Public Document Pack Notice of Meeting Eastern Area Planning Committee Wednesday, 16th June, 2010 at 6.30pm in the Calcot Centre, Highview (off Royal Avenue), Calcot Members Interests Note: If you consider you may have an interest in any Planning Application included on this agenda then please seek early advice from the appropriate officers. Date of despatch of Agenda: Tuesday, 8 June 2010 FURTHER INFORMATION FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC Plans relating to the Planning Applications to be considered at the meeting can be viewed in the Calcot Centre between 5.30pm and 6.30pm on the day of the meeting. No new information may be produced to Committee on the night (this does not prevent applicants or objectors raising new points verbally). If objectors or applicants wish to introduce new additional material they must provide such material to planning officers at least 5 clear working days before the meeting (in line with the Local Authorities (Access to Meetings and Documents) (Period of Notice) (England) Order 2002). For further information about this Agenda, or to inspect any background documents referred to in Part I reports, please contact Stephen Chard Tel: (01635) 519462 Email: [email protected]. Further information, Planning Applications and Minutes are also available on the Council’s website at www.westberks.gov.uk Agenda - Eastern Area Planning Committee to be held on Wednesday, 16 June 2010 (continued) To: Councillors Peter Argyle, Pamela Bale, Brian Bedwell (Chairman), Richard Crumly, Alan Law, Keith Lock, Royce Longton, Alan Macro, Tim Metcalfe, Irene Neill (Vice-Chairman), Graham Pask and Terry Port Substitutes: Councillors Keith Chopping, Lee Dillon, Manohar Gopal, Owen Jeffery, Tony Linden, Mollie Lock, Quentin Webb and Keith Woodhams Agenda Part I Page No. 1. Apologies To receive apologies for inability to attend the meeting (if any). 2. Minutes 1 - 34 To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting of this Committee held on 26 May 2010. 3. Declarations of Interest To receive any Declarations of Interest from Members. 4. Schedule of Planning Applications (Note: The Chairman, with the consent of the Committee, reserves the right to alter the order of business on this agenda based on public interest and participation in individual applications.) (1) Application No. & Parish: 10/00556/HOUSE, Basildon. 35 - 48 Proposal: Single storey and first floor extensions to existing bungalow structure with revised materials. New mono-pitched roof to existing structure. Location: Brickfields, Blandys Lane, Upper Basildon, Reading Applicant: Mr Paul Smith Recommendation: The Head of Planning and Countryside be authorised to APPROVE Planning Permission subject to conditions. Agenda - Eastern Area Planning Committee to be held on Wednesday, 16 June 2010 (continued) (2) Application No. & Parish: 10/00631/HOUSE, Holybrook. 49 - 56 Proposal: Retrospective – Wall to front of garden Location: 6 Charrington Road, Calcot, Reading, Berkshire, RG31 7AW Applicant: Recommendation: The Head of Planning and Countryside be authorised to grant retrospective planning permission subject to conditions and informatives. Items for Information 5. Appeal Decisions relating to Eastern Area Planning 57 - 60 Purpose: To inform Members of the results of recent appeal decisions relating to the Eastern Area Planning Committee. 6. Plans and Drawings 61 - 76 The plans and drawings relating to the planning applications submitted to this meeting. Background Papers (a) The South East Plan: The Regional Spatial Strategy for South East England 2006-2026 (May 2009), West Berkshire District Local Plan (Saved Policies September 2007), the Replacement Minerals Local Plan for Berkshire, the Waste Local Plan for Berkshire and relevant Supplementary Planning Guidance and Documents. (b) Any previous planning applications for the site, together with correspondence and report(s) on those applications. (c) The case file for the current application comprising plans, application forms, correspondence and case officer’s notes. (d) The Human Rights Act. Andy Day Head of Policy and Communication West Berkshire Council is committed to equality of opportunity. We will treat everyone with respect, regardless of race, disability, gender, age, religion or sexual orientation. If you require this information in a different format, such as audio tape, or in another language, please ask an English speaker to contact Moira Fraser on telephone (01635) 519045, who will be able to help. This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 2. DRAFT Note: These Minutes will remain DRAFT until approved at the next meeting of the Committee EASTERN AREA PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY, 26 MAY 2010 Councillors Present: Pamela Bale (P), Brian Bedwell (Chairman) (P), Richard Crumly (P), Alan Law (P), Keith Lock (P), Mollie Lock (SP), Royce Longton (P), Alan Macro (P), Tim Metcalfe (P), Irene Neill (Vice-Chairman) (P), Quentin Webb (SP) Also Present: Brian Conlon (Planning Officer), Gareth Dowding (Senior Engineer), Paul Goddard (Team Leader - Highways Development