January 11, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E77 essence of democracy. Why can’t ‘‘the world’s IN RESPONSE TO PRESIDENT the next four to six months. We must change largest democracy’’ hold a simple vote on this BUSH’S IRAQ ‘‘SURGE’’ SPEECH our mission from combat to training and fundamental question? logistical assistance for Iraq forces. We must Madam Speaker, I would like to insert the HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. provide the economic assistance the Iraqis Council of Khalistan’s letter to Jathedar OF MICHIGAN need to repair their devastated society and Vedanti into the RECORD at this time for the in- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES give whatever help they require in moving formation of the American people. their political process forward. This is the only Thursday, January 11, 2007 COUNCIL OF KHALISTAN, way to achieve any sort of victory in Iraq. Washington, DC, January 9, 2007. Mr. CONYERS. Madam Speaker, last night, f S. JOGINDER SINGH VEDANTI, the president announced that he will escalate Jathedar of the Akal Takht, Golden Temple, the war in Iraq. Still in his cloud of denial, Mr. THE INDEPENDENT STUDY OF Arnritsar, Punjab, India DISTANCE EDUCATION ACT OF 2007 DEAR JATHEDAR VEDANTI: I am writing to Bush seems to believe that he can achieve you about the Dasam Granth, which you some ill-defined ‘‘victory’’ by perpetuating have been promoting as the genuine writing America’s involvement in a bloody civil war HON. VERNON J. EHLERS of Guru Gobind Singh. The issue of its au- halfway around the world. It is unclear what OF MICHIGAN thorship was settled long ago. As you know, such a victory would look like, let alone how IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the authors of the Dasam Granth identify it might be achieved. Mr. Bush’s ‘‘troop surge’’ Thursday, January 11, 2007 themselves within the text and only a small is not a strategy; it is a desperate, last-ditch Mr. EHLERS. Madam Speaker, I rise in sup- part is written by Guru Gobind Singh. The effort to allow the president to avoid admitting rest was appended by Hindu writers looking port of the Independent Study of Distance to harm the Sikh religion. Much of it is por- that his war of choice has been a failure. Education Act of 2007. This bill requires that nographic. For a jathedar of the Akal Takht Generals and foreign policy experts alike the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) con- to promote it as genuine Sikh scripture, es- agree that adding 21,500 more troops to the duct a scientifically correct, statistically valid pecially since Guru Gobind Singh left the quagmire in Iraq will have little effect on either study of the quality of distance education pro- Guruship in the Guru Granth Sahib, is harm- our chances for ‘‘victory’’ or the safety and grams as compared to campus-based pro- ful to the Sikh religion and the Sikh Nation. stability of the Iraqi nation. Indeed, President grams. Sikhs should bow only to the Guru Granth Bush chose this course of action against the Allow me to provide some background on Sahih, nothing else. unanimous opposition of the Joint Chiefs of The Dasam Granth is not the real issue. Do congressional actions related to distance edu- not get sidetracked, and do not sidetrack the Staff and most of the commanders on the cation. During the 1992 reauthorization of the Sikh Nation from the real issue, freedom and ground in Iraq. Everyone except the president Higher Education Act, Congress passed a rule sovereignty for Khalistan. Do not let this seems to realize that the essential problem in to counter fraud and abuse perpetuated by di- controversy divert and waste the resources Iraq requires a political solution, not a military ploma mills and some correspondence pro- of the Sikh Nation from the preservation of one. The American people understand it, as grams in the 1980s. This rule, known as the our religion and culture. they demonstrated overwhelmingly last No- ‘‘50-percent rule’’, prevents any college or uni- It is vitally important that the Akal vember. Yet the president wants to put even versity that enrolls more than 50 percent of its Takht Jathedar, the spiritual leader of the students in distance education or provides Sikh religion, be committed to the well- more American troops in harm’s way for no being of the Sikh Nation. Preserving its his- strategic advantage. He persists in his fool- more than half of its courses via distance edu- tory, religion, culture, and scripture is es- hardy escalation, apparently more concerned cation from participating in federal financial aid sential to that well-being, especially when it with preserving his legacy as ‘‘the president programs. is under assault from Hindus who are trying who didn’t