today, with rain In nf- night, and poaalhly The Times Has ..... morning. followed !»> nail colder to m orrow MORE THAN 8000 Readers Each Week EARL TELLS REASON FOR second h e a r in g o n TURNING DOWN MOTION HELD FOR GRAND JURY AS NINE FIRE ALARMS CONDEMNATION MAY BUYER OF STOLEN GOODS Kiehanl 8. EUrl, Chairm an ot the PAYING INCLINES TO Steve Dasnoff, of 70 Bright sercoi, INDEPENDENT Township Committee, wishes to make OVER THE WEEKEND BE USED TO PROCURE when arraigned before police Judge clear through The Tim es why tie re­ James A. Dowd last night was held un­ fused to entertain the motion at the DECISION BY COURT der $10(1 bail for action of tiie grand public hearing an paving Tuesday MAKE ENGINES STEP, KEAN RIGHT OF WAY jury on a charge by 'Thomas Hand or. Effort To Settle Regarded In night to enforce the contract (o the REPUBLICANS letter. Virginia street for receiving stolen Contradiction To Terms Two Houses Damaged; Auto Estate Will Not Voluntarily goods. It is claimed that fouivrfhags, Cited In Contracts lie was convinced, lie said, that tbfc Blaze And Grass Fires * Permit Use Of Lands To of adam ant and one bag of lime val­ people do r.ot want the streets torn Keep Engines Busy Pollute Water Supply ued at $3.90 were bought by Dasnoff START CLUB PRACTICALLY AGREE TO up and since,according to Engineer from two men who came to his liome. rO RCE CONTRACTORS'HAND C. H. hosier, this is w hat would hap­ Hand said the material was stolen by pen i t ‘the contract were' enforced, lie ! ho Hillside fire departments were Indications are that condemnation the two men from a new homo on I G Farmed, County Committee kept busy over the week-end answer­ I'raoti<*;i 1 assurance that the paving refused lo entertain this motion which proceedings will have to be instituted Bright street. Head, Is Chosen President ing still and siren alarms. Between PRAISE RETIRING -controversy hero will become mat- was made by William ]•'. Meyerend, ot by the township in order to acquire a Ot New Organization b riday and Monday evening the do- t(1|. cor court action w as given indivi­ Maple avenue. 100 foot right of way through the partiment was called.ouLfeor nine fires. dually,l»y members of the Township Kean estates'south of Conant street for MEMBERS O E 40A R D TO RESIGN MEMBERSHIP I he first took place Friday night in Coinmil tee at * spirited public hear­ a storm sewer. Before the Township FROM LINCOLN RANKS llie home -of Abraham Bistrovltch, or CORK WORKS DRAINS ing hd'l Tuesday night in the Hillside Committee Wednesday night Alexand­ 333 Conant street. A call was re­ The Board of Education at er Potter, consulting engineer, said the A m-w Republican organization., Avenue School. The hearing was on TENTATIVE TERMS ceived at 7:55 from an unknown per­ l«ii' meeting held at the Central Gram­ ‘v,i“ 'h will link.'■Hillside’s tliif-d, Iiuh the remaining six streets reported un­ township cannot afford to delay the POLLUTION SOURCE m ar school ^Tuesday night di-eiueii, son reporting that the house was afire, l" : " for111'*<I wU-h-Kliiee-hundred m em - der specification,- namely Ooe avenue, n at\er 24 hours. The reason for this, that the organization meeting will be hire companies one and two respond­ 1'1 I'**11 ' ady in line, it was announced \lnpli’ avenue, Leo street, H arvard ave-. ON DISPOSAL PLANT it was explained by Committeemen Ro­ Finding Of ^Elizabeth Officials ed^ and after battling the blaze for an held on Tuesday evening. March 2 6. | iiighi by Samuel 1J. Goldstein, of nue. Crann street and Hollywood tyre- bert F. Smalley and C. T. Woodruff, is hour and a half had the fine practically In T ourO f Elizabeth Tributes were paid to the three mem­ -i" Williamson i* a venue'. Mr, Gold- nUe. Following £ thorough discussion Elizabeth Authorities And Joint that the machinery of the contractors, extinguished. River Watershed bers of the board who served for their siein is sec re i a r\ and press re presen- of the subject, expressions were re­ Conference Will Meet Decker & Canning of Union, is already last time at tire >.Meeting bh Tuesday. W hen the fire department arrived i;iii,\e lor Hie organization which is quested from the m em bers of the com ­ on the ground and every day of delay Louis R. Wa,llaek, president, in a During Next Week knaun as the Independent Republi­ one of the rooms was a mass of flames may cost the township money. Members of the. Board of Health mittee. Committeeman James E, Stem which later burst out through the roof brief address stated that he was sorry can Club of Hillside. declared l ha I ’ito money would be paid Edward Grassman representing the made a tour of the Elizabeth water­ to see the three members h n\e. Twe and the side of the house. The dam ­ living g . U.