FEDERAL OF FNVESTIGKHON MOORISH TEMPLE OF AMERICA PART 5 OF 8 BUFILE: 62-25889 ---- W W _ - -< . - ---M .- "F. /W00!/&#39;§%l 55/EH66 7;//[3/5 C AW:/" /&#39;5» A/01>/6Drew Pow? 5 0? /7 /9aPTfs ME#DQun¢E@5 ba-zs&89 SEC/T10 L513> r .... W r&#39;_ It "&#39;- i &#39;-.92" &#39; - - .. 92-#&#39;_&#39;~Il--alI- »4....w .4-A-aw c _..~.-...., .,;, , -,9 . -3-; . mg ,§m&#39;, 5--ii. -- »;_ 2 1 1 rt" _ &#39;"&#39; 3,-_¢i}2ra1 Bureau nf inurcttgatnuat _ , qu , Q Bl.-H _ ~ A nitzh __ , , tatec $05 Bannnah, Realty Beparhncnt Georgia Building&#39;nf Justin: .e _ _&#39; &#39;. 92 T 7 Iovenber 26, 1943 - ; J 5 E &#39; ALL HERE1IHFOP.1&#39;-IATIOTI I11o 1;;:&#39;:". 00?. fig I" L -~ , B1m1==&#39;>1&#39;- FBI ¥/>-4/ DATE -l. 1u2=@nnsao mama sac: AUGUSTA, omen II1ER1ll.L sncmmr - J . I Dear Sir: Reference 1a made to Bureau letter of llovenber 23, 1943 entitled an above. Please be advised that investigation ct this matter baa been _ he-1&#39; been submitted in the oaee Iltitleil, Oand 1| being made. The reports e orated et a1, Internal Security - J, _ "l§oori.sh sea.u~,n."&#39;Science * Ianple of lmer$.oa,_I:z92oorp7 e ** e " e _ ,e _ , 91 Chicago ie the office cf origin in this caee, and the 1nYel- % tigetion by the Savannah Office is being conti.R&#39;g_q§3RDED F02 ZIP ? Very truly yours, 11" B CIORY BUY ~ &#39; &#39; 31 - N 91943 .... HC0P11.;=&#39;D;g,&#39;::"_f;= J__ . , . eoial n. nmcmslgent rge &#39; M 10&#39;: 1-.11; c . -- J" cc:foe Atlanta %§§;5?_ - Vwl §.~&#39;-_ "v1. LHy ° Ls. I &#39; _ . ~.".;.§; I ILE _ I _ ..- "" 3» &#39;* " "<+:£.>-" ",~-,&#39;-.~*:»am."-i?Y?2";i@§.?,*F"*+5T¬§Tc - -v-.&#39;~~ I &#39; - __ _!&#39;,I Is %_- _~,g92&#39;~_ A _.. 3 liq?_I I _V_ .. W "a - " _:=_ ,...-. ~_ ,_ .,_ ._r.-:,_.,92A&#39;b¢,-92{._j-J"_-__"9-v- &#39;&#39; . 9 h ,. A &#39;-. _%&#39;I&#39; &#39;F &#39;-""""¢&#39;~&#39;a*-"--- &#39; __ _..-¢-_-,-. &#39; P , -- " &#39; fr , , . _x,-- . , " , "_--&#39;-- - _-- . I ~.- _&#39;~---.- -*8-u ._~ - -**""""i&#39;.*"&#39; &#39; -._,&#39;-..- _ " &#39; , _ . V -..&#39; . - -.2-Q 92._iI_% _ 92 - _.° &#39; &#39;1. -v-.._;;-.,,_?.,_,_? __ __ .__ ~ .&#39; -an 92. 92. -- - --Iv-»." I- " -I &#39;7 &#39;92-fL"xf F ? &#39;&#39; - I-I -Ar -&#39;=.92&#39;..&#39; &#39;.&#39;-"3 v ; .92. - , . .. U 3;i. n fr ..-D I I _ J FEDERAL BUREAUOF INVESTIGATION ¥92 &#39; » _ _ _, -M ,_T, ,.,__,,,..--.4n.;g#_m_~@ .4 mm=nw.. 92- - " -J A . 92 -. ~ -;.-.- " -" "__!?"__&#39;b i Ibrmlio. 1 _ u --=-=»,_1oo-$17z._r,;1»-._92=*1&#39;**%1* &#39;5- Tm: CA.IIORlGlNAl&#39;IDA1 PITT$B[]_[}H , PA , 1-uuooron nu-onmmn&#39; ""TJ;""-"R"71 """ .r .Y<--- -. 