CONTENTS IhiranGI Volume one Guide to the 10-year plan 5 The Big Picture 6 Our Manukau – The Key Issues 12 Financial Overview 20 What We Do 27 City Form and Environment 28 Transport 42 Leisure and Recreation 50 Community Services 62 Thriving Economy 72 Leadership and Governance 78 Regional Levies 84 Corporate Support 85 Council Controlled Organisations 89 Our Elected Representatives 106 Snapshot of Manukau – Facts 110 Audit Report 114 Designed and produced by PortGroup.co.nz by and produced Designed 2009/2019 Ten Year Plan O r er e P oint 4 Manukau City Council GuidE TO ThE PlaN mahi a-whina Good planning is essential for a city to develop sustainably, so that it can provide for its people today as well as for the long term. This lies at the heart of what the council does. Every three years, Manukau City Council develops a Long Term Council Community Plan (10-year plan) to help achieve this. It sets out what the council plans to do for the next 10 years. The plan also describes what we intend to do and the cost in detail for the first three years, and outlines the following seven years. You’ll also see the council’s financial strategy, which explains what we intend to spend over the next 10 years and how we’ll pay for what we do. HOW To uSe The Plan The Big Picture shows where Manukau fits internationally, regionally and locally. Our Manukau – The Key Issues is an overview of major highlights in the plan. In the Financial Overview, you will find a broad picture of the financials. What We Do contains more information on other proposed spending and initiatives within the Groups of Activities. Each Group of Activities describes what’s done through the activities, and how they contribute to achieving the community outcomes within - Tomorrow’s Manukau – Manukau Apo-po-. You’ll also find performance measures and asset information in this section. Manukau City Council also has a range of council-controlled organisations and information about the wider group is contained in the Council Controlled Organisations section. In Volume 2 you will find detailed information about the prospective financial statements, financial information for 2008/09 and the years to 2018/19 for the Groups of Activities. You will also find the council’s policies and fees and charges. The Big Picture 2009/2019 Ten Year Plan The Big Picture – Te wha-nui InTERnATIOnAL NationAL REGIOnAL LOCAL Kyoto Protocol legislation auckland Sustainability Tomorrow’s Manukau – the city’s vision and agenda 21 For example, the Local Government Framework plan for the future Act 2002, Resource Management Regional response to the LGA Tomorrow’s Manukau is a city-wide partnership between more Climate Change Act, Local Government (Rating) 2002, which asks councils to take than 70 organisations and companies, all working to achieve Panel Act. These are the legislative a sustainable approach to the four the vision of a progressive, proud and prosperous city. requirements that the council must wellbeings: Economic, social, cultural See www.tomorrowsmanukau.org.nz follow and take into account in and environmental. everything it does. Towards 2060 The one Plan A city-wide process to reflect the shifts and goals of the Government strategies The One Plan for Auckland will Auckland Sustainability Framework, and the themes of and policies set a clear direction for how the Tomorrow’s Manukau with the four well-beings at its core. When councils develop their region plans to achieve sustainable It will lead to the council’s strategic framework Tomorrow’s strategies and policies, they must development. It will build on current Manukau 2060. ensure they are aligned to those objectives, and better integrate of central government, as these planning, investment and action. It Council city-wide strategies and policies District Plan provide a framework for regional is the responsibility of the Regional and local initiatives. Sustainable Development Forum, Sets out the policies and rules to manage the city’s natural and which is made up of representatives physical environment. of all Auckland councils, central government, adjacent regional councils and Maori. long Term Council Community Plan (10-year plan) / annual Plan Regional Strategies Plan of the council’s activities on 10-year and annual basis. Examples include the Regional Growth Strategy, Regional Land annual Report Transport Strategy, Three Waters Reports on how the council has carried out its activities and Strategy. accounts for the cost of doing so. The Changing Face of manukau Reports on progress towards achieving the Tomorrow’s Manukau goals. international to local manukau City Council’s work centres on making manukau when doing its job. Internationally, there are agreements and a progressive proud and prosperous city, to achieve the protocols that central government has signed up to that need to be taken into account. national legislation governs a lot things that