SUMMER 2008 FACILITIES NEWS FACILITIES MANAGEMENT BROWN UNIVERSITY A NOTE OF THANKS INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Thank you all for the tremen- Facilities News. This edition Accomplishments and FY ‘09 ■ FM ACHIEVMENT 2 dous effort put forth in prepara- focuses on staff (employee Goals or telephone my office. HIGHLIGHTS tion for the 240th Commence- spotlight article, staff appoint- In closing, I also thank you for ment. The note from graduat- ment, and shop spotlight) and ■ RESIDENCE HALL 3 the tremendous support and CLEAN OUT AND ing senior Tim Drinan summa- staff extracurricular activities INSPECTIONS compassion shared with your rized what many have said: “ … (Rebuilding Together, R.A.D. co-workers over the past few ■ RECYCLEMANIA staff in the Department of Fa- training, and Shape-Up Rhode months. The loss of cilities Management did an Island). University and depart- Ed Farabaugh and Orlando absolutely marvelous job this ment sponsored events are a ■ LEED TRAINING 4 DaCruz was difficult for many in past week. I know everyone great place to meet others in ■ COMMENCEMENT Facilities. They were both long- there worked basically around our department. The relation- term, dedicated employees who the clock to make sure the rest ships formed ultimately will be missed by many. ■ STORES OPERA- 5 TIONS of us could enjoy a clean, safe, strengthen and unify our de- and care-free week of celebra- partment. Sincerely, ■ TECH TIP tions, .... The work of your staff Other highlights include a sam- ■ RI ENERGY COUN- was truly astonishing.” I could- CIL APPOINTMENT pling of accomplishments from n't agree with Tim more. Great the last fiscal year and a listing ■ CAMPUS TREES 6 job everyone! Vice President of summer projects. There ■ SHAPE UP RI As we concentrate our efforts were many, many accomplish- Facilities Management on completing summer projects ments across the department, ■ STAFF SPOTLIGHT 7 on time and preparing for too many to include here. If you ■ R.A.D. TRAINING school opening, take a few mo- are interested, see your super- ments to review this issue of visor for the report on FY ‘08 ■ SUMMER PRO- 8 JECTS LIST REBUILDING TOGETHER On a sunny, cool spring morning April, for over a decade. This windows. Brightening up the in April, over 81 volunteers year, Tony Mendes joined John classrooms with a fresh coat of from Brown, many from Facili- and Gary to help lead the work paint was the primary task. ties Management, gathered crew. Volunteers, many Teams of volunteers were as- together to perform an ener- dressed in jeans and t-shirts, signed to prep and paint almost getic, one-day make over of the started the morning by greeting all of the classrooms. For facilities for School One, an one another and fueling up on many, it was an opportunity to independent school on the east coffee and bagels in prepara- work beside and get to know a side of Providence. The volun- tion for the hard work ahead. coworker who they might other- teer’s work was coordinated by The school building is three wise know only in passing. team captains John Colarusso levels with a central corridor of While they scraped, taped, and and Gary Martins, who have rainbow painted lockers and painted, students from the Rebuilding Together volunteer been involved in Rebuilding colorful murals leading to class- school wandered in and out of Together, formerly Christmas in rooms and offices with large Carpenter Joe Souza continued on page 4 FACILITIES NEWS Page 2 FM ACHIEVEMENT HIGHLIGHTS FISCAL YEAR 2007 Following are just a few of the operational support for its ties Management employees many achievements made by call center operation between possess the necessary knowl- Facilities staff in the last fis- the hours of midnight and edge, skills, and abilities cal year. For a copy of the 8:00 A.M. each day. Alloca- (KSA) to succeed in their full FY ’08 Accomplishments tion of the new resources positions and to allow them and FY ’09 Goals report, allowed the employees in the to prepare for professional please contact your supervi- Central Heat Plant who were advancement, training and sor. managing the 3rd shift call development plans are being 125-127 Waterman - center operation and oppor- implemented. KSA’s have Visiting Scholar Housing is Continuous Improvement: tunity to concentrate exclu- been gleaned from current nearing completion. Positioning Study recommen- sively on systems and equip- job descriptions and staff dations have been prioritized. ment specific to their disci- have met with Human Re- Programs that have been pline. sources training and develop- selected for implementation ment staff to discuss strate- first include those that will Finance: Utility Audits—A util- gies for advancing this pro- have an impact toward im- ity analyst has been hired ject. proving customer service and