
CLUB The Bulletin No. 437 June 1996 • - . TA14 1946-1996 THE AL VIS OWNER CLUB FCll.I'lded 1951 Patrcn C G H F ClI.I'rom Esq. President Emerîtus; K R Day COUNCll President: Ncrrn:l'l WhillŒ"1. 102 Henwcxx:l Green Rood. perrtuy. Tlnlxidge Wells, Kenl TN2 4lN 0189282·2088 Chalrman: .Jd'n 1Mlee1ey, Dubeck, fu.me, GI Ycrrrooth, NR29 3BY, 01692-670294 Vlce-Chairman: Arth..r C For t:on, Caerlc.ettoo, TlTeepNOOd, GaJashiels. TDI 2PV. 01896-860287 Treas urer; Jim Peace, OyIers Fantoose, Fruwenls, HCl'v\ridusl. CrCJltroc:k, Kenl TN18 5AR 01580-752237 Gen. Secretary: NvJkolm Dave'(, 1 Forge Collages, lillie Bayt-am lornberh.rst. Kenl TN3 888 01892-890043 Bulletin Editor: ..Ic:h1 Priee Wllnams, 9\ Pak Averee, Easlboone. BN21 2XH. 01323-508803 Fax 01323-520554 Technlcal Editer; N J Sirrpsoo, K11ged::i1 HOJSe, Pall-y-Goilre. Abergaverny, Gwent NP? 968 01873-840320. fox: 01873-840504 Competition Sacy Md:. Fle/cher. Rod;v.oood Collage, 5hea1:x:ri:; Rood. BIod:bun, LCI1Cs SBl SAP 01254-260999 Registrar: [)(:Ne a.Asrow, 27 Whileside Averve, Hon lale, Hndey, WIQ<l"I WN2 258 01942-254220 Public Relations: {& celetrity cas} Peler Dickersoo. 48 Swtrlbaru::jl Drive, P..rIgllon BN2 5PH 01273-685640 SECTION SECRETARIES South East: Brial NIoile. Llllie Heotherselt. 37 Wrct( Lcne, Relgale, SLrrey, RH2 OHU. 01737-245339 South West: OYls Podger, Riverai"!, Ogbcune NIolzey, M:J1bctOl.lljl SN8 lXR. 01672-516705 East Anglla: Roger Gooc:k'lg, 36 Waf Lcne, Walerbeach, Cambridge CB5 9NO. 01223-861003 Midland: eric Ddt, The Pak, SIrCUTlSh:JO, Ullaxeler, Slalfs. Sn4 5AL 01889-567397 North: Corn Newby, cIo Wœers Rociolas Lld, SolJgl Br~ Mil, Cohe Rd. Eaby, Cone, LcrtCs BB8 6RY. Tel befae 8pm 01282-843151; 9-1Opm 01282-844273 Scotland: Edgcr SIieIds, SInxrl BI:Ji::, Bogcrvie Rood, Cqxr, Fife KYl5 4AH Tel 01334 653180 North America: AH Claksoo, 104 Eogle Lcne, DoyIeslCl'lYTl. Po. USA 18901. 215-343-1967 Denmark: Peler Bemg. Tavel 23, DK-4720 PR- Sn 55-99-16-45. Sweden: G Hervyssm, A/vIs Hi!, SIrOO'lsbcrgsvègen 2, 610 13 Lolap, 5weden. 122-29029 Nelherlands: Hermcrl Sd'ipper, Dr 5<tuI1ooo 10, f\lnspeel, NL8071 AS Netherknds 03412-54354 Swilzerland: D<rIIel Fisdin, Ch ru !Vall BIcnc 16, CH-ll70 ALtx:n'le 21/808/67 68. OTHER OFFICIAlS Memborahip Secretary and Distribution: C 0 .Yodc:c:nod1e, 2 SI.my BI:Ji:: Collages, Coils Hill, Copel,Tonb-idge, Kenl TN12 6SW. 01892-832118 Club Photograph Historlan: dTis Hoplon, Wmchlay, ms Lcne, f.Acrchhglon, Ulloxeler.s. Sn4 8LW. 01283-820415 Club Calendar & small ads: N'Id:: Woker, Corrp:ien Close, Corrp:ien HiU, Ilmnglon, Shlpsloo-on Stcu, WCl"Nicksti'e CV36 4JF. 01608-682589; Fox 01608-682481 Parts location: Eric: OcKrncI1, WHle Ode CI, 28 Slave HiD, Hadirlxlm. Aylesbuy, HP17 8AZ Subscrlptions: LaTOne Smilt\ 5 Wnslon Wa(, Ok:! Woki1g. SLrrey. GU22 9HR 01483-766408 MODEl SECRETARIES Silver Eagle: Reg (;(055, Snopes Fam. Slari'lgloo Rd. ThcKeham. PUbctoo:1\ w. Sussex RH20 3EO. 