Rep. Suwa Hydrobiol., 12 : l9-23 (2000) WATER PLANT SURVEY IN BOGOR, WEST JAVA, INDONESIA Hidenobu Kunii, Haruo Fukuhara and Takuo Nakajima i Research Center for Coastal Lagoon Environments, Shimane University, Matsue 69e-8504, Japan, [email protected] 2 Faculty of Education and Hurnan Sciences, Niigata University, Niigata 95O-218i, Japan [email protected] 3 Lake Biwa Research Institute, Ohtsu 520-0806, Japan, [email protected] Abstract A comparative survey of aquatic plants of eight ponds in aRd around Bogor, West Java, Indonesia, was prelimiRarily done to document the present status of aquatic fiora in the locality. A total of 12 taxa were recorded, and most frequently encountered taxa were Eichhornia crassipes and S2ilvinia molesla. Number of taxa per pond ranged frorn one to eight and mean rmmber was 4.9. Results of some water measurements and DCA application are also reported. 'Entroductien According to the draft checklist of Indonesian freshwater aqtiatic herbs compiled by Giesen (l991), there exist 623 aquatic plant species in Indenesia. Most ofthese species (over 80%) are emergent, and the plants with a free-floating life-form comprise 4%, suspended plants 2%, rooted submerged plaftts 109!6 and rooted-with-floating-leaves comprise l% of all aquatic plant species. Up to present, much data is available on taxonomy and distribution of aquatic plants in Indonesia (Giesen (1991) and the literature cited therein), but quite a few describe the ecology of aquatic plants in IRdonesia (Cary et aL, l991). Repertedly there exist ca, l60 sraall poRdslreservoirs in and around Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. Some ofthe significant functioRs ofthese water bodies are amoftg others fbr domestic use, fishery, irrigation, industry, recreation and fiood control, and not less irRportaBt are their roles in recharging the underground water supply and as habitat for rich variety ofaquatic lives (Nonlji and Hartoto, l989). Comparative studies of aquatic fiora between stagnant water bodies have long been attracting many investigators (HutchiRson, l975), and the correla£ion between species occurrence and eRvironmental variables have beeR examined in many geographical regions (c£ Kunii, l991). Nevertheless, no comparative studies ofthe aquatic fiera in the Iocality have ever been done. From the viewpoint of conservation of biodiversity, it is inevitable to kltow the present status of aquatic fiora in the locality. We therefbre carried out the observation on the floral composition and water chemistry of some pondslreservoirs in and around Bogor when we stayed at the Research and Development Center for Limnology-LIPI, Bogor, as JICA experts. Site and Metheds We visited eight pondslreserveirs iR and arouRd Bogor from 2 March 1993 to l5 March 1993 (Fig. I). The name and location of each pond determined by GPS (Sony IPS-360) is as fbllows; Rawakalong (6023'46"S, 106052'12"E), Cikaret (6028'03"S, 106050'11"E), Ciriu (6028'11"S, 106051'37"E), BQjongsari (6023'l5"S, 106045'13"E), -19- KUNII, FUKURARA aRd NAKAJIMA Jampang (6028'OO"S, 106043'33"E), Situ Burung (6032'50"S, 106044'09"E), 'Ilelaga Warna (6041'50"S, 107000'17"E), Cigudeg (6033'15"S, 106032'14"E). Each pond was surveyed from a boat or by wading, and presence or absence of all species of submerged, fioating-leaved and free-fioating macrophytes was recorded. Water depth, Secchi disc transparency, pH, water temperature, dissolved oxygen content and electric conductivity were measured in the field, and alkalinity was analysed in the laboratory ofLlnmology- LIPI using surface water samples. From the species presencelabsence data, species and site ordinations were done by using Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) (Hill, 1979). Data of the taxa that occurred only ence was omitted from the analytical procedure. .]a I Bogor e ; .;'S ll : i# :t lrtlLe :ny )i'1./li '. YYkpsWawa t `lp . .- .' l ;sl t; '. 2si-{IV"P- -, ; ."-v-trt a xr-Ak・t, ': : ":' Nit1i,.'S ・'F .,1・iti' "5-t""-.-.A.m.i.., .v"'"'t6-h.'5: x";"';"; '---t"' ibog6}g.':/r,, ts-- -t il ; -' - 'li'r'-'"-"-x .i X..,,..7 -.i s-'- 'i O 5 sutwL Fig. 1. Map showing study sites. ResuEts a"d DRscussieit 'fable 1 shows the result of water measurements. Transparency vaiue exceeded over 1 m only in Cikaret and mean of other six ponds was 77 cm. Minimum value of 30 cm was recorded at Bojongsari, the largest water body in the disuict of Sawangan (Nonlji and Hartoto, 1989). Elecuic cenductivity ranged from 44 to 88 #Slcm except for the high value recorded at RawakalGRg, into which waste water from the surrounding factories was discharged. In Rawakalong, anoxic conditions were found even at the surface because ofthe dense growth ofEichhornia crassipes. A