2020 Sustainability Report Consolidated non-financial statement pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 254/2016 The present document is the English translation of the Italian Consolidated Non-Financial Statement, prepared for and used in Italy, and has been translated only for the convenience of international readers. The Consolidated Non-Financial Statement was prepared in accordance with articles 3 and 4 of the Italian Legislative Decree no. 254 of December 30, 2016 (Decree) and the “Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Reporting Standards” established in 2016 by GRI – Global Reporting Initiative (GRI Standards). Therefore it is not intended to present the non financial information according to regulatory framework and principles other than the Decree and GRI Standards. Contents Letter to stakeholders 3 Highlights 4 Methodological note 5 1 Profile of the BPER Group 9 1.1 The BPER Group 10 1.2 History 17 1.3 Business model and corporate strategy 20 1.3.1 Commitment to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 23 1.4 Mission and values 26 1.4.1 Global Compact: the 10 principles of the United Nations 26 1.5 Governance 28 1.5.1 Internal Control System 35 1.5.2 Risk management 36 1.6 Autonomy and integrity in corporate conduct 39 1.6.1 Code of Ethics 39 1.6.2 Organisation and Management Model 39 1.6.3 Fight against corruption and collaboration with the institutions 41 1.6.4 Unfair competition 42 1.6.5 Human Rights 43 1.6.6 Anti-money laundering 44 1.7 Relations with suppliers 45 1.7.1 ESG rating project for BPER Group suppliers 46 2 Group stakeholders and materiality analysis 49 2.1 Stakeholders 50 2.2 Materiality analysis 51 3 Protection of financial stability 57 3.1 ESG Rating 59 3.2 Economic value generated and distributed 60 3.3 Fiscal transparency 62 4 Our customers 65 4.1 Service innovation 74 4.2 Management of customer relations 77 4.3 A promise to be kept: Nearby. Beyond expectations 78 4.4 Privacy and data protection 81 5 Development of an ethical and green portfolio 83 5.1 Adequate and responsible offer 84 5.2 Ethical products and services 85 5.2.1 Products and services for social purposes 86 5.2.2 Products and services for environmental purposes 95 5.3 ESG investments 101 6 Our employees 105 6.1 Mobility and change management 108 6.2 Enhancing the value of employees 109 6.2.1 Training and growth of employees 109 6.2.2 Assessment and development of skills 111 6.2.3 Remuneration policies 113 6.3 Corporate identity and internal communication 115 6.4 Diversity and enhancement of female talent 115 6.5 The Welfare Plan 117 6.6 Health and Safety 118 6.7 Human rights and protection of workers' rights 122 6.8 Labor relations 123 6.9 Performance indicators 124 7 Environmental impacts 129 7.1 Environmental risks 131 7.2 Management of direct environmental impacts 138 7.2.1 Waste management 142 7.2.2 Energy consumption 7.2.3 Energy saving measures 145 7.2.4 Emissions generated 147 8 Relations with the community 151 8.1 Commitment to the community 153 8.1.1 Donations 153 8.1.2 Investments in the community 163 8.1.3 Commercial initiatives in the community 8.1.4 Monitoring of impact on the local areas 163 8.1.5 Assessment of synergy among projects: Youth target 163 8.2 Responsibility in controversial sectors 164 8.2.1 Weapons policy 164 8.2.2 Fight against compulsive gambling 165 8.2.3 Gold trade Annex I - Covid-19 Emergency 167 Objectives 173 Global Compact Membership 178 GRI Content Index 179 Letter to stakeholders I believe that the best term for describing our Group's 2020 is “courage”. Cou- rage in managing the health emergency responsibly and with awareness, in embarking on a path of growth by acquiring an important business unit in strategic areas of the country, in further enhancing sustainability issues wi- thin the Bank's value chain. These pages recount a challenging year in which we achieved important re- sults on various fronts and made progress in managing ESG (environmental, social and governance) issues thanks to the definition and activation of the Sustainability Plan. A strong impetus comes from the European Union and its determination to build a greener, fairer, more supportive future. The pandemic has raised awareness of the imperative: it is estimated that 350 billion in yearly investments in energy production and infrastructure are needed to meet the emission reduction targets by 2030. In short, the time for sustainable finance is now. The BPER Group is ready for the challenge: pursuing sustainability interests is also and above all reasonable from an economic point of view and can become an important competitive advantage. Sustainable growth can certainly involve risks, but also new opportunities to build shared value in the territories served. That is why we have launched a transformation process involving business models, governance and stra- tegies. Our sustainability ratings confirm that we are on the right track. BPER Banca has entered the pre- stigious CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) “A List” for combating climate change, while the Standard Ethics Agency has raised our rating to EE. We are very satisfied with these results, which reward years of work in which we have gradually reduced environmental impacts while structuring products and services useful to accompany customers in the tran- sition towards a more sustainable business. Having obtained these awards is all the more important in 2020, a year that we will remember for its com- plexity during this time of the constant health, economic and social emergency. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to thank all the Group's employees, who once again, each in their own role, have shown that they are fully up to the task. We are now looking ahead, aware that we need to continue focusing not only on environmental issues, but also on those relating to the social and governance spheres. Indeed, only in doing so can banks and financial institutions be a driver of inclusive growth and a factor in the development of collective well-being. Moreover, this is demonstrated by the beautiful cover image: the forest consists of single units - trees - but their strength is in their community. Happy reading. Alessandro Vandelli CEO, BPER Banca 3 Highlights 99.3% employees hired on permanent contract 13,203 total employees 45% percentage of women of total employees Total economic value generated Euro 2.1 billion Loans for environmental/ social purposes Total economic Euro 3.6 billion value distributed Euro 1.75 billion 11 photovoltaic systems 602,986 kWh produced 99% Electricity purchased 33,848 t CO2 saved from renewable source which corresponds to planting a forest as wide as 68 football pitches Donations Euro 3.4 million Over 110,000 Total expenditure for the company young people involved in projects Euro 25 million 4 2020 Sustainability Report Methodological note This document constitutes the fourth consolidated Non-Financial Statement (hereinafter also “Sustainability Report”) of the BPER Banca Group (hereinafter also “Group” or “BPER Group”) with regard to the year 2020. The objective of the document is to respond to stakeholder expectations, highlighting, in a transparent manner and according to international guidelines, the work undertaken to improve the sustainability performance of the BPER Banca Group. The Sustainability Report of the BPER Banca Group has been addition to the guidelines of the European Commission con- drawn up to the extent necessary to ensure comprehension tained in Communication 2017/C 215/01 “Guidelines on the di- of the Group’s business, its performance, its results and the sclosure of non-financial information”. Furthermore, the BPER impact it generates, and also covers issues deemed relevant, Banca Group has launched an initiative aimed at integrating as envisaged by Art. 3 of Italian Legislative Decree 254/2016 its analyses and reporting models with respect to the impact with regard to the year 2020 (from 1 January to 31 December). generated and experienced by the Group in terms of climate The definition of the significant aspects (also called material change, also based on development of the relevant legislation, aspects) for the BPER Banca Group and for its stakeholders as indicated in Communication 2019/C 209/01 “Guidelines on took place through a structured process compliant with the the disclosure of non-financial information: Addition concer- reference standards: the guidelines of the Global Reporting ning the disclosure of climate-related information”. Since 2017, Initiative - GRI and the AA1000APS Standard of AccountAbili- BPER Banca has participated in the United Nations (UN) Glo- ty, both focused on the materiality principle. This process also bal Compact, and the Sustainability Report therefore includes took into consideration the requirements of the aforemen- the requested information for the purposes of drawing up the tioned Italian Legislative Decree 254/2016. Specifically, with Communication on Progress (COP). regard to the information envisaged under art. 3 paragraph With regard to the economic data, the reporting perimeter 2, it should be noted that water consumption and other pol- coincides with the area of consolidation in the consolidated luting emissions into the atmosphere other than greenhouse financial statements of the BPER Banca Group. As regards gas emissions, in consideration of the business sector, were the qualitative information and quantitative data of the so- not deemed significant for the purposes of ensuring an un- cial and environmental aspects, the parent company and its derstanding of the business activities. subsidiaries fully consolidated into the BPER Banca Group’s This 2020 Sustainability Report was drawn up in compliance consolidated Financial Statements were included in the scope with the “Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Reporting of reporting1.
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