residents want for their city. of the council’s work, while national and regional strategies and policies have a strong influence over the council’s own While a lot of this work is made up of the myriad of day-to-day strategies and policies, and decision-making. things that keep the city running, there is a bigger picture that has a strong influence on what the council does. These influences, along with the other issues and challenges that affect Manukau socially, economically, culturally and Whether it is sustainability, transport or growth planning, or environmentally, are all taken into account when deciding what dog control and liquor licensing, there is a wide range of other the council’s contribution to the city’s development will be. influences the council has to comply with or take into account 6 Manukau City Council 2009/2019 Ten Year Plan The Big Picture The Big Picture – Te wha-nui Working regionally council can’t achieve the outcomes on its own, it works with other organisations to help make them happen. Tomorrow’s Manukau is a cornerstone in the council’s own work, forming we work with auckland’s other six territorial (city and a basis for its 10-year plan. district) councils and the auckland Regional Council (aRC) on regional strategies and policies. This has The council also monitors progress in achieving the outcomes, reporting back regularly to Tomorrow’s Manukau partners and included the auckland Sustainability Framework, which to the community. More information can be found on provides direction for the region’s councils and central www.tomorrowsmanukau.co.nz government agencies so they can work together for the region’s future needs. Making The decisions The framework explains the way we need to change our Tomorrow’s Manukau was reviewed in 2004 and 2005 in an thinking and actions to achieve long-term goals. Along with extensive city-wide consultation which identified community other existing regional strategies, the framework has shaped concerns, issues and priorities. the One Plan, which is intended to ensure that we bring about Through a comprehensive survey (online and paper-based), our ‘top priority’ projects, working together to get the best focus group meetings hosted by community boards, and results on what are important regional investments. Version 1 workshops with local and central government, businesses and of the One Plan focuses on a limited number of projects that voluntary organisations, the community shared expectations have already been decided and in some cases are and goals. already underway. As a result, while the original vision and principles for The Regional Sustainable Development Forum is responsible the city were kept, stronger outcomes were defined. for the plan’s development, and is a partnership between local government, the emerging regional Mana Whenua Forum and The next Tomorrow’s Manukau review will be in 2010 – 2011. central government. The results of that review will contribute to Tomorrow’s Manukau 2060, which will be a city-wide framework for Throughout this 10-year plan, we’ve identified the projects Manukau’s sustainable development. This means looking or programmes within the One Plan. Many have already gone after the environment, and having a successful economy through public consultation but through this 10-year plan that provides for everybody’s needs and a society that process, you can comment on our commitments for the enjoys and celebrates our diversity. next 10 years including the One Plan projects. Community Outcomes Working locally Most of what the council does is based on the community Tomorrow’s manukau outcomes that are central to the health and heart of this manukau a- po-po- city. These are all the things that Manukau’s people say are important for their quality of life, that affect them socially, economically and culturally, and to the environment they live - Tomorrow’s Manukau – Manukau Apo- po- is for everyone who in. It’s also important that communities can set their priorities lives and works in Manukau. It’s about who we are, and what and to see what progress is being made. we want to be in the future. Tomorrow’s Manukau – Manukau A- po- po- was first published Manukau is young and growing, with opportunities, in 2001 and puts these community outcomes into words, challenges and strengths that we want to capitalise on. expressing what the Manukau community wants for the city Tomorrow’s Manukau outlines the things that Manukau now and in the future. It’s the vehicle that helps residents, people think are most important to them for the city to businesses and community organisations, local and central develop in the way they want. government to work together in the same direction, coordinating their resources and activities so that The council’s role is to help, first to identify, then achieve the city can develop in a unified way.
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