II. MATERIALE ŞI CERCETĂRI WOMEN AND POWER IN THE HISTORY OF THE ASAN DYNASTY Lilia Zabolotnaia In the 13th century the South-East Europe wit- of the Asan’s would have also secured the dynas- nessed the rise of two new Slavic independent ty’s policies of their power accession (Божилов, states, Bulgaria and Serbia. According to Francis Гюзелев 2006, 428-429). The idea of creating a Dvornik, this part of Europe was mostly domi- unitary state of Bulgaria led to the compelling nated by the Byzantine Empire. The Emperor the right of succession to the throne. Basil II, also known as Bulgaroktonos (Bulgarian- Ivan I Asan (1186-1196), the founder of the Asan slayer), has destroyed the fi rst Bulgarian Empire dynasty, was Peter IV’s (1185-1197) co-governor, and thus, since the 11th century, Bulgaria existed since 1190, offi cially declaring himself tsar of the only as a Byzantine province. In 1186 a rebellion Bulgarians (Цанкова-Петкова 1978; Петров broke out in Bulgaria, particularly among the 1985; Божилов 1985, 27-40). Danube region nobles, who rose against the Byz- antium. The takeover was highly successful and The history of the Asan dynasty was not uni- conveyed the beginning of the Second Bulgarian form (Божилов 2000, 47-54). After the death Empire under the control of the brothers Peter Ivan Asan I (1196) succeeded by that of Peter IV (Kalopeter) and Ivan Asan (Asen, Assen), who (1197), the political power has passed to their subsequently became tsars and established the younger brother Kaloyan (Kaloioannes – Ivan stronghold at Târnovo (Dvornik 2001, 80, 82). In the Handsome, 1197-1207) (Божилов, Гюзелев consequence, the brothers not only became part 2006, 441-457). The ambitious and “cunning of the historical records of the restored Bulgaria, leader”, who has also called himself the “king but also founded the newly ruling dynasty, the dy- of Bulgarians and the Vlachs”, requested the nasty of the Asan’s1. help of Rome. He asked the Pope to send him the imperial crown as well as elevate the residen- The Asan dynasty played a major role in the Bul- tial bishop (the one if the capital Târnovo) to the garian history. The accession to power of the Asan rank of patriarch. In 1204, Kaloyan has received brothers belong to the historical episode of the re- the crown together with the scepter of Rome and birth of the Bulgarian statehood. The rebellion of the banner of St. Peter and St. Paul. However Peter and Ivan Asan had an accurate purpose, the the Latin-Bulgarian alliances remained fruitless. one of restoring Bulgaria within its ethnical and The demeanor of the Bulgarian leader was much historical boundaries. The political objectives, to impregnate into the Byzantine mentality and however, were divergent from the current reali- therefore he could not adjust himself to the ties. A statehood pattern for Bulgaria, was the one mentality of the modern western order (Dvornik established during the reign of Tsar Simeon (893- 2001, 85-86). 927; since 913 - tsar). The second notion de facto and de jure of concerning the Bulgarian kingdom In 1207, Kaloyan has been murdered, as a result referred to the revival of the Bulgarian state on of a court plot. The power has been subsequently the map of the South-East Europe. The political arrogated by the nephew of the Asan brothers, Bo- ril (1207-1218), son of Ivan Asan I’s sister, whose name has not been retained (Божилов, Гюзелев 1 The Romanian and Bulgarian historical literature is current- 2 ly subject to a strong controversy as to the origins of the two 2006, 697) . “След тези (первити Асеневци), brothers – some authors claim they are Romanians, while oth- ers insist on their Bulgarian origins. The present case study will not target this historiographical issue, as it renders a par- ticular research fi eld. For clear evidence, one needs a peculiar 2 Genealogical table: Династия на Асеневци и фамилията approach, while this does not comply with one’s expertise. във Византия (1186-1460). Tyragetia, s.n., vol. VI [XXI], nr. 2, 2012, 53-62. 53 II. Materiale şi cercetări прочее, когато прие царство техниять царь were drawn by 60 oxes, full of various precious Борил” (Церковный 1944, 44). things, such as expensive velvet fabrics, luxurious fur and clothing etc. (Андреев 1988, 128)3. The emperor Boril Asan, emperor Kaloyan’s neph- ew (“сестренник”) will be using the royal title The 1211 matrimonial contract mounted as a in reference to his relation with the Asan, on the political premise for the marital alliances in the feminine line, the one of his mother. In order to years to come. It was thanks to the “matrimonial provide more legitimacy to his supremacy, Borila policy”, as well as to Henry’s three nieces, that the has resorted to other “political arguments of the Latin emperor was able to consolidate alliances, time”, namely, by marrying the widow of Kaloyan in 1213, with three South-East and Central Eu- (“скитка”), his original