Vol. 3 No. 24 Mar. 19, 2010 Founder’s Day previews InsideASU See page 4. THE PRESIDENT’S ASU to hold Honors Day CORNER Convocation on March 26 With the theme of “Honor- dean of the ASU Graduate entation of ing the Best and the Brightest,” School from September 1997 to the Civil Albany State University will September 1999. Rights recognize the outstanding aca- In October 1999 he joined Movement demic achievement of students Indiana University as a scholar in Albany and present scholarships during and executive director of the and South- the annual Honors Day Convo- Organization of American His- west Geor- cation set for 10 a.m. Friday, torians. In his role with the gia. Dr. Everette J. Freeman March 26, in the HPER Gym- OAH, Dr. Formwalt supervised Dr. Spring is for nasium. a staff of 20 and collaborated Formwalt Lee Formwalt During the Honors Day with numerous national histori- graduated renewal Convocation, the Teacher of the cal and humanities organiza- cum laude with a bachelor’s de- Year, Researcher of the Year tions. His successes include gree in history from the When it comes to our and Staff Person of the Year increasing membership by 20 Catholic University of America success as a university, it’s awards will also be presented. percent, increasing the annual in 1971. He earned a master’s vital that we understand the The keynote speaker for the budget by 67 percent, raising degree in history from the Uni- importance of reaching be- Honors Day Convocation will more than $1 million with the versity of Massachusetts in yond the confines of our be Dr. Lee Formwalt, executive new development program and 1972. In 1977, Formwalt campus. director of the Albany Civil beginning electronic publica- earned a doctorate in history Albany State University Rights Institute. He served as a tion of the OAH’s journal, mag- from the Catholic University of is more than just this group faculty member teaching his- azine and newsletter. America. of buildings and this plot tory courses at ASU from Sep- In December 2009, Dr. Lee For more information about of land. Albany State Uni- tember 1977 to September Formwalt was named the exec- the Honors Day Convocation, versity is an integral part of 1999 rising from the rank of as- utive director of the Albany please contact the ASU Office Southwest Georgia and the sistant professor to full profes- Civil Rights Institute, which is of University Communications Southeastern United States. sor. Formwalt also served as the devoted to the study and pres- at (229) 430-4671. We must understand that what happens on this cam- pus is important, but ASU Center for Advanced Logistics Management is also affected by what happens off campus. National Advisory Board meets at ASU With that in mind, I By Cindy Gambill in October 2009 during the in- gram in the southeast region of want to share with you Executive editor augural meeting of the Center the United States.” about two important events for Advanced Logistics Man- ASU offers the bachelor’s that happened this week. Top executives from indus- agement. According to the degree in logistics and supply On Tuesday I spoke at try met with officials from Al- charter, CALM’s mission is “to chain management, which was the Dougherty County Ro- bany Technical College and advise, promote, and actively developed in conjunction with tary Club meeting held at Albany State University on support Albany State Univer- Albany Technical College, Doublegate Country Club. Thursday as the National Advi- sity as it builds, maintains and which offers the associate de- This phenomenal group of sory Board for the Center for expands the most comprehen- gree in logistics management. leaders are committed to Advanced Logistics Manage- sive and advanced ment. Logistics/Supply Chain Man- See LOGISTICS on page 7. See PRESIDENT on page 8. The board was established agement (L/SCM) degree pro- 2 InsideASU March 19, 2010 InsideASU UpcomingEVENTS InsideASU is a weekly Upcoming events at the Family Life 29-May 3 in 335 Andrews Hall. The electronic publication Center of the Albany State University cost is $99. For more information, con- Early Learning Center include: tact the center at 430-4661. produced by Parents as Teachers, 5:30-6:30 the Office of University p.m. March 25, presented by Dr. Chosen To Conquer Inc. presents its Communications. All Denise Bacchus of the ASU Depart- second annual “Beauty Through the submissions are due by ment of Psychology, Sociology and So- Storm” featuring a Broadway style noon Wednesday for that cial Work. fashion show on April 3 at the ACAD Friday’s issue. Send your AIDS & HIV Awareness: Daycare Auditorium of Albany State University submission to Precautions, 10 a.m. March 30, pre- campus. This production is a collabora- [email