Aims of Ph.D. thesis Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science 1) Taxonomic revision of obligately anaerobic Heterolobosea; isolation and Department of Zoology cultivation of new strains, their morphological characterization and description of new taxa Ph.D. study program: Zoology 2) Utilization of existing and newly obtained SSU rDNA or protein-coding gene sequences to investigate phylogenetic relationships between anaerobic Summary of the Ph.D. Thesis Heterolobosea 3) Characterization of the life cycle of anaerobic Heterolobosea 4) Characterization of the flagellar apparatus of selected lineages, unification of the terminology used for cytoskeletal elements 5) Study of mitochondrion-related organelles observed in anaerobic Heterolobosea using transmission electron microscopy Diversity and evolution of anaerobic heteroloboseans Mgr. Tomáš Pánek Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Ivan Čepička, Ph.D. Prague (2015) Pánek, T., Simpson, A.G.B., Hampl, V., Čepička, I. (2014b). Creneis carolina gen. et Tomáš Pánek sp. nov. (Heterolobosea), a novel marine anaerobic protist with strikingly CURRICULUM VITAE derived morphology and life cycle. Protist 165: 542-567. Pánek, T., Táborský, P., Pachiadaki, M.P., Hroudová, M., Vlček, Č., Edgcomb, ADDRESS: Department of Zoology V.P., Čepička I. Combined culture-based and culture-independent approaches Faculty of Science provide insights into diversity of jakobids, extremely plesiomorphic eukaryotic Charles University in Prague lineage. Prepared manuscript. Viničná 7, 128 44 Prague 2 Czech Republic Park, J.S., Simpson, A.G.B. (2015). Diversity of heterotrophic protists from extremely hypersaline habitats. Protist, in press. TELEPHONE: +420 221 951 873 Park, J.S., Simpson, A.G.B., Lee, W.J., Cho, B.C. (2007). Ultrastructure and E-MAIL: [email protected] phylogenetic placement within Heterolobosea of the previously unclassified, extremely halophilic heterotrophic flagellate Pleurostomum flabellatum PERSONAL DATA: (Ruinen 1938). Protist 158: 397-413. Birth date: April 14, 1986 Rappé, M.S., Giovannoni, S.J. (2003). The uncultured microbial majority. Annual Birthplace: Prague, Czech Republic Reviews in Microbiology 57: 369-394. EDUCATION: 2002 – 2006: Akademické gymnázium Štěpánská, Prague, Czech Rep. 2006 – 2009: Bachelor program: Biology Supervisor: RNDr. Ivan Čepička, Ph.D. Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague 2009: Bc. (BSc.) in Biology (with honours) Thesis: Heterolobosea – diversity and evolution 2009 – 2011: Master program: Biology Supervisor: RNDr. Ivan Čepička, Ph.D. Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague 2011: Mgr. (MSc.) in Biology (with honours) Thesis: Evolution of anaerobic Heterolobosea References Since 2011 Ph.D. program: Zoology Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Ivan Čepička, Ph.D. Amaral-Zettler, L. A., Zettler, E. R., Theroux, S. M., Palacios, C., Aguilera, A., Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Amils, R. (2011). Microbial community structure across the tree of life in the extreme Rio Tinto. The ISME Journal 5: 42-50. 2013: Visiting student at laboratory of prof. Andrew Roger, PhD. Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada Barberà, M.J., Ruiz-Trillo, I., Tufts, J.Y., Bery, A., Silberman, J.D., Roger, A.J. (2010). Sawyeria marylandensis (Heterolobosea) has a hydrogenosome with PROFESSION: novel metabolic properties. Eukaryotic Cell 9: 1913-1924. Broers, C.A.M., Stumm, C.K., Vogels, G.D., Brugerolle, G. (1990). Psalteriomonas Since 2011 Researcher at the Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Charles lanterna gen. nov., sp. nov., a free-living ameboflagellate isolated from fresh- University in Prague, Czech Republic water anaerobic sediments. European Journal of Protistology 25: 369-380. AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS: Broers, C.A.M., Meijers, H.H.M., Symens, J.C., Stumm, C.K., Vogels, G.D., Brugerolle, G. (1993). Symbiotic association of Psalteriomonas vulgaris n. 2011 The Dean´s award for the outstanding diploma thesis spec. with Methanobacterium formicicum. European Journal of Protistology 29: 98-105. Since 2011 Supporting talented PhD research students program scholarship de Graaf, R.M., Duarte, I., van Alen, T.A., Kuiper, J.W., Schotanus, K., Rosenberg, SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP J., et al. (2009). The hydrogenosomes of Psalteriomonas lanterna. BMC Evolutionary Biology 9: 287. Since 2008 Czech Society for Parasitology nd 2012: Organizer of 42 Protozoological Days Pham, V.H., Kim, J. (2012). Cultivation of unculturable soil bacteria. Trends in biotechno-logy, 30: 475-484. Since 2011 International Society of Protistologists 2011 – 2014: Student member of the Executive committee Pánek, T., Silberman, J.D., Yubuki, N., Leander, B.S., Cepicka, I. (2012) Diversity, 2015: Member of the Nominating committee evolution and molecular systematics of the Psalteriomonadidae, the main lineage of anaerobic/microaerophilic heteroloboseans (Excavata: Discoba). Protist 163: 807-831. Pánek, T., Ptáčková, E., Čepička, I. (2014a). Survey on diversity of marine/saline anaerobic Heterolobosea (Excavata: Discoba) with description of seven new species. