THE HIGH COURT OF MEGHALAYA AT SHILLONG No.HCM.III46I 2016 I Prclj DL.Shg,Lhe __Marcll.,2Vl0 SHORT TERM TENDER Sealed Quotations affixing non-refundable Court fee stamp of Rs. 201­ Rupees twenty ) only are invited for printing of High Court of Meghalaya, Telephone Directory-2016 size 12 em X 9 em from intending Firm s (Govt. Registered).The details of th e Quotation are available on our website http: //m eghalavahighcourt.nic.in . The quotations in sealed cover address to REGISTRAR GENERAL, High Court of Meghalaya, Shillong - 793001 must reach the office of the undersigned by 1.00 PM on or before 29.03.201q and the quotations will be opened at 2 .00 PM on the same day in the office Chamber of the Registrar General. ( Number of copies - 300 Nos ) REGISTRAR GENERAL {"h. Memo. No .HCM .II I46I20 1 6/Prc l l~t..t, A- Dt. Shg,the _l!_March.,2016 Copy to:­ 1. The Directorate of Information and Public Relation, Government of Meghalaya, Shillon g with a request for publication at the Government ~oved rate on 2 (two) local newspapers (one Engli::;h / Unc Klw~i) ~Th~ Systems Analyst for uploading in the Official Website. 3. Accounts Section 4. Office Notice Board. 5. Office File. ~~ REGISTRAR GENERAL ) TABLE OF CONTENTS SL.NO CONTENTS PAGE NO. 1 .. HISTORY 1-3 2 HIGH COURT HOLIDAY LIST­ 4 2016 3 HON'BLE THE CHIEF JUSTICE 5 AND JUDGES 4 RETIRED CHIEF JUSTICES 5 AND JUDGES 5 HON'BLE CHIEF JUSTICE 5 . WHO HAS BEEN ELEVATED TO SUPREME COURT 6 OFFICERS OF THE REGISTRY 6 HIGH COURT OF MEGHALAYA 7 MEGHALAYASTATELEGAL 7 SERVICES AUTHORITY/ ADVOCATE GENERAL 8 GOVERNOR'S SECRETARIAT 8 9 GOVERNMENT OF 9-14 MEGHALAYA 10 JUDICIAL OFFICERS IN THE 15-16 STATE OF MEGHALAYA . 11 CIRCUIT HOUSE/ GUEST 17 HOUSE/ SHILLONG MUNICIPAL BOARD 12 MEGHALAY A LEGISLATIVE 18 ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT 13 OFFICE OF THE 19 ACCOUNTANT GENERAL 14 · MEGHALAYAHOUSES 20 15 BAR ASSOCIATION 21 16 HON'BLE SUPREME COURT 22-23 OF INDIA 17 OTHER HIGH COURTS 24-39 18 PRIME MINISTER'S 40 SECRETARIAT 19 MINISTRY OF LAW AND 40 JUSTICE 20 NATIONAL LEGAL SERVICES 41 j AUTHORITY 21 NATIONAL JUDICAL 42 ACADEMY 22 LAW OFFICERS OF INDIA 43 ' . 23 BAR COUNCIL OF INDIA 44 24 HOTELS 45-46 25 PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICES 46 26 HOSPITALS 47 HISTORY OF THE HIGH COURT OF MEGHALAYA Shillong became the capita l of the then Assam under the Chief Commissioner upon taking away its management from the Lieutenant.' ,. Governor of Bengal vide Proclamation No.379 dated 06 .02 . 1874 arid Notification No.38 0 issued bv the Governor' General in Council. In · th<' . ·' same year, in Apri... l, the Scheduled Districts Act, 1874 was e nacted a nd the entire Assam u nder the Chief Commissioner was decla red to be Scheduled Districts. On 11th Se p te m ber, 1968 the Government of Ind ia announced a scheme for constituting an autonomous Stale within the State of Assam comprising certa in a reas specified in Part A of the table a p rcndcd f () paragraph 20 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution. In terms of the said announcement, the Constitution (22nd Amend ment) Act, 1969 was enacted conferring power on the Parliam ent for the formation of a n autonomou s Stale within the S ta te o f As sam . Accord1ngly, .'\ssam Reorganization (Meghalaya) Act, 1969 (Act 55 of 1969) was enacted fur esta blishin g autonomous State of Megh alaya within -the State of Assam making special provisions with respect to application of lmvs in Mcghalaya. The autonomous State oi Mcghalaya compnscs o f tiJC \.' llitt·,i I<hasi-J ain tia Hills Distric t a nd the Garo Hills Distric t appearing at Serial No.1 and 2 of the table appended to pa ragra ph 20 of the Sixth Schedule. The formation of autonom ous State of Megha laya is und er paragraph 12A of the Sixth Schedule LO Lhc Constitution of India inserted by llH~ Assam Reorganization (Meghalaya) Act, 1969. In 1970-1971 there was political reorganization of areas 111 the North Eastern Region which was brought a bout by the North Eastern Areas (Reorganization) Act, 1971 (Ac t 8 1 of 1971). By this Act statehood was granted to Meghalaya and accordingly, the S tate 0f Meghala:.ra with its capital a t Shillong was formed on 21 sl January, l Y72 a tid before that, till J a nua ry, 1972 Shillong was the capital o f Assam and a u tonnmous S tate of Meghalaya. Paragraph 12A after being substituted by the No rth Eastern Areas (Reorganization) /\ct., ! 