contents Who we are 3 Message by the Chairman 5 Managing Board 9 Supervisory Council 21 Advisory Council 23 Members 31 Commi ees 43 Branches 59 Regions 73 Sectors 89 Events 107 THE VOICE OF BULGARIAN BUSINESS 1 KRIB HAS THE AIM TO BE MOST WIDELY REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE BULGARIAN ECONOMY krib KRIB IS “THE VOICE OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS” THAT: produces three quarters of the country’s GDP provides jobs to over 800 000 people unites over 11 000 companies, which are members through individual or collec ve membership, among them the biggest companies in Bulgaria accounts for more than three quarters of the exports of Bulgaria. KRIB HAS A MISSION: to raise the compe veness of the Bulgarian economy and the companies opera ng in Bulgaria to be most eff ec ve in the process of improving the business climate in the country to assist its members in sharing best business prac ces, benefi ng from the EU membership, going regional and global to encourage the corporate social responsibili best prac ces of its members. KRIB IS AN ACTIVE PARTNER IN THE SOCIAL DIALOGUE: has representa ves in the social dialog on na onal, sectoral, regional and European level presents opinions on dra laws in the Bulgarian Parliament is a member of the Na onal Council for Tripar te Coopera on and its commissions its Chairman is Depu -Chairman of the Na onal Council for Tripar te Coopera on. KRIB HAS STRONG REGIONAL AND BRANCH STRUCTURES: operates 113 regional representa ons all over the country unites 65 branch organiza ons in all economic sectors THE VOICE OF BULGARIAN BUSINESS has 10 intersectoral commi ees that coordinate the interests of its members. THE VOICE OF BULGARIAN BUSINESS KRIB HAS ADOPTED MEASURES AGAINST THE ECONOMIC CRISIS: helps its members to cope with the global fi nancial and economic crisis introduced to the a en on of the government a complete platform for mi ga ng and overcoming of the economic crisis as well as a package of measures to boost the “law abiding” economy designed a socio-economic platform and a vision for the development of Bulgaria within the present elec on cycle “Project 2018: Allied in the Crisis, Strong in the Success!”. 3 KRIB HAS THE AIM TO BE MOST WIDELY krib REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE BULGARIAN ECONOMY KRIB WORKS WITH THE EUROPEAN FUNDS: assists the business to work eff ec vely with the European funds par cipates with own representa ves in the Monitoring commi ees of all Opera ve programs. KRIB FORMULATES POLICIES FOR THE LABOUR MARKET: dra s par cular policies for overcoming the lack of qualifi ed labour force and crea ng condi ons for a developed, fl exible, deregulated labour market prepares together with the World Bank and the Ministry of Labour analyses and recom- menda ons for increasing the employment, boos ng fl exsecuri of the labour market and the quali of human resources. KRIB COURT OF ARBITRATION: is eff ec ve and reliable alterna ve in the resolu on of commercial disputes provides the opportuni to resolve disputes outside the system of the state courts, which ensures equali of the par es, as well as promptness, effi ciency and predictabili . KRIB ACTS INTERNATIONALLY: member of the Interna onal Chamber of Commerce (ICC) as a founder of the Bulgarian Na onal Commi ee of ICC supports the Bulgarian business abroad. KRIB INCORPORATES FOREIGN BUSINESSES: collec ve members of KRIB are bilateral chambers such as the German-Bulgarian Industrial Chamber (DBIHK), the Bulgarian Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Confi ndustria Bulgaria, the Italian Chamber of Commerce, etc. main partner of the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria and the Bri sh-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce partnership with the Interna onal Financial Corpora on – IFC, of the World Bank Group, and the European Bank for Reconstruc on and Development. THE VOICE OF BULGARIAN BUSINESS KRIB IS A DEMOCRATICALLY MANAGED UNITY WITH: rota on of the Managing Board members (about a quarter of the Board rotates annually) mandate limit of 2+2 years decentraliza on on a branch/sectoral and regional principle. KRIB WINS, BECAUSE IT IS: poli cally and fi nancially independent supported only by the membership fee of its members managed and controlled solely by its members. 