a joke for so long. "Our "I’d Ilka him better If ha wars fate. ' screening ellnlc." proa pectus,” be said more firmly, called just Smith." SIRLOIN x a ( j ? s#o2?f#/rr the waited, her Mn* "la not to be changed. We'll terve Helen turned her sheet of paper Heavy Hala leaned toward her.t "Hon­ the four towns aa originally over, and wrote lemon pis again estly, Helen I Now. Right away. planned. Burbank, Shrewsbury, for tha and of tho month. "Oo Western Complete. No patch**, no make­ Folsom and Landed owne. Of on," aha urged. "I shouldn’t have shifts." course there wUl be no gcographl digressed." STEAK lb. 79 “Not at the school r* cal Umlt act upon patients—upon (T o Bo Oontimtod) 6 W I to Wash, ReprtaUd hr permission at the pub!I Dodd. Mead A Ob., tea Lykes Palm River Ga. Grade A, D&D Diatrlbutad or Kins Taetur,* Brndleal*. ltf-2'/«lb. Arg. BACON Whole Plaintiffs, and MART A. MACDONALD, hit I FRYERS c u t -u p Legal Notice wlf* If alive, and If d*ad. th* re-1 AARON CLOUD al sl. apwtlv* uaknnwn hairs, dsvlassa C A & Defendants. 1. t*l**> and srant**a of Ih* aald IS CIRCUIT COURT, SIXTH STATU OF FLORIDA TO: AAflON J A. MACDONALD and MART TAI. CIRCUIT IK AXII rnR CLOUD If allva his unknwn spoil** A MACDONALD. Ms w I f a; SBMixnt.n rouNTr, F l o r id a . If married, and If dead th reapsc- I'llAKLKH OOOnLOW KVANH, at- IR CIIAXCKRV KII. IU « llva unknown heirs, devises lean, SB known aa C. O. KVANN ds- ib. 4 9 * KOTIL'K o r SUIT lees and Brants** of th* raid AA­ reiM.1, and Ih* r*sp*etlvs unknown] w JOU BK.VROM I1AKKR and RON CUR'D; J. A. MACDONALD hairs, d«v|a,,s. Daa***s and *rant> 79 JRAN rrNHAL UAKEH his wife. 89c All Of Our Meats Are Guaranteed n ARMOUR'S COMPLETELY MARIGOLD PROGRAMMED! OLEO THERE'S NO SHORT-CUT VARIETY.. 39 PUBLIC SERVICE... Munnelman* REAL COMPLETE NEWS REPORTS.. INCLUDING FROZEN SPECIALS * what TIME AND WEATHER APPLE Shurflne Frozen Orange A BVY! VALUES Kountjr Hist JUICE i SET YOUR RADIO DIAL AT 1400 JUICE Cans7 99g g g g . Four Fishermen T H A T ’S qt-25 2 i*rn29t Lykes Corned Beef Hl-Ho *£• Crackers j / ( SS,s2~59‘ Hash .* AA WTRR * io Dixiana ^ or. Mixed £ Pb»r*. icz $1 «oo YOUR FULL TIME...HOME TOWN STATION E-Z VEGETABLES Swnnsdown White-Yellow-Choe. SANFORD ,FLORIDA STARCH 29’ Morton’s or Swanxon’s ct 2 59. CENTRAL FLORIDA'S FRIENDLY STATION Chicken W H A T Turkey POT 3 SOLARINE (Reg. 29c PL) Vasol. 41( A P R I C E ! Floor J * ) Q , Beef P|ES F°r 6 9 Wax iCT, Swanson’s Haddock c We Give SAV-MOR Coupons NO SHORT-CU1 T. V. Dinner 6 9 i r FOR COMPLETELY Morton’s Macaroni PROGRAMMED OPERATION —and— PIE £ 3 9 1 F00DMART Cheese PARK AVE. AT 25th ST, f # w"Y — -ra b ■ ---- - — i - ~ ----- - p wM . • ■wit: • • *■v* .» *7. 4 Shop and Save If Tour Can In Sanford For Deftrrrjr RD, FLORIDA, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1957, Potto* Canal Called State Most Essential Minor Opposition Heard Only minor apportion to the A PART OP THE MAYFAIR INN AUDIENCE atteadlmg tki hearing yesterday tailed hy the Army Sanford-TItuivilla Canal proposal Corpa of Engineers m th« feasibility of tha Sanford-TItuevlIIe Carnal. Mora than 20* attended. (Staff Photo) cropped up yesterday during the final hours of the hearing con­ ducted at tha M ayfair Inn. Col. E . E. Kirkpatrick called on those oppoelng the new water­ Hearing Called On Bill way during tha afternoon session which waa adjourned at 4:15 p, a . Judge Ernest Housholder re­ To Create Department presented both tht Board of Semi­ nole County Commissioners and the Seminole County Chambs.* of Commerce before the Army Corps of Engineers and its Staff.
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