January 19, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E 133 United States. Participants are expected to as- and gas income is shared under the terms of States as a whole. This is a critical problem in sist in planning topical meetings in Washing- ANCSA section 7(i). my home county of El Paso. The rate of ton, and are encouraged to host one or two Mr. Speaker, a version of this bill has been amebiasis, a parasitic infestation, is three staff people in their Member's district over the considered and passed the House in 1992. times higher along the border than in the rest Fourth of July, or to arrange for such a visit to Another version was approved by the Senate of the United States and the rate of another Member's district. Energy and Natural Resources Committee in shigellosis, a bacterial infection, is two times Participants will be selected by a committee 1994. But we have never been able to get the higher. These diseases don't check with immi- composed of U.S. Information Agency [USIA] bill all the way through the process. I hope to gration or customs inspectors for either coun- personnel and past participants of the ex- change that this year. try before crossing borders, nor do they re- change. I have made a few changes in the bill which main at the border. Once these diseases are Senators and Representatives who would I am introducing today. The major change is to in the United States they become a public like a member of their staff to apply for partici- delete the wilderness designations which have health problem for the entire country. pation in this year's program should direct previously been part of the bill. It was my I urge my colleagues to support this impor- them to submit a reÂsume and cover letter in hope that moderate wilderness designations in tant legislation. This will not only benefit the which they state why they believe they are the bill would help the bill's consideration in southwestern border region, but the entire qualified, and some assurances of their ability this body and with the administration. Despite U.S. population. the courtesy and fair consideration by former to participate during the time stated. Applica- f tions should be sent to Kathie Scarrah, c/o Chairman MILLER, we were unable to move Senator JOSEPH I. LIEBERMAN, 316 Hart Sen- the bill last year. At the same time, the wilder- A SPECIAL ``DEAN'' ate Office Building, by Wednesday, February ness provisions drew opposition from other 15. native corporations, local governments, and the State of Alaska. HON. JAMES T. WALSH f I have also made minor changes to the sec- OF NEW YORK INTRODUCTION OF THE ALASKA tions of the bill regarding the mineral appraisal IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and the property account in response to sug- PENINSULA SUBSURFACE CON- Thursday, January 19, 1995 SOLIDATION ACT OF 1995 gestions made by the Department of the Inte- rior and Office of Management and Budget. Mr. WALSH. Mr. Speaker, the most recent These provisions are similar to those in the bill edition of the Empire State Report, January HON. DON YOUNG approved by the Senate last session and were 1995, contains an excellent article about the OF ALASKA acceptable to the Congressional Budget Of- Washington based correspondent for the Wa- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fice. If there are other improvements which tertown Daily Times known to those of us in Thursday, January 19, 1995 can be made to the bill, I will entertain them the New York delegation as the Dean. Alan Emory has served his newspaper and the Mr. YOUNG of Alaska. Mr. Speaker, today during the hearing process. people of the north country for 43 years with I am reintroducing legislation directing the De- I look forward to working with the Secretary, distinction, style, and grace. partment of the Interior to acquire subsurface with Mr. MILLER and the other members of the Recognition from our peers is always a inholdings in three conservation system units. Resources Committee. I am confident we can treasured commodity. Last December, Alan Under this legislation, entitled the ``Alaska Pe- resolve this long overdue issue for the benefit was elected president of the Gridiron Club, an ninsula Subsurface Consolidation Act of of the Alaskan Native community and for the association of Washington journalists, because 1995,'' the United States would acquire American people. of his long-time service and professional dedi- 275,000 acres of oil and gas properties in the f cation to his chosen field of endeavor. He is Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve, INTRODUCTION OF THE ``SOUTH- respected and admired within the fraternity of the Alaska Peninsula National Wildlife Refuge, WEST PUBLIC HEALTH LABORA- journalism as this honor clearly indicates. and Becharof National Wildlife Refuge in ex- TORY'' Among those in Congress