4 SEANAD E´ IREANN 63 De´ Ce´adaoin, 28 Eana´ir, 2004 Wednesday, 28th January, 2004 10.30 a.m. RIAR NA hOIBRE Order Paper GNO´ POIBLI´ Public Business 1. An Bille um an mBord Bia (Leasu´ ) 2003 — Ordu´ don Dara Ce´im. An Bord Bia (Amendment) Bill 2003 — Order for Second Stage. Bille da´ ngairtear Acht do leasu´ agus Bill entitled an Act to amend and extend do leathnu´ an Achta um an mBord Bia An Bord Bia Act 1994, to make provision 1994, do dhe´anamh socru´ maidir leis for the dissolution of An Bord Glas — The an mBord Glas — An Bord Forbartha Horticultural Development Board and the Gairneoireachta a dhı´scaoileadh agus a transfer of its functions to An Bord Bia, and fheidhmeanna a aistriu´ chuig an mBord Bia, to provide for related matters. agus do dhe´anamh socru´ i dtaobh nithe gaolmhara. —Senator Mary O’Rourke. 2. Ra´itis maidir leis an nga´ ata´ le feasacht leanu´ nach i dtaobh an fhore´igin baile agus maidir le gnı´omhaı´ochtaı´ is ga´ chun seirbhı´sı´ d’ı´ospartaigh an fhore´igin baile a fheabhsu´ . Statements on the need for continuing awareness of and actions required to improve services for victims of domestic violence. 3. Ra´itis maidir leis an straite´is chun aghaidh a thabhairt ar cheist na dtoircheas ge´arche´ime. Statements on the strategy to address the issue of crisis pregnancy. 4. Ra´itis i nda´il leis an Uachtara´nacht Eorpach. Statements in relation to the European Presidency. Tairiscint: Motion: 5. ‘‘Go nde´anfar Buan-Orduithe Sheanad That the Standing Orders of Seanad E´ ireann i dtaobh Gno´ Phoiblı´ a leasu´ leis E´ ireann relative to Public Business are seo— hereby amended by— (a) i mBuan-Orduithe 53(2)(a) agus 54, (a) the deletion, in Standing Orders trı´ ‘Bhuan-Ordu´ 56’ a scriosadh agus 53(2)(a) and 54, of ‘Standing Order ‘Bhuan-Orduithe 56 agus 56A’ a chur 56’ and the substitution therefore of ina ionad; agus ‘Standing Orders 56 and 56A’; and P.T.O. 64 28 Eana´ir, 2004 (b) trı´danme´id seo a leanas a ghlacadh (b) the adoption of the following as an mar Bhuan-Ordu´ breise de chuid additional Standing Order of Seanad Sheanad E´ ireann i dtaobh Gno´ E´ ireann relative to Public Phoiblı´:— Business:— ‘56A. (1) Mura n-ordo´ idh an 56A.(1) Unless the Seanad shall Seanad a mhalairt, fe´adfar vo´ ta´lacha sa otherwise order, divisions in the Seanad a dhe´anamh trı´ mhea´n Seanad may be conducted by electronic leictreonach ach amha´in i gca´svo´ ta´la means save in the case of a division on ar thoghadh an Chathaoirligh. the election of Cathaoirleach. (2) I gca´s go gcuirfidh an (2) Where the Cathaoirleach informs Cathaoirleach in iu´ l don Seanad aon the Seanad at any time that it is not tra´th nach fe´idir vo´ ta´lacha a dhe´anamh possible to conduct divisions by trı´ mhea´n leictreonach no´ nach electronic means or that the result may bhfe´adfar brath ar an toradh no´ i gca´s, be unreliable or where, for any other ar aon chu´ is eile, gur do´ igh leis no´ le´i reason, he or she considers that na´r cho´ ir vo´ ta´lacha a dhe´anamh divisions should not be so conducted, amhlaidh, fe´adfaidh an Cathaoirleach a the Cathaoirleach may order the ordu´ don Seanad vo´ ta´il a dhe´anamh no´ Seanad to divide or to divide again, as vo´ ta´il a dhe´anamh arı´s, de re´ir mar a the case may be, on the question, bheidh, ar an gceist, cibe´ acu trı´ mhea´n whether by electronic means or leictreonach no´ ar shlı´ eile, de re´ir mar otherwise, as he or she considers is cuı´ leis no´ le´i sna himthosca, no´ appropriate in the circumstances, or fe´adfaidh se´ no´ sı´ to´ ga´il na vo´ ta´la a may postpone the taking of the division chur siar go dtı´ cibe´ tra´th ina dhiaidh to such later time as he or she shall sin a ordo´ idh se´ no´ sı´. direct. (3) Ar thoradh vo´ ta´la arna de´anamh (3) On the announcement by the trı´ mhea´n leictreonach a bheith Cathaoirleach of the result of a division fo´ gartha ag an gCathaoirleach, which has been taken by electronic fe´adfaidh aon chomhalta a e´ileamh— means, any member may demand— (a) go nde´anfar an vo´ ta´il arı´s trı´ (a) that the division be taken again mhea´n leictreonach, no´ by electronic means, or (b) go nde´anfar an vo´ ta´il arı´s ar shlı´ (b) that the division be taken again seachas trı´ mhea´n leictreonach, otherwise than by electronic means, agus, mura a´iritheoir arna ainmniu´ and the Cathaoirleach shall, unless no´ arna hainmniu´ chun crı´ocha na the member who so demands is a vo´ ta´la sin an comhalta a