4 MЕSSAGE BY THE chairman LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Allow me at the outset as a newly We realize that the vast responsibili es elected Chairman of the Confedera on of that democracy lays with the politicians the Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria call for sharing those responsibili es with to congratulate you - the companies, the business as the main driving force of members of KRIB, and all the readers of Bulgaria’s economic development. this representa ve Almanac. I have taken Within the Na onal Council for Tripar te up the challenge with fi rm belief that under Coopera on, KRIB will con nue to par cipate my chairmanship KRIB will be not only the actively in the policy dialogue with the biggest and the strongest organisa on of Government and trade unions and will con nue large and medium-sized enterprises in the to contribute to designing, implemen ng and country but it will become the leader in the communica ng the structural reforms. We Bulgarian business communi , comprising expect the Government to speed up the thus also the small and medium sized reforms and step up fi ght against fraud, economic operators in Bulgaria. This is how corrup on and organized crime. Any delay or we will become the authen c Voice of the failure to implement reforms will eventually Bulgarian business. result in serious discontent and severe KRIB unites over 11 000 economic cri cism on the part of the business. operators, 65 branch organiza ons and 113 In general, we demand first of all rule regional representa ons all over the country, of law, financial stability and successful producing more than 3/4 of the GDP of completion of the reforms in the judiciary, Bulgaria and maintaining over 800 000 jobs. education, health, labor market, functioning The main goal of KRIB is to protect the electronic services and institutions. We interests of the employers and to voice their believe that strengthening the fight against posi ons in the socie . corruption and fraud would contribute to KRIB is well-structured, recognized the social and economic stability. KRIB will and valuable brand and we will con nue continue to work for the implementation to consolidate its leading posi on in the of these reforms, will support policies that THE VOICE OF BULGARIAN BUSINESS Bulgarian socie as well. The Confedera on will create the conditions for improving operates, through the abili es and energy the business climate, enhancing the of its members, for the further growth of competitiveness of companies, sustainable the economy of Bulgaria so that it could growth and job creation. KRIB hopes that meet the needs and the expecta ons of the by their actions the new government will Bulgarian ci zens. We are convinced that be able to achieve better cooperation and we off er solu ons that combine in the best consensus among the main political forces possible way the corporate interests of our as well as to generate public support for the members with the na onal interests of the implementation of the necessary reforms. Bulgarian socie . KRIB will work hard in this direction, 5 chairman’s MЕSSAGE because the effective cooperation between Our long-term priori es, according to business, government and civil society is a the members of KRIB, are the following: prerequisite for the growth in productivity promo on and encouragement of exports and in competitiveness. as the engine of growth; star ng explora on and consecu ve produc on of gas and crude We have asked our members in a detailed oil from local sources; ac va ng the Bulgarian questionnaire to determine the short, par cipa on in major European research and middle and long-term priori es of KRIB. innova on projects. The prevailing majori of the companies – members of KRIB consider as short-term KRIB is aware that if we are united in the priori es: crisis we will be strong in our success. In the last several years the members of KRIB have preserving the present level of direct increased their business in terms of goods and taxa on; services off ered, and we would like to help the equalization of the social security whole of the economy to do the same. We payments between employer – worker down have shared our experience and our resources to the ra o of 50:50 as s pulated by the law; to increase public wealth. In our platform “Project 2018: Allied in the Crisis, Strong in the pension reform that will last for the Success!” KRIB outlined and demanded from the next 25-30 years; Government of Bulgaria concrete ac on that would help the country to increase its wealth. reduction of red tape including optimisation the size of the public In this respect I am looking forward administra on. to work together with you all during my mandate as a Chairman of KRIB. KRIB middle-term priorities, as defined by our members, include: accelerated start of reforms in education and health, and opening of these sectors to the private business; accelerated introduction of e- Kiril Domuschiev government as an instrument to combat Chairman of the Board corruption. THE VOICE OF BULGARIAN BUSINESS February, 2015 6 MANAGING board KIRIL DOMUSCHIEV Chairman of KRIB Executive Director of Huvepharma JSC Mr. Domuschiev holds top posi ons in many companies such as: • Major shareholder and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Naviga on Mari me Bulgare JSC ; • CEO of Huvepharma JSC • Co-founder and co-shareholder in Advance Proper es group of companies • Member of the Board of Directors of Huvepharma N.V., Belgium; • Member of the Board of Directors of Huvepharma Inc., USA; • Member of the Board of Directors of Huvepharma Holdings B.V.; • Member of the Board of Directors of Huvepharma Interna onal B.V.; • Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Biovet PLC.
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