Southwell and Nottingham Diocesan Guild Of Church Bell Ringers Updated to end of December 2019 This INDEX has been produced to help with a search for published information in THE RINGING WORLD Relating to the Southwell and Nottingham Diocesan Guild the Members, past and present, also the Diocese in general. In searching for published items the following were not included Bell Club Awards - Changes of Address - Corrections and Amendments – Editorials or Footnotes to peals. Please note that the compiler of this index is not perfect and some articles may have been missed, but it is hoped that this record will be a guide to any material you wish to look for in a search of ringing history in Nottinghamshire. Only members past and present known by the author to be Guild Members are listed, this includes articles before and after they have left the Guild area. Items may not have been included for members joining the Guild after this list was compiled in 2007. It is noted that no Guild meetings have been reported on for over six years 10/6/2009 - information added from 1911 to 1944 - Ray Fanthorpe 1 Guild, General (founded in 1946 as 1 district) 1945/45,48,66, 1946/7,88, 1947/8, 1996/1178,1266 - Final Meeting of the Midland Counties Association 1946/473,479 - Meetings, Annual General 1947/187, 1948/200, 1950/265, 1952/284, 1954/316, 1955/284, 1956/268, 1957/369, 1958/305, 1959/288, 1960/330, 1961/303, 1962/358, 1963/326, 1964/272, 1965/326, 1966/325, 1967/248,288, 1968/361,402, 1969/414, 1970/333, 1971/503, 1974/478, 1977/400, 1979/408, 1980/386, 1982/434, 1983/382, 1984/463, 1985/474, 1986/422, 1987/500, 1988/538, 1989/526, 1990/580, 1991/598, 1992/536, 1993/587, 1995/655, 1996/654, 1997/646, 1998/669, 2008/692, 2009/652, 2010/637, 2011/866 - Meetings, General/Quarterly 1946/320,484,505, 1950/257, 1958/388 - Meetings, Half Year 1998/130 - Meetings, Special 1946/569, 1947/8, 1997/1037, 1998/130 - Guild Dinners 1949/58, 1950/89, 1951/107, 1952/76, 1966/(328), 1967/797, 1971/483, 611, 1984/363, 1985/299, 1987/356, 1988/366, 1996/1212, 1997/30, 2006/1116 - A memorial of the Southwell diocesan Guild 1999/775,882,954 - Burchnall, Katherine, Guild Legacy 1978/842 - Crawford Cup, The Story of 1954/443, 1971/1117 - Crawford Cup (North Nottinghamshire Association) 1928/614, 1929/634, 1930/655, 1931/607, 1932/594, 1933/652, 1934/666, 1936/662, 1937/650, 1939/399 - Crawford Cup (Southwell Diocesan Guild Contest) 1948/429, 1953/433, 1954/443, 1955/411, 1956/412,698, 1959/569, 1960/679, 1961/649, 1962/631, 1963/676, 1964/679, 1965/676, 1966/672, 1968/847, 1971/947, 1972/929, 1973/550, 1974/506, 1975/524, 1976/575, 1980/507, 2009/672, 2010/637, 2011/866, 2012/612 - F.W. Midwinter Bell Repair Fund Trophy 1967/287 - Fund raising 1975/943, 1976/964 Criblines 1 (D.J. Marshall) 1979/1102, 1980/26 Criblines 2 (D.J. Marshall) 1981/40 Ringing, BBC Computer Prog. (Dr. I Vincent) 1983/507-8 - Guild Library 1986/422 - Ill Advised Ringing by W. Exton 1992/816,909,1076 - Motion to the Central Council Meeting 1969/480,545 - New Badge 1978/797 - Newsletters 1982/480 - Nine go to Ireland 1988/453 - One Day Training School 1992/74 - Peal Composition Records 1992/1052 - Peal Rules, Enforcement 1996/1266 - Peals, Not Accepted (Later accepted by the CC) 1986/232,284 + CC Meeting Supplement, Peals Analysis. 