<rmci\ chairman of the to tin contractors. Commissioner A sewage disposal plant in Elizabeth Kean estates, informed the comimilt- shed of the Elizabeth River on Satur­ members have servpd Hillside lownshij age amounted to $3,000 and the cause • "unty Committee members of Hill-*- i Thomas E. Martin said that as a m em ­ to serve that city and a number of tee that the right of way would cut day afternoon and found evidence or since it was incorporated he said, arm municipalities in. KfcSexj and - Union of the fire is unknown. At the truie ' oe. is Hie prcxidigJ^M the organiza­ ber o IV the Finance Committee he had of the fire there was no one at homeX their property in half and would re­ pollution from Hillside. Though fam­ several years Uicy also gfeV\ ed in Union Counties, including Hillside, which has iliar with the conditions that have pol­ tion. Mr. Farmer is(present a mem- refused to approve the bills of the • On' Saturday afternoon at 3:20 sult in bringing undesirable deposits During their term of office they wo runt­ been a topic of discussion for several luted the river from which some or r lll,‘ Lincoln .Republican Club, contractors and would continue this m. both -departments were called out down to the Upper Reservoir,-a por- ed. faithfully a'rnl efficiently and de- years appeared as a near possibility Elizabeth's water comes the commis­ a will tender his resignation in a course. Although Coimmitteeman C. for a rubbish fire in the rear of 1449 <>n of the supply of the Elizabethtown serve great praise for the work which today when it became known that City sioners sought to obtain more inform.i- ry short time, Mr. Goldstein said. T. Woodruff did n pt.m ake a statement North Broad street. Just as both c o n y / WStgr Company,-owned by the Keans. they have aeponijTlished, he said. Tin EnginenL-Thomas E. Collins, James H. iton that might aid thnmi in their pre­ Other officers are Louis Wollruth, at this time, he gave ample demoi#tra­ panics were getting into headquarters He suggested that the Union County two members he spoke of are / Fuertes, New York, ElizafieUi’s c:oun- sent controversy with the Elizabeth­ ■ president: and Walter Stewart, tion all through the meeting that he after liy.s tiro ;il 3:54 another was re­ Park Commission acquire a triangular B. Hi4.vila.nd, who lias served t\ sulting engineer^!nd Alexiif&enPottcr town W ater Company. ■a o h m . Mr. GohlsAein is-closeiy as. favon-d having the courts decide the ceived Ah at a garage was‘on fire at strip of land'with about 1.00 foot front, years and Robert K. Bloy, Hr., wlr engineer.lor theRJoint SeUerAjominis- The board has ordered the company j 'iaied with Judgy Nicholas Aibano, question. Chairman Richard S. Earl 291 TMomas street but \vhen the fire­ age on Conant street widening out to served for over 25 years. Before n )f Newark. sion, had agreed on ten tali v/ b ms. to abandon the river as a source or j staled ho would not sign any checks men arrived they\had to battle a grass 500 feet ulXm- the Elizabeth River, ishing his address Mr. Wallaek t old it' water supply' because of its alleged Aeconfiitg to tlie announcement, the for the eon tractors until he was sure The Board of Work, been asked fire which was close to the garage. The and to put 111 t^yd rain age ditch neces­ board lie would observe the peer danger to public health. The company i ”'' h111"-I i«■ <i nM;uber's already in the right course had been taken. to set a date for re nee with sam e cYening at 7:55 both companies sary through thisland. Hi* idea is to set by other presidents of the I has ilgi+erTTiiis order. City Attorney ><• will be augmented before long the Joint Com Mission J when these have the township cTTfitH+Hile a1 sum and would not so.!; reelection as pre­ Committeeman Robert 1<\ Smalley was were again called out for a fire at 56 1 Nugent is.studying the meth- i ii two hundred mory, and the. great- term s might be discussed. This con of money to the Park Commissi sident. not, present, but he has already expres Leu street which way occupied by Mr.
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