7 </-'! L 5 3 ~ J b -'fuscs-474-164 ~lllHl~V1•1t111~113 9980 00000 9908 UNITED s rA res DEPARfMENT Of TH£ INlEHIOR GEOLO !CAL SUR E\' F~d~ral Center, D nver. Colorado 80'2l BtSLIO< RAPllY OF Pl BL ::>HED REPORIS BY U.S .EOL)GlCAI SllRVEY PERSO lNEL ()!>~ THE GEOLOGY AND l!YDROL , OF TllE AMCHITKA St PPLFMENTARY U.:::iT AREA, ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, A1..ASKA, 1969- 72 (Amchlt a-39 Date Published· June 1973 Prepared Under Agreement No. AT(29-2)-474 for the Nevada Operations Office U.S. Atomic Energy Comm ission Amchitka-39 USGS-474-164 1973 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Federal Center, Denver, Colorado 80225 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PUBLISHED REPORTS BY U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PERSONNEL ON THE GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY OF THE AMCHITKA SUPPLEMENTARY TEST AREA , ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, ALASKA, 1969-72 By Jane P. Ohl, compiler DEPARTMENT or THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SUR.VEY 179°E 610000--- 8£11/NC 5720000 SEA CANN I KIN ~·lo' LONG SHOT PACIFIC 0 C £AN 1ao• 5690000. )~~~ 9 I • I I ? lflMILES AMCHITKA ISLAND 6<'0000 179°E 670000 Un1irUHI Tt•M•lr11 Mtrcaior Pniectl• (UTMl 10000 ...., ,,.. hth , .... 60 Figure 1.--Amchitka Island, Alaska, showing locations of drill sites B, C, D, E, and F, and the nuclear tests Cannikin, Long Shot, and Milrow. BIBLIOGRAPHY (Entries marked by an asterisk are available only from U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22151.) *Anderson, R. E., 1971, Tectonic setting of Amchitka Islacd, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-75 (Rev. 1), 42 p. *Ballance, W. c., 1970a, Hydraulic testing of hole UAe-7h, Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-84, 31 p. * ~~~~- 1970b, Hydraulic tests in hole UA-1 and water inflow into an underground chamber, Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-72, 54 p. * ~~~~- 1972a, Hydraulic tests in drill hole UAe-1, Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol • . Survey rept. USGS-474-102, 32 p. * 1972b, Hydraulic tests in hole UAe-6h, Amchitka Island, Alaska: U. S. Geol . Survey rept. USGS-474-104, 27 p. *Ballance, w. c., and Beetem, w. A., 1972, Water inflow into hole UA-1, Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-156, 27 p. *Ballance, w. C., and Dinwiddie, G. A., 1972, Hydraulic testing of hole UA-1-HTH-l, Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-144, 23 p. Ballance, W. c., and Gard, L. M., 1971, Earth-science studies of a nuclear test area in the western Aleutian Islands: Supplementary hydrologic information--Discuasion: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 82, no. 10, p. 2963. Bath, G. D., Carr, W. J., Gard, L. M., Jr., and Quinlivan, W. D., 1972, Interpretation of an aeromagnetic survey of the Amchitka Island area, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 707, 25 p. *Bath, G. D., Miller, C. H., and\Quinlivan,. W. D., 1971, Interpretation of a gravity survey of Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-93, BO p. * Beetem, W. A., Washington, c. L., Janzer, v. J., and Schroder, L. J., 1971, Radiochemical analyses of water samples collected on Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-123, 34 p. * Beetem, W. A., Young, R. A., Washington, C. L., and Schroder, L. J., 1971, Chemical analyses of water samples collected on Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-135, 18 p. *Carr, W. J., Gard, L. M., Jr., and Quinlivan, w. D., 1969, Geologic reconnaissance of Amchitka Island, Alaska, December 1966: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-42, 14 p. *Carr, W. J., and Quinlivan, w. D., 1969, Progress report on the geology of Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-44, 15 p. Carr, W. J., Quinlivan, W. D., and Gard, L. M., Jr., 1970, Age and stratigraphic relations of Amchitka, Banjo Point, and Chitka Point Formations, Amchitka Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, !!!. Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1969, by G. V. Cohee, R. G. Bates, and W. B. Wright: U.S. Geol • Survey Bull. 1324-A, p. Al6-A22. 