The Voice of Notre Dame

The Voice of Notre Dame

. , .• _,.._ -·. ·- ... _,_.,._ ... ·~··.-, ,... ,.-,. ,.....,. .,~,.""7"""'7-~ -~·T·-·•;~;~ ··- ~ ~-~·~r--:-·· ·•· ··----·--.. .-- ...... ·-·-· • •• ••· •·• .. ··-···---------·· ..... ·- ........ , ',,,' ',, , •t .·,, i l ' 'I -. ., News When . It.'s News J l ,' t· ~f- NOTRE DAME . ) t ! :Vol. 4, No. 29 ·University of Notre Qame Tuesday, March 22, 19~6 r $8,500,000 FOR. SCHOLARSHIPS T~p Theologi~n_s: . I j· An 86-yeaNld spinstec, who ivmity had no idea why NO:ce .-~tion oon •• ;~ing"holacshiPs, Is DIS( uss Co u nc II '· eli d F b 9 h S ·1· ft N t. e .Dame was picked. The money would a h1'p ·pour. W1·t·h the some four h e . e ruary ·' t a ue · · o ityr .• make possible an increase of 400 rs ·. · . · •. · ·. Little time was wast.ed· in put,;. Collegeville, -~ ~Minnesota, Fat er "'· Darne an d Ge orge own · mvers ---- - University,· ·with its. present small . ting· the· newly dedicated Kellog"' Diekmann. a Benedictine priest, · d f 'gh d -students who could. receive partial !!> j: ·separate en owments o ei tan en~owment, is necessarilyschol- . Center to use~ The :first session was-anofficial advisoroftheCoun- I 1 ! a half million dollars apiece. Miss · ($ ,000) academic aid. badly needed by Notre Dame. The . of the International Conference on cil, • and· he is now a member of ; Florence Daily of Rochester, 'New Tile bequest, however,· may· not hundred-thousand .dollars annual . Vatican II was begun immediately the Commission fortheimplemen- .r . York died virtually unknown toher be realized. A. niece and:twoneph- . after the dedication dinner on the tation of .the Constitution on the_ .I- ~ell ow: Rochester citizens, leaving'.. 'ews,· to wh om.· Mi ss· ··D a· 11·ey · 1e ft a. interest ·the· · stock· · would pay, general chairman, Bishop Mark Liturgy. s·mce · 1938 h e h as b een an estate of 19 million dollars in total of only· $1s;ooq ·have con- Father Hesburl!,h's goalofbringing ·McGrath, c.s.c. the editor:ofWors~ip, a joui:nai. Eastman· Dodak Stock. Her will,. · · · · · f ·t d ts · · · b. ·" · h. f th li · made out in 1933, stipulates that tested. the val.idl"ty of· t.he 1933 a. different social. strataldb' o s. u1' en d · The. first speaker was Rev. God-f resp_i:msi le 10r muc o _th . e . tur-d the endowment of stock must be will. At last report they had sub- irito Notre Damf' cou . e rea ize • frPy Diekmann from St. John's·o gtcat experimentation in. e Unite · ,· ~~~f~y~rrur:::e~~~~~~ ~~u~~~~;~ · ::::d t:~:h: l:;eu:~nt;~~ t::~. _·F is· h_. :,: >_ D u__ ·_:. n_ n 8 e ghl •.• ::;~~g~~~li~~~~,}~:~~~m~i The gift of stock, which has mul- sence of one or two pages of the . F s p the laity,·, was an explanation of . ' 1 . ~~~~d ~t~l i!~revaa:~e b~y ·rw~~f~h ~~~~ri;:~~!~~e~~~~:i~~~: ~:i~ -~ p' a:~~g·. 'n. 0 r .~ '. : ta~da~~~.ti~lt~~~~ a~hfi':~r~~ ·: c m 8 No~re Dame's present endowment claim It :the w11l of i 9a3· . Council seemed doomed to .. fiddle ·' of $42 IDl'lll'on,·'and double Geo" r'ge-. 'date.• d. it'. has b_een. .est_imate_.. d. The 'camp-a{gntilg is Under way; ·.. Michigan. Stateb reception.f hor:. 