Weather T ajn. ttopcntun 71. tytfr to- Today •8J8JVV HHU£Ht> OMlOTfW MS Thursdayhd . HiHigh todaytod In thh eM Ms. 24,350 Low tonight In the Ml. Lew Red Bank Area J humid tomorrow and Thursday, high 75 to M. See weather, page IT Copyright-The Red Bank Register, Inc., 19B. 1 DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS SS NO 11 tuiut dtlly. Monday throufh Friday. Saconl Clan Po«UH TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1965 »B, JNU. Jl Paid M Sea Bank aaa at AldUionu MUUnj OKlcea, 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Kill 219 At Missile Launching Site YietCong Raiders Silo Fire Toll at 47 SEARCY, Ark. (AP) - Air special gear to help their breath- tails of a sudden blast, fire and Air Force Tescue teams In SAIGON (AP) — A large Force rescue teams recovered ing in the smoke-clogged silo, smoke. asbestos suit! climbed down in- government force attempting to the bodies of 47 civilian con- worked through the night bring- The men in the tube were to the 155-foot deep launch com- relieve the besigtd special struction workers during the night ing the bodies to the surface. civilians working to update the plex and carried bodies out of forces camp at Due Co has killed from a Titan II missile launching The Air Force said the Titan physical plant of the missile the upper leveji — about 45 feet 210 Viet Cong in a "battle ol site wracked by an explosion and II in the tube, an intercontinental below ground level — of the sizable proportions" that is complex, part of a ring fire yesterday. ballistics missile capable ol smoking tube. continuing, a U.S. spokesman Titan H launching sites An Air Force spokesman said delivering a nuclear warhead 6,- reported today* central Arkansas. About 100 relatives, clustered he thought that was all of the 000 miles, did not burn. Government casualties '— in- The four Air Force crewmen n small groups and talking bodies in the underground con- It was not armed, the Air luding American dead and in the control center of the com-quietly, waited under a full moon crete silo. Force said, and there was no wounded — so far are "moder- plex — the most distant point in the warm night air for word danger of a nuclear explosion. ate," the spokesman safd, but But searchers planned to make from the launch area — got outon the rescue operation. Air added, "I describe them as a further probe of five feet of Cause of the blast and fire unharmed. police kept everyone about one- moderate only because of th water at the bottom of the was not determined. At least eight other Air Force half mile from the tube. large number of troops in tube. Two men escaped with minor men and a number of civilians The first bodies were brought volved." The Air Force said all the burns from the fiery launching working above ground were not out about 7:20 p.m., about four victims apparently were asphyxi- tube, bringing out sketchy de- harjned-by the blast. hours after the blast. The spokesman said the Viel ated when the blast and fire Cong casualties had been con- sealed off their means of escape firmed by body count. and filled the complex with He reported two governmeni smoke. For New Regional High School tanks had been knocked out bui The Air Force originally said »aid the government force it believed the explosion and fire captured 74 Viet Cong weapons. trapped 48 men in the silo. The government force was bat- Later, another Air Force spokes- tling its way westward along SITE OF DISASTER — Thii is rte Titan 2 missile silo near Se-arcy, Ark., where fire man said the figure should be Rt. 19, the east-west highway less definite — "about 50." Pick Marlboro Site broke out yesterday and trapped about 50 men. At of this morning, 47 bodies had through the central highlands, in Rescue teams wearing asbestos FREEHOLD - By a 7 to 2 vote the Free- While Manalapan had had a preference, an attempt to reach the special been recovered. , suits and gas masks, and using hold Regional Board of Education decided last it was not disclosed until last night how fat ijorces camp five miles from the night to build its third high school in Marlboro a commitment there had actually gone. •Cambodian border. The board directed its secretary, Frank L. rather than Manalapan Township. Its garrison, now numbering Witman, to Inform the architects, Radey & 12 U.S. special forces advisers State Patrol Is Urged The board's two members from Howell Radey, Camden, of the selection and to urge and about 150 South Vietnamese Township, Norman Rucci and Ambrose Jen- them to proceed with plans expeditiously. and mountain tribesmen, has nings, dissented. While