§ 63.1103 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–11 Edition) (b) [Reserved]. TABLE 1 TO § 63.1102—SOURCE CATEGORY PROPOSAL AND EFFECTIVE DATES Source category Proposal date Effective date (a) Acetal Resins Production ................................ October 14, 1998 .................................................. June 29, 1999. (b) Acrylic and Modacrylic Fibers Production ....... October 14, 1998 .................................................. June 29, 1999. (c) Hydrogen Fluoride Production ......................... October 14, 1998 .................................................. June 29, 1999. (d) Polycarbonate Production ................................ October 14, 1998 .................................................. June 29, 1999. (e) Ethylene Production ......................................... December 6, 2000 ................................................ July 12, 2002. (f) Carbon Black Production .................................. December 6, 2000 ................................................ July 12, 2002. (g) Cyanide Chemicals Manufacturing .................. December 6, 2000 ................................................ July 12, 2002. (h) Spandex Production ........................................ December 6, 2000 ................................................ July 12, 2002. [67 FR 46280, July 12, 2002] § 63.1103 Source category-specific ap- aldehyde resins. Acetal resins are gen- plicability, definitions, and require- erally produced by polymerizing form- ments. aldehyde (HCHO) with the methylene (a) Acetal resins production applica- functional group (CH2) and are charac- bility, definitions, and requirements—(1) terized by repeating oxymethylene Applicability—(i) Affected source. For units (CH2O) in the polymer backbone. the acetal resins production source cat- Back end process vent means any proc- egory (as defined in paragraph (a)(2) of ess vent from a continuous unit oper- this section), the affected source shall ation that is not a front end process comprise all emission points, in com- vent up to the final separation of raw bination, listed in paragraphs materials and by-products from the (a)(1)(i)(A) through (D) of this section, stabilized polymer. that are associated with an acetal res- Front end process vent means any ins production process unit located at a process vent from a continuous unit major source, as defined in section operation involved in the purification 112(a) of the Clean Air Act (Act). of formaldehyde feedstock for use in (A) All storage vessels that store liq- the acetal homopolymer process. All uids containing organic HAP. For pur- front end process vents are restricted poses of regulation, surge control ves- to those vents that occur prior to the sels and bottoms receivers that are lo- polymer reactor. cated as part of the process train prior (3) Requirements. Table 1 of this sec- to the polymer reactor are to be regu- tion specifies the acetal resins produc- lated under the front-end process vent tion standards applicability for exist- provisions. (B) All process vents from continuous ing and new sources. Applicability as- unit operations (front end process sessment procedures and methods are vents and back end process vents). specified in §§ 63.1104 through 63.1107. (C) All wastewater streams associ- An owner or operator of an affected ated with the acetal resins production source is not required to perform tests, process unit as defined in (a)(2) of this TRE calculations or other applicability section. assessment procedures if they opt to (D) Equipment (as defined in § 63.1101 comply with the most stringent re- of this subpart) that contains or con- quirements for an applicable emission tacts organic HAP. point pursuant to this subpart. General (ii) Compliance schedule. The compli- compliance, recordkeeping, and report- ance schedule for affected sources as ing requirements are specified in defined in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this §§ 63.1108 through 63.1112. Procedures for section is specified in § 63.1102(a). approval of alternative means of emis- (2) Definitions. sion limitations are specified in Acetal resins production means the § 63.1113. The owner or operator must production of homopolymers and/or co- control organic HAP emissions from polymers of alternating oxymethylene each affected source emission point by units. Acetal resins are also known as meeting the applicable requirements polyoxymethylenes, polyacetals, and specified in table 1 of this section. 536 VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:21 Aug 31, 2011 Jkt 223153 PO 00000 Frm 00546 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Q:\40\40V10.