/ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1964 Averace Dtily N et’Press R u The Westhsr W TWENTY-EIGHT • r « S tSa Waal$ a n i i FwMaat «t U. S. wealkn Oetabar 8. 18S$ ' OoMMerahla and nm t ef Mother Cabrtnl Mothers Or- ehaaoe of eoaMarad ekmem cle will hold a pothick tonight at Building Costs 1 3 ,9 0 5 iil^atT ow n FIRST FOOD* STORE M«Bber of tlM AndU aighl aad Saturday. Leer leulglit 7 at the homo of Mrs. George Announce Engagements Show Increase Buraaa of CtrenlatiM SO. Saturday W to d«.' DaCormler, 879 Porter St. A M m tdteeter^A CUy of VUlagm Charm Bltan o( tMOMmn business meeting will be held .. of afluim ri Luther- after supper. Estimated oost of local tax- imnmfiBfio- __ j win attend a church- (Olatoifled Adverttatag e» Page 18) M>le construction during' Sep­ VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 8 (’TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1964 PRICE SEVEN GENTS eoneentlon o( the New Amcpicait Production and In­ tember of thU year was api^ x - * - ^ hglaad Synod Saturday} at St. ventory Control Society, Hart­ PauTs Church, Warwtek, R.I. ford County Chapter, will meet Imately 40 per cent higher wan They are the Rev. C. Henry An- Tuesday at the Hedges, New the corresponding period last ; Bernard Johnaon, presi- Britain. Dinner will be served year, according to a report by at Bmamiel Lutheran at 8;S0 p.m. Robert Collins will Building Inspector Thomas C. Events ______ aen; Robert Ahlneee and spehk. Monahan. Humphrey Sharpens Attacl^ a . Jdtm XJallaan. Monahan’s office Issued per-> The Rev. and Mrs. Clifford O. Simpson of Center Congregation­ mlts for an estimated $323,014 In State Oeurge J . Trueman oC the al Church will attend a . New In taxable construction last VA. Navy, eon of Hr. and Mn, month, compared to an estimat­ tieorge Trueman ef 1S7 High England Regional meeting bf the United Church of Christ next ed $228,086 durii^ September, B t. ie home from Argentia, week Tuesday through Thursday 1963. ^ Morano Hits Kewfdundland, for a SO^lay The total fees collected last Galls Goldwater ‘Unworthy’ at Portland, Maine. leave. After Me leave he will month, however, were approxi­ GOP Leaders he atationed at little Creek, Mary Dunphy, dance instruc­ mately nine per cent less than those collects In Septemher-of ^ ^ tor of 75 Maple St., will teach Greenwich (AP) For­ classes of dMce teachers and last year, due to an estimated a: ' ^ Membera of Lahota Council, students Oct. 11 in Philadelphia, $140,000 In tax-exempt con­ U. S. Choice mer Republican Congress­ Many G reet Degree of Pocahontaa, are re­ Pa. She will instruct classes in struction during the latter per­ man Albert P. Morano, who / m i n d of the 70th Great Coun- ballet and tap at the Philadel iod, • for which fees had been switched to the Eiemo- ell aeaslon at Stratfield Motor phia Chapter session of the Na paid. VP Nom inee Dm, Bridgeport on Friday and cratic party in 1962, has Uonal Association of Dance and 'Die engagement of Miss Sally-^ The engagement of Mi»* K**"- The building Inspector’s of­ Top Qualify Saturday. M bs Sharon WilliamR, Affiliated Artists. This will be denounced a group of top Hartford, will represent the Ann Haurd of Manchester to leen Jane Tyler and 2nd. Lt. fice received $1,621.60 In fees In Camdeti a return engagement for Mrs. Robert E. Craig, both of Man­ during September of 1964, com­ Republicans in the state 48 chapter. Members of the organ­ Dunphy, current president of the Robert C. Houghton of Glens 'masquerading liberals.” isation in Connecticut are wel­ Falls, N.T., has been announced chester, has been announced by pared to $1,676.50 received dur­ Connecticut Chapter of the aS' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Her­ ing September, 1963. Morano, now on aide to Dem­ CAMDEN, N. J. (AP)*^ come. Members are reminded Bociation. by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beef ocratic U.S. Senator Thomas J. to bring articles for a gift table. E. E. Hasard, ISO Hawthorne St. bert A. Tyier. Tanner St. Building permits Issued last Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey Her fiance Is the son of Mr. Dodd, attacked the RepuMIcAns Pvt. Alan A. Garvlch, son of Her fiance is the son of Mr. month included five for single- in a speech at a Democratic poured ridicule on Sen. and Mrs. Charles Houghton of and Mrs. John A. Craig, 106 family dwellings, two for 2-fam­ VFW will sponsor an Italian Mr. and Mrs. Louis Garvich, Prospect St. meeting here lost night. Barry Goldwater today, as­ Bight Saturday at the poet home. Hartford Rd., has completed Glens Falls. ily dwellings, seven for garages, He aimed t)ie Rre at State Miss Hazard is a 1980 grad­ Miss- Tyler is a 1962 grad­ two for fences, four for demoli­ serting that