457. r _» &#39; cunlmcrmarul 92 - l&#39;I1&#39;I-Inu-olrnunl-.;"-L &#39; . " mun-an:MAD! . N 7 5"? I-15".!" --:1 . ~< ..._ SECLII-11&#39;1"! KLTTE %ea;-&#39;PImYg;*-4 e D-&#39;3°"?&#39; - L.I§§f§?.1.; . SELECTIVE SERVICE y / 1 fr , . _> >1 1] L M Icy"- Pi :&#39;;;YNon|sorrAcTB=r_&#39;-1la.r.1:ia&#39;.ge&#39;1icense_.and " license_reco:wds;?;_.;;-_§.:_- "4&#39; driver: reflect subject&#39;sbirthdate as l902.&#39;,SubJec_t J - . _ M, , ..92 :..- . ____ V . Q 92 _, I.-_q-1;, 4 -I ,1; &#39;s. -_ in. B1.mmBr"0f~&#39;l91.L3,in connection 1rith&#39;:Lnsuranoe~ 4» -r claim, stated true age is SB i /"&#39;. H ..p..&#39; k 92 . -J1. &#39;. 5 __- &#39;1 :E:_ {?&#39;1.ReportSpecial of / Agent_dated an .. -.--" . », .. r . { _,<._. _ __ . August 10, l9h3_at Pittsburgh, ,en.nsylvan.ia.- -J;;- &#39;-. $- ~1- .--q -1 1&#39;. .1 ._ Io. &#39;- ~:__&#39;1" :iIe.92"" - r ..-.-._. -/__ .-&#39;&#39; - -4 ., - . _ . _ I 4 -I &#39; 1}. &#39; _._ ,H| .-..- "&#39;-&#39; " ,_...,&#39;- .| ,.__&#39;;~ &#39;_.- .. I # &#39; , __ :.=;,.._ 1; w. ;_. _~ &#39;s ," -0.0. : &#39; I I | r. Prothonotary and 92 -QBon£g,iiR¬Icas*5lg_,er o our s or wz-elnce . Fermsylvsnia__&#39;1K " &#39; * r Ff ,_.c s / . &#39; " L -_-.--2 =92.-. -_ P &#39;-&#39; "The marriage docketin the prothonotarfs W;-1&#39;ozmty Courthouse,Newcastle, Pennsylvania,under marriage J x, T4 actedthat 19 2 5 a marriage license was issued 1"!- .&#39;.. This record is contained in volume 3- and record c a 1&#39;0, llho we born ~__ was at the t a on ears father was one and his mother E 92 I» f 92 92 I 92¢-. &#39; Directorb1¢/ ALL _[IIFO"&#39;&TTC?_*_QQ1IT§IN@___&#39;92 H eau0! lo!or VeE1cI_es _ M HERS111; ,._L_F_ in Ir-D c Farm-&#39;?b11;s;°**&#39;*° Fimsyivama °4**--3-QME ip/*~ - # §___r9nwM=>I==>_=APPROVED-IND - " I __" r .._ I r . , ,_ - i--64 W _ _. V f I _ 5 --té¢Z.¢4ai&#39;£K7-_ I - _ -. gq1&#39;u1llPOII&#39;Q V, &#39; . ii-Q!. -. &#39; ; &#39; -92 ¢ 92 £953 W?r.! m IGQPYHQN i 3 v$1PiM=b===&#39;812,..n *g;92,-_92-~ ~E,.. 92.»§ "&#39;1? Pittsburgh-"-*1, &#39; o t- ~59 1,121.5 1943==&#39;/lo! """&#39;""&#39;1>T¢/" &#39;4 92 - _ .. .._ .,, e__._...-.. -».-s_»._._.,.,.~|¢-u_|924&#39;_-QJ4-_.-1.,-4a..--,-.,_,b,,,;-92,¢, ,, ___,M kw, _&#39;§ - .." 7-&#39;4 I 4 " 1 . !_ &#39;~ .11; . - *7!9,1 - 7,, A Q {.1 . .J&#39;-&#39; _: : :1? ..-"[1 " - I1. H L &#39; . -.;.<92 - .4 *- , _}&#39;-.".vp:__-tl,._-_ A-.1- - . _ " - c;_"&#39;¢&#39;¬-4&#39;;-_,!"-ffMW? ;__.m_.~ r 1H,. _ _.-_92.1-"-_ _ ~ ._._ _&#39;._92 - .a m-._~ J - 92 . l K. *&#39; . &#39; - 92. .9»-. &#39;1! W4an J _» ."" . - 1&#39;____ 92_&#39;§»_ . H. _ _ k .. V 4 - -.