a ii VOL. 5- ATLIN, B. C./SATURDAY. AUGUST, 24. 7901. NO. no. six minutes' nnd he told-him lie ISCOUNT S. S. ISLANDER was rallied and that they could rim down wheie .they could mn the boat on a fn'vorable beach. The £p3F" Wc arc going to reduce our large slock .•(' ' Latest Details of the' Terrible Captain • Ihe-.: took charge and the : SHOES- - Ladies1 & Men's iir'alJ Oracles. Disaster. pilot left ihs bridge. ^ Under the' conditions as brought 's Clolliing, Underware -asid Hate „ Latest Advices From the Scene of forward , in the evidence the Jury i brought down the following verdict: • 1 the Wreck—Full List' of the Our Stock ol' DRY. GOODS is also too large for tho needs of Atlin. , i Drowned. fit the matter of the inquest upos: the body of C. J. Duncan, dec-eased. Wc need llic Cash; you need Ihe goods, and il" not we want lo We, the Jury empaneled and sweru make, an inducement for you to buy agaim.l the time when you The wreck of the Islander will iu thc above -matter, find that the ' will need them. ' , continue to be the talk of the nor­ name of Ihe deceased is Dr. C. J.' thern country for many days to Duncan; that he came to his death FOR THE NEXT' 30 DAYS come, as piece by piece we obtain on the 15II1 of August, 7901, by- fragmentary news concerning the WJ; WILL CIVIC^Z5- gter cent discount ON' A i.i. Goons the wreck ol the my. mship Island­ awful disaster. Since thc founder­ er, and by the evidence producd PunciiASicn FROM TIIK AHOVK LINUS. ing of the Clara Nevada, of which we find'tliat we can blame no one practically nothing was ever known, for the accident. Our prices are already reasonable, take 25 per cent off and ihe the wreck of the Islander comes as The foiienvmg is a corrected list an awful shock to the world. result ought to satisfy the most careful buyer. •'"•"• of names of tlie dearPpassengeis : According the earlier des- The Wife, baby and niece of patches, much blame was attached Governor Ross of the Yukon, 'Dr. to tlie officers of the ship but later Dui'can, Mr. lldl, Miss K. Panics', . BLACKETT & -co; ' advices entirely exonerate the Cap­ IRON STORE, First and Trainor Streets, Atlin, B. C. U.'S. Herbert, Mr. I'o'.igl is", V,. \\X tain, officers and crew, who-aie 'Jorg,'; J. < Dahl, F. Com ford, Mrs. said to have done everything that Nickerson, Mr Keating, A. Keat­ could be done. • The Canadian Bank of Commerce, ing, J. Keating. T. Rogers, J. G. , Capt. Irving, who was master-of Dean, W. Meadows, N. Casper, J. CAPITAL. PAID UP S», 000,000.' the Islander since "she was hi i t in R. .Wilkes, \V. *T. Tiioir.as, M 1S88 until 1S9S, sees many reasons Cas'.iebi-ry, P, L Spinks, F R'nkale, to exonerate- Capt. Foote from the Branches of the Bank at Seattle, '' - Mrs Phillips ahd child, JC Mills, blame which has been laid to him . ., San Francisco, The sympathy of the community for the manner in w h'ch le - , Portland, i-i extended lo Captain Nickerson Skagway, etc. handled the boat after 'sinking thc 0:1 the sudden and awful bereave­ Exchange sold on all Points. iceberg and while she \un sink ing. ment which has befallen him, in After stating his reason:-; to the GOLD "DUST PUKCIIASKU—ASSAY OKIMCK IN COXNKCTION'. the death of his wie, who was a DAILY ALASKAN on Wednesday J. vS. MUNRO. Manager. passenger.on the ill-fa'-e;l islander. last, he sums up in the following We regret to learn lha't Mrs. Nick- words: "No one understanding son's body is still among the miss­ mom these conditions, can blame Capt. ing-. Captai:: Nickerson left wilh Foole for the management of the the 'Premier's party last Sarturday boat. It was an accident in many n General iHeittoise, evening, and was a gvesl of Mr. respects like that of the sinking of ATLIN and DISCOVERY the Rio de Janeiro iu San Francisco Dunsmuir as far as Tuueiui, leavinsr har'cor." Skagway by the Joan on Sunday morning last. He returned to At­ $$ The last advice from the official lin by this morning's boat. inquest at Juneau, gives the total We have no' word from J. W. number of the drowned al 39. Up ' v McFariane !