Eastern Illinois University The Keep March 1997 3-7-1997 Daily Eastern News: March 07, 1997 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1997_mar Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: March 07, 1997" (1997). March. 5. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1997_mar/5 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1997 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in March by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. PARTLY SUNNY The BNCW~?ounu. Dally FRIDAY Eastern Illinois University Charleston, Ill. 61920 CiFFee March 7, 1997 Vol. 82, No. 114 TalK 12 pages A new bar alternative ews hits campus SECTION B (( Tell the truth and don 't be afraid" Executives OK $190,356 in technology Computer software, hardware purchase to improve Web access By DEANA POOLE Stafr editor T he B oard of T rustees' Executive Committee Thursday approved a $ 190,356 purchase of computer hardware and software for the uni versity to improve access to the World Wide Web . .. (This will) provide localized facilities for computer services that has been provided by the Educati on Com pu ter Network:· sai d Mo rgan O lsen. v ice president for business affairs. As of July 1, Eastern will be responsible for the ECN, which provides access to the World Wide Web and e-mail at Eastem. Jill Nilsen, special assistant to Eastern 's President David Jorns, said Eastern's contract with ECN is up for renewal on July L. ·' tt was determined that it would be more cost e ffective to do that interna ll y and provid e bette r services,'· Nilsen said. Olsen said the purchase of the hardware and software was necessary to allow fo r testing and IBE MASAYUKI/Staff photographer reloading of the equipment prior to July I. Three servers with network attachments, peripherals Hang up and software will be purc hased fro m S un Dawn McCalliste1: a senior theater arts majo1; moves costumes to arrange for the next production Thursday afternoon at the theater cosh/me shop in the Fine Arts Building. See EXECUTIVES page 2A Eastern hosts mayoral debate By ROB STROUD debate w ill be a t 7 p .m. the C harleston C hamber of Com­ Student government editor T hursday before the April I merce. election in Lumpkin Hall 122. T he Municipal Electi ons for T he Student Government will A panel of four people will ask mayor will be April I. be sponsoring a mayoral debate the candidates questions, Ander­ "Hopefully between those four bet ween curre nt Charleston son said. The panel w ill include constituency groups we can cover Mayor Dan Cougill and candidate Richard Wandling, Eastern pol­ a lot of concerns between the Hcruy Bough on March 27. itical science professor; Travis campus a nd the community,'' Brian A nderson, student vice Spencer, editor in chief of The Anderson said. presid en t for public affairs. Daily Eastern News and a Each panelist w ill be able to organized the debate and will be re presentati ve from both the ask two questions to each of the moderating it. Anderson said the Charleston Times-Courier and the See MAYORAL page 2A Council candidates prepare for election Editor 's Note: This is theflrst oftwo articles profiling residents to vote for ltim. the candidates for city council and what they are ·' t am also p utting in severa l newspaper doing to prepare for the April ] Municipal Elections. adve11isements and am participating in a debate at the end of March,'. Rennels said. By BRITI CARSON Keith Perry, c ity counc il candidate and vice City editor president and general manager of Mooney Motors. is using different types of advertising for his campaign . Four of the eight candidates running for Charleston ..I sent out a direct mail piece and have placed City Council are gearing up for the April l Municipal newspaper ads and yard signs." Peny said. Elections. Perry said he will also be adding more things onto Ted Hartley, candidate for city council and pastor his campaign in the next few weeks before the of the Otterbein United Methodist Church. said he is election. starting a door-to-door campaign in Charleston. Greg Stewa11 , the commissioner of finance for the "This is the best way to let people know who I am past four years, said for his first te rm as and where 1 stand;' Hartley said. --This is also a good commissioner he campaigned heavily. way to fmd out what the people want.'' ·'The last time I ran I campaigned from door-to­ Ha rtley said he is starting to put up yard signs and door heavily.'