protected]. sented by Dr. Vicki Phillips, director of tion of Chosen to Conquer, Inc. and Al- ASU Student Health Services. CEU bany State University. “Beauty Through Dr. Everette J. Freeman credits available. the Storm” is a celebration of individu- President For more information, call the Early als that have been diagnosed with mul- Learning Center at 430-2792. tiple sclerosis, heart disease, and Clifford Porter, Jr. breast cancer and have conquered low Vice President The Department of Criminal Justice self-esteem. Each production features Institutional Advancement and Forensic Science will present a fashion show accompanied by a live guest speaker Emma Quimbley, band and special highlights of con- quered stories. This fundraiser benefits Cindy Gambill Dougherty County coroner, at 10 a.m. March 25 in the auditorium of the the program “Make-Up for Life” that of- Executive Editor Catherine Hartnett Building. The forum fers classes, workshops and group ses- is open to students, faculty, administra- sions designed to assist in increasing Reginald Christian tors and the general public. For more self-esteem. VIP tickets are $100 and Photographer information, call the department at 430- include a mixer beginning at 6 p.m. 4864. General admission tickets are $50. The Joseph West production begins at 7:30 p.m. For Publications Specialist The Albany State University Honors more information, please contact us at Convocation will be held at 10 a.m. (229) 883-1944 or info@chosentocon- Pearlie Bowser Friday, March 26, in the HPER Com- quer.org. Administrative Assistant plex. For more information, contact the ASU Honors Program at 430-1632. The First and Second Year Experi- Questions about InsideASU? ence Program will hold a book discus- Contact Cindy Gambill at Albany State University will present sion of “A Century and Some Change” 430-1915 or Chrisette Michelle in concert on April at 10 a.m. March 30 in the James Pen- [email protected]. 1 in the HPER Gymnasium. Doors dergrast Memorial Library and at 5:30 open at 8 p.m. The concert begins at 9 p.m. at Elements Coffee, 114 S. Jack- p.m. Sponsored by the Office of Stu- son St. This book details the life of Ann Check out previous issues of dent Activities and the Student Activi- Nixon Cooper, who was singled out by InsideASU ties Advisory Board, tickets are $10 in then President-elect Barack Obama in www.asurams.edu/ia/ advance for students, $20 at the door a speech on Nov. 4, 2008. The discus- universitycommunications for students, $20 in advance for gen- sion will be hosted by Dr. Keith Berry of /publications. eral admission and $40 at the door for Hillsborough Community College and general admission. For more informa- Ernest Hooper, grandson of the late Albany State University 504 College Drive tion, call 430-4739 or visit Suite 221 in Ann Nixon Cooper. For more informa- Albany, GA 31705 the J.C. Reese Student Union. tion, call 430-1632 or e-mail [email protected]. The ASU Center for Entrepreneurship & Continuing Education will present a The 18th Annual Alice Coachman six-week course in Psychopharmacol- Track & Field Invitational will be held ogy, the effects of drugs on mental and April 3 starting at 8 a.m. at the Robert behavioral activity. The course will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Mondays, March UPCOMING EVENTS on page 7. March 19, 2010 InsideASU 3 Editor’s Note: As Albany State University prepares for Founder’s Day on April 2, below is the first of two articles written by historian Hellen Allen, who has a particular interest in ASU’s founder, Dr. Joseph Winthrop Holley, and the Hazard family, early benefactors who supported Holley’s educational efforts in Albany, Ga. ASU’s Founder’s Day as seen from ‘up North’ “I’m going to vote like the spirit say vote, I’m going to vote like the spirit say vote, And if the spirit say vote I’m going to vote Oh Lord, I’m going to vote when the spirit say vote.” “ . as they exited the voting booths, some in wheelchairs, others with canes, these foot soldiers of the civil rights movement could not suppress either their jubilation or their astonishment at having voted for an African- American for president of the United States.” New York Times, Wednesday, Nov. 5, 2008. page l, dateline: Albany, Ga. I knew Albany that day. I knew your university and its founder, Joseph While at Lincoln, Holley Winthrop Holley. I knew ASU, for its pa- trons were the Hazards of Peace Dale, met his mentor, Booker T. Rhode Island, most particularly Caroline Washington, in New York Hazard (1856-1945) the fifth president of where they carried on a Wellesly College, a woman of tremendous accomplishment, and subject of my Fed- conversation on a park eral grant for many months.
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