Mr. Jennings gave no When Irving G. Eggert, board vice presi- been under siege for 67 days. reason for his opposition, Mr. Rucci accused dent who offered the motion to choose Marl- The Communists attack the camp the majority of giving in to local partisan in- boro, asked Mr. Witman for an estimate on nightly with mortars and small terests and said he would follow suit in the how much time plans will take, the latter re- arms. future. plied: Since early yesterday Vist Ask Probe of Poaching "This is as good a time as any for starting "They will probably have to start from • Cong forces have been hitting partisan voting, partisan decisions on local scratch. They have been two months on plans the relief force systematically as By FRANK W. HARBOUR menaced sports fishermen in that the commissioner advise him —Leonard Nelson, president of lines instead of on a basis of what's best for so far for a building at Manalapan and have H tried to cover the 30 miles be- "There may be a need in the Sandy Hook waters. whether new legislation is neede the North Jersey Fishermen's As- the district as a whole," he said, "and I'm said the ones you prefer won't fit on th« tween Pleiku, capital.of the 2ndnear future for new legislation, Marine Life so that'a bill, if warranted, ca sociation, Belford, said the asso- perfectly willing to do the same in the future." Marlboro site." Corps area, and Du Co. but the immediate need is for The theory behind the state be introduced when the legisla- ciation does not condone illegal In its decision, the board, reversed a pre- Mr. Eggert, who is from Colts Neck, said • The government force was re-Jaw and order." prohibition of drag-netting is that ture reconvenes Nov. 8. drag-netting and will not support vious unofficial agreement to build on a 64- he doubted that new drawings will require ported fighting about seven miles That was the position yester the practice endangers several —David H. Hart, Cape May any Belford fishermen, financial- acre Manalapan Township, tract which it another two months, however. He then asked east of Due Co. day of Assemblyman Patrick J. species of marine life and is a chairman of the state Fish am ly or otherwise, who are charged owns, Instead of on the 43-acre site it also what other preliminary steps must be taken The l/.S. spokesman gave thl' McGann, Jr., Lincroft, who de-threat to sports and pound fish- Game Council, announced that h< with the practice. holds at Rts. 9 and 520, Marlboro. That a before authorization to build may be asked at account of the action: clared that lawlessness, such as ing. will request today that Commi Conceding that the netters are switchover was in the making was reported a public referendum. Viet Cong snipers opened up was seen in the "rum-running As a result of the recent inci- sioner Roe provide high-powerec (See POACHING. Page 3) exclusively in The Daily Register June 28. See SCHOOL Page 3) on the large road force early days," will not be tolerated along dents, action was taken on sev-speedboats and helicopters fo yesterday. By early afternoon Monmouth's coastal areas. eral fronts yesterday: the Sandy Hook area, on a tem- the lead elements were heavily At issue is the question of —Mr. McGann suggested that porary basis, to apprehend drag Bedell on Bridge, Library: engaged. drag-net fishing in Sandy Hook County Prosecutor Vincent P. netters. Just before dusk the Viet Bay and along the shore to Long Keuper launch an investigation. —Charter boat captains, operat Cong hit another part of tiie Branch. The practice is illegal, —The assemblyman also wrote ing out of Highlands — where thi long column. A force estimated in New Jersey waters, up to. theto Col. David Kelly, head.of the sports fishing boat "Evflfpa" wa; - -•t-abofut 159 'guerrillas directed Wo-mile limit. ' ' ' state police, asking that the' slate ci'eosoted"Saturday at Jjie Hig] Although it has been going on law enforcement agency work lands Basin — reported that pe- One Hearing Deserves Another heavy fire from mortars and reeoilfess rifles at the trucks, to some degree for many years with local and county police in titions will be circulated. tanks and armored personnel the practice was spotlighted dur- the matter "since the problem To The Governor By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON set it up as some part of a po- Poling under the bridge, he moval of the bridge, all four Re- carriers in the governmen ing the past week as a result of transcends local bounds." The petitions, basin owner Jo- FREEHOLD—One public hew litfcal horse trade.
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