The Camden Higher Education and Healthcare Task Force Economic Impact Report Fall 2015 n the past five years, Camden’s renaissance has been engines and catalysts for change. In 2014, total economic moving at a rapid pace. Major development projects, new impact has exceeded $2 billion. They are Camden’s largest businesses and improved infrastructure are paving the way employer, maintain real estate, purchase vast quantities of for permanent, positive change. As anchor institutions, goods and services, attract investment through capital Camden’s educational and medical organizations are projects and research activities and provide local citizens important drivers at the front of this revitalization and access to other opportunities for growth. serve as magnets for other businesses and industries to Since 2002, when Camden’s anchor instituUtinoinvse rbseigtayn of relocate to the city. wMoerdkicininge c aonlledc Dtievneltyis tthrryo oufg Nhe twhe J eCrasmey den Higher Education I Be“yEodnsd afunlfdill iMnge tdhse iar res hpecrteiv ae tm wisosirokn,s p toa vedinucga te aRnodw Hanea Ultnhicvaerres Titays/kR Fuotrgceer, so-Cmaem cdhean gBeosa inrd t hoef Ggroovuepr’ns ors and thheea l,w Camy dfoenr’ st h“Eed Cs iatnyd oMf eCdsa”m ardee pnro tvoe nb ecoonmome ic compositCioono hpaevre M ocecduircraeld S. cThhoeo slt aotfe Rwoidwea rne oUrngaivneizrastiitoy n of higher education led to the dissolution of the CAMcare, a world-class research hub and magnet Camden County College, Cooper Univaenrds tihtye cHreatlitohn Coaf trhee , for knowledge-based industries.” Lourdes Health System, Rowan University, Rutgers- . ICna 2m0d1e2n , Virtua — Rep. Donald Norcross (NJ-1) was founded. These two new entities have joined and in this collaborative. This report, which includes comparative data from Lourdes Health System / Our Lady of Lourdes CAMcare: A Federally Qualified Health Center that has 2010 to 2014, details the mMoedsitc arl eCcenetnert: Acno alcluetce-tciavre heocspoitnalo amnd ic, been providing high-quality comprehensive primary educational and health impreagicotn aol rne fethrrael cCeintteyr ocofm Cmaittmedd toe pnro. moting healthcare at four Camden locations for 30 years. healthy communities and ensuring access to all. Camden County College: A comprehensive public Rowan University/Rutgers-Camden Board of Governors: A community college that prepares students for success at collaborative that aims to leverage educational and research three locations, including its growing Camden campus. assets to support growth in the region's healthcare capacity. Rowan University: A public research university Cooper Medical School of Rowan University: offering undergraduate, graduate and professional An MD-granting medical school with an degree programs in Camden. innovative curriculum focused on educating highly skilled and socially conscious physician leaders who value a patient-centered, team Rutgers University-Camden: A research university with an approach to healthcare. international reputation for teaching, research and service and a vibrant 40-acre campus in the heart of downtown Camden. Cooper University Health Care: A leading provider of comprehensive health services, medical Virtua Camden: A comprehensive outpatient center serving education and clinical research that has made Camden 24/7, with a variety of healthcare services, including Camden its home for over 125 years. urgent care, as well as education and social services. Economic Impact Spending In 2014, the total economic impact of the Task Force was $26,879, the average pay for Camden residents employed members exceeded $1.6 billion, an increase of over a half- by one of the Eds or Meds was $32,437 for full-time workers billion dollars from 2010. Additionally, between the years and $14,000 for part-time workers. Eds and Meds Total Budget Expenditures 20C1o1o-p2e0r1 M3 Teadsikca Flo Srche omoel mofb Rerosw caonm Uplneitveedr osirt sy tarted These wages are spent on food, housing, products and construction on a number of major capital projects. The servic20e0s0 in the city, supporting the essential cycle necessary cumulative value of these investments is more than $430 for a diverse and resilient econom$1,617,556,y. 689 MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper Capital million. These projects include: 1500 $76,550,101 Expenditures ) $ ( • $1,117,188,621 s Rutgers-Camden Dormitory n Other o Opened 2012, $140 million i l 1000 $69,440,130 Expenditures l i $763,235,825 M • n ORupetgneerds 2-C0a1m3,d $e1n0 0N murislliinogn and Science Building I $517,163,936 500 Wage • Expenditures OKpIPePn-eCdo 2o0p1e2r, N$5o5r cmroilsliso An cademy at Lanning Square $564,936,064 $797,167,410 0 2014 • 2010 GRroowuannd bCraemakdineng 2C0a1m4p, $u6s2 U.5n mdeilrlgiorn aduate Building All numbers converted to constant 2014 dollars. Expansion Total economic impact up from $1.1 billion to $1.6 billion. • GRruotugnedrsb-rCeaamkidnge n2 0W1r4i,t $e4r1s Hmoilulisoe n Total Employee Count • Rutgers-Camden Alumni House Start 2013, $22.6 million 13000 12,060 Total Employees • 10400 9,674 Start 2014, $4.25 million 4,115 Part-time 7800 7,224 3,099 Employees P• ayroll 1,748 Start 2014, $3.5 million 5200 When combined with the spending in 2014, the total 2600 Full-time Employees impact grows to more than $2 billion. 