Hawai‘i Baseball History & Records (updated June 2021) LES MURAKAMI STADIUM Record at Les Murakami Stadium 905-567-1 (.615) The stadium was first built in 1984 on the site dium, the facility completed its most recent face HOME ATTENDANCE of the old UH Stadium, which sat approximately lift, as all 4,312 seats were replaced. 2,500 fans. With the success of his teamsin the The new seats are all green instead of the Year Attendance Average Dates Sellouts late 1970s and early 1980s, Head Coach Les red, orange and blue seats of before. They were 1984 104,177 2,216 47 11 Murakami led a charge to build a facility that implemented in the fall of 2008, giving the 1985 106,526 1,746 61 4 could accommodate the droves that he foresaw. stadium a fresh new look. 1986 +114,367 2,599 44 3 With the help of political backers at Washington This comes less than a year after the sur- 1987 105,646 2,401 44 6 Place, the state appropriated the money for face got an upgrade. During the winter of 2007, 1988 125,752 2,566 49 14 the project, which took less than nine months the stadium’s AstroTurf surface was ripped away 1989 123,330 2,517 49 21 to complete before its debut in UH’s Feb. 17, to make room for the new Domo Turf surface. 1990 118,305 2,366 50 20 1984, game vs. Stanford. The stadium seats 4,312 with 3,738 of the 1991 143,027 3,043 47 31 Now in the 36th year of what was formerly seats covered to shelter fans from the “Manoa 1992 +208,378 4,433 47 43 known as Rainbow Stadium, Hawai‘i has seen mist” that comes and goes throughout the day. 1993 200,525 4,663 43 34 4,102,851 fans attend baseball games. They It is a two-tiered structure with three levels of have averaged 2,921 in the 1,404 games played seating. In the middle of the upper section is the 1994 189,696 4,411 43 30 (with recorded attendance) at Les Murakami two-tiered pressbox, which also features one ra- 1995 146,712 3,860 38 5 Stadium with 253 sellouts. dio and one television booth on opposite sides. 1996 129,696 3,325 39 0 For the first season, UH played on the The stadium contains two sunken dugouts 1997 108,537 2,783 39 0 original playing surface, which was natural with separate locker room facilities. There is also 1998 98,441 2,524 39 1 grass. The basepath, pitcher’s mound and a hospitality room, meeting room, umpire locker 1999 98,668 2,741 36 0 home plate consisted of a mixture of sand and room, lounge for UH players and a training room. 2000 95,386 2,445 40 0 crushed lava rocks. The roof only shaded the During one six-year span from 1989 to ’94, 2001 87,029 2,417 36 0 press box and a portion of the area in front of Rainbow baseball was at its most prosperous. In 2002 94,804 2,708 35 0 the press box. 279 home dates in that span, UH had a home 2003 96,376 2,604 37 0 Rainbow Stadium, as it was first named, record of 195-84 for a 69.9 winning percentage. 2004 93,181 2,452 38 1 cost $11.2 million in 1984. Adding a roof Attendance flourished during that stretch, aver- 2005 97,268 2,701 36 0 covering from first to third base and the original aging 3,524 for a total attendance of 983,261, 2006 81,881 2,558 32 2 AstroTurf in 1985 pushed the final price tag to including 179 sellouts, nearly 65 percent of $12.2 million. The current surface features poly- those games. 