Vol. 52, No. 2 Physics in Canada March/April 1996 La Physique au Canada mars/avril 1996 FEATURING: I The Physics of Dilute 2D Electron and Hole Systems in Si-Based Heterostructures by M. D'lorio Nouvelle source de plasma pour le traitement des matériaux: Magnétoplasma à onde de surface by J. M argot Evaluation of the Acid Deposition and Oxidant Model with Ozone and Sulphur Dioxide Data from High Elevation Sites by C. Banic et al Contrôle des modes latéraux de lasers à semi-conducteurs: Expériences et simulations by N. McCarthy et al Symmetry-Violating NN Potentials in the Nucleus WOMEN PHYSICISTS IN CANADA by A.C. Hayes LES PHYSICIENNES AU CANADA Outflows from Spiral Galaxies (nu) byJ.A. Irwin 2100.0 lll-V Semiconductor Characterization I for Optoelectronics j by C. Miner and, in the PHYSICS AND EDUCATION SECTION: 2212.5 The Early History of Women in Univ. Physics: A Toronto Case Study by A. Prentice Using Nonsexist Language/Rendering 2325.0 the CAP By-laws Gender Neutral by R. King and D. Poirier Women Physics Faculty in Canada by J. Lagowski and J. McKenna 2437.5 Women Students in Physics in I Canada: A Decade of Progress by A. McMillan and E. Svensson WES - Women in Eng. and Science: 2550.0 A Canadian Success Story at NRC by M. D'lorio The Committee on the Status of Women in Physics of the American Physical Society by L. Martinez-Miranda Individual and Family Profiles Canadian Publications Product Sales Agreement No. 0484202/ Envois de publications canadiennes numéro de convention 0484202 Apix mellifera (Apidae). Common European honeybee. Managed in hives for at least 3,000 years, honeybees are the chief pollinating agent for 80% of the commercial cultivation of fruits, grains, and vegeta­ bles. Each hive consists of from 40,000 to 80,000 bees organized in a highly structured social order. Small, disciplined, adaptable, and highly productive, Series MK). 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This results, not only in low weight, but in easy serviceability...avoiding the prob­ lems associated with encapsulated "throw-away” modules. Though small in size these modules are big in perform­ Call or write for more information on these versatile ance. Voltage regulation is better than 0.005% for line high voltage power supplies. You'll "wonder” why you and load variations. Ripple is less than 0.05% (0.03%, ever considered anything else! Innovations in high voltage power supply, technology. CLASSMAN HIGH VOLTAGE INC. GLASSMAN U.S.A. GLASSMAN EUROPE GLASSMAN JAPAN Classman High Voltage, Inc. Glassman Europe Limited Glassman lapan High Voltage Limited P.O. Box 551 21 Campbell Court Taira Building Whitehouse Station, N| 08889 Campbell Road 1-17, Taira 1-chome USA. Tadley Miyamae-ku, Kawasaki 216 Telephone: (908) 534-9007 Bramley lapan FAX- (908) 534-5672 Hampshire RG26 5EG Telephone: (044) 877-4546 England FAX. (044) 877-3395 In Canada: (514) 455-7408 Telephone: (1256) 883007 FAX: (514) 455-7387 FAX: (1256)883017 CANADIAN ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE OF PHYSICISTS DES PHYSICIENS ET PHYSICIENNES 151 RUE SLATER STREET. SUITE 903, OTTAWA. ONTARIO CANADA K1P 5H3 TELEPHONE- (613) 237-3392 FAX: (613) 238-1677 E-MAIL: [email protected] WE ARE MOVING!! E ffective 1996 May 14, the Canadian Association of Physicists can be reached as fo llo w s: BY M AIL Suite 11 2 (or in person) McDonald Building 150 Louis Pasteur Ave. OTTAWA ON K1N6N5 BY TELEPHONE (613) 562-5614 BY FAX (613) 562-5615 BY EMAIL [email protected] BY IUTS (Ontario Univ.) Station 6B OFFICE HOURS 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We look forward to our continuing interactions with you. CANADIAN ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE OF PHYSICISTS DES PHYSICIENS ET PHYSICIENNES 151 RUE SLATER STREET. SUITE 903. OTTAWA, ONTARIO CANADA K1P 5H3 TELEPHONE: (613) 237-3392 FAX: (613) 23Θ-1677 E-MAIL: [email protected] NOUS DÉMÉNAGEONS ! Le 14 mai 1996, l'Association canadienne des physiciens et physiciennes occupera ses nouveaux locaux dont les coordonées sont les suivantes: ADRESSE POSTALE Bureau 11 2 (ou en personne) Immeuble McDonald 