m MANCHESTEWS DOLLAR rpMORKOW. READ THE ANNOUNCEMENTS NET PRESS RUM AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATIOX OP THE EVENING HERALD THR WEATHER. for the month of August, 1926. tonight and Saturda}*, CSooL 4.836 er tonight. VOL. XLIV., NO. 291. Clasaifled Advertising on Page 0 MANCHESTfJR, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1926. (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS; COMMUTES AS USUAL OX HIS 02d BIRTHDAY AH TOWN MAY TRY Hielan’ Fling-Machine Made ‘CLOSING UP” RlCAriT ANOTHER BAKER I HOME KILLS OWNER. Greenwich, Sept. 10.— Henry GERMANY AND Dayton, Greenwich “ grand old THIRD DEGREE Milford, Sept. 10.—-Over-exer­ TO BUY CONN. man, ’ today observed his 92nd tion in preparing to close hla birthday with his usual daily BREAKS RECORD' summer cottage at Mirrtle Beach commutation trip to New York, FRANCE STRIKE ’• \\\ 'C ', resulted in the death of George BREAKS STORY walking to the station from his Smallstitch, 48, of New York, CO. T O P E R H home on Field road, more than TROSS CHANNE ♦ ^ V i- \ ; V ’i V according to Dr. J. W. H. Fisher, a mile away, and intending to medical examiner. walk back this evening. N A i m i L A S T Mr. Smallstitch was to leave OF VESTRYMAN Mr. Dayton has commuted on for New York tomorrow and I — Many Believe Action Should the New Haven road for 43 years and has engaged in the George Michel, French Cham­ spent the day yesterday crating insurance business in New York Ho Hm War* rMted furniture and rugs. He col­ Gorsline Admits He and ISA Be Taken Against Remov- City for sL\ty-two years, being pion, Swims Ditch in I I lapsed and died last evening. the oldest active man in that — ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ work in New York. Amid Scenes of WOd Joy Were Qose By as Hall al; Several Suggestions -------- --------------------------- h., 5 m., Cutting German’s as Teuton Nation Enters CHINESE FIRE ON and Mrs. Mills Were Shot Made; Cheney’s Opinion. Time hy 1 h., 38 m. JOHNSON’S VALUE the League. U. S. SHIPS, REPORT to Dealt . ' Two divergent opinions prevail London, Sept. 10.— The English in Manchester today following the TO TOWN IS GREAT channel swimming record was low­ Geneva. Sept. 10.— “ For France Somerville, N. V J., Sept. 10.— announcement yesterday that the this day means we are finished ered again today when George Ralph 'V. Gorsline, vestryman ol Connecticut Company intends to ■with war . machine guns have Washington Lachs News of I Michel, a Frenchman, who has re- the Episcopal church of St, John remove its local office and car-barns yielded to peace . we have had ( peatedly attempted the crossing, the Evangelist, admitted to the au­ and combine them with the Hart­ State Armory Bnilding Made I negotiated it in the remarkable enough glory on the battlefields to Shooting at Destroyers ford headquarters. One is that some I satisfy both of us. thorities today, they announced, time of eleven hours and five min­ that he was in De Russey lane on group, either the town itself, the Possible by His Work; With his hands extended to- utes. Recei?ed in London, the night four yearj ago when the Chamber of Commerce or influen­ I wards Germany’s delegates, .\ris- tial citizens, should take action to Michel started from Gris Nez at Rev. Edward W . Hall and Mrs. S:32 o’clock last evening and land­ I tide Briand, French foreign minis­ either prevent the Connecticut Influential at Capitol. Eleanor R. Mills, his sweetheart, ed at St. Margaret’s bay, three ter, uttered these dramatic words London, Sept. 10.— Cantonese Company from carrying ou the were murdered. plan or persuade the company's miles north of Dover, at 7:37 this today in welcoming Germany. long radicals are firing frequent fusil­ morning. directors to change their minds. the traditional enemy of France, Gorsline heard shots, scream; That Manchester is fortunate in Michel’s achievement surpasses lades against British and Ameri­ and voices speaking on that vital The other opinion is that the step having a representative in the Gen­ Into the League of Nations amidst is one to be expected and that the the record made recently by the can ships on the Yangstze river night, he told the authorities, ac­ eral Assembly who wields the influ­ German. Ernst Verkoetten, also a ep<mhal scenes of enthusiasm. and the situation Is becoming cording to Inspecto’* John W . Un­ town’s right move is to protect its ence Judge Raymond A. Johnson municipal building by either pur­ baker, of twelve hours and forty- Herr Stresemann, German for­ more serious hourly, according to derwood who directed an all-night does, is the opinion of prominent three minutes, by one hour and eign