11 . away merrily" in·. discussions town's. · · · Vall Jim Fish and Richard. Dunri. have ganized: Pang orn Hall's irst .a . about . rubrics· changes, the· final As to why· Miss Dailey chose. some· · $14milliorib h · ·d ofit· · will· be con- .. begirn the: annual ser_ ies ofp_oster, s. i - pep rally and· pre-rally. rally,·i 'document contained significant re:.. sumed y t e-Fe eralgovernment. leaflets, promises and handshakes, Dunn's activities in the senate n- visions which prepared for all the know.Notre FatherDame, Joyceno. one said seems th_r-. Un- ·.to· The· grant o f stoc· k 'Wi'thth e sup-· wh' iC h can.· mean· on·1 y · one· thing - clu· de·. co·-. author of the study day succeeding· · · -Council .. documents.· · ·· Jt · ·;•. ·. ·. .·• -. ' .. ' . ·.. : . d student governme~_telectio~s,'~th and exam schedute'proposals; the was indicative: of a new attitUde. 1·.-r~ 0 ~:a· ;~:n:~i~n~--~~~~~~~t:i~~~.deb:~ : -~r~:::ai~p~~~~~i~~=s~~~~~~~ -·Odi~s-cthues.s~thishe_ q~uses-tht·iao~:1rtu~hgoys~:~~. .. J . L ·e-ta· r-e- W. l·nn· ers. -·-.A.nnounce . __ . _. :· .90 seconds .ahead .of F1sh to gar-: on the constitutional revision com- : d . ' · · · . :: ,· < < · >. : . ' . rier : the!;top' ·sp,ot· on. the. ballot. : mittee. · . · . rather than-issues' whic:Jt seeme .. · The· 1966 Laetare ·Medal will Pope_ Pms XII ~war~ed t!Je Pro,: . Janie~<E~~~ Fish· is. the current . General elections ~ill take.ptace -~ikel( ~o "s~ell <?f ~e stale pole-: bepresented to _the fouders of the Ecclesla Medal to the Crow!eys, :. junior chiss p'residerit. He is a\rot- : ·March 30; between 11:30 a.m. and" mics of. theology ~lassroo~ Christian Family Movement," it was · and the p~esent pope appomted. · ing meffiber of :the- executive· and . 1 p.m." and· betWeen 5 arid 7 p;m, 'debates." Discuss!n~ the ·liturgy, arinouriced Saturday eveniriiz. them to. the advisory co~s_s 0 1! judicial councils ·of' the stuqent · Polls wilL be located in- each hall. Father Diekmann sa~d, embodied '· Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F: Crow- on the btrth contr~l question.·' government. He is a~tiyite iii the There ·wni· be tw'o innovations .fue..:·pastoral_ thrust Pope Jo!;ui had ··'I. iey, . of Wilmette. Ill,, wUl. be the . The 1966 ~etare Medal is the Notre- Dame-South Bend l"elations - .in this: year's voting: student gov- envisioned· in .. ·summoning. the '· first couple to share this highest· aSth to be presented by the Uni- co~tfe~,· t}Ie ~rganiza!ionalcaf · ernment plans to station poll- CounciL· . · b ' ·· · A.·. · · · · ' t- · f · poliCY. comm. _ltt_ee_ an_d the college of h - h i. · · d · · · · · · · ·· .·.I awar d t he ·U n i versnv can estow. vers_Ity.. mong past rec;:i_Plen so _ watc ers at eac vot ng pace,1 an . ·Th--e Constitution reflects-a new ... Mr.· and Mrs. Crowley, ••· ·Fr. the medal·are. John· Keimedy,, Phyl- · :science-advisory·a meinber ofAlpha'Epsilon board. He is:also--Delta: is 'hlso· attempting· to borrow· voting· : un_ de~:s_tin_ d_in~: of the_ 'Chur,ch, and Hesburghsaid, "have through the · lis McGinley, Francil Br~celand,. - an honorary college , fraternity. machinP.s from St. Joseph'county, a new· attention to ecclesiology, .