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 64: 2280-2304. Interestingly, culture-based approaches were able to detect 60 % of all revealed INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES (SPEAKER): species of Stygiellidae. Therefore, the effectivity of culture-based methods in this case is Pánek, T., Hampl, V., Ptackova, E., Silberman, J.D., Yubuki, N., Leander, B.S., higher than we would have expected from studies on bacteria, where only approximately Cepicka, I. (2011). The surprisingly diverse world of anaerobic Heterolobosea (Excavata). Joint Meeting of the Phycological Society of America, International 1 % of species is cultivable (Pham and Kim 2012; Rappé and Giovannoni 2003). Society of Protistologists & Northwest Algal Symposium, Seattle (USA). We must take into account that culture media and culture conditions used in our Pánek, T., Hampl, V., Ptackova, E., Silberman, J.D., Yubuki, N., Leander, B.S., studies are suitable for growth of anaerobic species that do not need extreme levels of Cepicka, I. (2011). The evolution, diversity and biogeography of anaerobic other environmental factors such as salinity, temperature or pH. As Heterolobosea are Heterolobosea (Excavata). VI European Congress of Protistology, Berlin. ecologically diverse group of eukaryotes, there might exist undiscovered obligately Pánek, T., Táborský, P., Čepička, I. (2012). New anaerobic member of the jakobid anaerobic lineages living in non-canonical anaerobic or microoxic habitats. In fact, we genus Andalucia. PROTIST 2012 (ISOP 62th and ISEP XIX), Oslo, Norway. know two such lineages, Pleurostomum flabellatum and an environmental clade Pánek, T., Táborský, P., Hroudová, M., Vlček, Č., Čepička, I. (2013) Hidden diversity branching within the Sawyeria-Psalteriomonas lineage. The former species lives in of anaerobic jakobids in marine and brackish sediments. ICOP XIV, Vancouver, Canada. hypersaline habitats (Park et al. 2007; Park and Simpson 2015), the latter was detected in an extremely acidic river (Amaral-Zettler et al. 2011). Pánek T., Simpson A.G.B, Hampl V., Hroudová M., Vlček Č., Čepička I. (2014). Creneidae fam. nov. – novel anaerobic lineage of Heterolobosea (Excavata) Our research revised knowledge about the phylogeny and diversity of anaerobic with unique cell structure and peculiar multiflagellate stage within the life heteroloboseans. We proposed a new overall classification of the Psalteriomonadidae cycle. Protist 2014, Banff, Canada. and described the novel family Creneidae, another obligately anaerobic lineage of PUBLICATIONS: Heterolobosea. Because most heteroloboseans are thought to be aerobes with classical mitochondria and several heteroloboseid lineages are very probably facultatively Pánek, T., Čepička, I. (2012). Diversity of Heterolobosea in: Caliskan M. (ed.) Genetic diversity in microorganisms, InTech. anaerobic, Heterolobosea is a suitable model group for study of the evolution of anaerobiosis. In silico analysis of anaerobic energy metabolism indicates that some *Pánek, T., Silberman, J.D., Yubuki, N., Leander, B.S., Cepicka, I. (2012) Diversity, evolution and molecular systematics of the Psalteriomonadidae, the main genes have been acquired by horizontal gene transfer independently in anaerobic lineage of anaerobic/micro-aerophilic heteroloboseans (Excavata: Discoba). heterolobosens (ACS), while some have been inherited from the common ancestor of the Protist 163: 807-831. subphylum Tetramitia (PPDK, Ppi-PFK, [FeFe]-hydrogenase and its maturases). *Pánek, T., Ptáčková, E., Čepička, I. (2014a). Survey on diversity of marine/saline anaerobic Heterolobosea (Excavata: Discoba) with description of seven new species. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 64: 2280-2304. *Pánek, T., Simpson, A.G.B., Hampl, V., Čepička, I. (2014b). Creneis carolina gen. et We identified R2/I system in Creneis carolina thanks to following features: (1) sp. nov. (Heterolobosea), a novel marine anaerobic protist with strikingly R2 splits into two halves as in other eukaryotes; (2) root R2 is supported by latticework derived morphology and life cycle. Protist 165: 542-567. element that resembles an I fibre of other excavates; (3) root R2 is associated with a Yubuki, N., Pánek, T., Yabuki, A., Čepička, I., Takishita, K., Inagaki, Y., Leander, B.S. striated fibre that resembles rhizoplast of other heteroloboseans; (4) cytoplasmic side of (2015). Morphological identities of two different marine stramenopile environmental sequence clades:
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