Journal-Front_final 2/7/07 5:41 PM Page 69 Engineering Emerges ulation by about 15 percent, raising class Concluding work begun last spring, the size from 1,300 to 1,500; a committee is Faculty of Arts and Sciences on Decem- studying the idea this semester, as Yale ber 12 approved the renaming of the Divi- Brevia pursues a $3-billion capital campaign. sion of Engineering and Applied Sci- Among smaller research universities, ences, recognizing it as a separate School Rice is scaling up enrollment about 30 of Engineering and Applied percent, and the University Sciences (see “Quantum of Rochester is planning Leap for Engineering,” July- a one-quarter increase, August 2006, page 63). The according to Inside Higher school, with greater visibil- Education. ity, expects to be better able to recruit faculty and at- Genetic Gains tract students. It will ad- The Broad Institute of Har- minister and finance itself, vard and MIT (see “Bigger while still conducting ad- Biology,” January-February, missions through the Col- page 72) has received a lege and the Graduate $200-million grant from the School of Arts and Sciences. National Human Genome The Corporation and Board Research Institute to exam- of Overseers approved the ine links between cancer change in early February. and genetics; other grants were made to Washington Sudan Stockholdings University School of Med- In April 2005, responding to icine and Baylor College concerns about support for of Medicine. Separately, the government of Sudan Strong professor of infec- during the war in Darfur, tious disease Dyann F. the Corporation instructed Harvard AN EYE ON IMMIGRATION. Harvard Wirth, of the Harvard Management Company to divest shares University Library’s Open Collections School of Public Health, Program has created “Immigration to the of PetroChina, whose a∞liated company United States, 1789-1930,” a Web-based completed mapping ge- is a close partner of the Sudanese govern- set of 1,800 books and pamphlets, 6,000 netic diversity in Plasmod- ment. That action, and subsequent di- photographs, 200 maps, and 13,000 pages ium falciparum, the most of manuscript and archival material. Draw- vestiture from Sinopec, set o≠ a national ing on published works as well as private deadly of the four human wave of academic institutions’ decisions malaria parasites. The ones, such as diaries, the collection makes EMILY BERL/HARVARD NEWS OFFICE not to invest in companies doing busi- visually rich material on immigration, espe- work, done through the Dyann F. ness in Sudan. In January, however, Crim- cially during the nineteenth century, avail- Broad Institute, is ex- Wirth able worldwide. Among the images is this son reporters Daniel J. Hemel and Paras circa 1903 print of New York City arrivals pected to have immediate application in D. Bhayani revealed that University in- writing a first letter home. The site also detecting the emergence and spread of vestments in two funds managed by Bar- links users to other digital resources. See drug resistance. clays include stakes worth as much as http://ocp.hul.harvard.edu/immigration for access to the full archive. $16 million in the two companies—a Nota Bene larger position than the direct holding Salary savings. Following the annual re- divested earlier. The University declined than they can accept enlarge their stu- lease of university and college presidents’ o∞cial comment; the use of externally dent bodies? Princeton is doing so, rais- compensation by the Chronicle of Higher Ed- managed index and country funds (a ing undergraduate enrollment from 4,700 ucation, Marcella Bombardieri of the Boston common technique for making liquid in- to 5,200 during the next six years. Har- Globe broke the news that Harvard’s in- vestments in smaller markets) appar- vard’s Allston master plan (see page 58) terim president, Derek Bok, lured out of ently raises issues not covered by most makes provision for additional under- retirement to return to Massachusetts institutions’ social- investing policies. graduate Houses in a second stage of de- Hall, has chosen to do so without pay. “I velopment, but no decision on proceed- just didn’t need the money,” Bok told the More Capacious Colleges? ing is even near pending. Now, Yale Globe. “I wasn’t doing this for compensa- Should elite schools with large endow- president Richard C. Levin has floated tion, but because the University needed ments and far more qualified applicants the idea of expanding that college’s pop- help at a di∞cult time.” He had chosen Photograph courtesy of Harvard University Art Museums © President and Fellows of Harvard College Harvard Magazine 69 Journal-Front_final 2/7/07 5:41 PM Page 70 JOHN HARVARD’S JOURNAL not to disclose that decision until changed their practices, abolition of early and other nations, began a new, three- pressed by the newspaper. admissions by just a few elite institu- year program for 360 senior civil servants tions would create new problems. from India. The first session, designed Geriatric gains. Harvard Medical with the Indian Institute of Management School faculty at Beth Israel Deaconess Further financial aid. In a twist on the Ahmadabad, took place in India in Janu- Medical Center, an a∞liated hospital, will financial-aid enhancements aimed at ary.