who respond to his change for Federal properties of equal value inquiries, Alan is known for his fairness and in- in Alaska. HON. RONALD D. COLEMAN tegrity. This in itself is the mark of a true pro- The subsurface properties are currently OF TEXAS fessional. owned by an Alaska Native corporation, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I am enclosing the above-mentioned article Koniag, Inc., which received them under the for the RECORD. It is a well deserved tribute terms of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Thursday, January 19, 1995 for one of the true gentlemen in journalism Act of 1971. By an accident of geography, Mr. COLEMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to today. Koniag, the regional corporation of the Kodiak introduce legislation that was passed over- Archipelago, was unable to realize its full enti- whelmingly in the House but killed by the THE DEAN tlement of land within the Kodiak area under other body during the 103d Congress. The [By Jonathan D. Salant] ANCSA. The prior establishment of the Kodiak ``Southwest Public Health Laboratory'' was in- At one of U.S. Sen. Daniel Patrick Moy- National Wildlife Refuge and the limitations of cluded in the conference report to S. 1569, the nihan's infrequent gatherings for the Wash- the islands forced Congress to redraw the re- Minority Health Improvement Act of 1994. ington press corps from New York news- gional corporation boundaries and grant This cooperative regional environmental lab- papers, a New York Times reporter attempted to sit in the front row. Koniag and other Kodiak corporations rights oratory would supplement existing public ``No, no, no,'' Moynihan sputters. ``That's on the Alaska Peninsula. Most of these rights health laboratories within the border States. the dean's seat.'' were exchanged in 1980, but these sub- This is necessary due to the fact that State The ``dean'' in this case refers to Alan surface holdings remain. Implementation of health departments have had difficulty meeting Emory, the 72-year-old correspondent for the this bill will finally remove Koniag from the the increasing demands being made on them Watertown Daily Times. Most of the reporters area and allow the Federal agencies better over the past several years. Basic duties, such who join Emory weren't born when he came management capability. as oversight of environmental conditions to re- to Washington 43 years ago, the result of an Under the terms of the bill I am introducing, duce and eliminate health hazards, have be- effort by his publisher to give the readers something more in exchange for a price hike. after a standard risk adjusted appraisal of the come increasingly difficult to sustain due to The rest of the New York press corps watch- oil and gas rights, Koniag will exchange these tight budget constraints and increasing public es Emory take his seat in front and pour a holdings for Federal property in Alaska of health problems. cup of coffee for the senator. They sit silent equal value. In the event that Koniag and the A recent incidental discovery of highly toxic deferentially to allow Emory to ask the first Secretary of the Interior are unable after 5 fish in the Rio Grande exemplifies the need for question, much as the senior wire service re- years to swap lands accounting for the full additional laboratory capacity and the difficulty porter opens presidential news conferences. value of the oil and gas, then Konaig will be in detecting some of these potential health Emory began covering Washington before given credits equal to the remaining untraded threats. In fact, polluted water and contami- Moynihan, who later served in the adminis- tration of four presidents, began his career value of the rights. With these credits, Koniag nated food cause much higher rates of gastro- in public service as an aide to then-Gov. or its assignee may bid on other Federal sur- intestinal and other diseases along the border Averell Harriman. Emory has covered Govs. plus properties. Any income from the disposal than in the rest of the United States. For ex- Thomas Dewey, Harriman, Nelson Rocke- of its assets by Koniag will be shared with ample, hepatitis A is two to three times more feller, Malcolm Wilson, Hugh Carey and other Alaska Native corporations just as oil prevalent along the border than in the United Mario Cuomo. He has covered Sens. Irving E 134 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks January 19, 1995 Ives, Kenneth Keating, Jacob Javits, Robert there was Nixon a few days later, quoting the Among contemporary politicians, it is Kennedy, Charles Goodell, James Buckley, Watertown Daily Times. Cuomo, who Emory landed as the speaker for Alfonse D'Amato and Moynihan. Emory spends much of his time chronicling the 1988 Gridiron show, who is his favorite.
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