aunt (Божилов, Гюзелев ropean leaders: King Andrew II of Hungary, the 2006, 74). Bulgarian tsar, Boril and with the emperor of Ni- Notably, these circumstances endow convincing caea, Teodore Laskaris (Божилов 1985, 72). evidence as to the certain participation of Boril However the regional political events have and Kaloyan ‘s wife at the accomplishment of the changed the course of action of emperor Boril’s plot regarding King Kaloyan (1197-1207) murder. matrimonial policies. Shortly after his daughter’s Without her support and agreement on the “royal marriage, the Bulgarian empress was forced to assassination” plan, chances of success regarding give up the imperial throne to a newly appointed the overpowering would be most certainly null. empress. Boril remarried Emperor Henry’s niece, The marriage with Kaloyan’s widow had a sub- the daughter of his sister Iolanta and Pierre de stantial importance for the future plans of em- Curtene. She is known as being the fi rst Bulgar- peror Boril. On one hand, he would undeniably ian empress with Western European origins. Her secure his right to the throne, and thus to abso- name however has not been retained and she was lute power. On the other hand, Boril ensured a not known for anything major. Her sister, anoth- both legal and legitimate warrant over the Asan er daughter of Iolanta, was married to Andrew, dynasty succession. The precedent has proved to the Hungarian king. This union’s goal was to be quite “catchy”, as it has been lately used mul- merge the relations between Boril and the Hun- tiple times in the struggle for the throne birth- garian emperor. There was a treaty that has been right, in the medieval Bulgaria (Андреев 1988, signed in 1214, which rendered the marriage of 126-130). the Hungarian throne successor with Bela, Boril’s daughter (Андреев 1988, 126-128; А. Данчева- Another reasoning with regards to the conquest Васильева 1977, 35-51; Цанкова-Петкова 1970, of the leadership by the latter, namely on the 165-166). grounds of a plot and not within the birthright le- gitimacy, is the one referring to the fact that Asan After several years, the struggle for the Bulgarian I’s sons, Ivan and Alexander – the legitimate heirs throne became very intense. In 1218, Boril has – were bound to fl ee from Târnovo and the Gali- been dismissed by another legitimate contender cia principality (Божилов 1985, 69). to the throne, Ivan Asan II. Boril was blinded and imprisoned “for the evil caused to the dynasty In order to substantiate alliances with the Latin and the country” (Данчева- Васильева 1977, Empire, Boril decides to marry his step-daughter, 35-51; Божилов 1985, 69-76). Subsequently, Maria (Kaloyan’s daughter) with the Latin Em- one can reach the conclusion that the two politi- peror Henry, in 1211 (Цанкова-Петкова 1970, cally-cored marriages concluded by Boril, did not 165-166). Historical sources do not reveal whose secured him neither the happiness not the legiti- was the actual initiative in the matter (of the mat- mate birthright. rimonial alliance). It is nevertheless unquestion- able that the union between the Bulgarian family 3 „Пристигането на Мария в Цариград прдствлявало and the imperial Latin court is based on a politi- невиждано зрелище – прикята на българската прин- cal intent. The evidence confi rming the fact is the цесса била натоварена на 60 мулета, а всяко живот- но било покрито с 8 лакти червено кадифе, половина one illustrated in the era documents, which de- от което се вдачело по земята. Далеч по-големи от picted the marriage as “arranged” through the зестрата били политические активи за латинската „marriage diplomacy”, underlining the fact that дипломация, която си осигурила» союз с Болгарией воз- можность сосредоточить усилия „си по посока на Мала the bride’s dowry was huge. The carts with dowry Азия и Епир”. 54 L. Zabolotnaia, Women and power in the history of the Asan dynasty Ivan Asan II (1218-1241), son of Ivan Asan I and Branicevo (Златарски 1972, 325-326; История empress Elena (Дуйчев 1941; Данчева-Василева 1954, 142). Ergo, Ivan Asan II has related not 1977, 52-56; Цанкова-Петкова 1978, 109-137; only with the Hungarian family, but extensively Василева 1981, 134-143; Божилов 1985, 77-92; with the Latin imperial one and with the family of Божилов, Гюзелев 2006, 479-500). His birthday Nicaea Emperor. Of the Latin Emperor’s daugh- is not specifi cally known, but according to Iordan ters was King Andrew II’s wife. Consequently, Andreev’s estimates, it would be in the 1195-1196. the affair in question led to an agreement with His childhood was marked by his father’s assas- regards to the marriage of the Hungarian king’s sination; at the age of 8 or 11, he has then escaped son with Maria, daughter of Theodore I Laskaris for 10 in Galicia, where he has received political (1204/1206 - 1222), emperor of Nicaea (Андреев shelter.
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