',; I i', • , ' , '1": eace- -u . , , \;, I.,,-i,,:!,' ", • mp aSls its ett ement-- , • • • I ,rEATIIER PRESEN'rs REPOHT SPANISH CHORAL MUSIC d {~~, II illd r'l,trrly 25 THE DAIL Y NEWS available al I;~~h IO~")' ;in dr~rccs, -. Vo.1 63. No. 202 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDlA THURSDAY, AUGUST 9 1956 Charles Hutton & Sons-- Cypriots Hanged, Troops I I n Machine G~ns On Prison Wall ! ritain annot ccept ana c~rrtl' .. \I' i-Thrcc : Ilr~tbh. ~nldici' II'ns killcd,. ! the executions and "lessen lhe at. l' ~ I' :. , " I s were E.u·llel· lhe Archbishop of Killlm mospherc of bitterness" on the is· "'ll' ft'r 11I,1"der in tel" actin/: head of thc Greek Ol'tho· Jan(1. • ;:1' i:)ln': :'(' llrili'h. ! dox C!lIIl'ch in Cypr.lls, said lhe AP,PI~'~I, 'TO GREECE :"[( "el": I.' t!,Clr deaths! executIOns would "\\'ulen lhe gap CYPriot organl~nllons appealed ' •. timc ',ll ~I tl'Il'lr lIal· betwcen the pcoplc of Cyprus nnd Ito the Grcck gov;rnmcnt to intcl"! . Ihc 111:,,,11(' II'alls of, the British gOI·crnment." I'cnc Immediately to prel'el!. what ,pri,,,:: ' The IIrcilbl1hop. In a public ap:: thcy c,llIcd the "judl~lal assas· elzure; en e S or · \\IIl' " :.,"'; h~' three peal (or rcpricl'~, said a reprlcl'e I sin~tlon" of the three condemned . :~~ir i,!I:I'.: .• " kept a' would "create. cO!lditlon~ morci men, ' , LONO'O:-l (AP)-Primc Minister He gravely said: , "By Egyptian law the com·, the next lime he has a quarrel,by land, sea and air of which you ,u!',1 ,r~c .. : ;:' pl'l'l:cnt, fnrnrnhle to nttnlnmg n solulion i In the Larnaca area, about 2.000 Eden told the world Wcdnesday "Through it (the canal), travels I pany's cmployees arc ordcred to I with any country that he will not Ihave heard in the last few daY5." , :1 Grr"h I. :,:·,,1 nallon, : tn Ihe CrpI'us problem." IW01";C~s went on strIke In pr~·"'. night Ihnt Britain never can ac· today about half the 011, without stay at work under threat of im· interferc with that nation's ships, "There is no question of denyin, · TIt1U\,\TE~ 1Il'~:r.[m ~~-~;;:; Meanll'hil.e, additional Brillsh cept Egyptian President Nasser's which Ihe industry of thi~ coun· prisonmcnt. Thc pattern is famil.! and how can We be sure that nexl her (Egypt) a fair deal or a just t,',IP: k,i .,'"nnl'd ma· . A, aUlhoritles made preparn' troops, were reported moving Into seizure of the Suez Canal. ry, o( Weslern Europe, of Scan· iar to many of us. We all kn01l'1 time he is short of money he Willi return," he said. "But if anyone rill' IIi' :,"""1': abol'c i 1I0n'.Iol· the I'xcClltl~'"'. ~OO Gre~k the Nleo~la area, Mobile army pa. He said Middle 'East 011 that dinavia and many other countries this is how Fascist gOl'ernment~ not rai~e lhe due~ on all the ships is going to snatch and grab and II;!!' r ~ .. II r r a~ C~'prlOts hrlcl unrler til:, 1'1111'1':: troIs cruised thrcughout the city's passes through the canal is a mat· could not be kept going, This is a behave and we all remember only that pass through the canal? If try to pocket what really belongs ,I ' ('\'nl'll' hrlel· rllr)' r~~:lblhns threat~l\ed 10 SO strcet~ checking passes nnd idcn· tel' of Ji(e and death in Europe. matter of life and death to us all." too well what the cost can be in I he is gil'en the chance, of course! to the world, the result will be ~, (T tl:., 1~'I'I'r ~l~~, on:t 21.'