CISCONTENT:CONTENTRREPORTEPORT C ReviewОбзор of новостейaudiovisual рынка content производства production and и дистрибуции distribution аудиовизуальногоin the CIS countries контента Media«»«МЕДИ ResourcesА РЕСУРСЫ МManagementЕНЕДЖМЕНТ» №11№ 1(9) February №213 января, 1 April, 22, 20132011 2012 тема FOCUSномера DEARслово COLLEAGUES редакции WeУже are в happyпервые to presentдни нового you the года February нам, issue редак ofц theии greatПервый joy itномер appeared Content that stillReport there выходит are directors в кану whoн КИНОТЕАТРАЛЬНЫ Й CISContent Content Report, Report сразу where стало we triedпонятно, to gather что в the 2011 mostм treatСтарого film industryНового as года, an art который rather than (наконецто) a business за все мы будем усердно и неустанно трудиться. За вершает череду праздников, поэтому еще раз РЫНTVО КMARKETS В УКРАИН Е : interesting up-to-date information about rapidly de- velopingнимаясь contentподготовкой production первого and выпуска distribution обзора markets но хотим пожелать нашим подписчикам в 2011 ЦИФРОВИЗАЦИ Я КА К востей рынка производства и аудиовизуального годуAnd one найти more свой thing верный we’d likeпуть to и remindследовать you. емуPlan с- IN TAJIKISTAN, of the CIS region. As far as most of the locally pro- ning you business calendar for 2013 do not forget to ducedконтента series в этом and год TVу ,movies мы с радостью are further обнаружили distributed, упорством, трудясь не покладая рук. У каждого UZBEKISTAN,ОСНОВНОЙ ТРЕН ANDД что даже в новогодние праздники работа во мно свояbook timeдорога, to visit но theцель major у нас event одн forа – televisionразвивать and и and broadcast mainly inside the CIS territories, we media professionals in the CIS region - KIEV MEDIA РАЗВИТИ Я (25) pickedгих продакшнах up the most идет interesting полным хо andдом, original а дальше, projects как улучшать отечественный рынок. По коням, го KAZAKHSTAN (22) говорится, станет еще больше. Как неоднократно сподаWEEK ! 2013, September 10-13, 2013. Organized with those script-ideas that have international appeal by Media Resources Management company, this andбыло may отмечено, further travelвследствие abroad кризиса to Europe, основательн Asia or theо изменилась конъюнктура рынка, поменялась рас unique media industry project, one and only of a kind North America both as readymade product or for- in the CIS region and Central and Eastern Europe is a mats.становка Besides сил иthere возможностей, are a lot of full-lengthпоэтому р featuresаботать Артем Вакалюк действительно есть и будет над чем. Подтвержде one stop destination for five internationalГлавный media редакто tradeр recently launched into production in Russia, Ukraine, events. интервью номера Kazakhstanнием тому является and other количество CIS countries собранного that for sure в это mayм Content Report INTERVIEW have(полупраздничном) not only successful номере international материала distribution. but сергей каратаев : also are the award winners and nominees of different Please do not forget that we are here to be your local «на данный момент Вinternational сегодняшней film festivals.теме Despite source of information and analytics. ещеALEXEY остаютс я номераlarge portion мы остановиof information on the нераспроданные фильмы, лисьnew movies, на одной shows из and са series you’ll коFEDORCHENKO:торые были созданы “WE до мыхalso findболезненных the detailed тем report on the отечественнойrecent distribution киноин deals with the CAN’Tкр EARNизиса» A(31 LOT) ON дустрииCIS-partners. – рынке кино театров. На страницах THE FESTIVAL FILMS, InContent our analytical Report articleмы не we would like BUT I DON’T WANT TO toоднократно pay attention публико to the TV markets of suchвали CISмнения countries о том, as что Tajikistan, Uz- DO ANYTHING ELSE” bekistanедва ли andне Kazakhstanосновной that differ СОДЕРЖАНИЕ aпроблемой lot from the (хотяpoints ofэту view of their (24) volume,тему активно number поднима of broadcasters, ют все, кому не безраз ПРОИЗВОДСТВО : (2) TV-content production facilities and trendsлична ofсудьба development. нацио TV markets СЕРИАЛ (2) inнального Tajikistan кинематогра and Uzbekistan, for in- фа), сдерживающей ТЕЛЕФИЛЬМ (7) stance, are just starting to evolve and integrateразвитие into индустрииglobal TV tendencies. ТЕЛЕШОУ (10) From«полного the otherметра» hand Kazakhна TV in- постсоветском про АНИМАЦИЯ (12) dustry is rather powerful and already CONTENTS meetsстранстве, all the requirementsявляется of mod- ДОКУМЕ НТАЛЬНЫ Й ПР ОЕ КТ (13) ernкатастрофическая TV world and represents не all the хватка кинозалов. Од К ИНОФИЛЬМ (14) main trends of global TV market. roduction (2) нако рынок продолжа P : ет стремительно раз Д И СТР И Б УЦИЯ (15) In an exclusive interview to Content SerieS (2) виваться. И если по водовReport Alexeyдля