OE6000 (REV 9-66) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE ERIC ACCESSION NO. OFFICE OF EDUCATION (Top) ED 013 345 ERIC REPORT RESUME CLEARINGHOUSE ACCESSION NUMBER RESUME DATE P.A. T.A. IS DOCUMENT COPYRIGHTED? YES 0 001001VT 001 369 16 -01 -68 ERICREPRODUCTION RELEASE? YES 0 TITLE 1001 00Current Practices Observed in Design and Drafting Occupations. 101 102 103 PERSONAL AUTHOR(S) 200 200 Squires, Carl E. INSTITUTION (FOURCE) SOURCE CODE 300300 Maricopa County Junior Coll District Arizona 310310 REPORT/SERIES NO. OTHER SOURCE SOURCE CODE 320 320Arizona Dept. of Vocat. Educ., Technical Educ. Service 330 OTHER REPORT NO. OTHER SOURCE SOURCE CODE 340 350 OTHER REPORT NO. 400400PUB'L. DATE -66 CONTRACT /GRANT NUMBER PAGINATION, ETC. 500 500EDRS PRICEMF-$0.75HC-$5.24 / 129p. 501 RETRIEVAL TERMS 600600*DRAFTING, *DESIGN, CURRICULUM IMPROVEMENT., PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT, 601601TECHNICAL EDUCATION, OBSERVATION, TRADE AND INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION, 602602*INDUSTRY, EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES, OCCUPATIONAL SURVEYS, *PERSONNEL 603603POLICY, EDUCATIONAL NEEDS, *PHYSICAL FACILITIES, ORGANIZATION, 604 605 606 IDENTIFIERS 607607Maricopa County, Arizona ABSTRACT 800 800Data which had significance for design and drafting curriculums 801 801were collected by direct observation of 21 design and drafting 802802factors within 16 selected industrial companies employing 869 803803designers and draftsmen. Observations covered (1) the number of 8048014design and drafting employees, (2) the system of draftingroom 805805organization,. (3) Job classifications, (4) hiring, training: and 806806promotion practices, (5) physical facilities, (6) drawing materials, 807807standards, and special devices and techniques, (7) methods of 808808handling change orders and checking and storing drawings, (8)women 809809in the occupational area, and (9) unique detail drafting practices. 810810The companies observed were engaged in (1) electro-mechanical 811811design and drafting, (2) mechanical design and drafting, (3) civil, 812812structural, and architectural drafting, (4) technical illustration, 813813and (5) tool design. Job classifications and hiring practices varied 814814from company to company. Usually three grade levelswere provided 815815for both designers and draftsmen. Larger companies seemedto be 816 816 ore flexible in hiring younger and more inexperienced personnel, 8/7 817 nd several companies required preemployment tests-. Military 818818standards and the American Standards Association documentswere 819819 idely used. Two of the 16 companieswere experimenting with 820820omputer devices to automate drafting and several other unique 821821 rafting practices were-observed. About 5 percent of the-designer-s- 822822 nd draftsmen were women. Most chief draftsmenwere seeking 823training for employees and potential employees. It was 601 recommended that there be more interaction between instructors 608214and industry. The appendix include equiPment guidelines, "Ot 603. 825 826preemployment test, a draftsman rating guide, andhe observation 604 report form. (EM) 605827 606 OE 6000 (Rev. 9-66) INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING ERIC REPORT RESUME , - _ _ - , :. 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Enter any uniiiiieniiinber aiSigned ,model names and numbers, organization and : projectnames, to the document by ithe institutional source.(Example: SC -1234) "cfisCrissedlii the crociiiment.- L S C . 41-14E 320: Other Source:Use only. wher a ;seCand source . associated with the doenitent.Follow,hilstructionsOr Litie 3001LINES 300.42.Abstract:Enter an intortriatiivo abitPact of the above. , document.Its, style and content. must be "suitable. far 'public ; Source Code.neive r announcement and dissemination. U.S. GOVERNMENT WRINTING OFFICE': MS 0.,231-551 r t ...limar,appa upa am., tap Jurist Contract/Grant Number. cate that ERIC has permission to reproduce the document and Applicable only tor documents 'gen- its resume form. erated from research sponsored by the U.S. Office ofEducation. Enter appropriate contract or grant number and its prefix. UNES 100-103. Title.Enter the complete document title, in- (Example: 6.EV-1 -6-061234-0033 ) cluding subtitles if they add significant information.Where applicable, also enter volume, ,number or part number, and the LINES 500-301.Pagination,. etc. Enter the total number of type of document ( Final Repor4 Interim Report, Thesis, etc.). pages of the document, including illustrations; and appendixes. LINE 200.Personal Author(s). 'Inter personal author(s), last Example: 115p.) USE THIS SPACE FOR ADDITIONALIN- r r - FORMATION PERTINENT TO THE DOCUMENT,such as , . DEC2 1196/ Obsigaid .f) G ) OA. 7,0 s oi- !"3 )' ',-.::.';':..,,,..... .....,. 4111:110jecj,:was.--to,Operativelif: .5pOnsorediiii:tfre..'M ... I ..., . ,...., ,,..: !tild TheAriZonkpepartment of yocational,:fthicafion.,.. on Servi ;., LI CARL E. SQUIRES, INSTRUCTOR !t!i DRAFTING TECHNOLOGY '7=1-7:,C No V GLENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE GLENDALE, ARIZONA IL SUMMER 1966 WR As' CURRENT PRACTICES OBSERVED IN DESIGN AND DRAFTING OCCUPATIONS This project was cooperatively sponsored by the Mari- copa County junior College District and the Arizona De- partment of Vocational EducationTechnical Education Service. Carl E. Squires, Instructor Drafting Technology Glendale Community College Glendale, Arizona Summer 1966 PREFACE The purpose of this booklet is topresent observed infor- mation related to currentpractices utilized in a cross sectionof design and drafting occupationswithin Maricopa County, Arizona. It is expected that theseobservation reports will enable design and drafting teachersthroughout the state of Arizona andelsewhere to up-date theirknowledge of current practiceswithout their employ- ment in each of thedesign and drafting occupations. This project was jointly sponsoredby the Maricopa County Junior College District andthe Arizona Department ofVocational Education-Technical Education Service incooperation with sixteen industrial companies that providedobservation opportunities in a general cross section of designand drafting occupations.Project headquarters was at GlendaleCommunity College. Duration of the project was ten weeks. The writer gratefullyacknowledges his indebtedness tothe following individuals whohave influenced the preparationof this booklet:Mr. J. R. Cullison ,State Director of VocationalEducation; Mr, R. Dean Frey, StateSupervisor of Technical Education;Dr. Irwin L. Spector, Directorof Research and Curriculum,Maricopa County Junior College District;and
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