2007 88,978 2,696 33 2 ethylene blades that resemble blades of grass. It UH led the country in attendance twice, in 2008 72,310 2,582 28 1 was then filled in with sand and rubber granules 1986, averaging 2,599, and in 1992, averaging 2009 92,717 2,990 31 3 to cushion the turf and give a grass-like feel. The 4,433. The 208,378 fans that came through the 2010 95,711 3,190 30 3 only dirt on the field is at the batter’s box and gates in 1992 set an NCAA record that has since 2011 116,222 3,320 38 5 the pitcher’s mound, with different colored turf been eclipsed by Texas, and later Louisiana 2012 118,945 3,327 36 5 circling the infield. State. 2013 97,355 3,357 29 2 In October 2001, the University then de- Les Murakami Stadium has attracted 2014 109,924 3,140 36 2 cided to change the name of the stadium to Les numerous events over the years. It was home to 2015 97,979 3,265 30 1 Murakami Stadium, honoring the man respon- the minor league Hawai‘i Islanders in 1986 and 2016 105,724 3,021 35 0 sible for its building. Murakami was the school’s the Hawai‘i Winter Baseball League on two 2017 101,254 2,978 34 1 first Division I full-time head coach and the 11th separate stints. The Hawai‘i Island Movers 2018 85,375 2,943 29 1 coach in the program’s history, dating back to summer baseball club has used the facility for 1923. Not only did he turn the program into an more than 20 years. Other athletic events held 2019 87,532 2,735 32 0 NCAA Division I team that consistently competed there include the HHSAA state baseball champi- 2020^ 40,139 2,867 14 1 on a national level for much of his tenure, but he onships, the AJA Baseball playoffs, the PAL 2021 $ 0 0 27 0 was also largely responsible for the building of opening ceremonies, Best of the West High Total 4,102,851 2,922 1,404 253 the stadium that is now compassionately known School tournaments, UH Athletics Department **There may be annual disparity in counted as “the house that Les built.” Fun Run, the Special Olympics and numerous home contests for attendance purposes, due to In the season that saw the three-millionth baseball clinics, including the Cal Ripken-Hideo variance in tracking methods for doubleheaders fan enter the gates at the Les Murakami Sta- Nomo Camp. + Indicates led the country in attendance ^shortened season due to 2020 COVID-19 virus. $ Fans not allowed in LMS during 2021 season. 2 RAINBOW WARRIOR BASEBALL ALL-TIME SERIES RECORDS Opponent W L T Pct. Last Mtg. Mississippi State 9 6 0 .667 2009 Abiline Christian 0 1 0 .000 2015 Missouri 1 1 0 .500 1980 Air Force 27 7 0 .794 2018 Murray State 15 4 0 .789 1991 Alabama 2 2 0 .500 2005 Nebraska 15 8 0 .652 2015 Alabama-Birmingham 5 1 0 .833 2014 Nebraska-Kearney (St.) 8 0 0 1.000 1983 Albany 4 0 0 1.000 2014 Nevada 37 38 0 .493 2017 Arizona 10 15 0 .400 2016 New Mexico 56 27 0 .675 2016 Arizona State 20 31 0 .392 2021 New Mexico State 22 13 0 .629 2015 Arkansas 4 4 0 .500 2006 NY Institute of Technology 4 0 0 1.000 2014 Baylor 1 0 0 1.000 2015 North Carolina 7 1 0 .875 1993 Birmingham Southern 