.lOur hlln~er ,Irlkc In pro· tily cards. Outz:de the city, Brit· Eden first called on the Queen He said Nasser cannot be giving in to fascism," he wilL" I impoverishment (or all." ,("c .\:":'''1' Z'lk,,:: 2.." trot ;I~nln<t the hr."'ln~s. ! Ish troops set up barbed wirc, at Buckingham PalaCe with a sit· ! trustcd to keep thc canal open, Eden, who be(or.e tile Second 'I Eden refcrred to the British mil· I' CO·ORDINATE PLA~S I' ,""(i. :!. ,mil \ 101m' , t')'pru~ ::o"erllur Sir ,I, 1I:1\'(I,! rondblock~ to control trame in Iuation report on the Suez crisIs I He charged Nasser ,had taken i World War gave up his Job as· itary manoeuvres in the cast ~[cd· Meanwhilc, Britain and France .~ Z1 1')1 I .. ,!' ." :1'. (on~d 1I,1~ con(II'I',"d thr eI~ath .'~nlcnce~, ami out of NIcosia. and lhcn went beforc telel'islon ol'cr the Suez Canal Co., an in.' foreign secretary rather than ap,! iterranean. I co·ordinatcd their military plan • .'~.I::": :1 1:,"I;-,h·l),PI·I"t 11:c;:l.:I)·. The ma)'or of :-;ic' "J,! Gl'cek Cypriots were prohibited, camcra~ and radio with his mes'l ternational enterprise, witholIt con· Ipen:;,: Mussolini in the Ethiopian "We hal'e too mUch at risk not. even as I'oiecs at home Ind ,:, i ",. :"!I': !:rd tllok Th"n'l~trrl'.~ nCI'\'i~, . ,:,., '~', [rum usinll their cal·s. motor· I' sa~e. The radio carried hi, I'oice' sultaUon anel without consent. crisis, then Issued this warning: to take precautions," he declared! abroad warned the tll'O c(iuntriu · ,: ;::'h",' :I "h:t'h ." _~~1I~(1 ~n the_3onrnor t~ postpon~' c~'c1cs or bicycles. aronnel the ~Iohc., I SDm,AR. TO FA~CISll . ",III~t noll' Col. Nasser Is soft solemnly. "\ye have done so. That I ag,a!nst using force in the Suet .----- . ! VITAl. COlDlOIHTl I The pl'lme mlmster addcd: pedalling. Hall' can we bc sure Is the mcanlng of the movements cnSlS, fquador Troops Reclaim;Suez Solution At Conference Table: Ike Rebels Forced To Flee ' lIy ,1011:-1 ". IIIGIITOIVER ! PREFERS OUTSIDE UN i port and in (act at Dulles' urg·1 appealed to Ihe United Nations he Itel' that seemed to demand • , • WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi· I Eisenhower dcfended the policy I ing has called a conference o( na-I would consider the UN an accept· a prompt (solution) and I think , [: .... :'.'1 II' - LO,ral'I(,>t the I'l'csi(lcntial ciccI ion lasl' Chonc, dent Elscnhower has conlidentlYi of trying to arrive at a solutloni tions with an Intcrest In the Suez, able substitutc (or the London to get the nations who, by·their · I,",::; 1:1 ,:1 " rt'ldlion Junr. Tile grl\'crnmcnt radio ~aid/ predic.t~d. that "good ~e.nse will! for in,ternational control ,of the: canal to meet in London Au~. 