e´ilı´onn teller nominated for the purposes of amhlaidh, glaofaidh an Cathaoir- that division, call upon the members leach ar na comhaltaı´ ata´ ag tacu´ leis who support the demand to rise in an e´ileamh e´irı´ ina n-a´iteanna agus their places and (i) mura n-e´ireoidh cu´ igear com- (i) if fewer than five members so halta ar a laghad amhlaidh, fo´ g- rise, the Cathaoirleach shall ro´ idh an Cathaoirleach la´ith- forthwith declare the determi- reach cinneadh an tSeanaid no´ nation of the Seanad or Commit- cinneadh an Choiste den Seanad tee of the whole Seanad, and the uile, agus cuirfear ar Chı´n Lae names of the members who so Imeachtaı´ an tSeanaid ainmnea- rise shall be recorded as dis- cha na gcomhaltaı´ easaontacha a senting in the Journal of the Pro- d’e´irigh amhlaidh, ceedings of the Seanad, 28 Eana´ir, 2004 65 (ii) ma´ e´irı´onn cu´ igear comhalta ar (ii) if five or more members so rise a laghad amhlaidh no´ ma´sa´iri- or if the member who so theoir arna ainmniu´ no´ arna demands is a teller nominated hainmniu´ chun crı´ocha na vo´ ta´la for the purposes of that division, sin an comhalta a e´ilı´onn the Cathaoirleach shall order the amhlaidh, ordo´ idh an Cathaoir- Seanad to divide again on the leach don Seanad vo´ ta´il a dhe´an- question in the manner so amh arı´s ar an gceist sa tslı´ inar demanded. e´ilı´odh amhlaidh. (4) Maidir le vo´ ta´lacha trı´ mhea´n (4) In respect of divisions by elec- leictreonach, i gca´s go nde´anfar an che- tronic means, where the question on ist ar e´ilı´odh vo´ ta´il uirthi a chur la´ith- which a division has been demanded is reach tar e´is an toradh ar vo´ ta´il roimhe put immediately after the result of an sin a fho´ gairt, is e´ dha´ no´ ime´ad ar a earlier division has been declared, the laghad agus no´ ime´ad amha´in ar a period for which the division bells are laghad faoi seach fad na tre´imhse a rung and the interval between the mbeidh na cloig vo´ ta´la a´ mbualadh ringing of the bells and the locking of lena linn agus fad an tseala idir na cloig the doors shall be not less than two a bhualadh agus an glas a chur ar na minutes and not less than one minute doirse. respectively.’.’’ ——Senator Mary O’Rourke. 6. (l) An Bille um an Dlı´ Coiriu´ il (Gealtacht) 2002 — An Coiste. (a) Criminal Law (Insanity) Bill 2002 — Committee. 7. An Bille Le´iriu´ cha´in 2000 [Da´il] — An Dara Ce´im. Interpretation Bill 2000 [Da´il] — Second Stage. 8. Bille Na´isiu´ ntachta agus Saora´nachta E´ ireann agus Airı´ agus Ru´ naithe (Leasu´ ) 2003 — An Coiste. Irish Nationality and Citizenship and Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Bill 2003 — Committee. Tı´olactha: Presented: 9. An Bille um Fhorghnı´omhu´ Pianbhreitheanna a Aistriu´ 2003 — Ordu´ don Dara Ce´im. Transfer of Execution of Sentences Bill 2003 — Order for Second Stage. Bille da´ ngairtear Acht do thabhairt Bill entitled an Act to give effect to e´ifeacht d’Airteagal 2 den Phro´ tacal Breise Article 2 of the Additional Protocol to the a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiu´ n maidir le Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced hAistriu´ Daoine faoi Phianbhreith a Persons done at Strasbourg on 18 rinneadh i Strasbourg an 18 Nollaig 1997 December 1997 and Chapter 5 of Title III agus do Chaibidil 5 de Theideal III den of the Convention implementing the Choinbhinsiu´ n chun Comhaontu´ Schengen Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 an 14 Meitheamh 1985 idir rialtais Sta´it between the governments of the States of Aontas Eacnamaı´och Benelux, Phoblacht the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Cho´ naidhme na Gearma´ine agus Phoblacht Republic of Germany and the French na Fraince maidir le seicea´lacha ag a Republic on the gradual abolition of checks gcomhtheorainneacha a dhı´othu´ de re´ir a at their common borders done at Schengen che´ile a rinneadh i Schengen an 19 on 19 June 1990. Meitheamh 1990, a chur i bhfeidhm. —Senator Mary O’Rourke P.T.O. 66 28 Eana´ir, 2004 10. An Bille um Shaora´il Faisne´ise (Leasu´ ) (Uimh. 2) 2003 — Ordu´ don Dara Ce´im. Freedom of Information (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill 2003 — Order for Second Stage. Bille da´ ngairtear Acht do leasu´ an Achta Bill entitled an Act to amend the um Shaora´il Faisne´ise 1997 agus do Freedom of Information Act 1997 and to dhe´anamh socru´ i dtaobh nithe gaolmhara.
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