5,476 6,575 7,945 0 2001 2010 2014 From 2010 to 2014 the total payroll at these organizations grew from approximately $565 million to $797 million, an in - Ecrmeapsel oofy 4m1 epnert cent. Employment by Job Sector for Camden, In 2014, while the average income for all Camden workers New Jersey and Nearby Cities 10.4% 4.5% 17.8% 16.8% 14.9% 23.6% 46% 13.4% Colleges and universities and healthcare institutions 36.2% 74.7% 71.9% 69.8% continue to be the city’s largest employers, providing a wide range of opportunities and new job growth. While the total overall number of jobs in Camden is down from 33,951 Camden New Jers ey Trenton Newark in 2010 to 29,962 in 2014, the number of jobs at Task Force Health/Social Other institutions grew almost 25 percent from 2010 to 2014 Education Healthcare and (9,674 employees to 12,060). Education Combined Source: U .S. Census Bureau, LEHD 2013 da ta. In fact, approximately 40 percent of all Camden jobs are provided by the city’s Eds and Meds. And, when private medicaEl mprpalcotyicmese nant da ta t vhaer iEedtys oafn hde Maltehd asn Idn esdtiutuctaitoionns al social Totseravli Camdence agenc Jobsies a re added to Totthea ml Camdenix, more Jobs than Held by 55 percent o(2f9 t,h96e2 j) obs in Camden are Camdenin the h eResidentsalthcare a(4,170)nd Eds and Meds educational sector, up from 43 percent in 2010. This Eds and Meds Jobs (12,060) exceeds comparable cities in the state as well as the state Other 26% Jobs Held Camden 40% by Camden average (25 percent). Jobs Other Camden R esidents Further analysis of the job growth at Task Force 60% Jobs Held 74% (17,902) (1,070) institutions shows that part-time employment saw by Camden R esidents (3,100) nearly a 33 percent increase, while full-time employment increased more than 20 percent. Of the 12,060 people Source: U.S. Census Bureau, LEHD 2013 data. employed by Task Force members, nine percent were Camden residents. This represents a 7 percent increase in the number of jobs held by Camden residents at Task Force institutions since 2011, surpassing the previous 4 percent increase in the last reporting period. Healthcare Healthcare Stats at a Glance 150,000 146K Non-Residents 123K K Camden Residents 1 120,000 . 5 5 K 2 99K . Healthcare continues to be a thriving sector in the region. 6 91K 4 In addition to serving the needs of Camden residents, the wide 90,000 range of tertiary services and advanced care offered at K 5 . K 2 9 . 5 Camden’s healthcare institutions draws patients to the city 7 4 from a broad geographical area. In 2014, Camden’s acute care 60,000 K 2 healthcare institutions (Cooper, Lourdes and Virtua) had more . K 1 42K 42K 8 9 . than 251,000 inpatient and emergency department visits 6 7 K K 1 6 K . K . 30,000 1 0 5 9 combined. In total, Camden residents represent 41 percent . 3 2 6 3 4 of all inpatient and emergency department visits at member 4 institution facilities located in Camden and suburban locations 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 combined. Between 2010 –2014 all patients served at Camden- 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 based facilities and Camden residents treated at a regional 4 sites grew 8 percent, while the number of ED visits grew 19 Unique Patients Emergency Dept. Vi sits Inpatient Visits percent and inpatient visits remained constant at 42,000. *All patients served at Ca m den-based f acilities an d Camd en resi de nts at regional sites. Collaboration among the healthcare institutions has been a key priority as a means to reduce emergency department usage and improve access to primary care. The Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers is a citywide consortium of over 25 hospitals, primary care providers and community Eordguancizaattiionns working together to deliver better health care Lourdes and Virtua all have representatives serving on the to the most vulnerable citizens in Camden. CAMCare, Cooper, coa“lOitiuonr’ sc ibtoya’sr de adnudc artei olenaadle rasn ind t mhise edfifcoartl. institutions have not only played a large role in the physical redevelopment of Camden but contributed to the The educational landscape in Camden continues to grow and overall revitalization of the city.” evolve.
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