2 Dickey, D. D., McKeown, F. A., and Bucknam, R. c., 1972, Preliminary results of ground deformation measurements near the Cannikin explosion: Seismol. Soc. America .Bull., v. 62, no. 6, p. 1505-1518. *Gard, L. M., Jr., compiler, 1972, Chemical analyses of igneous rocks from drill holes and outcrops, Amchitka Island, Alaska (including working-point rocks of Long Shot, Milrow, and Cannikin events): U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-140, 14 p. *Gard, L. M., Lee, W. H., and Way, R. J., 1969, Preliminary lithologic log of drill hole UAe-1 from 0 to 5,028 feet, Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-46, 2 p. Gard, L. M., Lewis, G. E., and Whitmore, F. c., Jr., 1972, Steller's Sea Cow in Pleistocene interglacial beach deposits on Amchitka, Aleutian Islands: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 83, no. 3, p. 867-869. Gard, L. M., and Szabo, B. J., 1971, Age>of the Pleistocene deposits at South Bight, Amchitka !§land, Alaska: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 3, no. 7, p. 577. Gard, L. M., and West, S. W., 1969, Geology and hydrology of Amchitka Island, Appendix C, !!1 Bioenvironmental safety studies, Amchitka Island, Alaska--Progress report for FY 1968, by James B. Kirkwood: Battelle Mem. Inst., BMI-171-116, p. Cl-C4. Gonzalez, D. D., and Wollitz, L. E., 1972a, Response of aquifer systems to explosions, Amchitka Island, Alaska: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 3, p. 163-164. 3 Gonzalez, D. D., and Wollitz, L. E., 1972h, Hydrologic effects of the Cannikin event: Seismol. Soc. America Bull., v. 62, no. 6, p. 1527-1542. * Healey, D. L., 1971, Calculated in situ rock density from gravity observations, UA-1 (Cannikin) emplacement hole, Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-106, 6 p. *Lee, W. H., 1969a, Physical property data from drill hole UAe-3, Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-6, 11 p. * 1969b, Preliminary lithologic log of drill hole UAe-3, from 0 to 4,816 feet, Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-50, 3 p. * 1969c, Preliminary lithologic log of drill hole UAe-3, from 4,800 to 7,012 feet, Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-51, 4 p. * 1969d, Lithologic log of emplacement drill hole UA-1, from 5,000 to 6,500 feet, Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-4, 3 p. * 1969e, Some physical properties of rocks in drill hole UAe-1, Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-48, 13 p. * ------------- 1969f, Some physical properties of rocks in drill hole UAe-2, Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS•474-5, 12 p. * 1969g, Some physical properties of rocks in drill hole UAe-6c, Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-33, 13 p. 4 *Lee, W. H., and Gard, L. M., Jr., 1971, Summary of the subsurface geology of the Cannikin site, Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-132, 19 p. *Lee, W. H., and Morris, R. H., 1969, Preliminary lithologic log of drill hole UAe-1 from 5,000 to 7,000 feet, Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-47, 3 p. Miller, C. H., and Bath, G. D., 1969, Gravity map of Amchitka and nearby islands, Alaska: U.S . Geol. Survey Geophys. Inv. Map GP-693. *Miller, C. H., Kibler, J. D., and Tuttle, T. J., 1969, Reconnaissance gravity survey on the Rat Islands, with emphasis on Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-49, 10 p. *Morris, R. H., 1969, Preliminary lithologic log of drill hole UAe-6c, from 0 to 6,999 feet, Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-54, 3 p. * 1970, A preliminary study of relict marine terraces of the western Aleutian Islands, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-62, 19 p. * 1971, Marine terraces of the western Aleutian Islands, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-139, 18 p. Morris, R. H., and Bucknam, R. C., 1972, Geomorphic evidence of late Holocene vertical stability in the Aleutian Islands: Seismal. Soc . America Bull., v . 62, no . 6, p. 1365-1375. 5 Morris, R. H., Gard, L. M., Jr., and Snyder, R. P., 1972, Visible geologic effects of the Cannikin event: Seismol. Soc. America Bull., v. 62, no. 6, p. 1519-1526. * Quinlivan, W. D., 1969, Physical properties of 16 surface rock samples from southeastern Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-43, 4 p. *Sass, J. H., and Moses, T. H., Jr., 1969, Subsurface temperatures from Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-20, 4 p. *Schroder, L. J., and Ballance, W. c., 1972, Radiochemical monitoring of water after the Cannikin event, Amchitka Island, Alaska, January 13-April 5, 1972: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-159, 13 p. *Snyder, R. P., 1969a, Preliminary lithologic log of UAe-2, from 0 to 3,580 feet, Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-52, 2 p. * 1969b, Preliminary lithologic log of drill hole UAe-2, from 3,580 feet to 6,500 feet (TD): U.S. Geol. Survey rept. USGS-474-53, 2 p. * 1969c, Preliminary lithologic log of drill hole UAe-7c, from 0 to 7,495 feet (TD), Amchitka Island, Alaska: U.S.
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