Control), Katherine Goodchild (Principal Planning Officer), Liz Patient (Solicitor), Gary Rayner (Development Control Manager), Stephen Chard (Policy Officer), David Cook (Principal Policy Officer) Apologies: Councillor Peter Argyle, Councillor Graham Pask and Councillor Terry Port PART I 4. Apologies Apologies for inability to attend the meeting were received on behalf of Councillors Peter Argyle, Graham Pask and Terry Port. Councillor Quentin Webb substituted for Councillor Graham Pask and Councillor Mollie Lock substituted for Councillor Terry Port. 5. Minutes The Minutes of the meeting held on 14 April 2010 were approved as a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman, subject to the following amendment: Item 19, Bethesda Street – final sentence, paragraph 2 on page 11 – None of the houses in Bethesda Street had dormer windows on the third storey. The Minutes of the meeting held on 11 May 2010 were approved as a true and correct record and signed by the Chairman. Gary Rayner then addressed the Committee and made the following points in relation to agenda items 4 (1), (2) and (3) that all related to 14 and 16 Reading Road, Pangbourne: • Although each application related to the development of the same single site they all needed to be considered as individual applications. • Agenda item 4 (3), which was for the full application, was to be withdrawn from the Agenda to allow for the implications of the demolition of the building within the Conservation Area to be referred to and fully addressed as part of this ‘Full’ application so that it could stand as an independent application (whether refused or approved) separate from any requirement for Conservation Consent. Members queried whether a decision taken on one of the items could predetermine the decision on another. Gary Rayner confirmed that if, for example, the Conservation Area Consent was refused then the Outline permission could still be approved and access could remain as a reserved matter. If, on the other hand, Conservation Area Consent was granted it would stand alone as an approval and a condition would be added to ensure that there was a planning permission for redevelopment and a contract in place for those works to be carried out, before the demolition could be carried out. It was Page 1 DRAFT EASTERN AREA PLANNING COMMITTEE - 26 May 2010 - MINUTES therefore possible to consider the applications separately without needing to take into account the decision taken on any separate applications which related to the site. 6. Declarations of Interest Councillor Alan Macro declared an interest in Agenda Item 4(4), and reported that, as his interest was personal and prejudicial, he would be leaving the meeting during the course of consideration of the matter, other than to speak as Ward Member. Councillor Brian Bedwell declared an interest in Agenda Item 4(5), and reported that, as his interest was personal and prejudicial, he would not participate during the course of consideration of the matter, other than to speak as Ward Member. Councillor Richard Crumly declared an interest in Agenda Item 4(7), but reported that, as his interest was personal and not prejudicial, he determined to remain to take part in the debate and vote on the matter. 7. Schedule of Planning Applications 7(1) Application No. & Parish: 09/02680/CON, Pangbourne. The Committee considered a report (Agenda Item 4(1)) concerning Planning Application 09/02680/CON in respect of the demolition of Nos. 14 and 16 Reading Road, Pangbourne. In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, Mrs K Lacey and Ms J Hughes, Parish Council representatives, Mr Richard Anstis, objector, Ms Angela Foot, supporter, and Mr Paul Galliver and Mr Adrian Keal, agent, addressed the Committee on this application. Mrs Lacey in addressing the Committee raised the following points: • Mrs Lacey was a member of the Pangbourne Residents Association but did not attend meetings when objections to this application were discussed. • The Parish Council objected to the application. The proposed demolition of the existing building would have a negative impact on the street scene. The Parish Council did however support the development of the post office. • This would lead to a loss of a Class A1 retail unit. • The development would have a harmful effect on the Conservation Area and would be a great loss of amenity. • The existing buildings should be retained, which the Planning Inspector had agreed with. They were of historic interest. The Secretary of State had indicated that buildings of this sort should be protected. • The Parish Council felt these would be adequate reasons on which to refuse the application. In response to Member questions, Ms Hughes advised that she felt that it was possible to expand the post office without the need for any demolition, as the original 2006 application proposed that the extension would be to the rear of the property and not to the side. Ms Hughes added that she felt it was possible to incorporate the properties proposed for demolition for the use of the post office.
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