Cover Page The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/20181 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation. Author: Berkel, Tazuko van Title: The economics of friendship : changing conceptions of reciprocity in classical Athens Date: 2012-11-27 Bibliography ABU -LUGHOD , L., Veiled Sentiments: Honor and Poetry in a Bedouin Society , Berkeley 1986 A ADAMS , D., “A Socratic theory of friendship”, IPQ 35.3 (1995), 269-282 ADKINS , A.W.H., Merit and Responsibility: a study in Greek values , Oxford 1960 ―, “Friendship and self-sufficiency in Homer and Aristotle”, CQ 13 (1963), 30-45 ALLAN , D.J., The Philosophy of Aristotle , Oxford 1970 ALLEN , D., “Greek tragedy and law”, in: M. G AGARIN & D.J. COHEN (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Law , Cambridge 2005, 374-393 ALCOCK , S.E., “A simple case of exploitation? The helots of Messenia, in: P. CARTLEDGE , E.E. C OHEN & L. 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