Planning Committee 20/06/2018 Schedule Item No. 01 Ref: 174485FUL Address: Hanger Lane Gyratory, Hanger Lane W5 1DL Ward: Hanger Lane Proposal: Demolition of existing structure and construction of a part 7, 9 and 13 storey building with double basement for use as student accommodation (use class sui generis) comprising up to 565 bedrooms, ancillary student facilities including study areas and education facilities, amenity roof terrace, cycle parking, plant, access and servicing, landscaping and public realm, and basement/ground floor retail/café/restaurant (class A1/A3) and gymnasium (class D2) commercial units. Drawing numbers: For full list of plans/supporting documents see condition 2. Type of Application: Full Application - Major Application Received: 05/09/2017 Revised February - June 2018 Report by: Steve Austin Recommendation: Grant planning permission subject to: 1. Stage II referral to the Mayor of London; 2. Section 106 Agreement; and 3. Planning Conditions of Consent. Executive Summary: This is a detailed planning application for development of land inside the Hanger Lane Gyratory North of Hanger Lane Undergound Station and Undergound railway lines. The Application Site is currently occupied by a single storey storage building and hard standing. Part of the Site is designated ‘Green Corridor` and SINC. Part of the Site is also subject to HS2 safeguarding. The site is in an accessible location with a PTAL 4/5 rating ‘Good’. The surrounding area contains a mix of land uses including residential, retail and commercial uses. Hanger Lane Underground Station is locally listed and there are two conservation areas nearby to the South/ West. The proposal is for student accommodation with ancillary teaching and commercial uses. 1 of 77 Planning Committee 20/06/2018 Item No. 01 Pre-application discussions have taken place with LBE and GLA Officers and other stakeholders and the Applicant has engaged with the local community. The proposal is referrable to the Mayor of London and the GLA Stage 1 report has been issued. If the Council is minded to approve, the Application will be referred back to the Mayor. The main aspects of the scheme include: Construction of a building comprising two 9 storey elements and a 13 storey element linked by two 7 storey elements with double basement for use as student accommodation (up to 565 bedrooms); Provision of ancillary student facilities including study areas and education facilities, roof terrace, cycle parking, plant, and basement/ground floor retail/café/restaurant (class A1/A3) and gymnasium (class D2); the commercial uses would be open to the general public; New vehicular access on West side of gyratory serving a single on-site service lay-by only; Off-site service/ delivery consolidation site/ premises (unspecified); Off-site disabled parking (6 spaces); New/ replacement public realm, landscaping and trees (on and off-site); Enhanced pedestrian/ cycle access (including improvements to existing subways); Provision of affordable student accommodation on-site and contribution for off-site accommodation via S.106; A raft of S.106 measures and contributions to mitigate the impact of the development. The key determining issues in this case are: Principle of development and the appropriateness of the proposed use of the site as student accommodation; Affordability /viability; Accommodation standards and quality; Design including scale, height, form, siting and appearance; Environmental protection (Noise/ Air quality); Energy and sustainability; Transport in particular access and servicing, and accessibility; Green Corridor; nature conservation and trees and landscaping; Impact on heritage assets; and Planning obligations and the Mayor’s Community Infrastructure Levy. Principle of development/ land use This is an unusual site located in the centre of the A40 Gyratory system to which vehicular access is necessarily constrained. The site is in a highly accessible location and a car-free development as proposed would be appropriate subject to the transport mitigation measures in the S.106 agreement to secure significant improvements to the pedestrian/ cycle infrastructure/ environement; acceptable servicing/ delivery arrangements and student drop off/ collection. The proposal would make beneficial use of a long-standing largely vacant brownfield site and make a significant contribution to student housing provision in the borough/ London for which there is a demonstrable demand; in line with policy. 2 of 77 Planning Committee 20/06/2018 Item No. 01 Design including scale, form, siting and appearance The form/ scale/ height of the proposed development would not be out of place in the local context. It would largely `stand alone` being in the centre of the gyratory whilst providing an appropriate transition between the lower rise buildings to the East, and 8 storey buildings to the West .The architecture and materials are considered high quality and would result in an attractive development for this prominent Site within the A40 gyratory. The character and appearance of the area would change but it is not considered this would result in any harm. Accommodation standards/ quality The development would provide a mix of student units all of which would provide a satisfactory living environment with adequate natural daylighting outlook and privacy. Revisions to the layout of the student bedrooms and reconfigured teaching space facilities have been made to acceptably address initial design concerns. Identification of wheelchair accessible units would be secured be condition. Amenity space provision would meet London Plan standards. In addition there would be an appropriate S.106 contribution towards public open space. Affordable accommodation/ Viability Following detailed consideration it is considered that securing 50% of rooms for students at any of the named institutions would be acceptable, in tandem with a clause requiring 10% affordable bedrooms and a contribution towards off-site affordable accommodation. The remainder of the rooms would also be for residence by students only. Environmental Protection The site is exposed to noise and air pollution from traffic along the A40 and NCR and the railway. The design seeks to minimise the adverse environmental impacts and appropriate conditions are included to ensure an acceptable internal living environment would be achieved. A S106 contribution is also included towards the Councils AQMP. Energy/ Sustainability The proposal would meet high standards of sustainable design and construction. The proposed buildings would be energy-efficient and incorporate sustainable systems, in compliance with relevant policies. The Applicant has provided further information and revisions to the energy strategy in response to intial concerns. The evidence shows the scheme would meet the required carbon emissions target (35% onsite) although there is S.106 provision for carbon offset payments in the event that the target is not achieved. Energy monitoring and other nergy/ sustainability standards are secured in the S.106 and conditions. Neighbour Impact This is a relatively isolated Site in the centre of the gyratory well separated from surrounding buildings/ sites to avoid any adverse impacts in terms of overshadowing/ overlooking, noise, or disturbance. The proposal is considered a `stand-alone` development. Whilst it would change the character/appearance of the area it is considered high quality architecture. The visual impact is considered acceptable and would not harm the character or visual amenity of the area or outlook for neighbours. Impact on Heritage Assets The proposal is not considerd to have a material impact on nearby heritage assets (Locally listed Hanger Lane Underground Station or nearby Conservation Areas). 3 of 77 Planning Committee 20/06/2018 Item No. 01 Transport Proposal for the Site have been subject to lengthy pre-application discussions and a car-free development has been accepted as being appropriate given the context and the nature of the proposed uses. The `limited` vehicular access from the West side of the Gyratory is acceptable to TfL. Alternative access options have been explored but discounted on highway safety grounds. The development would generate relatively little road traffic and thereby would have a negligible impact on the highway network; subject to the transport mitigation measures agreed and set out in the report. Cycle parking would meet London Plan standards. Importantly, servicing/ delivery arrangements and student arrivals/ departures would be strictly controlled and managed to mitigate any adverse highways impact – these matters are covered by conditions. Green Corridor/ SNIC The Site is of low ecological value and the proposals include significant new/ replacement landscaping and tree planting (and biodiverse measures) to mitigate the impact of the development on the SNIC/ Green Corridor. Details of tree planting and landscaping are secured by condition. A contribution towards additional tree planting on land adjacent within the gyratory is also secured in the S.106. Objections Objections have been received from a number of local residents, WARA and the Ealing Civic Society, and Brunswick CAP. A Petition of Objection was also received prior to the submission of the application in res[pect to a pre- application proposal for a 20-29 storey development. The main objections concern traffic/delivery/ servicing implications and potential overspill parking on surrounding roads resulting form student drop
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