__-g.,-*4»:* ~ i . Ject s accident hic n ~;-_;,&#39;; I; -"F" . I:&#39; . ageas 57 and onfiling a claim to the Metropolitanlife V ~92_ Company compensationfor ,&#39;" -_ ._I whichclaim »~ is dated _.July &#39; 26,&#39; 1911.3 _ ¬ -1 isxgoaignediand gt _...4..-~_.i3_=_-1*-;_¢-_. _"In. } I by the subject &#39; e e %sl.!IsI!=-is also given as 5?. Later correspondence . 9 Z the subject&#39;= w in connection with hisre eranced insurancereport, claim re--t 511? he #,,... es 4.:3;-Ifleets thatthe ec a vised that the statementthat his " -I 1&#39;_&#39;_f V as i. 3. &#39;.92 2 "--2&#39;1» . - " **%&#39;2.I~z-*~" . ,; was an error andthat he is really SB, havingbeen bornon , c .~.;».1.n* &#39;-this 1.811-BB1 &#39; &#39; he exp jlsinod that he had falsified his age -v "&#39; 1>l@s&#39;@<i1.1n;1925,=,9*=.m°~h° mist-sebta8. .1<=.b.e-we is - &#39;.. .; . 6:. *3; -. _-§ ...,~ . -thathas he the had subgc! as a pa!!an! £0 on 0| &#39; past six years. However, he has destroyed his older records and the - _"3!;"&#39;~<..5-&#39; - 6:-&#39;=_,., . records urhichwerenadethis summer of 191:3 reflect sew F»? years of age. It is noted that this was based upon &#39;; ~- _in3sn1m:h.aS recordsthe. for 1,911.1had been 5"-Y b -mg, I .. 15.!-._ : . * 45 , , - .1 I &#39;._4 __,o-- . .9? &#39;-, -*5:92.-_.&#39; &#39;». _&#39;92 &#39; ,1--.&#39;-92$92",¢ - .- 2 92§&#39;--&#39; &#39;~. A , ..,&#39;*-z&#39;- iii" _ ..T ; &#39;~T-r I 5 "Q-"1 : ¢ I u o .92 N , 92 -Q 5S 92 &#39;,.§&#39;.a*=r";g--:__ &#39;; -f._-Z-.-.-. .4 ~ 1. _ » "gig 0 Q;-.1 "" _ .-.7 V &#39; &#39;- f»- yr --,,- ;- .=:~.:;%-in -=~&#39;;., -. "1." _ If _,,. __92,A,4.41 -_. - - 0,». .,.92 _ _ P ~ .:&#39;-1,?-__.I§92-,%_-.. .. .3 w"-=:.,5_ _.. 1" ._ w P . -r _ , -< _ -. - +4.-a__ - .-1,1 "I"55"-E-bit",..-I3 r I 1:%=§§§;;""=-fl.O .¢. , n . x £g- . 92 _-vé . u . _ |, Ié ~ 7 _, -92. _,.i92t.._ . " -PENDING - . "&#39;&#39;a--»A . : .-&#39;.}_v. -ho &#39;. r &#39;i$.__4 J, --" J #211,.. ,5I ._ -. _ v-Q J. , in:-f92_k_92I _. ~ . " &#39;- -" - in? &#39; .92 f;?.._fi- Q-.1~= .., -4&#39; . -Y-.__ 1;. 1- , .o_ &#39;13-&#39;!&#39;1&#39;.-;~$&#39;E:».?f4.&#39;1, &#39; ?&#39;x.§=;5?=.*=.-__t* . I 1 A-if-e~: t - =1;-. _.. .;§.1;~_A.=. &#39;f I &#39; 3 -I!" 3; &#39; 5&#39;"-V &#39; .1&#39;.¥_».__,~17d-;.Q, "&#39;3:.&#39;--1.A; .-$_ I . 3-FA» .&#39;r_.._ s h . __» &#39;I "n 92- &#39; 92.g -&#39;. , , -&#39; 92 92 7 _ I - , _ _ - up_ _ , 92 n - . ¢__». _ gm _ _;y . ~ &;;~%:J;""~l.&#39;i&#39; &#39;-i &#39; ..--14:;7 -.15?.92__ J-~ -- .1&#39;~ Ki--:.:.+» =+=- ~ 3 _ ._- &#39;:e-s=?§,Ti.@-*-- - -1} 5;9292&#39;-_.192_ "m. 92 E-£{&#39;.&#39;._,» -_ .
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