'Vttijl <<^ BBwCESro! k R/ c* 8REHB •* '1 i' 1 ft^'r Hi _ Sft" 63* Scanned from the collections of The Library of Congress AUDIO-VISUAL CONSERVATION CONGRESS at The LIBRARY of u»i Packard Campus Conservation for Audio Visual www.loc.gov/avconservation Reading Room Motion Picture and Television www.loc.gov/rr/mopic Center Recorded Sound Reference www.loc.gov/rr/record Vol. XX. (JkaS? leMOtf ttffitXT* No. 1 / I?|?Ci jbf3 c "HERE THEY ARE! I'VE ROOKED 'EM!" t"| HATS the way to talk to your people as soon as you sign your contracts for the new 3 " {Pictures (Nationally Advertised) Let everybody in your town know what's coming to your theater next season. Advertise the stars, adver- of tise the plays. Tie up with the immense campaign neitional advertising. Use the trade marks. Your whole community is asking: "Where can we " see Paramount and Artcraft pictures ? Stand up and shout the glad news— fit HERE THEY ARE!" PLATERS-LASKY CORPORATION h&MOUS .JESSEl.lASKYMh.P^.CECILB.DEMILLEa>Kftr?Me™i J ADOLPllZtU<ORi'rM rNIW YORKy jadLdUJULcfggg ZEESS <w CHICAGO July 6, 19 18 — L. icturcs Another story of dramat- ic and emotional intensity which will win new thousands of admirers for the ablest young emotional star of the screen Sflorious Jldveniure By Edith Barnard Delano Directed by Hobart Henley This production is announced as "the story of every girl's dream and one girl's triumph. A drama of love's conflict with man's selfishness." The kind of story that Mae Marsh's own tremendous public selects for her to play in. Released everywhere July 14. GOLDWYN PICTURES CORPORATION SAMUEL GOLDFtSH.' president EDGAR Selwyn,. Vice President 16 East 4-2 *c£ Street New York City rerrat HbHR m M m^^*» m*» * TKe brilliant, gifted work of ALICE 'JS BRADY mm*! is seen in Ker latest Select Picture "THE WHIRLPOOL m msai TKe stor? of a girl who Kad faitK in human nature—and placed Ker hunch! A clean, wholesome story splendidly presented on the screen. A winner! Directed by Allan Crosland .>•>> Jvl'^W Scenario by Eve Unsell, from the successful novel -**& by Victoria Morton. SIT DISTRIBUTED BY SELECT PICTURES GORPORA-TIGN IMP' 729 S^enfh Avenue, New .York Gtf Vol. XX, No. 1 IV MOTOGRAPHY 1 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IL • If MASSACHUSETTS Presents ERNEST H. HORSTMANN As their candidate for President of the M. P. E. L. of America Organized Vermont, Maine, Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Hampshire State Branches ofM. P. E.L. Five years President of Massachusetts State League. Two years member of the National Organization. Present Treasurer of the National Organization. HIS PLATFORM He believes that there should be but one National Organization of Exhibitors; that the Exhibitors' League should belong to the National Association of the Motion Picture Industry and should pay their just dues to that body. That the board of directors of the National League should be elected and not appointed. That the President of the League must be a bona-fide exhibitor and should devote his whole time to the interests of that body and have no other affiliations. In the absolute freedom of the screen and the use thereof for seven days of the week. Signed. ERNEST H. HORSTMANN. _ 3il iiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH i July 6, 1918. MOTOGRAPHY VITAGRAPH'S SERIALS HAVE PROVED THE BIG- GEST MONEY-MAKERS EXHIBITORS HAVE EVER KNOWN— "The Fighting Trail"— "Vengeance — and the Woman" -"The Woman in the Web" Made Serial History and Shattered Box-Office Records Everywhere. "A FIGHT FOR MILLIONS" with "FIGHTING BILL" DUNCAN-The Screen's Greatest Serial Star in another Amazing Melodrama by Albert E. Smith and Cyrus Townsend Brady— the recognized masters of thrilling chapter plays — will prove THE BIGGEST FIFTEEN WEEKS OF BUSI- NESS YOUR THEATRE HAS EVER HAD BACKED BY A COLOSSAL BILLBOARD CAMPAIGN Following its tremendously successful billboard We'll get the crowds ready. Are you ready to campaigns on its earlier serials, Vitagraph is open your doors to them or is some other house posting this twenty-four sheet all over the going to get the benefit of this campaign in your country. town? — j — m -=f 3i **s "As Simple as A, B, C" wrote one exhibitor, commenting upon the project of United Picture Theatres of America J\n Application of the Modern iHo Doubt remains R JDusiness Principles of Of the F^ V^entralization and Co-operation r^racticability of the Project. LJesigned for and by \£uality will be improved. Laxhibitors i\entals will be reduced. t p will be made easier t / 17 or their Ouccess jl VJood and their Profit, 1 hrough YOUR Participation in t Having in Mind the Need of these UnITED'S many Improvements in the industry V aluable Benefits. Justice to All W hy Continue to submit to i^keeping down {Distribution Charges ./Vtravagance and Excessive Cost + Lessening Waste, and 1 UU DON'T HAVE TO. IT'S AS E- Z23ag&£*35SBSE££ lYlaking the Exhibitor Paramount. AS THE ALPHABET . If you want to be\convinced— Send for our New Booklet—Just out. UNITED PICTURE THEATRES OF AMERICA,^ >J. A. BERST PRESIDENT 1600 BROADWAV, NEW YORK CITY REPOS ITORY, COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPAWX^QF ST. NEW YORK. NEW^ORK , BROAPWAY AND 41 ! .p.C..