27 June. - Ringing Schools/Maintenance 1994/554, 1995/66,1023 - Public Relations 2008/562 - Silver Jubilee, Dinner and Events 1971/611,612,621,641,723 - 3 bell competition winners 1997/1015 - 21 years of the Guild – W.L. Exton 1967/632 - 21st Anniversary, Three Counties Festival 1967/797 - 25th Anniversary, Four Guilds Festival 1971/389,483 - 50th Guild Anniversary 1996/383,436,826, 1999/882,954 Dinner – County Hall 1996/1212, 1997/30 Quarter Peals for the Anniversary 1996/381 - 60th Guild Anniversary 2006/1116 2 Peals and Quarter Peals - 30th Anniversary Quarter Peals 1976/825,826 - David Wilson’s Peal Weekend 1996/784 - Expo Belfry at Ratcliffe-on-Soar 1988.885 - Handbell Quarter Peals at the unringable towers 2002/594 - Leading Quarter Peal Ringers – Guild Members 1987/228, 1993/235, 1995/313, 1996/278, 1997/246, 1998/243, 2000/666 - Leading Peal Ringers – Guild Members 1989/162, 1991/133, 1992/184, 1993/196, 1994/226, 1995/387, 1996/567, 1999/526, 617, 2001/604, 2002/1084, 2003/512, 2004/846,850, 2005/279,305,363 - Liverpool Peal of Cambridge S. Maximus 2008/90 - Non-compliance with Guild Rules for peals 1993/964 - Paul and Ruth’s Peal Week, Peals for the Guild 1994/1190, 1995/1310, 1997/10,1197, 1998/1160, 2002/1255, 2015,654 - Peal Tour, 10 bell of the North – Guild Peals 1993/755 - Peal Tour Weekend with Guild Members 1995/765 - Peal Tour of Australasia – Guild Peals 2001/188, 2005/668,671 - Peal Tour of Canada – Guild Peals 2003/900 - Peal Tour of England – Guild Peals 1999/996 - Peal Tour of Scotland – Includes Guild Members 1991/814, 2007/668 - Peal Tour of U.S.A. – Guild Peals 2002/438 - Record Peal of Minor – Willoughby-on-the-Wolds 1996/1178 - Sally Mason’s Peal Week - Peals for the Guild 1994/1141, 1995/1205, 1996/1056 - Standard 8 Surprise in a day, Nottingham District 1990/107, 1992/216 - 7 Peals in a day – A new record (photo) 1991/216 - 8 Peals in a day, inc. guild members 1995/1069 - 8 Quarter Peals in a day (standard 8) 2008/972 - 10 Quarters in a day 1974/23 - 41 Method Peal Double Handed 2003/1000 - 100 Double Handed Peals – Peter Hayward 1996/805 - 800 Peals – Groombride, Thomas Snr. 1947/536 - 1000 Peals – Curtis, Paul 1998/152 - 1000 Peals – Dawson, George 1993/688 - 1000 Peals – Graves, Philip 1990/418 - 1000 Peals – Melen, Susan 1992/1120,1175 - 1000 peals – Mills, Andrew 1991/492 - 2000 Peals – Mounsey, Paul 1992/688,721 - 1000 Peals – Richardson, Ruth 1995/547 - 210 Methods Spliced Minor 1970/300 - 210 Methods Spliced Minor 35 years later 2005/117 - 14,400 Minimus Record Attempt 1997/549 3 DISTRICTS: Please note that Quarter Peal Day/Week may not include an account of the day/week only the ringers taking part. Bingham district (founded 16 June 1962) 1962/(358),446 Inaugural meeting of the district 16 June. - Meetings, Annual District 1963/87, 1964/93, 1965/95, 1966/95, 1968/99, 1970/107, 1971/179, 1977/113 - Meetings, General 