to 24 January 2014 Development Panel Will meet on Tuesday 4 February 2014 at 1.00 pm in Council Chamber - Allerdale House Membership: Councillor Peter Bales (Chairman) Councillor John (Binky) Armstrong Councillor Carole Armstrong Councillor Bill Bacon Councillor Nicky Cockburn Councillor Len Davies Councillor Bill Finlay Councillor Chris Garrard Councillor Joe Holliday Councillor Margaret Jackson Councillor William Jefferson Councillor George Kemp Councillor Peter Kendall Councillor Jim Lister Councillor Billy Miskelly Councillor Ron Munby Councillor Sam Standage Councillor Celia Tibble Councillor Martin Wood Councillor Joan Wright Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting. If you have any questions or queries contact Paula McKenzie on 01900 702557. Agenda 1. Minutes (Pages 1 - 14) To sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 14 January 2014. 2. Apologies for absence 3. Declaration of Interest Councillors/Staff to give notice of any disclosable pecuniary interest, other registrable interest or any other interest and the nature of that interest relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. 4. Questions To answer questions from members of the public – 2 days notice of which must have been given in writing or by electronic mail. 5. Development Panel - 2.2013.0037 - Proposed 2 wind turbines - Snowhill Farm, Caldbeck, Wigton (Pages 15 - 36) 6. Development Panel - 2.2013.0812 - Conversion of 2 barns into dwellings and demolision building (Pages 37 - 46) 7. Development Panel - 2.2013.0848 - Change of use from A1 retail to A5 hot food takeaway - 56 King Street, Aspatria, Wigton (Pages 47 - 56) 8. Appeal Decision - 2.2011.0973 - Wind turbine - Brayton P ark, Brayton, Aspatria, Wigton (Pages 57 - 58) 9. Appeal Decision - 2.2012.0488 - Wind turbine - Land off Charity Lane, High Harrington, Workington (Pages 59 - 60) 10. Appeal Decision - 2.2012.0706 - Wind turbine - Clea Mire, We stward, Wigton (Pages 61 - 62) 11. Appeal Decision - 2.2012.0753 - Wind turbine - Firs Farm, Crookdake (Pages 63 - 64) 12. Appeal Decision - 2.2012.0315 - Wind turbine - Land to the west of Goose Green Farm, Crookdake, Aspatria (Pages 65 - 68) 13. Appeal Decision - 2.2012.0682 - Wind Turbine - Land adjoining airfield, Wiggonby, Wigton (Pages 69 - 72) 14. Appeal Decision - 2.2012.0838 - 8 dwellings including 2 affordable dwellings - Shawbank Brow, Dean, Workington (Pages 73 - 74) 15. Appeal Decision - 2.2012.0603 - Wind turbine - Land to east of Prospect House, High Scales (Pages 75 - 80) 16. Appeal Decision - 2.2013.0245 - Residential Development - Land adjacent to Cockermouth RUFC Lorton Road, Cockermouth (Pages 81 - 84) Corporate Director Resources Date of next meeting Tuesday 25 February 2014 at 1.00 pm Council Chamber - Allerdale House Agenda Item 1 At a meeting of the Development Panel held in Council Chamber - Allerdale House on Tuesday 14 January 2014 at 1.00 pm Members P Bales (Chairman) J Armstrong W H Jefferson C M Armstrong P G Kendall N Cockburn J Lister L Davies B Miskelly B Finlay R Munby C Garrard J Wright Apologies for absence were received from Councillors B Bacon, J Holliday, C M Jackson, G Kemp, S Standage, C Tibble and M G Wood. Staff Present T Gear, S Long and P McKenzie. 400 Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 17 December 2013 were signed as a correct record subject to; Councillor N Cockburns declaration of Interest being changed to an Other Registrable Interest instead of a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest. 401 Declaration of Interest None received. 402 Questions None received. 403 Public participation The following objectors/applicants addressed the Panel. Ashley Tiffen outlined his objections to application 2/2013/0814. The agent Kate Bellwood exercised her right of reply. Therese Mellish and Michael Chappell outlined their objections to application 2/2013/0705. The applicant and agent Malcolm Dockeray and Tristan Mackie exercised their right of reply. 404 Development Panel - 2.2013.0778 - Erection of Fence, Retrospective - Seafield House, 7 Pine Terrace, Silloth Page 1 The application: Erection of fence (Retrospective), Seafield House, 7 Pine Terrace, Silloth, Wigton. The Principal Planning Officer recommended refusal. The Principal Planning Officer outlined the application and detailed the main issues within the report. Members were advised of 2 letters of objection. Councillor W Jefferson moved refusal. This was seconded by Councillor N Cockburn. Councillor P Kendall moved deferral for a site visit. This was not seconded therefore the motion was lost. A vote was taken, 11 in favour of refusal, 1 against and 0 abstentions. The motion in favour of refusal was carried. The decision: Refused. Reasons: 1. The fence, by virtue of its design, materials, and prominent location, constitutes an unacceptable modern and alien feature within the streetscene to the detriment of the visual amenities of the locality, failing to preserve or enhance the character of the Silloth Conservation Area, contrary to Chapter 12 of the NPPF, saved Policies CO2 and CO13 of the Allerdale Local Plan and emerging Policy S4 of the Allerdale Local Plan (Part 1). Proactive Statement The Local Planning Authority had acted positively and proactively in determining this application by identifying planning policies, constraints, stakeholder representations and matters of concern with the proposal and discussing those with the Applicant. However, the issues were so fundamental to the proposal that it had not been possible to negotiate a satisfactory way forward and due to the harm which had been clearly identified within the reason(s) for the refusal, approval had not been possible. 