recent speech­ Dinner will be served at 8, with eight weeks basic training at uate of Manchester High School Republican Chairman A. Searle dancing at 9. Tickets will be sold Ft. Dix, N.J. After a leave of uate of Manchester High School, tions, and 47 for alterations and Pinney, Congressman Abner W. es of the Republican prAii- and received a B. A. degree in and attended the University of at the door. Membera and guests 10 days, he left for Leonard Connecticut. She is a member additions to existing structures. Sibal, State Sen. Robert Bliss dential qominee had shown are invited. Wood Base, Mo., to complete Spanish from Trinity College. of New Canaan, and former U.S, he was unworthy of the of­ Burlington, Vt. She also studied of Phi Theta, Chapter of Beta training tn engineering. Sigma Phi Sorority. Miss Ty­ DROP FEED PRICES Sen. Prescott Bush of Green­ fice of president. lOsa Christine Kilpatrick, at the University of Valencia, wich. Spain, and is on the teachtog ler is presently employed by PUTNAM (AP) — Feed The Democratic vice presi­ dau^ter of Mr. and Mrs. Nel­ Waddell School PTA wilt spon­ Smith’s Cape Cod Products, grain at reduced prices will be Noting that all were present dential nominee got a big recep­ son D. Kilpatrick , 100 Concord sor a food sale tomorrow from staff at Bloomfield High School. offered to farmers in five recently at a rally for Sibal, Mr. Houghton is a graduate of Falmouth, Mass. tion at his first appearance'ot Rd., was on the honor roll for 2:S0 to 6 p.m. at the school au­ Lt. Craig is a 1960 graduate drought-stricken Connecticut CHUCK ROAST Morano said: "A close look at the day at a tabor rally in Cam­ the University of Vermont, the spring semester at Ekuitem ditorium. Mrs. Calvin Taggatt of Manchester High^chool and counties, the office of U.S. the. record will dtsoloee that the den, and responded with one of Naiarene College, Wollaston, and Mrs. Frank Kos are chair­ where he received a B.S. degree Rep. William L. St. Onge, D- members of this little clique are in civil engineering. He is a civil recently received a B.S. d e ^ e BLOCK STYLE his sharpest attacks on Gb19- Mass. Miss Kilpatrick was a men of the event. A special ta­ in business administration from Conn., said yesterday. The t>e- just masquerading liberals.” wntcr. S988 graduate of Manchester ble will be reserved for children engineer tor the State of Now partment of Agriculture said Morano attacked Pinney for York. Boston University. He is a He recalled that the Arizona High School and is in her soph so' they may purchase after member of Sigma Phi Epsilon farmers in Windham, Tolland, not throwing the state’s full' senator had said in A, New Je r­ omore year at the college. school snacks. No date has been announced Fraternity. U . Craig is efir Hartford, Fairfield and Litch­ "VALUE strength behind Gov. William for the wedding. sey speech recenUy that 'the rently pilot training at Moody field Counties used about 40 per Scranton of Pennsylvania at the Johnson admlnistraUon Atee Air Force Base, Valdosta, Ga. cent of their winter feed by the (30P National Convention. leading the country down the A • December wedding’ is end of September because of ViAY “In consideration tor the mo­ road to socialism. planned. the drought and army worm ney coming from the Ooldwater Beaufiful Fall Foliage Couple’s Club ■■ forces in Greenwich, he sold the ' "Concern for the weak end TRIMMED unfortunate Bill Scranton down afflicted is not soctallsra. It's To Hold Supper the river by delivering four del­ good solid, Americanlnn,’* egates to Ooldwater at the re­ Humphrey said. The Couple’s Club of Second cent national convenUon,” Mo­ “A man who confuses com­ passion and charity with soci­ APPLES Congregational Church will rano said. “If he were a real liberal he would have stood on alism is a man who does not sponsor a potluck Saturday at 7 RUMMAGE SALE BLADE know enough about the tzAdl- DeUcions, McIntosh, Cortland, Others prinpiple and delivered Connect­ p.m. in Fellowship Hall of the Sponsored By icut's enUre 18 votes to Bill Uons and heritage of America, to church. All couples of the LADIES* MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF Here^s' Where the Drive h Headed Scranton.” be worthy of the office of the president of the United BtatAa.” SWEtT, FRESH CIDER church are welcome to attend. TALCOTTVILLE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH CUTS United Fund president Robert Fuller (left) wishes that the 1964-65 drive was Humphrey also sailed into a Miss Susan Crane and Miss Nan­ “up to here.” So fund chairman Everett Kennedy (standing) and Initial Gifts Warehouse Fire Forrtier heavyweight boxing champ Jersey Joe Walcott raises Sen.
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