· years shared theirheartsandtheir George Schuster, and ND s pres- .Richard M. Dunnhasbeenactive . Tentative plans are .tor off- ·The. document reflects tWo new home wfth.a dozen foster Children. ent dean of the College otScience, in both hallandstudentgovernrrient campus' students to :vote' at the 'prinCiples:" the' priestly nature. of- , arid a· number of foreign students.. Frederick Rossini. activities:· He . helped plan. the Lewisbusshelter • . the whole people of God, and the_ -~~~~~~r~v~h;e:~~~~~b~i~e:mTu~.--c-·., .,1······. ·._·d. ·.. c·h .·_ :g·· e. s... En· d. o··r-·s· e··· d ~~~}~~~t~t:~~~?~a~~e~a~~:~ fnf_l~ence~ and ~r~~;"ur~s. asneve~ . _ a,., ~.11. , ~ ~- _ .· . _~ Jl ··.. : . i~ _ . • _ . • , •• • • • mann !~1-.IJ:Ied:tl!~ new.ope~ess to - : . bef?re, -. ~h~y .have _dedicated _Jh~I!\--~Le~s ·.Jh~n .a:mon.t?, ago,,th,e Ac~!',_.:..;~gi.~~ }h~i.r::;.~fie!Jlest~r.. ;.J;t....J...' r$tu'i;n_:J:~O.!Jl~:.... a_?ap~~uon:an~ l_~Y Pli!:tl~ipation th~ ·"'-"·~ : sel\'<;S m a truly apost9Uc ~~i,rlt :demic <:ale!Jd~lr _Committee,ofStu-;- . eai:ly: SeptE;rribe.r; ancUat<ing· linal, :tween .the end of exams BJ.ld:gt:ad-. _ ~~i~JllOt!f."Mtfc!J• [~~!Jr~,tft.[pU~<Jllf'='~ ··-=4 to. the" and fnvigora~ dent. CJ9vernment: : distribtiti£d"·~ a .. PXainS b_efore.'<;:hd~t~iuis yaca~io_n> .. uation;: :or these~. app_roicl~t~ly tti~ 1cd~tlttitiori: Wofshfp lJ 'tb-~e . : tion . of. family life ·evP.ryw~ere. q~~qo~~1!~· :to_ . .584. ·ran~omly . ~e :'~~e~ts: ~r;t~orm7d .. tJlat; . .30o/o .Will ~ravel , moEe. ~.;tn: f~ve . imoet:m!"o~ ·as.~ It; ~lori_fic_atiqn: of· · · -' "Because they have shared the ~electe~, · _un~ergraduat:S· :T~e tf;.t~ls _change_ we?-"e·tC? ~-e ~na~:-. hundre~ m1les ~o ~e1:- ho!J1es.-1f ~~f!ly_ap~r~on; not~hpply)hro~gh leadership of the Christian Fainily purpose of th~ questionnaire was to ted .i_n t~e AcadeJn!c Ca!e!!dar, · · the Senior is going to: a~eJila ~his ah ·action••. • . • -: . · · . "!I . · . • ·. determine student opinion rega!d- . s_ac_rific~s.would pe_n.ecf'S:-. own graduation; thec;:alendarCo~- . The final document:is not with-: Movemf'nt ·and, in a. very real· : mg .several proposed: changes in .. sary; O:Veran.r:espo_nse to the ques- · mittee reasoned, graduation :cer~- . oilt: its· defects, ·however. Despite sense, been its. continumginspira- the . :~cad~rnlc· c;alendar; and to tionh~ire indicated that.~estudent. monies must be held as ·socin ·~~:s its -i~ognitiori of the laicy~s im- ~ ·. : tional ·force, it Js. especially fit- . assure· the· Office . of _.Academic · ~dy _valued ~_Th:;tnkSglVlng vaca- ... possibl~ after the l~t·fin~l ex~1n- portance; no Jay:l?ers~n was c~n~ l.I ting; I think that they should a.Iso Affairs· that :this: student !>P~nion . tt~n and ~n· eiglu,•exam mation. • : . ~ ._- ·.' ..· :.· -~ . ··5ulted bythepr,ep.ara·.oryq>!nnns- share tog~ther the highest .honor . was: b.a5~d: O!J: !1: c:l~ar. a~a.re_rt!i!SS ·, pe~i~d more ·t_han the ·retentio~·of.

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