1962/509,595,658,771, 1963/19,155,247,535,597,779,827, 1964/39,154,389,563,726,849, 1965/199,385,543,608,764, 1966/167,375, 1967/165,493,857, 1968/506,989, 1969/281, 1975/558 - Meetings, Joint 1963/658, 1964/221, 1965/450 - Crawford Cup District Round 1963/455, 1964/430, 1969/505, 1970/482, 1971/650 - District, Dinners 1963/19, 1964/21 - District, General 1979/9 - Outings, Tower and District 1963/483, 1975/928, 1976/858, 1992/801 - Quarter Peal Day/Week 1989/1075, 1992/1211 - Games Competition, Whatton/Derby Cathedral 1968/790 - 25 years of the District 1988/287 Mansfield district (founded 31 May 1958) 1958/(305,388) - Meetings, Annual District 1959/114, 1960/135, 1963/119, 1964/112, 1965/133, 1966/112, 1967/113, 1968/125, 1969/325, 1973/136, 1974/252, 1975/219, 1976/200, 1977/147, 1978/160, 1979/175 - Meetings, General 1958/511, 1959/407,662, 1960/281,551,837, 1961/238,859, 1962/215,373,487,905, 1963/271,595,703, 1964/250,575, 1965/274,558,719,846, 1966/277,523, 1967/305,947, 1968/689,989, 1973/495,693,828,1023, 1974/604,695,895, 1975/42,155,476,716, 1976/595,883,1087, 1977/147,527,712,907, 1978/18,547,748,911,1093 - Meetings, Joint 1958/763, 1959/41,451, 1960/13,487, 1961/489, 1963/846, 1964/865, 1966/651, 1968/466, 1976/13 - Crawford Cup District Round 1961/421, 1963/435, 1964/398, 1965/447, 1966/413, 1967/416, 1970/482, 1974/355, 1975/334, 1976/411, 1977/330 - Outings, Tower and District 1953/436, 1962/502, 1963/694, 1964/665, 1965/644, 1966/493 1967/658, 1969/346, 1975/44, 1976/883 - Quarter Peal Day/Week 1983/537, 1990/1231, 1992/17, 1993/57,1276, 1994/1098, 1995/939, 1997/295, 1998/17, 1999/100, 2000/40,1195, 2001/1175, 2002/1265, 2004/1099, 2005/1149, 2018/1014, 2019/1119 Newark district (founded 14 Dec.1946) 1946/505, 1997/82 - Meetings, Annual District 1948/58, 1950/73, 1955/87,231, 1956/89, 1957/108, 1958/94, 1959/98, 1960/93, 1961/114, 1962/101, 1963/93, 1964/93, 1965/95, 1966/95, 1967/113, 1968/115, 1970/129, 1972/167, 1973/124, 1974/230, 1976/171 - Meetings, General 1947/328, 1948/138, 1949/596, 1950/350, 1955/444, 1956/205,359,476, 1957/219,370,639,774, 1958/208,391,450,500,796, 1959/420, 1960/231, 1961/225,,474,659, 1962/269, 1963/211,483,798, 1964/818, 1965/378,834, 1966/375,493,805, 1967/269,484,892, 1969/668, 1970/355, 1972/307,687,952, 1973/4,836,836,1023, 1975/371, 1978/314 - Meetings, General – Cancelled 1964/480 - Meetings, Joint 1959/742, 1961/698,827, 1964/221, 1965/720, 1967/287,715, 1973/524 - Crawford Cup District Round 1961/337, 1962/373, 1963/365, 1964/335, 1970/524, 1971/604 - Ladies Only Practice, Farndon 2015/549 - Outings, Tower and District 1949/235, 1954/379,407,423,636, 1955/332,410,438,637, 1956/397,429, 1957/452,469,678, 1958/436,453, 1959/427, 1963/359, 1967/579, 1972/651, 1977/683,822, 1979/863, 1987/970 - Quarter Peal Day/Week 1987/42,1131, 1990/26,1232 1991/1166, 1992/1186, 1994/90, 2001/1288, 2003/112, 2004/41, 2006/67, 2007/96, 2008/197, 2009/19, 2010/101, 2011/240, 2013/391, 2014/96, 2015/755 - 50th Anniversary of the district 1997/82 4 North Notts district (founded 14 Dec.
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