405 Development Panel - 2.2013.0418 - Erection of 42 Units- Former Huntingtons Garage Site, South End, Wigton The application: Erection of 33 units for residents over 55 and adults with disabilities or sensory impairment and 9 units for adults with learning disabilities (including demolition), South End Garage, South End, Wigton. Page 2 The Principal Planning Officer recommended approval. The Principal Planning Officer outlined the application and detailed the main issues within the report. Members were advised of 1 letter of support. The Principal Planning Officer also informed members of Wigton Town Council’s response, stating no objections but that they would like to see the amendment acted upon, that appeared on the late list. Councillor J Armstrong moved approval. This was seconded by Councillor P Kendall. A vote was taken, 12 in favour of approval, 0 against and 0 abstentions. The motion in favour of approval was carried. The decision: Approved. Conditions: 1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. Reason: In order to comply with Section 51 of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. 2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out solely in accordance with the following plans: 12-49-P01 - Site Location Plan 12-49-F11 - Site Layout 12-49-F12 - First Floor Plan 12-49-F14 - Elevations 12-49-P07 - Outbuildings 12-49-F13 - Images of proposed site 12049-P06 - Sectional Drawing Section 9 of the application form - materials Bat Survey Report dated 19 June 2012 Phase 1 Extended Habitat Survey Report dated September 2012 Tree Survey Report dated October 2012 Email received 4 December 2013. Reason: In order to comply with Section 51 and Section 91 of the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. 3. Prior to the commencement of development, details for how foul and surface water shall be drained on a separate system (including measures to prevent surface water discharging onto or off the highway) shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and approved in writing. The approved scheme shall be fully implemented prior to the occupation of any of the dwellinghouses hereby approved. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory means of surface water and foul drainage, minimise the risk of flooding and in the interest of highway safety, in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework, Policy EN14 of the Allerdale Local Plan, Adopted 1999 (Saved) and Policy HS9 of the Allerdale Local Plan, First Alterations June 2006 (Saved). Page 3 4. Notwithstanding any indication on the approved plans, no development approved by this permission shall be commenced until a scheme for the disposal of surface water, which must be based on sustainable drainage principles and in line with the hierarchy outlined in Building Regulation H3, is submitted, with supporting evidence from site investigations, to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. If supporting evidence proves that the most sustainable way to dispose of surface water is by draining to the public sewer, surface water must be restricted to a maximum pass forward flow of 5 l/s. The development shall be completed, maintained and managed in accordance with the approved details. Reason: To ensure a satisfactory means of surface water drainage and minimise the risk of flooding, in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework, Policy EN14 of the Allerdale Local Plan, Adopted 1999 (Saved) and Policy HS9 of the Allerdale Local Plan, First Alterations June 2006 (Saved). 5. No development shall take place until a Construction and Demolition Method Statement has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The statement shall include the following: (a) Traffic Management Plan to include all traffic associated with the development, including the parking and turning facilities and off-street compound staff traffic; (b) Procedure to monitor and mitigate noise and vibration from the construction and demolition and to monitor any properties at risk of damage from vibration, as well as taking into account noise from vehicles, deliveries. All measurements should make reference to BS7445. (c) Mitigation measures to reduce adverse impacts on residential properties from construction compounds including visual impact, noise, and light pollution. (d) Mitigation measures to ensure that no harm is caused to protected species during construction.
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