MALI LIVESTOCK FOR GROWTH (L4G) AECOM International Development Monthly Report No. 15 20 January 2016 COMPONENT 1. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION 1.1 Enhanced technology innovation, dissemination, and management December 28-30: L4G trained 96 Producer Organization (PO) delegates (including 67 women) from Koro Cercle in techniques for hay and straw enrichment with urea, fabrication of multi-nutritional livestock lick blocks, and forage management. New L4G Communes in Koro that participated in this event are Barapireli, Koro, and Bondo. January 7-9: L4G trained 130 Producer Organization (PO) delegates (including 78 women) from Bankass Cercle from in techniques for hay and straw enrichment with urea, fabrication of multi-nutritional livestock lick blocks, and forage management. New L4G Communes in Bankass that participated in this event are Ouenkoro, Soukoura, Baye, Tori, Segue, and Koulogon Habbe. Kit distribution for making multi-nutritional livestock lick Hands-on training for multi-nutritional lick bock production blocks and haw treatment with urea to participants in Koro in Koro on December 30, 2015. on December 30, 2015. 1.2 Increased access to quality inputs and services December 13 – ADG Consulting delivered draft business plans for three L4G private veterinarians. January 10: Two private veterinarians began the L4G vaccination campaign Bankass Cercle, covering all twelve Bankass Communes. January 13: The first tranche of anti-pneumonia (for cattle) and prophylaxis vaccines (to prevent small ruminant pest outbreak – 45,000 doses) were procured in Bamako and shipped to Sévaré using appropriate cold chain transport. L4G Sevare Office then formally delivered these vaccines to the three DNSV registered private veterinarians on Friday January 15. January 15: USAID COR Mali and L4G staff agreed in December that private sector veterinarians would be required to pay for the vaccines that they use. To jump start the vaccination process USIAD and L4G agreed that L4G could provide a first batch of vaccines on loan. Vaccine-on loan contracts were developed for use with the three private veterinarians and signed on January 15. The loan contract stipulated pay-back period is four (4) months. The vaccines were purchased directly from the LCV (Bamako) to ensure that no state-sponsored or other intermediaries would be involved in vaccinations as a private sector business. Mali L4G Monthly Report: January 2016 1 Contract: AID-688-C-14-00004 January 14 and 15: L4G Sevare staff developed and signed partnership conventions with the three registered private veterinarians to cover all 21 L4G Communes in Bankass and Koro Cercles. January 15: L4G DCOP oriented three private veterinarians at the Sévaré office on use of vaccines, proper disposal of sharps and glass vaccine containers, and procedures to ensure strict compliance with the required cold chain for live vaccines. January 15: Veterinarian services starter kits consisting of necessary furniture, refrigerators, freezers, air stabilizers, syringe guns, thermometers, needles, stethoscopes, stoves, surgical gloves, and other essential supplies were delivered to the three private veterinarians January 18: the L4G vaccination campaign launched in the Koro Cercle with the local private veterinarian. He is covering all nine L4G authorized Koro Cercle Communes. January 12: ADG Consulting finalized and delivered the forage markets study to L4G in Bamako. L4G is in the process of reviewing the reports and translating the reports into English. The final reports are expected to be completed by the end of Delivery of equipment and materials to Private January. Veterinarians on January 15, 2016 in Sévaré January 4 until January 6: Preparations were made to manufacture two different mechanized forage chopper prototypes while consulting and collaborating with ICRISAT. The mechanized forage chopper manufactured in Bougouni was procured on January 16 and delivered to Sévaré on January 17. January 7 to 10: Market price surveyors for 15 livestock markets were identified in preparation for the joint Regional Direction for Production and Industry Animal (DRPIA) TDR training on procedures for livestock market data collection 1.3 Improved pastureland and water resources management Nothing to report this month 1.4 Improved community literacy, numeracy, nutrition and hygiene practices December 22: L4G Gender Specialist trained 22 delegates (including 11 women) from the original Women’s and Youth Livestock as a Business Platforms on collective savings procedures in Bankass. January 12-15: Follow-on field visits were conducted to identify sites, PO managed land, and primary schools willing to engage in Moringa propagation and efforts to identify child-mother teams to manage Moringa in Koro and Bankass Cercles. Seven primary schools have solicited Moringa plants Kani Kombolé, Telly, Endé Toro: Bankass École A, Bankass Ogoténa, Bankass Sokoura , Baré, and Dimbal . January 18: The French versions of the L4G Livestock as Business (LAB) Manuals were finalized. L4G will start incorporating techniques into extension services and training. COMPONENT II. LIVESTOCK TRADE 2.1 Strengthened market linkages and access December 21: L4G Gender Specialist trained 17 delegates (3 women) from Women’s Livestock Business Platforms and Youth Livestock Business Platforms were trained on basic math calculations for value-added livestock marketing at Bankass Town. January 10 -14: 210 producers from 13 POs from Bankass Cercle confirmed their credit needs for animal fattening at a value of 25 954 000 F CFA ($ 51,908). Next steps include finalizing the loan applications and MFI approval. Mali L4G Monthly Report: January 2016 2 Contract: AID-688-C-14-00004 2.2 Decreased barriers to trade During this period, L4G engaged private sector consultant M. Aly Teyeni to conduct the L4G study on trade barriers in the livestock sector finished collecting field data and conducting interviews. L4G is now waiting for his provisionary report and recommendations. Next steps will include his presentation of findings and recommendations to L4G staff and feedback back to him from staff so that the report can be finalized. COMPONENT IV. STRENGTHENED LOCAL CAPACITIES AND SYSTEMS 4.2 Strengthened capacity of livestock value chain actors January 12: The L4G Operations Manager finalized a detailed study on his findings of the management, accounting systems, accountability, operations organigram, and day-to day operations of PADESO (PADESO is part of the MDR). PADESO was found to be comingling banks accounts, have inconsistent financial management procedures, had weak systems of inventory control, and had no employee job descriptions. COMPONENT V. ENABLING ENVIRONMENT 5.2 Increased capacity of civil society for policy analysis and advocacy Nothing to report this month. OPERATIONS AND HUMAN RESOURCES December 16 until 14 January 2016: L4G finalized the PMP, taking into account the program’s proposed geographic expansion and the Livestock Value Chain final report. January 18: Two female L4G interns reported to their internship; the first is Mademoiselle Awa Bény Dembele who is a graduate of the Polytechnic Institute (IPR/IFRA) Katibougou. She received her degree in Zoo Technology. The second intern is mademoiselle Mariam Kane, who graduated in Development Sciences from the National School of Agriculture, Meknès, Morocco. Both interns are highly computer literate. One will be assigned to the Koro L4G office, and the other will be located at the Bankass L4G office. Mali L4G Monthly Report: January 2016 3 Contract: AID-688-C-14-00004 .
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