~· ~ ·~ . ,. _ ,1• ·l.. B ac . 1story·para e '" .:. ........... ; 1 · _. t ~--.]" : .. , , __ ·~ Rtsi'dent, gat~cr doWnJo\, n io .,· l ~ _·_ . : \~,-\.; .. il . "1- celebr.tte BhcJ. Hi,to~' \fi.,nth.- 'J .. -~',;tj . - . " .\' ' . - ·.. ' ,.,, ;J . .' '_ •.• ,- ,, • ../)· ' "' . · · . ""-, n::aturer..:. .,.Page ' . ' 9 ENEGADE R.IP .. www.tr1er1p.cu1!1. ----------------- ' Vol. 78 • No. 3 8.alcersfi@lri Colle<Je Match 7, 20;}7 I ----------llllliM--~-----i.-.-----------------------------------------------~------------~-----------·------iml!l--t.lilll!il.......... -. ........ - A challenge' Approval moves for the ages process forward By KATHERINE J. WHITE kM:[email protected] Campus editor • Bakersfield Col~ has crossed the finish Line into re<lffirmed accreGitatioo. On Feb. I 3, BC President Rill At~ drews g()( the good news in the form of the Accm:lit'.ng Commissioo for Com­ munity and Junior Colleges Cunmis­ sion Report for the coounissioo 's Jan. SI E mt IIAlrT1N / TltE RIP 10-12 official meeting. Big Berth'3, a design created by BC students Josh Ba:li:y, The report ~ m.. BC is being 26, Roshani Patel; 19, and Roman Terrazas, 29, gets granted the status of Reaffi.rmod Ac­ judged at me Engineer Design Challenge. ettiditatim on the &sis of a ('~­ hetlsive EVl.luatioo. This is the final rommunique by the • BC Engineers' Club to the swface of the table, or "Pit," Commission in rcsporl9C to Be's wrinen to name a few. STtvDI I Wtl IN I Tl1E RIP 200> Self Sb.ty report. set up the 22nd annual A very notable var.a.nee, how­ Lucas Fuke, 2. and grzmdrnoth!!r KanMln Fuke, 61, enjoy playing with • toy at the On Oct. 15, 2t"'07, BC will issue a event, challenging ever, was in the size of the cans per Engineer Design Challenge held at Eart Hills MMI on Feb. 2,. wTiuen Progress. Report 10 the Com­ students of all ages to 4ivision. mi~ Upoo ~vil'lg mis PfflFss ~ Jtmioc Hieh Divi"ioo ~ that she woo; and chat she had bc,cn Rc:oort. the C-ommi~,;i<Jn will drift a shoots cans into squares. to move a 5.5 fluid ounce V$ juice worlcing on her first place device r~isc_ wtw::h BC will ,ec:enoe • the can, while the High School Divi­ since about November or Ih::enl­ January 2lU cornmissioo n e •i• m By MARYANN KOPP sion l"....:l to move an 8 fluid ounce ber of2006. Febt ..y 2CXll.. mkopp@bakersfiP!dcollege edu. Diet Co(e, and the College aod As each design was different, so This rqx,n will include a p+N•&'.:lf\ Rip staff writer Open Divisions had to move a I~ was die amount of time the pa."tici­ of the college's ~ by lbe ro&gc 's fluid cW1Ce Diet Coke. All cans pants spent ~ting m1 test­ next date for OOIDP'iSAOD IIJPl"OYIII. The objectiv~ for lhe Bakersfield were full. ing their rncchanisms. Al! e'ISI-... .... "'-A.caediling College Engineers' Oub's 22nd Devices of all kinds a,aced the Dan Halbur took first pixie in 0••,litaioa ~ 10 IC mm Oct. 23. A....i Des;gn. ChaDRIF, QiA.-w ~x.a~~ plywood ..t mes, ei!e the. Opcu,¥tofessiuw Div isio;, - ___ 26. 1ftM: J ili-M t 1li(ll,1bc drum, was "to des_ign and~ _ tabie. all intent oo ~. lbc:ir with ..[.)ynamitc." He SfC!" llbotll c.i..1.nmission flJCtl f · ct W9C I.: a device that will maneuver a soda soda can into the 3 .2S-inch square three bows designing, SIX hows of awarded die .... ot• a ticli Ac· can into a square slot while partici­ slot (which was Clft in the center of ooilding, and 15 ~ of testing creditation with a Progress Report and pating in a !lead-to-head competi­ the table), aod doing so before thtir his winning contraptioo. Visil tion." oppooent could. The winnec for l::.c-th ~ and This official designation is fowdcd At the wl Hill's Mall food court An .UlljAessr..·e array of dcsi8D second pla:e in the Junior High Di­ upon the commi~ion team's judgmcut oo Feb. 24, several entrants of all was present, as all devices were to visioo WU Elaine Halbur o( Holy The Flame, which came in second pl.e in the high school that a number of the team's .. rcu:,m1nen­ n....-!1-. -.1..!J. :.- ... a...,.. ......:A. ,. .................. I :.g.;:.; CG.T,p,;:..:<l in fr,dr R-->i;,.:.cfr;., .. .........), ,......._....__ 1-> - ~ .... ~ ~i".fa!.:;,-. dwoiily tte: :;,~iii:eiri' ~· ~¥=· ~o.-1S O iQ.fU~~ ~Yl'ift -,-!.~L~, ..i I divisions for a chance to win tro­ While many were created to The fir., place winner in the High th2t the college's progress must l,c of- phies and cash prizes. release a sort of ann tbal WOl Id School DivisicM was Sarah SchaJe sioo, Dai; Halrur placed fu'st and design." 