Morton's Ranking of Races by Cranial Capacity Author(s): Stephen Jay Gould Reviewed work(s): Source: Science, New Series, Vol. 200, No. 4341 (May 5, 1978), pp. 503-509 Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1746562 . Accessed: 12/06/2012 22:38 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. American Association for the Advancement of Science is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Science. http://www.jstor.org work with our own hands; we will speak our own minds" (4, 5). Morton's work was hailed as a jewel of American science. Jules Marcou re- marked that no zoologist except the great Cuvier had so influenced the thought of America's most illustrious Morton's Ranking of Races scientificimmigrant, Louis Agassiz (5, p. 102).On the occasion of Morton'sdeath, by Cranial Capacity the New York Tribune exclaimed that "probablyno scientific man in America enjoyed a higher reputation among Unconscious manipulationof data scholars throughoutthe world than Dr. may be a scientific norm. Morton" (5, p. 144). Mortondid not achieve his reputation by astute interpretationor ingenuity of Stephen Jay Gould speculation-American science had been plaguedby too high a ratio of theo- ry to data. He won fame because he had finally presented a large body of objec- Nineteenth-century intellectuals dis- would, once and for all, obtain adequate tive fact. He had labored to collect and coursed endlessly on the subject of hu- samples to measure the physical dif- measure, where others had merely spec- man racial differences; their works dis- ferences among races. He began his col- ulated. Oliver Wendell Holmes praised play an enormous excess of speculation lection in 1830(2); it exceeded 1000spec- him for "the severe and cautious charac- based on a paucity of information. In imens when he died in 1851. More than ter" of his work, and for providing"per- pre-DarwinianAmerica, polygenists ar- 600 were sufficientlycomplete for an ac- manent data for all future students of gued for a separate (and unequal) crea- curate account of cranial capacity-the ethnology" (6). Europe's greatest scien- tion of humanraces. Monogenists, plac- most importantphysical measure of all, tific celebrity, Baron Alexander von ing their faith in scripture,traced all hu- since Morton regarded it as a rough in- Humboldt, wrote to Morton in 1844: man diversity to an original Adam and dex of overall intelligence. (The general "Your work is equally remarkablefor Eve, and sought a scientific sanction for correlationof brain size and intelligence the profundity of its anatomical views, the numerical detail of the relations of organic conformation, and the absence Summary. Samuel George Morton,self-styled objective empiricist,amassed the of those poetical reveries which are the world'slargest pre-Darwiniancollection of humanskulls. He measured theircapacity myths of modern physiology" (7). and producedthe results anticipatedin an age when few Caucasians doubted their Morton's preference for data did not innate superiority:whites above Indians,blacks at the bottom. Mortonpublished all prevent him from holding opinions. He his rawdata, and it is shown here that his summarytables are based on a patchwork had a definiteposition and he defendedit of apparentlyunconscious finagling.When his data are properlyreinterpreted, all explicitly and often (8-11). As a promi- races have approximatelyequal capacities. Unconsciousor dimlyperceived finagling nent memberof the polygenist school, he is probablyendemic in science, since scientists are human beings rooted in cultural believed that the majorhuman races had contexts, not automatons directedtoward external truth. been created separately as true species. He argued that blacks and Caucasians were as distinct in ancient Egypt as they black inferiority in a greater degenera- was not widely doubted in Morton's are today. Since humanity, following tion from primeval perfection. Few time.) Morton housed his collection- Moses, was not much more than 1000 Western scientists doubted the intrin- called "the American Golgotha" by his years older than Egypt (15), races did not sically higher status of their own white friends-at the Academy of NaturalSci- have enough time to differentiatefrom a race, but opinion differed on the poten- ences in Philadelphia,where he served common stock; they must have been tial transience or innate permanence of as presidentfrom 1849 until his death. created as we find them today. To the black and Indian inferiority. Some ap- Morton's collection was widely hailed challenge that races interbreed freely proved slavery as the kindest status for as one of the wonders of the scientific and that sterilityin crossing is the proper lower races; others consideredblacks in- world. Louis Agassiz wrote home to his criterion of distinction, Morton replied ferior, but refused to