оптимизма Fedorchenko (a well- КАДРЫTV (mo20)VieS (6) относительноknown Russian увеличеfilmmaker, who spe- TV ShowS (7) cializes on shooting auteur festival Т ЕЛЕ ПО КАЗ (21) ния количества кино FeaTure FilmS (10) театровmovies. His попрежнему titles Silent Souls, David, First on the Moon, etc. won a score dТistributionЕХНОЛОГИИ ( (16)22) не так много , то по внедрениюof awards at theсовре top international cПinemaРО КАТ d Вistribution УКРАИНЕ ( 24) festivals) told about his plans, about менных технологий за о the companies working exclusively Year 2012 прошлый год имеются нк О ТР АСЛЕВ Ы Е on the festival films and the reasons ве все основания для гор а in ukraine (21) why do the Russian cinemagoers МЕР О ПР ИЯТИЯ (29) дости за это. Между темprefer попытаемся US action blockbusters разо to the focus (22) леси С браться,Russian comedies,есть ли свет pirated в copies О концеof which тоннеля?!. they watch at home. To our interview (24) Рис. MediaMedia ResourcesResources Management.Management, 22ул. ZakrevskyЗакревско St.,го, 22,Kiev К 02660,иев, 02660, Ukraine Укр аина 1 www.mrm.uaТел.: + 380 44 Tel.: 459 +380-4610 (44) Фак 459-4610;с: + 380 44 e-mail: 459-4611 [email protected] [email protected] www.mrm.ua PRODUCTION PRODUCTION C PRODUCTION №11 February 22, 2013 SERIES ANGEL OR DEMON Russian film company Amedia in co-production with Action director: Mark Gorobets. AMEDIA Art company is working on mystery TV series Angel or Demon. cast: Anna Andrusenko, Kirill Za- The project is commissioned by Russian СТС channel. Shooting porozhsky, Daria Poverennova, started in the mid-December and currently takes place in Mos- Yaroslav Boyko, Alexei Komashko, cow. It is an adaptation of popular Spanish TV series Angel o Tatiana Fedorovskaya, Maria Demonio produced by Plural Entertainment company and aired Gorban, Sergey Chirkov, Vasilisa on Telecinco in 2011. Mrochko. Genre: Mystery. Synopsis: The lead character Masha is always coming to the res- cue no matter who is in need. Actually, she is an angel, who looks like an ordinary girl and does not stand out of other high school students. The Devil never sleeps, and sends a demon named Dan. To neutralize Masha Dan has to make her fall in love with him. But there is one serious problem – it is Dan who falls in love with Masha and obviously he doesn't want to do her any harm… SERIES THREE STARS Russian production company DixiМedia started shooting multi- Producer: Yefim Lubinsky. DIXIМEDIA episode drama Three Stars. The project is commissioned by director: Michislav Yuzovsky Ser- Russian NTV channel. Filming takes place in Anapa. Series pre- gei Lesogorov. miere is planned for 2013. scriPt: Ilya Kulikov. cast: Anna Dankova, Ivan Kole- Synopsis: Slava and Marina are brother and sister. Their family snikov, Yaroslav Leonov, Maxim was incomplete, and being kids they used to compete with each Turans, Vladimir Tebenko. other in everything. No wonder their relations are far from ideal. Genre: Drama. Slava is 31 years old now, but still, he had not found his place in society and he is just seizing his days. As for Marina, there was a time, when she was a popular TV-host, but now she is 36 and is not seen on the TV screen anymore. SERIES THE GIRLS 3 Russian film company Kosfilm started preproduction of the Producer: Evgeniy Nikishov. KOSFILM third season of sitcom The Girls. The project is commissioned director: Sergei Koryagin. by Russian TNT channel. scriPt: Olga Frenkel. cast: Galina Bob Taisia Vilkova, Synopsis: Four heroines – Masha, Olga, Katya and Vasilisa – will Anastasia Denisova, Polina Maxi- continue to fight for their personal happiness. Masha wants a mova, Alexei Vorobyov. meaningful relationship, Vasilisa is building a career, Katya tries Genre: Sitcom. to gain heart of the man she loves, and Olga puts her best foot forward to become wealthy. Sergei Koryagin SERIES THE FLOWERS OF EVIL Russian film company Luch wrapped up shooting on 4-episode director: Anna Legchilova. LUCH TV romance with thriller elements The Flowers of Evil named scriPt: Maria Kulidzhanova. after the volume of poetry of Charles Baudelaire. Filming took cast: Svetlana Antonova, Dmitry place in Rostov-on-Don, Novocherkassk and Moscow. The proj- Ulyanov, Anfisa Chernykh, Alex- ect is commissioned by Russia One TV channel and is likely to be ander Ustyugov Maria Zvonareva, finished in April 2013. Sergey Chirkov, Dmitry Isaev. number of ePisodes: 4. Synopsis: Film heroine is a police psychologist trying to help Genre: Detective drama. three investigators to catch a very dangerous maniac, who is mad about poetry of Baudelaire. Anna Legchilova Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 2 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] PRODUCTION PRODUCTION C PRODUCTION
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