1 50, rue Louis Pasteur OTTAW A ON K 1 N 6 N 5 TELEPHONE (613) 562-5614 TÉLÉCOPIEUR (613) 562-5615 ADRESSE ELECTRONIQUE [email protected] IUTS (Univ. d'Ontario) Station 6B HEURES D'OUVERTURE 0800 h à 1630 h Au plaisir et à bientôt. Vol. 52, No. 2 Physics in Canada_____ March/ April 1996 La Physique au Canada mars/avril 1996 INDEX FEATURE NON-TECHNICAL ARTICLES: Pages 50-52 Pages 94-96 (cool'd ou pg. 100) Editorial and Calendar/Calendrier The Early History of Women in University Physics: A Toronto Case Study Pages 53-57 by A. Prentice Science Policy Update / Mise à jour sur la politique scientifique Pages 97-100 Pages 58-60 Using Nonsexist Language/Rendering the News / Nouvelles CAP By-Laws Gender Neutral / ’L'utilisation University News / Échos des Universités d'un tangage non-aexiste/La modification de ta International News / Nouvelles Internationales constitution de i'ACP pour te rendre non-sexiste by R. King and D. Poirier Page 61 Pages 1 0 6 -1 0 7 (ooot'd oo pg. 112) Canadian Physicists / Physiciens et Physiciennes Canadien(nejs Women Physics Faculty in Canada News from Corporate Members by J.B. Lagowski and J. McKenna Pages 1 0 8 -1 1 0 (corn'd oo pg. 113) Women Students in Physics in Canada: A FEATURE TECHNICAL ARTICLES: Decade of Progress Pages 62-68 (coat'd od pg. 71) by A.C. McMillan and E. Svensson The Physics of Dilute 2D Electron and Hole Systems in Si-Based Heterostructures Pages 111-112 by M. D'lorio WES - Women in Engineering and Science: A Canadian Success Story at NRC / PIC - Pages 69-71 Programme d'ingénieures et chercheuses: Un Nouvelle Source de Plasma pour le traitement des matériaux: Magnétoplasma programme canadien couronné de succès au CNRC by M. D'lorio à onde de surface by J. Margot Page 113 The Committee on the Status of Women Pages 72-76 (cont'd o d PR 80) in Physics of the APS Evaluation of the Acid Deposition and Oxidant Model with Ozone and Sulphur by L. Martinez-Miranda Dioxide Data from High Elevation Sites by C.M. Banic at al Pages 114-126 Individual and Family Profiles by i. Condroa; Pages 77-80 N.R. Evans; D. Pinsonneault; D. Poirier; M. Hilts, Contrôle des modes latéraux de lasers à semi-conducteurs: Expériences et C. Lucas, S. Ghosh and C. Klatt; M.A. White; A. Hayes simulations and S. Sterbenz; J. Berlinsky and C. Kallin; J. and M. Thewalt; end Y. Qj by N. McCarthy at al Pages 81-85 (coot’d o d pg. 89) Page 102 Symmetry-Violating NN Potentials in the Nucleus Institutional Members / Membres institutioneis by A.C. Hayes Sustaining Members / Membres de soutien Pages 103-105 Pages 86-89 The CAP 1994 Income Survey Outflows from Spiral Galaxies by J.A. Irwin Pages 127-129 Books Received i Livres reçus Pages 90-93 Book Reviews / Revues des livres lll-V Semiconductor Characterization for Optoelectronics Page 130 by C.J. Miner Ads Inside Back Cover Printing: Love Printing Service Ltd. Corporate Membres / Membres corporatifs Advertising R a tes Single Issue O n e -Y e a r E f f e c t i v e January 1996 Jan., March, July, Congress Issue C o n tra c t FRONT COVER: Fig. 2, "lll-V Semiconductor Sept., Nov. (M a y ) (6 issu e s) Full P age $ 6 6 0 . 0 0 $ 6 1 0 . 0 0 $ 4 6 0 . 0 0 Characterization for Optoelectronics” by H a lf Page 4 2 0 . 0 0 4 6 0 . 0 0 3 6 0 .0 0 C.J. M in e r (pg. 90). (Top) The reflectance at a Quarter Page 2 4 6 .0 0 2 7 0 .0 0 2 1 0 . 0 0 Fourth Cover 7 0 6 . 0 0 7 7 6 . 0 0 6 0 0 .0 0 wavelength of 1000 nm is displayed for an InP layer Second & Third Cover 6 1 0 . 0 0 7 0 6 . 0 0 6 1 0 . 0 0 grown on an In MGa 47As marker layer. (Bottom) W ith Colour, $228.00 each additional colour; Bleed $140.00 the additional information inferred from at least one Typesetting and art tim e extra Deadline for Copy - 16th of previous month reflectance spectrum for each fringe, the sRS map can Published -Jan/Feb., March/Apr., Msy/June, July/Aug.. Sept/Oct., Nov/Dec. be translated to this thickness map. EDITORIAL - It is an honour to be the first woman invited to be the special editor of Physics in Canada, in particular for a special issue on Women Physicists.
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