justify slavery motherabout it (3): "Imaginea series of by invokingboth sides of the coin. Many thereby. "Whatever be their degree of 600 skulls, mostly Indian,of all the tribes true species hybridizeand the traditional talents," wrote ThomasJefferson (1), "it who now inhabit or formerly inhabited criterion must be revised (9, 10); off- is no measure of their rights." America. Nothing else like it exists else- springbetween some humanraces (Aus- where. This collection alone is worth a traloidsand Caucasoidsin particular)are journey to America." Mortonwrote at a both rare and deficient in fertility (11). Mortonthe Objectivist time when Americanscience was just be- But different need not mean unequal, ginningits transitionfrom a stepchild of and Mortonneeded a furthercriterion to Samuel George Morton, a prominent Europe to a vigorous enterprise worthy defend the traditionalranking. Here he Philadelphiaphysician, entered the me- of attentionand respect, even in the sci- turned to his skulls, focusing almost ex- lee, determinedto replace idle specula- entific centers of the Old World. Ameri- clusively on cranial capacity. tion with hard fact. He set out to amass ca, Emerson wrote, had "listened too The author is a professor of geology and a member the world's collection of to the muses of .... of the biology and history of science departments at largest skulls, long courtly Europe Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts representingall racialgroups (Fig. 1). He We will walk on our own feet; we will 02138. SCIENCE, VOL. 200, 5 MAY 1978 0036-8075/78/0505-0503$01.75/0Copyright ? 1978AAAS 503 Morton published three major works Morton, the South's leading medical to prevent the exposure of a suspected on the cranial capacity of human races- journal wrote: "We of the South should truth is rare in science. When we do un- the Crania Americana of 1839, a large, consider him as our benefactor, for aid- cover a case, we excommunicate its per- beautifully illustrated volume on Indian ing most materially in giving to the negro petrator, smugly declare that science pu- skulls (12); the Crania Aegyptiaca of [sic] his true position as an inferior race" rifies itself, and get back to work. Such 1844, his study on skulls from Egyptian (16). cases rank high as gossip, but very low in tombs (13); and his summary of the en- telling us anything about the nature of tire Golgotha (623 skulls) in 1849 (14). normal, scientific activity. In fact, their Each of these works contained a sum- On Finagling Data hortatory value in the moralistic tradi- mary table. These tables were frequently tion permits us to avoid the issue; for we reprinted during the 19th century and be- No scientific falsehood is more diffi- can pose our objective ideal against the came a linchpin in anthropometric argu- cult to expunge than textbook dogma transgression and pretend that the vast ments about human racial differences. endlessly repeated in tabular epitome middle ground does not exist. However, Their supposedly objective hierarchies without the original data. Morton's ta- I suspect that unconscious or dimly per- support, in detail, every Teutonic and bles enjoyed this brand of immortality ceived finagling, doctoring, and massag- Anglo-Saxon expectation for the ranking and remained in the literature without se- ing are rampant, endemic, and unavoid- of races: whites on top, blacks on the rious challenge until the entire subject of able in a profession that awards status bottom, and Indians in between; among racial ranking by cranial capacity fell in- and power for clean and unambiguous Caucasians, Western Europeans on top, to disrepute. But Morton, the self-pro- discovery. This is the middle ground of Jews in the middle, and "Hindoos" on claimed objectivist, did supply one rare unappreciated bias and more conscious the bottom. and precious gift to later analysts: he manipulation in the interest of a "truth" The polygenist belief in a separate, published all his primary data with ex- passionately held but inadequately sup- created status for blacks and whites plicit statements on their genesis and ported. might have served as a primary defense manner of manipulation. We can learn Historians have occasionally studied for slavery in America; indeed, many po- exactly how he got from individual skulls this middle ground for insight into the lygenists (not including Morton) used to racial means. genesis of creativity and the social con- their theory to support the South's "pe- I have reanalyzed Morton's data and I straints on scientific activity. We know, culiar institution." But most apologists find that they are a patchwork of as- for example, that it has been occupied by for slavery did not care to pay the price sumption and finagling, controlled, prob- many of our greatest heroes.
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