…The Harvard Graduate School of expand and intensify training in care of lower-income students that Harvard Education has launched a new multi- geriatric patients through the Advance- launched in 2004, Emory University’s media website intended to bring faculty ment of Geriatrics Education Project, newly announced “Emory Advantage” members’ research—in areas such as funded by a $2-million grant from the eliminates need-based loans for under- leadership and policy, and learning and Donald W. Reynolds Foundation. graduates whose family income is under development—to educators in the field. $50,000, beginning in the 2007-2008 acad- The Usable Knowledge site can be ac- The war wounded. Kennedy School of emic year; families with income from cessed at www.uknow.gse.harvard.- Government lecturer in public policy $50,001 to $100,000 will see student loans edu.…Stanford University, citing limited Linda Bilmes has calculated that medical for a four-year course of study capped at funds available to humanities scholars, and mental-health care, $15,000. has announced plans to distribute $5,000 counseling, and disabil- annually to each faculty member (junior ity benefits for veterans Cancer center. The Ludwig Fund has and tenured) to help defray research-re- of the Afghanistan and conferred $20 million, plus other assets lated expenses such as travel, purchase of Iraq wars may ultimately available in the future, to support six Lud- materials, or hiring research assis- cost $700 billion, severely wig Centers focusing on aspects of cancer tants.…A controversial new analysis of taxing the finances and research. One is led by associate professor doctoral programs, based on quantita- DOMINICK REUTER/HARVARD NEWS OFFICE Linda Bilmes capabilities of the Vet- of medicine George D. Demetri, of Dana- tive measurements of scholarly publish- erans Administration. Farber Cancer Institute, whose research ing, citations, awards, and grants, ranks Bilmes, coauthor of an earlier report on and patient care were described in “Ken’s Harvard at the top of major universities, the total costs of the conflicts (see “The Story,” the cover article in the previous ahead of California Institute of Technol- $2-Trillion War,” May-June 2006, page 12), issue of this magazine. ogy, University of California at San Fran- cites the 1.4 million military personnel cisco, MIT, and Yale. The “faculty schol- who have been deployed in the conflicts Miscellany. The Kennedy School of arly productivity index,” the Chronicle of so far and the medical advances that have Government, which has o≠ered training Higher Education reported, was supported enabled many more casualties to survive services to the People’s Republic of China by State University of New York at Stony their wounds or service-related injuries, Brook and produced by Academic Ana- compared to the rate of fatalities in earlier THE STADIUM, ENBUBBLED. In late lytics. Unlike the National Research wars. See http://ksgnotes1.harvard.edu/- January, after extensive assembly and Council rankings of doctoral programs Research/wpaper.nsf/rwp/RWP07-001. preparation work, the pressurized bubble (last updated in 1995), the new measure inside Harvard Stadium was inflated for the first time. It will be host to a wide is not based on peer assessment of pro- Early-action elis. Yale College will re- variety of indoor athletic activities. grams’ reputations.…Amid the continu- tain nonbinding “early action” ad- ing debate over women’s mission for students, that univer- success—or lack thereof sity’s president, Richard C. Levin, —in academic science disclosed in the January-February careers, the American Yale Alumni Magazine. Harvard’s de- Psychological Associa- cision to abolish early admissions tion has published Why beginning this coming fall, an- Aren’t More Women in Sci- nounced last September, was ence? Top Researchers Debate swiftly followed by Princeton and the Evidence (www.apa.- the University of Virginia (see org), with 15 chapters by “Adios, Early Admissions,” Novem- diverse contributors ex- ber-December 2006, page 68). Levin ploring a variety of is- said that students wanted the op- sues involving possible tion, that Yale could use early and di≠erences in biology, regular admissions to satisfy its de- personal obligations, sire to attract lower-income stu- and social and institu- dents, and that unless all schools tional factors. 70 March - April 2007 Photograph courtesy of Harvard Sports Information.
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