total of 12 taxa were recorded from the ponds visited ('fable 2). Of the l2 taxa recorded, only two taxa were submerged (Ilydrilla verticillata and 2Vajas graminea). The most frequently encountered plants were free--fioating Eichhornia crassipes and Sblvinia molesta (6 out of 8 ponds), and Lemna sp., Limnocharis .fZava and ?Vajas graminea occurred enly once. Number of taxa per pond ranged from one to eight and mean Awnber was calculated to be 4.9. This value is almost the same as that reported by Kunii (1991); 4.1 species per pond in and around Matsue, Shimane Prefecture, Japan. -20- Water plants in Bogor Table l . Some environmental variables ofeight ponds arouRd Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. Pond name Depth "rranspareBcy Conductivity pH AIkalinity D.O. (ra) (cm) ( S/cm) (m /l) (m /l> Rawakaiong 1.15 60 296 6.4 o.o Cikaret 4.0 l30 88 6.8 24.3 5.7 Ciriu 3.3 94 87 8.5 31.I 8.6 Bojongsari 4.2 30 59 6.6 13.9 5.1 Jampang 4.9 95 44 7.2 13.6 9.0 Situ Burung 4.3 52 56 7.5 5.1 Teiaga Warna 69 8.8 31.2 9.2 Ci ude 55 7.5 28.2 2.4 Table 2 Presencelabsence of 12 taxa of aquatic macrophytes found in eight ponds in and around Bogor, West Java, Indonesia, Marks show relative abundance of each taxon, Ptant name Rawakaion Cikaret Ciriu Bo'on sari Jam an Situ Burun Tela a Warna Ci ude Occurrence thhhomia crassipes ### # # # # # 6 Sla/w'na mo/esta ### ## # ## ### # 6 IVblambo nuctfer a # # # # # 5 lpomoea aquatice # # # # # 5 IVsenphaea $p. # # # # 4 bymua yertichttata ## ### # ## 4 Ludwgyla sp. # # 2 Uhaularia sp. # # 2 Sagideria sp. # # 2 Lemna sp. # l Limnechan's iSlava # 1 ALahs aminea # 1 No. of taxa found 4 7 8 4 7 3 1 5 Figs. 2 and 3 show the result of species and site ordinatioR of DCA, respectively. Along the first axis of DCA (Fig. 2), plants can be divided into three groUps; Eichhornia crassipes on the right hand and (]7Zricularia sp. and .Elydrilla verticillata on the left and other six plants in the middle ofthe axis. It must be noted that DCA should be applied fbr the large number of data sets and a DCA axis caR be interpreted as a theoretical enviroRmeRtal variable that maximally separates species response curves aiong its length. After accumulating data and analysing more environmeRtal variables, linear correlations between the first axis of DCA and environmental variable are to be computed fbr each species to clarify relationships between species occurrence and environmental variables. -21- KUNII, FUKUHARA and NAKAJIMA 4eD 3oe @ Lud fttrd 2Qn ee tw e ee dea pt < teo fite e ao e sinx e Ltir ee i'tigi -mg e @ sag -2og -lge e 1OG 21M] 3Ce 4eD DCAI Fig. 2. DCA ordinatioR ofnine aquatic plants encountered more than twice. 2co 180 e eigudeg t6e Telaga Warfta t Chiu nawal<ele"g es l: 12e ig C;karst < 1oo o e Jampang b 80 fio 4e Sltu Burung 20 es Bojor}g$eri o ept---..a c se 1eD tsg 2oe 2S") 3ga 35g DCAI Fig. 3. DCA ordination ofeight ponds/reservoirs. The present results are only preliminary and the numbers of visited ponds are quite few. However, the results presented here are thought to be valuable, siRce very little stiidies have beelt don¢ so far on the ecology of aquatic vegetation in the locality. The main coRtribution of the preseRt study is to provide a first step toward the assessmeBt of aquatic fiora and water quality of the ponds and reservoirs in a tropical region. Eb confirm the present results, more extensive survey should be further promoted. -22- Water plants in Bogor AcknowEedgements We would like to thank all the staffs of RDC fbr Limnology-LIPI, especially Anugerah Noneji, Dede Irving Hartoto and Sulastri for assistance in the field even during the Ramadhan month. References Cary, P. R., Sastroutomo, S. S., Tjitrosomo, S. S., Umaly, R C. and rljitrosoedirdjo, S. S. (Eds.), l991. Aquatic lip(}ed Management. BIOTROP Special PublicatioR No.40. 253p. Giesen, W, l991. Checklist of lh{lonesian Ereshwater AGuatic Herbs. PHPAIAWB Sumatra Wetland Project Report No.27. 43 pp, Hill, M. O., 1979. DECORANA - A FORTRAN program for detrended correspondence analysis aRd reciprocal averaging. Cornell University, Ithaca, New Ybrk. Hutchinson, G. E., 1975, A Treatise on Limnology foL3. Limnological Botaay. John WileM New Ybrk. Kunii, }-I., l991. Aquatic macrophyte composltion in relation to eilvironmental factors ofirrigatiolt ponds around Lake Shinji, Shimane, japan, P"legeiatio, 97:137-148. Nonlji,A. and Hartoto,D.l. (Eds.) (l989) Ecology ofa 5?77all 7}℃tpical Lako, Bojongsari (Bogor, West Java). A report under the sponsorship of the Indonesian MAB Programme in collaboration with Research and Development CeRter fbr Limnology-LIPI with financial support frorn UNESCO Programme on MAB. 8lp. -23-.
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