1 0 0 1.000 2002 North Carolina State 1 2 0 .333 2017 Bradley 0 1 0 .000 2013 North Dakota State 3 1 0 .750 2020 Brigham Young 44 32 2 .577 2018 Northwestern 3 1 0 .750 1999 Brown 2 0 0 1.000 1992 Notre Dame 2 0 0 1.000 1990 California 26 22 1 .541 2005 Ohio State 1 4 0 .200 2019 Cal Baptist 1 0 0 1.000 2019 Oklahoma 16 16 0 .500 2015 Cal Poly 11 28 0 .282 2021 Oklahoma State 2 0 0 1.000 1990 Cal Poly-Pomona 15 13 0 .536 1992 Oral Roberts 1 0 0 1.000 2017 Cal State Bakersfield 2 7 0 .222 2021 Oregon 17 21 0 .447 2020 Cal State Dominguez Hills 3 1 0 .750 1979 Oregon State 18 7 0 .720 2010 Cal State Fullerton 14 23 0 .378 2021 Pacific 17 5 0 .773 2018 Cal State Los Angeles 6 2 0 .750 1980 Pacific Lutheran 2 1 0 .667 1982 CSUN 20 38 0 .345 2021 Pepperdine 11 7 0 .611 2015 Centenary 8 0 0 1.000 2011 Portland 4 7 0 .364 2019 Central Michigan 2 2 0 .500 2012 Portland State 15 4 0 .789 1995 Chapman 0 1 0 .000 1987 Purdue 3 0 0 1.000 1986 Chicago State 10 1 0 .909 2016 Rice 10 36 0 .217 2013 Citadel 3 2 0 .600 2010 Sacramento State 54 29 0 .651 2012 Clemson 0 1 0 .000 1994 Sacred Heart 4 0 0 1.000 2017 Coastal Carolina 4 2 0 .667 2009 St. John’s 1 0 0 1.000 1980 Colorado Mesa (formerly Mesa State) 2 0 0 1.000 1978 St. Mary’s (CA) 13 7 0 .650 2012 Colorado State 27 1 0 .964 1992 St. Mary’s (MN) 4 0 0 1.000 1982 Concordia 1 0 0 1.000 1984 San Diego 8 1 0 .889 2019 Cornell 13 1 0 .929 1987 San Diego State 78 67 0 .538 2006 Creighton 6 1 0 .857 1991 San Francisco 17 13 0 .567 2017 Dartmouth 2 0 0 1.000 1992 San Francisco State 1 1 0 .500 1975 Davidson 1 0 0 1.000 1991 San Jose State 61 40 0 .604 2017 Florida 0 3 0 .000 2000 Santa Clara 17 11 0 .607 2016 Florida International 3 0 0 1.000 2004 Seton Hall 2 2 0 .500 2018 Florida State 9 9 0 .500 2005 Shippensburg (PA) 1 0 0 1.000 1985 Fordham 2 0 0 1.000 1989 South Florida 1 0 0 1.000 2005 Fresno State 53 82 0 .393 2018 Southeastern Louisiana 1 1 0 .500 1992 Georgia Southern 2 1 0 .667 2007 Southern California 25 29 0 .463 2014 Georgia Tech 2 2 0 .500 1990 Southern California College 5 1 0 .833 1976 Gonzaga 11 10 0 .524 2013 Spring Arbor College 5 1 0 .833 1976 Grambling State 2 0 0 1.000 2012 Stanford 10 18 1 .357 2010 Grand Canyon 10 3 0 .769 1998 Texas 3 8 0 .273 2014 Hawai‘i-Hilo 114 21 0 .844 2021 Texas A&M 2 1 0 .667 1986 Hawai‘i Pacific 31 2 0 .939 2021 Texas Arlington 0 1 0 .000 2006 Hofstra 3 2 0 .600 2015 Texas Christian 6 14 0 .300 2001 Houston 0 1 0 .000 2015 Texas-El Paso 42 5 0 .894 1985 Illinois 1 3 0 .250 1993 Texas-Pan American 1 0 0 1.000 1980 Illinois-Chicago Circle 2 0 0 1.000 1978 Toledo 2 0 0 1.000 1975 Illinois State 4 0 0 1.000 2018 Tulane 9 2 0 .818 1993 Indiana 1 4 0 .250 2017 UC Irvine 12 34 0 .261 2021 Indiana State 3 1 0 .750 1989 UCLA 31 25 0 .554 2013 Iona 4 0 0 1.000 1990 UC Davis 22 10 0 .688 2021 Iowa 3 4 0 .429 2019 UC Riverside 16 11 0 .593 2019 Iowa State 12 2 0 .929 1979 UC San Diego 1 3 0 .250 2021 Kansas 4 1 0 .800 2006 UC Santa Barbara 20 22 0 .476 2021 Lewis-Clark State 11 10 0 .524 2003 UNLV 17 13 0 .567 2013 Lipscomb (formerly David Lipscomb) 4 0 0 1.000 1979 U.S.
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