6&..lly writtcr. down by the team.. There were first and second plac­ launch itself to'N8rds the can upon or r'OOdilll High Schoo:. The sec­ Richard Meyer came i.n secooi The Halbur family received an This particular level of rcaffinnltron es per di\-ision,' and the divisions cuttiog the stting, there w~ mo cod pbcc winner was Jose Montes The Bakersfield College F.ngi­ awan:i for Most Arfu& entries. of accreditation is two ~ below the were arranged as follows; Junior others that were designed i.., re- of FoadliD Hiab School. ~' Club also awarded adtlitiooal Dan Halrur also won the Rube first level of straight reaffirmation of ac­ High, High School, College and semblc ~- Romm Terrazas, Josh uailey, ~- David Heisler of Foothill Goldberg, which was [)reSCnted to creditation. At this first level, the college Open/Professional .. When Junior High Division wir.- • aod Romani Palel of Bakersfdd High School won for Superior En­ the most over-complicated design." in question no longer needs further ex­ The rules were che same for all ner Elaine Halbur was asked what College toot first place ;,n the Col- gineering Design -Amateur. Finally, an award was given for amiJutioo witil the issuing of a mjdtmn divisions regarding the weight o~ inspml her to consttuct her win-- it__~ Divirion. Richard Meyex was awarded for Engineering School of the Year, report. each device, the amount of set-up rung device, 5be said that she want-· Randall Gass and Nathan Hobbs, Superior Engineero.g Design - which onJy the school with the There aR IO diffen.m levels of rec­ time allowed, the fact that each <le- ed to rrw-e something that coo.kl also representing BC, placed sec- Professional. To be presented with most entries (BC excluded) could ommendation. The top l~cl, .Aridm;vs . vi~ had to be "activated by cutting wod like a slingshot ood. · these awards, the competitors' cle­ t~.ke home. ~ill High &hool says, is very ra.-ely attained by ~ny com­ a string" and could not be attached She said that she was very happy In the OpenlProfcsskul ¥· vices had to display an "ingenious \:'00 this categ<Jry. See ACCREDITATION. Page 8 " Open-ocean J\iagician still has it diving class II Assistant manager of equipment for the BC football .team raiul a now at BC successful career as ~ Las Vegas magician that spanned two decades. .· .. Sy ASHLEE flORES . - asflores@bakersj'kldcollege .edM - . Rip staff writer By MARYANN KOPP . ' . ' . ' . [email protected] ERltC AGUll.AR I THE RIP Rip staff writer A scuba class will be taught this SC· Eve11 though Andre."The Magician• mester at Bakersfield College. Andre F.iidington, the assistant manager of is retired from magic, he still does The irtwuctars for the class will be equipment for the Bakersfield College foot· some tricks with his cards. David Miller ar.1 Ttna Cummings. Mill­ er mm~ a dive shop in town and is very t..:.!t ~·,:.. ;,·;:../ .:.;~..:..:.; :.:; ::: :1::.:. ~ ;._-,i c~~.:,­ staff member at first glance. 27 years. excited about stfilting a dive ciass at BC. said, But Eddington has some hidden talents and But while he is still .involve<l in sports ca­ He "J expect it to take off like a bot taking then hindrances. \Vhhl might go unrealized is, as reer-wis.e, Andre has forfeited his title of ma­ air balloon off, expand)" The purpose of having a scuba c!ass Eddir.gton said in hi.; O',l{Jl hand11,riting, "I'm gician for good. BC to a de."lf man. rrr'i a magician." · He ended his career at The Mirage due to at is for students th:, would li.'.ce to Known as Andre the Magician for the c-0mplications from dialysis and claims to be become certified divers. According majority of his 32-ye.ar Jeng joum:y in per· through ..,.,.ilh magic, even though h-s ranies a C\1rnmings, most junior c.olleg-..s with aquatic cente.s offer scuba courses. fom1ing rr,agic, Eddinb"1.0i1 has performed for few different trick CJ.Ids in his wallet. adu:ts and chilJria:n i:1 many differia:m ,enue, WitJ-, fluid hand movements, h~ u.., st;ll The class will be r,,o tin its ;;.nd a S 150 despite having live.d in Bakersfield his entire make a coin disappear and re-appear so many material fee that will include a ~ fin,, ~n<:>rl<<'=l, ~M i:x,.,,~. ~ .-l•.-.; u~!! iii'c:. I • • • • . - . I . limes lrull it is iillr.OS! im possi oiia: to d=nnine I also be taking two dive trips. This is At the age of 9, Andre began teaching rum· ·' ,•,here the coir. will end up. .... ' . half the price a per.son v,-ouJd if the-1 self liow to ~r.''.Jrm magic tricks of all icin,,1s .
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