97 1 provides that if nn\' hi\\· or· . r.eg ula tion made by t he District or Regional Council under paragraph 3, ~ or 10 is repugnant to the law made by the Meghalaya Legislature, then the law or regulation made by th e District or Regional Council, to the extent of re pugnancy be void a nd the law marlc b\· the Strll c Lcgis! ;.liUr•· \2} ~hall pcevail. With cespect to Acts of Parliament, the power of the President to issue notification directing that any Act will not apply to Meghalaya was rcLaincd. In exercise of the power conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 229 of the Government of India Act, 1935 as adopted by the Indian Provincial Constitution (Amendment) Order 1948, the Governor General of India ..... was pleased to promulgate the Order with caption as "Assam High Court Order 1948" culminating into establishment of the High Court of Assam on 5th day of April, 1948 in the then province of Assam. ,Justice Sri. Hari Lal Kania, the then Chief Justice of India came to prcsirlc th e inauguration of the High Court of Assam at Shillong on invi La Li on of h is Excellency the then Governor of Assam Sir Akbar Hydari and Premiere of the Province (L) Gopinath Bordoloi. Later on, the Assam High Cour·t c <Hnc to be known as High Court of Assam and Nagaland on constitution of the State uf Nagaland under the State of Nagaland Act, 1962 which came into existence w.c.f. 1st December, 1963. Under the North Eastern Areas (Reorganiz a tior.~) Ac t , 1c.17 1 :r common High Court in the name of Gauhati High Court was established for Five North Eastern States namely, Assam, Nagalanc!, Manipu r, Meghalaya and Tripura a nd two Union Territories namely Union TcrriLun of Mizoram a nd Union Territory of .Arunachal Pradesh, which also attained their Statehood by the enactments ca lled the State of Mizoram Act, 1986 a nd the StaLe or Arunachal Pradesh Act, 19 8 6. Vide Gauhati High Court' (Establishmcnt of Permanen t Bench at Shillong) Order IY9;') , Permanent Bench of the Gauhati High Court a t Shillong was established and inaugurated by Hon'ble Mr. Justice A.M. Ahmadi, the then Chic !' Justice of India in the presence of His Excellency Shri. Madhukar Dighc , the then Governor of Megh a laya, ~hr i. S.C. Marak, the then Chief Minister of Meghalaya, Shri. H.R. Bharadwaj, the then Union Mi nis ter of Law a nd Hon'ble Mr. Jus tice V.K . Khanna, the then Chief ,Justice of the Gauhuti High Court. Under the North Eastern Areas (Reorganization) Act, 197 1 ancl ot;.her related la ws Amendment Act, 2012 separate High Court in the name of Hi gh Court o r Me gha laya was esta blished for Lh e Sluit: o f Megha laya w.e .L 23rd March, 2 013. The High Court of Meghalaya was inaugurated by Hun'blc Mr. Jus tice Allamas Ka bir, the tlt<: n Cf 1i ro! ,Justice of India in the presence of Hon'ble Chief Minister of Megha laya and the then Hon'blc Union Minister of Law and ,Justice on 25th March, 2013 in its. new building. Shillong Bar Association one of the oldest in the country was established in the ,w:::.H I g 13 at Shillong; and some of ! he mcrn h< ·,-s "f Association like Charu Datta, Lala B.K. Dey, Ahmed Ali Khan, Bar-nt­ Law, Rajani -Goswami and F.A. Ali Ahmed (who later on became the President of India) were actively associated with the freedom movement. Rajani Goswamt during 1930-31 and F. A. Ali Ahmed in l q ,l <1 fil l participating in Quit India Movement suffered imprisonment anci t.h cv were given due recognition as Freedom Fighters. Other members o f Association namely, H.R. Das and Rajen Mohanta were also arrestecl and imprisoned in connection wiLh the 1942 Quit India Movement. J>c Biswas, H.R. Das and Rajcn Mohanla were awarded Tamrapatra ami political pension by the Government of India in 1972 under the Centr <11 scheme. S,hillong Bar Association had celebrated its centenary in the year 2013 and His Excellency Shri. R.S. Mooshahary, Lhe then CuvctTlur of Meghalaya was the Chief Guest. LIST OF HIGH COURT OF MEGHALAYA HOLIDAYS 2016 1• to 2..January 26 daya MON TUE 12 19 WED 13 20 THU 14 21 FRI 15 22 14 21 4 11 18 8 15 2.2 5 12 19 9 16 23 6 13 20 27 10 17 24 7 14 21 28 11 18 25 8 15 22 26 31 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 TUE 3 10 17 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 WED 4 11 18 25 ( 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24' THU 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25· FRI 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 SAT 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 27 4 ii) In addition to the aforesaid holidays all Courts 31 3 10 17 24 7 28 5 12 26 shall remain closed on such days as are observed 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 as Local Holidays In executive Officers and also 14 21 28 on days which are observed as Public Holidays 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 U/S 25 of the Negotiable Instrument Act, 1BB 1 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 (xxv0F 1BB1) 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 iii) For the Festival of Shad Nongkrem Festival date 17 24 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 to be notified as and when confirmed.
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