16.! mceting Or a suit.able centre for i maritime activity, by the charac:· :.:::: J:::" ,J .. )'. ~Iallahl )101),111' Polot 011iz sairl ,lose Chone j, surrounded by J:overn. prevail' 111 Ihe Suez CrISIS .and a, Suez Canal thro\\~h a speCial can.! There were reports from abroad: supplementary actIOn. leI' o( their economy were mo!t :.~. ::" :."':"': :;,',1 IIII' (11'0' llal'ia 1'1;lliI, II cil'ihn"n leadcl' III ment trl1l1]1s, I solution will be found at thc can· I (erence in London rather than i Wednesday that Egypt will boycott! "Well, of course, you always i interested, to get them together, ..".' .. ' :"r: p:: I'l'hrl Irad· the 1'l'llI'lIion who \I'I~ a Liberal' CM'IT.\I (tUn'}' : (cl'cncc lable instead o( on the. through the United Nations. Bril.j the London conference. Eisen.: have the veto in the United Xa-! was a betler melhod at the mo- · :;:'. :'1(' _,I\":'I1Il1CUt an· party \'icc • pl'c,idcnii~1 ~lIndi[latc: Ecua'do~"s high coml\land sa it! ' batlleliclrL '. ' ain with strong Uniled States !up·1 hOll'er was asked whether i( Egypt i lions," he said, "Here was a mat·; ment. · ',',!::" ':" . ill .Iunc, !led III the r.lOulllalrh Ihc rCl"olt lI'ould be put down: Soon alter makmg Ihls r~recast' . · :.' I",. :"\ ""': " lila III from l'ol'lIIl'iejll, . "once and for aU bl" whalel'cl', al his,. (11'C~S confercnce \\cdnes· R · 'j ~ ":r :', "I·!i;iln. ,\11, FunCliS \\,lTlIlIIL\\\';\; I means neccssary.': 'rhe govcrn'l da)', hlscnhowcr met lor half an USSla Invitation To :." "l'::: i' ".' ,','::.1 I't';t· lie added in a bl'Oadcast thaI ment contends thc rebellion bas no hour with State Sccretary Dulles Will Accept [:'1111,:', l.,h"I'::1 parly thr rt'hrl lIIilil;lr), chieftnin, Lt,.' support outside Manabi province. I to go ol"cr. thc C\trther develop· Col. MIUra Dal'ila, I\'ilhdl'cl\" hb It denied a rebel radio rcport that' ment o( Umte(~ States policy, anel , (orces (1'0111 Portlll'icjo to thc city; othcr garrisons were joinin~ the presumably SIZe tip the latest of L'hllIlC, joining Scn. lIol1lero I rcbcUlon of the military lIan'ison el'cnts abrunr!. Canal Parley ... with Reservations Andra,d~,. who .I\"n~ de,cI'ibed as I~ Portu\·iejo. These Includcd Ihe comment the cl~'III:tn cine I. , , . Eell:l(lor's capllnl, Quito, a city Ifrom the British loreign oWce that MOS(;OIV (llcuters) - Foreign I '!'he Weslcrn Powcrs ha\'c called wcck, and Wednesday night the tude toward the struggle of nalioM .,l'resldenl!al spokesman (.ustl\\,O! of 200,000 l'ell1:llncd quiel, but dcspite. c x t c n s I Ve Ilritlsl' and ~linislcr Dmitri Shepllov Wednes· I lhe Z4·nation conference 10 dis- EgYlltian :lmbassador, Moham· lor freedom and the struggle ot 1 amaY(1 .';lId lhe rehcls~,III~(! hal'c i ccnsurshlp was Imposer! on ne\\'s-II"rench military concenlratinns III day lI"as rcportcd to hare in(U.! cnss international control meas· mcd cl Kony, said lhere has been each nalion toward freedom, eco­ llcrn r1I'll'en, l~ull1 the Cities of: papcrs and on dispatches from Ihc Suez nrea Ilritllin intend, tn cated Russia wl!1 a.ce~Pt !hc Wesl· !lrCS (or the Sucz Canal, laken no changc in Nasser's plans.
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