01903-745423 Firefly: Simoo FISher, PO Box 41500. Nai'obI. Kenya. Firebird: cJyj; Taylor, 28 The 1Odgeway, Disley, Stockport, crestwe. SK12 2JO SA Speed 20: NIck Slrrpsoo - Tecmlcal edta. SB Speed 20: NIck Waker - Calencla edta. SC/50 Sp20: Tony ~lIlps-Smith. Trevcrvas Collage, Trevuvas, Ashloo, Helsloo, Cornwall TR13 9TY 3.5 litre: .Jo/Ti OrNera, Easl AngrlO Secrelay. Crested Eagle: Bob NErrill, 950 pakhiU Drive, Boise, IdchJ 83702 USA. Speed 25: Mi:e Ne'M'ncJ1, PapilJoo, Armslroog Raad. Brockerh..rst. Ha1ls. 50 42 7TA. 01590-622824 4.3 litro: Wayrte Srod::s. 5ee TB21 beIow. Silver Crost: Ardf!N Wisdom 3 Goosefool Close, Solmesbuy, Presloo. PR5 OSS 01254-853476 12170: Beny lO\ll11, Bidsloo, Robn Hood lCJïe, WriçIllilgtoo. WIQa1, WN6 900 01257-252180 TA14: Rob SmltI\ 5 Wnsloo WC/'I. Old Wc»:.i'lg. SuTey, GU22 9HR 01483-766408 TA21: Nalcolm KhdeII, 7 Broac:h.rsl Gadens. Easlcole. fMslip, NkIx. HM 9Xl 0181-668 9706 TS21: Wayne Brooks, 140 Roce Street. Banbridge, PA 17502 USA lei & fox 717-426 3842 TC21/1 00: corn Newby. Norfhem secrelay. TC108/G·Grabors & TOfTElTF: Jctn Fox. Graber lodge, Ctaypool lcne, Scathem, lilcoo lN2 2W S poclals : CWe TayIa, Va lDs, TnleCs Lcne, Wesl Hasley, Strrey KT24 6.10 Tec hnlcal Advlce: Flrofl y/Flre blrd/12/70: Jod:: Clava-, The Old Redcry, Woodtoo, BI.ngay, Suffalt NR35 2LP. 01508-482291 TA'., .JoIn \\11eeIey. CMmxn Pre a nd posl.war s lxe s NIck ~ Tectnlcol Ed ler. PIeose q.xlle rnerrt>ersNp rurber il aTf cooespm::leoce v.ilh officiais end enclose Q1 SAE. S ERVICES Ins urance brokers: Foalm::rl James & CO.Lld, Walerlon lcne, Ctodey Heath. Waiey, Wesl MkIcnds 864 6BR 0121-561 4196. Fox: 0121-559 9203. RAC Membe nhip: M:Jlcoim Khdell TA 21 Secrela-y. Club Regalla : Ray f.Ac fotUlen - see beIow lJ'lder Owner's Harlxx:ks. Priees hd.di'lg postoge!choques payobIo 10 !he AMs ~ ObI: I!odga$ - o;r m .oo, sew-en [2.50. brooch 1:2.00, 10. dise i'oIdors tl nl('fTl()\ ex QloC lgoo! o;r sllckors bodge en wHle bock!1o...nd I$lole l'.tidi I:l BU! a.J!f lRs 1:4. BIoO; ruIf lRs 1:6. nos 19OM. bl!9. goyl 1:6. Polka bon PQ'l wilh ANis molli 'ri pr8$GOloIlcn box [5, EncrnaI dosh boo-d pIcqJes n50, Key mgs, bIocX a brOMl ~tlClt r2.50, Alvls "Soollq uo" Jctn v.JheeIey khoi'm::nJ ocxress opposite. Sweol~S. !1(1f. bloo a wHle tIl.5O. PIAoYClS,!1f!"( ex bloo. VQ" rOllld neô:. 1:\6 slze 32- 10 4T- m slze 44- 1046-. ZiPPE!' jOO:;ets, blIe ex !1ey, [\6. Body WO'ITIefS bloo ex ,00 [19.50. U'"rbllllos m .50. Priees fld UKposloge. Ownor's handbooks: coo be bcrrO'-lVed by UK merrbers ooty ogonsl a refLndobie deposil of f.25 by cheqJe payable la AOC Please SE!Od a sepa-ate cheqJe payable la R J f.AcfotUlen fer f.l p&p la R J f.AcMJIen. 