minister, had prefaced Ger­ examination of &.,rsline and Miss chasing the property or seeing that Republicans here in discussing the dispatches received here. it gets into proper hands. thirty-eight minutes. many s entry into the League with Catherine Rastall, a choir singer, a speech to the Assembly, declar- Disp.atches from Hankow de­ Change Seems Sure Upon landing, the swimmer and companion of Gorsline on the I ing Germany’s policy to be one of clare that the United States de­ That the Connecticut Company breakfasted and then was bustled night of the double murder. into a motor car and driven to Hoot, Mon. and likewise Aye, Laddie! Andy and Sandy and all the* and voiced a plea for gener- stroyers Stewart and Pope have Third Degree will most certainly carry out the been subjected to rifle and ma­ Folkestone where he called upon other bonnie pipers and drummers of the “ Black Watch Band’’ are hav­ al disarmament. For hours during the night Gors­ proposition seems a foregone coa- History .flaking Siieech, chine-gun fire and that two sailors clusion in the minds of a great the French consul. ing a fling on a “ roundabout” at the highland games at Gordon Castle. were wounded. line and Miss Rastall had been gril­ Ideal Conditions M. Briand replied to Herr led by detectives who had sought many local business men. It strikes As Harry Lauder would remark, “ ye can tell their Scottish blit, by the v-tresemann with a speech that The British authorities in China them as being a logical business Michel was favored throughout wig, wag— wig, wag— wiggle o’ the kilt.” And the deil take ye if ye are considering making another to break down the story they tpld his performance by ideal conditions, must go down in history as mark- four years ago— during the first move on the part of the Connecti­ suggest they are smiling because they are guests and don’t have to pay ing the final ending of the great naval demonstration to secure the cut Company. They, however, hope both of weather and of the state of release of vessels seized by the Investigation. thruppence for a ride. WoHd war, a speech which pledg- Gorsline’s story then was that he that some arrangement can be the water. This is the third at­ ^n^rance to consider Germany as Cantonese, if diplomatic efforts made to keep the employees of the tempt he made this summer. a friend in the future. fail. met Miss Rastall by chance In front company in Manchester. Previously he had followed the When M. Briand had finished The British cruiser Hawkins is of the New Brunswick Y. M. C. A. No meeting of the directors of advice of the experts that the only his dramatic utterances the Ger­ due to arrive at Hankow on Sun­ and drove to her home, a mile from the Chamber of Commerce has aa way to beat the channel is to start M AY BE FIGHT ON ! MRS. CORSON GETS man delegates rose from their day. the Phillips’ home. This occurred . yet been called to take action on late at night in order to have ad­ seats and applauded wildly, show- The foreign office has been ad­ at 10 o’clock on the night of the / the matter, although it is expected vantage of the high tide. Michel an­ signs of great emotion. Sir vised that Wu Pei Fu is reorganiZ' crime, September 14. 1922. He ha he proposed move will be dis­ nounced that he would swim on a George Foster, Canadian delegate ing his army. had reiterated during the first in­ cussed by hat body soon. new plan, starting early in the eve­ VALENTINO’S WILL A VIVID RECEPTION pulled out his handkerchief and No News Here. vestigation that After leaving Miss Selectmen To Meet ning and depending for his success leaped to the floor waving and Washington, Sept. 10.— Officials Rastall at her home he went home The Board of Selectmen has been on the low tide. cheering like a college football en- here were concerned over reports himself and remained there. called for a special meeting tonight Before starting he announced thusiast and other delegates ap-' from London that two American Gorsline was questioned by re­ by Town Treasurer George H. Wad­ that he would swim the distance in Brother Retains Counsel Srens and Whistles Do Their plauded and almost danced for destroyers, the Stewart and Pope, lays of detectives incessantly, al­ dell to discuss the matter and de­ eleven hours- joy. had been fired on by Chinese most all night. He was not allow­ “ reds” near Hankow, China, and cide upon an advisable course for Michel, who is a baker in Paris,- ‘‘Complete disarmament of Ger ed to go to sleep. is well-known as the swimming Objecting to Executor and Staff, Firemeo’s Band many ig stipulated by the Treaty two sailors wounded.
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