lose Iraq’’ than with the well-being During the 1998 reauthorization, Congress to subsume the Sikh religion and culture of either our brave troops or the Iraqi people. recognized that, with changes in technology, into those of the Hindus as part of Hindutva. An escalation in Iraq will do nothing to im- schools are increasingly offering courses via Remember that a former Cabinet minister prove America’s security; on the contrary, it distance education. The Distance Education said that everyone who lives in India must will undermine it. Our military is already Demonstration Program was established to either be a Hindu or be subservient to Hin- examine the quality and viability of expanding dus. But also remember the words of your stretched to the breaking point, and Mr. Bush’s ‘‘surge’’ will cause additional damage distance education programs. This demo pro- predecessor, Professor Darshan Singh, who gram allowed 24 colleges and universities to said, ‘‘If a Sikh is not a Khalistani, he is not that will take billions of dollars and many years a Sikh.’’ to fix. Exactly none of the military’s active duty waive several program requirements for par- Jathedar Vedanti, the duty of the Jathedar or reserve brigades is considered ‘‘combat ticipating in the federal financial aid programs, of the Akal Takht is to protect, promote, ready.’’ Only thirty percent of equipment con- including the 50-percent rule, in exchange for and disseminate the Sikh religion. How can sidered ‘‘essential’’ to homeland security is on- participating in studies by the Secretary of we do that within the framework of India Education. hand here at home. Should disaster strike when India is working to destroy the Sikh The Secretary provided Congress with three religion? The experience of tbe Jewish people here at home or elsewhere in the world, we studies of the Distance Education Demonstra- shows that when a nation has sovereignty, it will be left virtually defenseless while our tion Program. The Secretary found that the flourishes, but when it does not it perishes. troops and equipment are bogged down in an ‘‘mode of distance education delivery does not The only way to preserve, promote, and unwinnable war that threatens to drag on for appear to be a salient factor in student out- disseminate the Sikh religion and culture is years, if not decades. in a free and sovereign Khalistan. Yet when comes.’’ However, in 2004, the Office of the While Mr. Bush claims to have been ‘‘listen- Inspector General found that the Secretary’s Sikh leaders in Punjab were arrested last ing’’ to the advice of military and foreign policy year simply for making speeches and raising conclusions about the impact of distance edu- the Khalistani flag, we did not hear a word of experts over the last months, he seems to cation methods on student learning was un- protest from the Akal Takht. Nor did we have emerged as stubbornly committed to his supported, fostering uncertainty about the hear a protest of the actions of the Badal failed policy as ever. It is up to the Congress quality of distance education programs as government in Punjab, the most corrupt in to put an end to this madness. I particularly compared to the quality of campus-based pro- Punjab’s history. The Badal government want to call on my friends on the other side of grams. even sold jobs—they called it ‘‘fee for serv- the aisle to listen to the voices of their con- As a scientist, I strive to base my policy de- ice’’ and Mrs. Badal was able to tell how stituents, the everyday Americans who under- cisions and voting on reliable studies and much money was in a bag just by picking it stand what we have at stake in this war in a up. data. Unfortunately, when it comes to the Please do not let your energy be diverted way that the president has proven himself in- Higher Education Act and distance education, to issues like the Dasam Granth, which has capable of doing. We cannot throw away more there is no scientifically correct, statistically long become known to be altered. We need American lives. We cannot mortgage our chil- valid study of the quality of distance education every Sikh to help bring freedom, dignity, dren’s futures to further enrich war profiteers. programs as compared to campus-based pro- prosperity, and security is in a free, sov- We cannot continue to contribute to the dev- grams. ereign, independent Khalistan. Discussion of astation of Iraq. You may think that this has halted congres- issues like the Dasam Granth merely diverts The president seems unable to comprehend sional action related to distance education pro- the Khalsa Panth from freedom and sets back the cause of protecting the Khalsa that American military might is not the answer grams.
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