^.,. A THRILLER Startling Sequel to The Blindness ofDivorce" The biggest money-maker of the season! PEGGY HYLAND in By E.Llcud Sheldan Staged by Carl Harbaugh- £3 Violation of the goldenMuL^ that strikes bach home ciLso these other amazing FOX SPECIAL (FEATURES |ONEA WEEK - 5a A YEAR Hfever liave such. S productions been wEoTottamble except as super-specials! I *. JSSM.%*.%..>- Awcman's trium-pK over Hie story of an alluring tlie wolves of* Now'YorJk society* woman w\h<> sold lie 1-- IGLADYS BROCKWELLi IVIRGIN1A PEARSON ^SCARLET ROAD t r4 HER PRICE FILM CORPORATION . viii MOTOGRAPHY Vol. XX, No. 1. »»»YOU HELP YOURSELF / YOU HELP YOUR INDUSTRY" »<«x To make this big success an even bigger success MOTOGRAPHY \ will put you down for one year's subscription for a dollar bill so that in \ making your bookings you can take advantage every week of the other fellow's experience in "What the Picture Did for Me" A Department of Mutual Service The more exhibitors who co-operate in increasing this service the more valuable it will : be to you and to all the others. : Do your part by filling out the blank below with a report on your current features and i we will send you a supply of similar blanks for your regular weekly use and return j envelopes for your convenience. : Don't wait—Do it today. Address j MOTOGRAPHY, Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, 111. j N. B. Tear c ft on dotted line. If already a subscriber, cross out last two lines in blank below. What Is the Picture's Box Office Value? THE film you are running in your theatre today a money maker? Pass the word on! Does the pic- IS ture draw the crowds? Tell the exhibitors in the other states They want to book the same pictures and in turn will help you. Tell them in Motography's, "What the Picture Did for Me" Department. Your box office is the test of popularity. Fill in the blank NOW. Title Title Star Producer Star Producer. Weather Weather How Advertised How Advertised Competition Competition Admission Prices Admission Prices Remarks Remarks Name of Theatre City and State Transient or Neighborhood Patronage Sent in by. You may send me blanks for "What the Picture Did for Me," and Motography for one year at a special introductory price of $1.00, billing me for same and I will remit. MARY MILES MINTER in The Ghost of Rosy Taylor" Latest of the Minter features embodying ex- ceptional box office value — A Saturday Evening Post story, by the celebrated Jose- phine Daskam Bacon. Produced under the direction of Edward S. Sloman, for the American Film Company. Inc. AVAILABLE JULY 8 AT EXCHANGES OF THE MUTUAL FILM CORPORATION a i r v> .j, B* •_ V <ij SJ <fc <m 2 s > w2 "3 ^ a w «s §•5 C "3 ,5 U 5 T3 <5 . ^ S? ? k <u 1j ^ 05 ~ >-J * ; 1 2 ** v* \. a SL «<i> «/- — ^ Q a o ^ -a C <** ^ a O; -a M g & ^2 ^5 a o a a !5 5 -* s~ «k g a "a ^S o >-, <4i 13 lii -a 1i •S. .s"fe ^> -*^ ^ i: »> *-» a o- a a -- a jS ^ § ^5* §1 1 ^; ", a ^ ig,a.S -4: a <a a -^ 'v^3 OS *» g| <J a <*, •J8 ta o -=: £ +-,-<s. '^ %> a —A ~ 1 <u a S-s: a a *• m 1 Os '•Ss-, a s a a ^2 -a •S <a a <v. a <-3 a g a s g 1) to C ° a « Q a v a a a 2'C -C4." '2 -t; Hj a 1H, a a s a § 29 ^) 1 (5 a-, 5 I hn +-, o ^CJ a a "5 '— .a 4 C -a ^1 - *u -*— t^ S «o 13 V." g J„, o ^ 5* o ^5 8-,^ T- . ^ Si" a V Q t:s ^ g tj Q) Pi a S-5 3 I g <a vCq s a ti ^ -« i ** 1 s. §-e § <*1 5; 1^" a w 5* 4-3 4^. 1^^ o?aq. SOS JUN 28 1918 2 ,^77, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE DON R. EGBERT, Per Year $2.00 Managing Editor Canada Per year $3.00 Foreign Per year 4.00 NEW YORK OFFICE: 506 LONGACRE BUILDING. Forty-second Street and Broadway Single copy - - .15 Telephone Bryant 7030 THE MOTION PICTURE TRADE JOURNAL PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS LOS ANGELES OFFICE: 6035 HOLLYWOOD BLVD., MABEL CONDON, Western Representative ELECTRICITY MAGAZINE CORPORATION Remittances—Remittances should be made by check, New York draft or FRED W.
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