56 Wk:Xhom 51... Wellhg, Kenl DA16 6Bl. 0181-854 1257. Cordex blnd e ra: These 'NiD occorrmodale '10 BUletns 01 a cosl of f.3.2S i'"d.. dng p&p h lhe UK CheqJes payable la the AOC Avollable trom Eric Siopieloo, WtIIow Cottoge, Uttle Otnmow, Essex CMIJ 3HP. Silve r Ea gle mascota: UK t 50 he P&P. EU odcI D . US end Fa Easl odcI t6. CheqJes UK bai::s er EU er slerfng, payable AOC ErIc Odcrrm. See pais Iocaticn Cha nges of a d dreaa: shcUd be nolifled la the Membership Secrelay. BULLETIN INFORM ATION F\bIication dey Is the Ii'sl week of the rT'01lh fer len rTUlths of the yea. Copy Cl"Id plcl\.res la lhe Eciler, Jctn Priee WIIIlams. AD cootrib.rlions rrusl be recelved by the 151 of the m::tllh prier ta trol of p..bIJcalion - !halls, al Ieost a rT'01!h cheod. Plcturea shoUd be copllcned Cl"Id daled end ae reluned if SM is enclosed. COPY 00 Ooppy cise, preferable n WercPerfecl 5.2 er ealler, er typed cb.bIe-spaced; Jegible hc:rld-Miliïg acceptable. P\ease slole Il cise Is ta be retuned, lhe Edler deols v.i!h cisplay cds, but nol smaDcds (see bek:1M. Bulle Un ba c k numbe rs a nd d oll very e nquiri es: la the General Secrelay. Ois pl ay Ad e: avoilable Cfl a per Issue er crnJOI Hen issue) basis. AlnJaI raies: f.450 per fUI page; f.275 per hall page end tl50 pet" q..o1er page. Pa- issue raies ae t75 per page; t40 per hall page end f.25 pa' qxr1er page excepl fer q..o1er page cds fer perSCflOI ca- soles fer v.tIch a speciot rote of n .50 applies. Artwor1c cosls extro if nol suppIled. Sma lt a ds : shoUd be senllo the Colendcr edler Nick Woker. Oeocfne Is the 15th 01 the rT'01lh p-ecedng ~alicn Acis fram meni::Ecs ae free but rrusl relaie la AMs cas er pais. Non-members end traders pay a fiai raie of t12 l'ici VAl Couer picture: '~l uis TA14 by the shores of Loch Ma ree, Ross and Cromarty': by Gordon Horner. This first appeared as an accompaniment to an article in The Autocar, of 26th February 1954 entitled 'Innocents ouer the Border '. The author, "E. E. ", relates his experiences during a round trip from Surrey to the Western Highlands in the family TA14. Dave Culsh aw writes: 1 managed to speak to Gordon Honter last year about his TA14 drawings, and sadly il would appear that the original does nol suruiue, nor could Gordon remember details of the Aluis. Howeuer, there will neuer be a better time to reuiue this largely-forgotten picture, acknowledging ils distill guished artist, in the year of ils subject 'Cinquantaine " AROUND THE CLUB V Tony Phillips-Smith has produced another of his fine drawings (above) . this time for the cover of the programme for International Alvis Day. V The record of the Scottish Motor Show TA16.95 of 1929 has just come to hand. The Cross and Ellis Alvista is noted as hnving "red Durex upholstery". Must have caused quite a stir. V The Registrar's fenture in the Bulletin of May 1994 on the connections of Alvis with the A.C. company contained an appeal for information about the two estate cars built for Fairey Aviation. A new member, Bill Hubbard of Newcastle, Staffordshire, has brought one one of these cars to light a nd is to report on ils restoration.
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