>v this mail. THE K00TENAY RESTAURANT to Thursday night 19 bodies had STRICRV lUSOPtAN PLAN. ()|«!ii Day anil Ni;rlit. E. L. BOOTH, Proprietor been "recovered. One ol the U; S. cutters will patrol the shores of the BRITISH JUSTICE. coast up and down for several days mm Bakery and Re: iu search for bodies. Wreckage Murderer O'Brien suffered the SFKCIAI.TIICS IX has already been found . fifty miles full penalty of the law at Dawson, FANCY CAKES & PASTRY. from the scene of the, wreck. yeslerdav morning at 8 o'clock. Fresh Bread, Rye Brastti, atsr. The following is the report of the CHAS. .MYIJK, Proprietor. Coroner's Jury which was held at The Mineral lixhibit. (Joo'l Rooms to Rent -Hy tli<» Diiy. \\"pi»U en- Mniitli ut reasonable vati'ft. Juneau on the recovery ol the body €m% of Dr. J. C. Duncan : The Mineral Exhibit for thc Vic­ First: It is an outrage on the toria Inhibition will be on view at SKAGWAY, Alaska. travelling public for any company the CLAIM Office until the roth WHOLESALE GROCERS to send out its steamers without pi ox. All parties wishing to add A I.M> IM-.AI.I-.IM IS providi-.ig ample means of escape. to the collection are requested to tttfaw* Hay and Oats VOXM*'* Uy the testimony given, il is evident forward samples to this office and We Fake a Specialty of Perishable Goods and respectfully solicit thai there were not enough lifeboats il has been arranged that all Your Wail Orders--Satisfaction Guaranteed. and rafts to save the number of samples will be forwarded from Dis­ people she did carry at thc time of covery and Surprise free of charge. the accident. All sample; must lie accompanied The = Bank = of = British = North = AmericaSecond : It is a right that i.e'o.igs by name of claiai, location and hMaliliUioil in l,X"(l. liic,)i'|M)i'iili'il hy Kuyiil Charter. to passengers who commit lheir.-j name of owner. PAID IJI> CAI-ITAI. S4.S66.666 selves to the care of Ihe vessel that A. C. P. lKSCiii-Ki.u, KKSICKVK FUND •- $1,703,333 that they be warned at any and all Sccy.-Treas. Head Office in Canada: Montreal. II. STIKKMA.V General Manager. times of real or probable danger. Branches hi all the principal cities of Canada, and agents in New York, The evidence is that no alarm was The article on "Hydraulics" is San'Francisco, Seattle, Tacoina, Portland, .Spokane, Boston, Chicago, lite. giyen. held over for want of space. y • )MSSMV'OFFICE y Third: The refusal of the Cap­ Cold Dust Assayed, Purchased or Taken on Consignment. tain to allow the pilot lo run her The Placer Act for sale at'the OuarU Assaving at Rpa'sonahle Rates.-' ashore, when' it could be done in CLAIM Office. ~-"V;rr~-?rr:r-™ *@^^gs Til A- ATLIN, B.C., SATURDAY, AUGUST,. 24, 1901 Pftoio r\ •A .3 ?*fc Afn.n 3. A. ?ra$tr $ go. \laskal ' .SUCCESSORS TO k I'libllslicil fVfry Sat lu-iluy morning l»v The Premier and Party Get Yuk'i ' Tin? ATI,IN CLAIM I'I;IILIRHINH CO. , P. P. CO. First Street, Atlin. A. (5. HiHrtcni'i'.Lii, Kmroii. I). TODII l.i:i«, Snl>-l-Mitor. a' Good Reception For Staple & Fancy Groceries n OHIui! of inilillciiliiiii I'i'iirl S-., Atlin, H. C. Ailvei'tiMiitf 'lintcx : §1.011 per inrli, oueli insert kin. Kcnctiiiir notices. Si units a line. An Address of Welcome Presented RROVISIOIN3, Special,Contract Kutcs on applinatiiMi. Tlio subscription prim Is #» n yci-.r pny- —Willow Creek Co. Makes a Tobaccos and Gonfectmnery, alilo in mlviuiut'. Nn piper will im deliverecl 9 Mention to orders®^ Give us a call,, IINWJS* this condition is complied witli. Generous Host. Skagwad SATURDAY; AUGUST 24th, 190:. Saturday last was a gala day for Tl GRAND HOTEL Atlin, when Ihe whole town, IT is to be regretted thai the Pre­ wreathed- in holiday smiles, assem­ FINEST EQUIPP1CD HOTEL IN THK NORTH. 1CVERYTHING Photos tal mier's visit was of such short dura­ bled at thc Scotia's dock to meet CONDUCTED IN FIRST-CLASS MANNER. tion, that it gave him but little lime aud greet the Hon. Jas. Dunsmuir, and al or opportunity to personally verily Mrs. Dunsmuir and the bevy of French Restaurant in Gon cation , the [ the many matters of importance young people who accompanied RICK & IIASTII.;, PuoruiKTOus, DAVID HASTUC, MANAOHK. brought to his notice by the state­ Ihein on their lonjr expected .visit Over i ment of facts which were submitted ! tG the camp. Corner of first and ' Discoverv Streets. Selcl to him through the Board or Trade. | 'phc Boaid 0r 'p,-ade had planned However, as these several matters . uiat an Address to the' Premier FILMS were clearly and succinctly put be- should ' be delivered by President H. f o I c Developcj fore him in black and white, he bs-praser amid the inspiring plaudits iood for reflection, which, we trust, | 0f the multidude upon thc dock, Importer of General "Merchandise' will, after caiefnl study, bring forth'buti fearing thai their choicest 11 fruit iu due season.
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