· Stewart said. ··1 don' t have as much hopes people will get to know him and where he time as last time to campajgn door-to-door with my IBE MASAYUKI/Staff photographer stands on issues. work schedule this year.'· "This is a grass roots campaign;· Hartley said. All four candidates are taking pa11 of a debate on Filling gaps Larry Rennels, candidate fo r c ity counc il and March 25 sponsored by The League of Women GGiy Cameron, a worker of William Brorhers Consrruction Inc., caulks ow ner of Rennels TV and A ppliances. said he is Vote rs and the Charleston Area C ha mber of along the cement Thursday afternoon at the construcfion site of putting o ut yard signs and niers encouragin g Commerce. Buzzard Building. 2A Friday, March 7, 1997 The Dally Eastern News Tougher Four individuals cited drunken with alcohol violations By BRITT CARSON City editor Better Ingredients. driving bill Better Pizza. Two Eastem students and two non­ Charleston residents were cited for 348-8282 proposed alcohol-related charges last week. Neil Cozzolino, 22, 1433 lOth St., • Doug DiBianco, 54, 830 426.W.Lincoln SPRINGFIELD (AP ) - was cited at 4:30a.m. Saturday in the Seventh St., rcp01tcd to police that r----------,r----------, Illino is would toughen its 1800 block of Madison Ave. with a between 3:30p.m. on Feb. 28 and 1 Perfect Lunch 1 1 Late Night I standard for drunken driving minor frequenting a licensed premise l 0:30 a.m. on Saturday. an unknown or under a bill the Senate I Mldnhdit Munch I 1 Munch I and the purchase or acceptance of person broke the rear driver's side 1 olif! small 1 1 1 · I approved Thursday despite alcohol by a minor, police reports window of his vehicle. DiBianco told one topping p izza one arge p1 zza objections it targets social stated police he found a btick on the floor­ I $4 I I for t h e pr.ice of a I drinkers, not those who guz­ Jason Mikuzis, 19, 715 Grant Ave. board of his car and a dent in the rear I 2.2. I I small I I + tax I I afte r 9:00pm ONLYl I z le with abandon and get Apt. 30 I, was cited at 4:29 a.m. driver's side door panel. police behind the wheel. Saturday in the 1800 block of II t:h St. reports stated. I Expires 3n/97 I I Expires 3n/97 I U nde r the proposal , a 1 Ad~itio ~al to ppings extra 1 1 Additional to ppings extra I with the purchase or acceptance of The damage was estimated at L ~~a~ ::It!a~ ~~ ~l:.!:,o~ 13~ ~li~ ~~1. ~~ ~~~~ driver would be considered alcohol by a minor, police reports $300. police repotts stated. drunk if his blood-alcohol stated. • DeBret McGee. 28. 2400 level were 0.08 percent. The David Speer, 20, of St. Charles, Cambridge Apt. I 006, was cited at current standard is 0. I 0 per­ was cited at 2:05 a.m. Feb. 28 on the 3: 18 p.m. on Feb. 28. I W. Lincoln cent. North Side of E.L. Krackers, Fowth Ave., with domestic battery and dis­ Secretary of State George Street, with illegal consumption of orderly conduct, police reports stated. • Alpha Sigma Tau Ryan has been pushing the alcohol by a minor and possession of • Jefferson G rade School, 339 E-c • lower limit - u sed in 13 another person's LO, police reports Sixth St., reported to police that other states - since 1990. V'l presents their > stated. between 6 and 10 p.m. Sunday that M " All the communications Michael Gliffin, 1406 Seventh St, someone smashed the windows on ~ 1997 cabinet ~ from my constituents were to was cited at l :23 a.m. Monday on two doors in the gymnasium. A resi­ be for it. You don't have to Route I6 with driving under the dent noticed the dan1age while on a run me over w ith a truck,,. • influence, speeding and improper walk and called police. Damages members • said Senate President James lane usage. were estimated at $200, police repotts Homecoming > " Pate '· Philip, R-Wood Dale. In other city and campus news: stated. ~ M ~ Formal K ris Glover ~ • Nic h ole Cordin EXECUTIVES fi"ompageone Informal Niki Burke • E-c \Yale rie Stiltner Microsystems in Mountain View, Calif., for ·' Jt is a small structure that will house telecom­ V'l Melissa Benton > $14 7,0 I 7. A network adapter wi II be purchased munication equipment necessary to provide tele­ ~ Derby Days from IBM Direct in Atlanta for $10,455. phone service in the area,•· Olsen said. Lori Kunce ~ Furniture also will be purchased from Wright­ The property used by ICTC is 20 feet wide by 20 Midnight MadnessEiise L esko Line in Springfield for $9,554.
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