and trained. To date, water enhancing operational effi- and sewer meter audits have Labor Relations: Efforts con- ciencies—client services pro- been completed; electrical tinue toward improvement of gram, zone maintenance, meter audits are nearing relations between labor and Roof work at Lyman Hall. sold service, FAMIS, events completion; and gas meter management. The selection planning, and employee train- audits are underway. process for union hiring for ing. Teams have been cre- several positions (Carpenter, Information Technology: ated and specific goals have Key Control/Tool Clerk, FAMIS—Efforts are underway been identified and action Equipment Mechanic Division to stabilize the FAMIS envi- plans for each program have 1, Electronics Mechanic, ronment and to develop a been formulated. HVAC Lead, HVAC Refrigera- strategy for new module de- tion Mechanic, and Equip- Engineering: Master Plan for ployment. Staffing is in ment Mechanic Division 1), Building Automation Systems place, to support the FAMIS has been made more objec- (BAS)—A new master plan, for application, and efforts are tive mainly by rewriting inter- campus-wide Building Auto- underway to solve immediate Recent improvements view questions, changing the mation Systems, is being issues. In addition, work has made to Pembroke Field manner in which those being finalized, with an expected begun to customize FSS, our include a path from Brook interviewed are rated on completion date of June, primary interface with cus- Street through the field to questions, and by reviewing 2008. Planning work has tomers. The FAMIS Software, Erickson Athletics Complex. and changing the bench test included a review of the en- Inc. contract was finalized where relevant. By working tire existing campus BAS and implemented; the FAMIS together, many issues have architecture, how to upgrade core team is in place and been settled avoiding griev- it to a more reliable and ro- meeting regularly; functional ances (e.g., revising the be- bust system, as well as the teams have been defined; reavement policy; negotiated expansion of the system to and training sessions have a process for trades workers monitor a number of addi- been scheduled with a FAMIS to perform more project work, tional campus buildings. This professional services consult- which normally would have goal is tied to our energy ant. The Phase 1 project gone to outside contractors; conservation efforts. plan and schedule have been Information booth built by and added a new overnight developed. Division 1 was well utilized Facilities Operations: In early shift for Division 9 controls during Commencement Spring, the Service Response Training and Development: In staff). weekend. Center announced additional an effort to ensure that Facili- SUMMER 2008 Page 3 RESIDENCE HALL CLEAN OUT AND INSPECTIONS Off-campus and extended- allowed 57 Facilities staff to stay students, graduating inspect 48 buildings over a 2- seniors, and staff were also day period. The number of encouraged to donate to the rooms requiring inspection collection. were reduced from 3600 to approximately 2200. In addi- Once students had cleared tion, the change in the in- out their rooms and headed In partnership with the Rhode spection process allowed The recently completed off for summer break, an Island Donation Exchange trades staff to implement Walk project from Water- army of Facilities’ staff Program and Kiducation, early repairs on rooms va- man to Angell. headed out into campus to EcoReps and Facilities Man- cated during final exam week inspect residence hall rooms agement arranged to put and decreased the number of for signs of damage or disre- used items to new rooms requiring a 2-hour pair. This necessary function use. Seven donation stations turnover by custodial staff. in preparation for Com- (Reuse Corrals) were set up mencement weekend was around campus on May 12th coordinated by The for the convenience of de- Service Response staff parting students. All reusable in conjunction with the items (i.e., clothing, furniture, Office of Residential household items, electronics, Life. This year, the in- Utility work between appliances, unopened non- spections were held Faunce House and Hunter perishable foods, toiletries, during the week instead Lab. cleaning supplies, etc.) were of on a Saturday, which collected. RECYCLEMANIA REDUCES GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS Thank you for your participa- with each school ranked ac- of carbon equivalent. This tion in this year’s RecycleMa- cordingly. equates to the annual green- nia effort. Brown was among house emissions from 45 NEW COMPUTERS the 400 colleges and univer- 17,018 passenger vehicles; sities to participate in the or equivalent to the annual With the goal of eliminating annual
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