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 Environmental Protection Agency § 63.1103 TABLE 1 TO § 63.1103(A)—WHAT ARE MY REQUIREMENTS IF I OWN OR OPERATE AN ACETAL RESINS PRODUCTION EXISTING OR NEW AFFECTED SOURCE? If you own or operate. And if. Then you must. 1. A storage vessel with: 34 cubic meters The maximum true vapor pressure of or- a. Reduce emissions of total organic < capacity. ganic HAP > 17.1 kilopascals (for ex- HAP by 95 weight-percent by venting isting sources) or > 11.7 kilopascals emissions through a closed vent sys- (for new sources). tem to any combination of control de- vices meeting the requirements of subpart SS (national emission stand- ards for closed vent systems, control devices, recovery devices, and routing to a fuel gas system or a process), as specified in § 63.982(a)(1) (storage vessel requirements) of this part; or b. Comply with the requirements of sub- part WW (national emission standards for storage vessels (control level 2)) of this part. 2. A front end process vent from contin- .................................................................. a. Reduce emissions of total organic uous unit operations. HAP by using a flare meeting the re- quirements of subpart SS of this part; or b. Reduce emissions of total organic HAP by 60 weight-percent, or reduce TOC to a concentration of 20 parts per million by volume, whichever is less stringent, by venting emissions through a closed vent system to any combination of control devices meet- ing the requirements of subpart SS, as specified in § 63.982(a)(2) (process vent requirements) of this part. 3. A back end process vent from contin- The vent stream has a TRE a < 1.0........ a. Reduce emissions of total organic uous unit operations. HAP by using a flare meeting the re- quirements of subpart SS of this part; or b. Reduce emissions of total organic HAP by 98 weight-percent, or reduce TOC to a concentration of 20 parts per million by volume, whichever is less stringent, by venting emissions through a closed vent system to any combination of control devices meet- ing the requirements of subpart SS, as specified in § 63.982(a)(2) (process vent requirements) of this part; or c. Achieve and maintain a TRE index value greater than 1.0. 4. A back end process vent from contin- 1.0 ≤ TRE a ≤ 4.0 .................................... Monitor and keep records of equipment uous unit operations. operating parameters specified to be monitored under subpart SS, §§ 63.990(c)(absorber, condenser, and carbon adsorber monitoring) or 63.995(c) (other noncombustion sys- tems used as a control device moni- toring) of this part. 5. Equipment as defined under § 63.1101 The equipment contains or contacts ≥ 10 Comply with the requirements of subpart weight-percent organic HAP b, and op- TT (national emission standards for erates ≤ 300 hours per year. equipment leaks (control level 1)) or subpart UU (national emission stand- ards for equipment leaks (control level 2)) of this part. 6. An acetal resins production process The process wastewater stream is a Comply with the requirements of unit that generates process wastewater. Group 1 or Group 2 wastewater § 63.1106(a). stream. 7. An acetal resins production process The maintenance wastewater contains Comply with the requirements of unit that generates maintenance waste- organic HAP. § 63.1106(b). water. 8. An item of equipment listed in The item of equipment meets the criteria Comply with the requirements in Table § 63.1106(c)(1). specified in § 63.1106(c)(1) through (3) 35 of subpart G of this part. and either (c)(4)(i) or (ii). a The TRE is determined according to the procedures specified in § 63.1104(j). b The weight-percent organic HAP is determined for equipment according to procedures specified in § 63.1107. 537 VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:21 Aug 31, 2011 Jkt 223153 PO 00000 Frm 00547 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Q:\40\40V10.TXT ofr150 PsN: PC150 § 63.1103 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–11 Edition) (b) Acrylic and modacrylic fiber produc- cally polyacrylonitrile). The tion applicability, definitions, and re- polyacrylonitrile is soluble in the sol- quirements—(1) Applicability—(i) Affected vent. In contrast to suspension polym- source. For the acrylic fibers and erization, the resulting reactor poly- modacrylic fibers production (as de- mer solution (spin dope) is filtered and fined in paragraph (b)(2) of this sec- pumped directly to the fiber spinning tion) source category, the affected process. source shall comprise all emission Acrylonitrile suspension polymerization points, in combination, listed in para- means a polymerization process where graphs (b)(1)(i)(A) through (E) of this small drops of acrylonitrile and co- section, that are associated with a sus- monomers are suspended in water in pension or solution polymerization the presence of a catalyst where they process unit that produces acrylic and polymerize under agitation. Solid modacrylic fiber located at a major beads of polymer are formed in this source as defined in section 112(a) of suspension reaction
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